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Reading is the process of visually interpreting written or printed words and comprehending their

meaning. It is a fundamental skill that allows us to gather information, learn, and engage with various
forms of written communication, including books, articles, newspapers, websites, and more.

When reading, we typically follow a sequential pattern of recognizing individual words, processing
their meanings, and combining them to understand the overall message conveyed by the text.
Reading involves not only decoding the words but also comprehending the context, inferring
meaning, and making connections with prior knowledge or experiences.

There are different types of reading, including:

1. Skimming: Quickly going through a text to get a general overview or main ideas without reading
every word or detail.

2. Scanning: Searching a text for specific information or keywords, rather than reading it in its

3. Close reading: Engaging in a thorough and detailed analysis of a text, paying attention to nuances,
language, structure, and deeper meaning.

4. Active reading: Actively engaging with the text by highlighting or taking notes, asking questions,
and reflecting on the content.

Reading is a valuable skill that promotes knowledge acquisition, critical thinking, and language
development. It allows us to explore different perspectives, broaden our understanding of the world,
and engage with ideas and information beyond our immediate surroundings.

To become a better reader, it can be helpful to practice regularly, expand your vocabulary, improve
your comprehension skills, and develop strategies such as making predictions, visualizing, and
summarizing. Reading a variety of genres and styles can also enhance your reading abilities and
broaden your literary horizons.

Whether reading for pleasure, information, or academic purposes, reading is a powerful tool that
empowers us to access and absorb the vast array of written knowledge and ideas available to us.

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