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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Schools Division of Samar
Sta. Rita I District
Sta. Rita, Samar
School ID: 501330

4th Quarter Periodical Test in EPP VI

Name:____________________________________________Grade: _________________________

TEST I. Multiple Choice

Directions: Read and understand the questions carefully and encircle the correct
1. It is a process of using a lathe to make various forms and shapes of wood.
a. Wood Turning b. Pyrography c. Painting d. Hand carving

2. Which of the following is considered a woodcraft in which a sharp object is used to create designs
on the wood?
a. Wood Turning b. Pyrography c. Painting d. Hand carving

3. It is used to color wood to give an illusion of texture. This may come in two varieties.
a. Inlaying b. Staining c. Gilding d. Painting

4. It is the simplest way of decorating wood since there are a variety of colors that you can choose
a. Inlaying b. Staining c. Gilding d. Painting

5. Which of the following is the process of transforming items which already served its original
purpose but is still durable into something that can still be used for an-other purpose?
a. Buying b. Reducing c. Recycling d. Recover

6. In what group of waste materials do computers, television, electronic toys and appliances belong
a. Industrial b. Medical
c. Electronic d. Construction and demolition

7. What do we call the materials or substance which are discarded after primary used?
a. Waste b. Product c. Recyclable d. Construction

8. What is the process of turning waste materials into useful products?

a. Reducing b. Refusing c. Extraction d. Recycling

9. Which of the materials can be recycled into something useful like basket, flowers, toys and other
decorative figures?
a. Paper b. Plastic c. Rubber tires d. Bottles

10. Which of the following are examples of construction and demolition waste?
a. Wood and metals b. Cellphones and television
c. Surgical waste and needles d. Cement and processed foods
11. Which of the following are commonly called garbage from homes and from commercial
a. Industrial Waste d. Electronic Waste
c. Municipal Solid Waste d. Medical Waste

12. These are considered as old or discarded material that can be found at home on in commercial
a. junks b. products c. substance d. decorative figures

13. What will happen if we practice recycling recyclable waste or products?

a. We can minimize garbage or waste.
b. All waste materials will rot away in due time.
c. Dumpsite will be filled with lots of waste.
d. Recyclable materials will scatter everywhere.

14. What is the importance of identifying recyclable materials from other waste?
a. Helps our local government.
b. Gives households time to collect waste.
c. Knows the volume of waste materials collected.
d. Gives us the opportunity to reduce, reuse and recycle.

15. What will happen if there is improper waste management in your place or community?
a. Spread of diseases will be minimized.
b. Flood control will be implemented.
c. Successful environmental protection.
d. Waste and recyclable materials will scatter everywhere.

Test II.
Directions: Put a check (/) if the statement demonstrates the importance of enhancing and decorating a
finished product and put a cross (x) if it does not. Write it on a sheet of paper.

16. Many people have the tendency to buy products that are enhanced and decorated.
17. Improved and ornamented products are durable, strong, and of superior quality.
18. Enhanced and decorated products tend to be more salable.
19. Enhanced and decorated products are less profitable.
20. There are many methods in enhancing our products.
21. Wood carving is an example of methods of enhancing and decorating finished products.
22. Painting is the simplest way of enhancing the finished products.
23. Products that are made from wood and bamboo do not need to be decorated because of their natural
24. Finished products that are enhanced and decorated beautify the product itself.
25. Wood, metal, and bamboo products must be enhanced and decorated.

Give at least 5 Waste materials that are Recyclable

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