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As you wish: most formal

wish + to-Infinitive: (likely)=want to/would like

❖ wish + that-clause:(unlikely)
❖ wish + would: I wish the noise next door would
stop.: diễn tả những việc đang xảy ra khiến mình bực bội, phiền lòng, muốn
thay đổi nhưng không thay đổi được.
❖ wish + past subjunctive: I wish I were taller.: ước muốn ko thể xảy ra trong
hiện tại, tương lai
❖ wish + past perfect: I wish I had studied harder when I was a student.: ước
muốn có khả năng xảy ra trong quá khứ
I wish I would know the answer. ( SAI => KO CÙNG CHỦ NGỮ KHI WISH
I wish I could know the answer.
I wish I knew the answer.

Should it rain, the reception will take place indoors.

=> If it rains, the reception will take place indoors.
=>If it should rain, the reception will take place indoors (more formal)
Should you need further information, please contact...

Were I to have lots of money, I’d travel around the world.

=> If I had lots of money, I’d travel around the world.
If I were to have lots of money, I’d travel around the world.
Had you taken a taxi, you’d have been here on time.
Had it not been for you, we’d never have got there on

If it were not for the weather, we’d have gone out hours

If it had not been for Helen’s help, we’d never have got
there on time.

Without her help, I would never have got where I


But for your help, we’d never have managed.

If it were ....+ Noun
Because of: Phổ biến nhất, dùng cho cả Informal và Formal, bad và good
Due to: Bad
Owning to: Bad/Good/Formal
Thanks to: Good
Special Cases

Type-3 Conditionals: Past Perfect+ Would-perfect

Unlikely/Unreal conditions in past

If you’d taken the taxi, you’d have been here on time.

If I could’ve warned you in time, I’d have done.

Alternatives to if
If you hadn’t woken (type 3) me up in the night, I wouldn’t feel (type 2) so ❖ Assuming (cho rằng, giả sử là)
tired now. ❖ But for
If Tom were ambitious, he’d have found himself a better job years ago.
❖ Even if, only if
(Tom is not ambitious) ❖ On condition that
If Tom had been ambitious, he’d have found himself a better job years
ago. (Tom was not ambitious, so he didn't find ....=> He is ambitious ❖ Otherwise
now) SENTENCES ❖ Provided, providing (miễn là)
If you know London so well, you wouldn’t have got so
hopelessly lost. ❖ So long as, as long as
If I worked hard, I'd ... (I don't work hard) ❖ Suppose, supposing
If I had worked hard, I'd ... (I didn't work hard then, but I do now) ❖ Unless
❖ What if

Type-2 Conditionals: Past Subjunctive + Would-Infinitive (kHÔNG CÓ

Unlikely/Unreal conditions in present and future Overview: 3 types of conditionals
If I had lots of money, I’d travel around the world. Zero: Present Simple + Present Simple
If you press this button, the engine stops.
I’d tell you the answer if I knew what it was.
First: Present Simple + will Inf.
Supposing we were to win the lottery, how would you If she rings this evening, I’ll let you know.
spend the money? Second: Past Subjunctive + would Inf.
WERE + TO INF: nhấn mạnh việc này càng không thể xảy ra => Formal, What would you do if you became President?
ko dùng trong văn nói)
Third: Past Perfect + would have p.p.
Would it be alright if I brought a friend? If I hadn’t seen her, she’d had drowned.

If the sun were shining, everything would be perfect.: would trong if

clause: đề nghị lịch sự, trang trọng

If you’d just sign here, please. Thank you. =? Very polite

Type-1 Conditionals: Present Simple + Will-Infinitive

Open conditions; likely conditions in present and future (KHÔNG PHẢI
If it rains, the reception will take place indoors.
If we don’t hurry, we won’t get there in time.
If we’re having a party, we’ll have to invite the
If he won’t do, there’s nothing we can do about it. (=refusal): not willing
to do something
If you’ll just sign here, thank you.: yêu cầu, đề nghị lịch sự = If you are
willing to sign here
If you will drive so fast, you must expect to have accidents.(= insistence)
=> warning
Vẫn có trường hợp will dùng ở mệnh đề if
=> Sẵn lòng, đồng ý làm gì
khăng khăng nhất quyết làm gì

Type-0 Conditionals: Present Simple + Present Simple

One thing always follows automatically from
another...( Main clause: KQ duy nhất, tất yếu, khả năng cao sẽ diễn ra)
If the door bell rings, the dog barks.
If you add twelve and fifteen, what do you get?

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