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Student Assessment Tool

SITXINV004 Control stocks Student Assessment Tool

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Assessment Summary Sheet

Unit SITXINV004 Control stocks

Pre-Requisite Units NA

Student Name

Student ID
S = Satisfactory
Final Assessment Result for this Unit
NYS = Not Yet Satisfactory
NA = Not Assessed

Assessment 1 Assignment S | NYS | NA

Assessment 2 Practical Observation S | NYS | NA

Unit Outcome  Competent  Not Yet Competent

Re-assessment Required  Yes  No
Re-enrolment Required  Yes  No
This form is to be completed by the assessor and used a final record of student competency.
All student submissions including any associated assessment cover sheets (outlined below) are to be attached to this
summary sheet before placing on the student’s file.
Student results are not to be entered onto the Student Database unless all relevant paperwork is completed and
attached to this form.
Assessor Feedback:

Student Declaration: Assessor Declaration:

I declare that the evidence I have submitted for this unit I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and
of competency is my own work and that: flexible assessment of this assignment in accordance to the
 I have been assessed in this unit. Principles of Assessment and the Rules of Evidence as
 I have been provided with feedback. outlined in the Standards for RTOs 2015.
 I have been advised of my result. I have provided appropriate feedback. I also declare that I
 I am aware of my appeal rights. have undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks:

 Check for
(learner’s own work)
 Cheating or use of model answers
Student name: ________________________
Assessor name: _________________________

Signature: ________________________
Signature: _________________________
Date: ______/______/__________
Date: _______/________/_________
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Unit Summary
The purpose of assessment for this unit is to gather evidence of the student’s competence
against the elements, as well as skills and underpinning knowledge, required to Control Stock.

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to process stock
orders, maintain stock levels, minimise stock losses, manage stocktakes and maintain all
documents that relate to the administration of any type of stock.

The unit applies to all tourism, travel, hospitality and event sectors. The unit is relevant to
organisations where stock control is an integral and essential part of business operations, and
where there are complex ordering and control issues to be considered. The unit is not appropriate
for situations where stock management is very simple, such as controlling stationery supplies in a
small office.

The unit applies to stock control personnel who operate independently, have responsibility for
others and make a range of decisions on the overall administration of stock.

It applies to all tourism, travel, hospitality and event sectors.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the
time of publication.

Elements of the unit

1. Maintain stock levels and records.

2. Process stock orders.

3. Minimise stock losses.

4. Follow-up orders.

5. Organise and administer stocktakes.

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Overview of Assessments
SITXINV004 Control Stock
There are three (3) assessment tasks in this unit, and you must complete all assessments
satisfactorily in order to be marked competent in this unit.

The assessment for SITXINV004 consists of:

Assessment 1 – Short Answer Questions

You are required to address all questions to achieve competence. Your trainer will provide you with
instructions for time frames and dates to complete this assessment.
Once completed, carefully read the responses you have provided and check for completeness. Your
trainer will provide you with feedback and the result you have achieved

Assessment 2 – Assignment Project

Assessment 2 consists of 3 tasks, Task 1, Task 2 and Task 3.

Task 1 – Stocktake - Calculate and submit the excel spread sheet file for Stocktake in soft copy and
print and submit a hard copy, write your name, date, unit code and unit title on the print out.

Task 2 – Stocktake – Discrepancies - Calculate and submit the excel spread sheet file for Stocktake
Discrepancies in soft copy and print and submit a hard copy, write your name, date, unit code and
unit title on the print out. Also submit your summary report on the discrepancies and how to
control these.

Task 3 - Stock Re-Ordering - Calculate and submit the excel spread sheet file for Stocktake
Discrepancies in soft copy and print and submit a hard copy, write your name, date, unit code and
unit title on the print out.

To demonstrate competence each task must be answered by the student.

If more space is required for any answer then student can attach a separate page containing their
name, assessment date, unit title unit code and the assessment task number and attach this page
with the current assessment task before submission.
When you have completed all the questions check your work before submitting.
Once the assessor has marked your work, they will provide you with feedback.

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Assessment 3 – Stock control Project

You are required to order, control and administer supply for at least 6 different types of stock items,
relevant to your area of work or training situation, over a stock life cycle.

The stock life cycle has to be determined in conjunction with your trainer:

During this period you are required to:

1. Monitor the stock levels

2. Include one stock take after a sufficient stock turnover has occurred e.g. 1 month
3. Monitor the stock quality using the relevant documentation
4. Produce a weekly stock report
5. Identify slow moving items
6. Maintain the storage areas and produce a weekly report what this included

Produce a final report reporting on the completed stock life cycle summarising any discrepancies and
recommendations or future improvements (suitable to present to your colleagues).

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Information for Students

Please read all the information given to you when you receive this assessment guide. If you do not
understand any part of this assessment guide, please inform your assessor/trainer.

To achieve competency, you must satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks within the date and
time allotted by your assessor/trainer. This will demonstrate that you have all the required skills,
knowledge for this unit. An overview of the skills and knowledge to be assessed in this unit is
provided in this Assessment Guide.

Students who present copied or plagiarised assessments are considered participants in the act of
academic misconduct which would lead to disqualification of their submitted work. (Read the
section on Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty below.)

The assessments are intended to be equitable, fair and flexible. All the information, skills and
knowledge being assessed by the assessments has been based on theory and skills delivered to you
during classes and meet the requirements of the unit of competency.
Submitting Assessment Tasks
You must submit assessment tasks with the provided cover sheet.

ALL tasks must be completed in legible English. It is preferable that tasks submitted for assessment
are typed. Where this is not possible or where room is provided on a paper for short answers, you
must write clearly. Unreadable assessment tasks will be returned unmarked.

You must submit assessments on or before their due date. Extensions for individual assessment
tasks may be negotiated in specific circumstances according to VCI’s Policy and Procedures. To
arrange an extension, you must speak to your assessor prior to the due date. Extensions due to
illness will require a medical certificate. Extensions must be confirmed by trainers in writing.
Assessment Outcomes
There are two outcomes of assessments: S = Satisfactory and NYS = Not Yet Satisfactory (requires
more training and experience).

You will be awarded C = Competent on completion of the unit when your assessor is satisfied that
you have completed all assessments and have provided the appropriate evidence required to meet
all criteria. If you fail to meet this requirement you will receive the result NYC = Not Yet Competent
and will be eligible to be re-assessed in accordance with the VCI’s policies and procedures.
Students will be allowed to sit for up to two further attempts at a practical assessment item or test
question for which the outcome is Not Yet Satisfactory within the timeframe of a course (unit of
competency). Students judged as NYS in an assessment will be allowed to resubmit if they have
attended all practical classes for the related unit.

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Student Access to Records

Students have the right to access current and accurate records of their participation and results at
any time. You may request to see your results or attendance sheets from Administration on request.
You will be required to show proof of identification.
You may seek clarification about any assessments at any time from your assessor. Your assessor will
only assist or intervene during an assessment if there is a risk of injury to yourself or one of your
class members.
Adjustments for students with special needs
Students who have special needs may be allowed reasonable adjustment in line with the VCI’s
Policies and Procedures. This means that there may be modifications to the way in which evidence
of your competence is gathered. However, it will not change the standards or outcomes you must
achieve. It could include alternate methods of assessment the assist the student.

If you consider that you need any special considerations in relation to assessment of the unit, please
contact the Course Coordinator.
If you are not happy with your results:
1. Your assessment may be reassessed upon appeal
2. Your assessor/trainer may provide you with alternate options of assessment in order to gain
competency depending on initial results
3. If you are still unhappy about your assessment results after following the steps mentioned
above, you may submit a formal complaint in accordance with VCI’s Complaints and Appeals
Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty
The New York College (VCI) is committed to ensuring that all students behave with integrity when
undertaking an assessment. Therefore, it is essential that you understand the principles underlying
assessment integrity and behave in a manner according to these principles.

Please read the following information and please ensure you have access to and have read the
plagiarism and assessment dishonesty policy. This policy can be found on the VCI’s website and is
also discussed in your orientation prior to commencing the course.
What is Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty?
Plagiarism is copying, paraphrasing or summarising, without appropriate acknowledgement, the
words, ideas, scholarship and intellectual property of another person. This remains plagiarism
whether or not it is with the knowledge or consent of that other person. Plagiarism has also taken
place when direct use of others' words is not indicated, for example by inverted commas or
indentation, in addition to appropriate citation of the source.

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Each individual student is responsible for ensuring that they are fully informed about methods of
acknowledgement appropriate to any piece of assessable work that they submit.
Assessment dishonesty includes plagiarism, collusion, the fabrication or deliberate
misrepresentation of data, and failure to adhere to the rules regarding examinations in such a way
as to gain unfair assessment advantage.

Collusion is the involvement of more than one individual in an instance of assessment dishonesty. All
parties involved in such collusion are in breach of the principles of assessment honesty (unless there
is good evidence of innocent involvement). "Collusion" needs to be distinguished from
"collaboration", defined for the purposes of this document as work jointly undertaken and

Incidence of Plagiarism or Assessment Dishonesty

If the New York College believes any act of plagiarism and assessment dishonesty has occurred, the
student/s will be contacted and will be given an opportunity to explain their case. Should this be
repeated the student will be penalised. Penalties include re-submitting the assessment task or unit
and for repeated offences, re-sitting the unit at student’s own cost or cancellation of enrolment.

How information will be handled: All information regarding an incident of plagiarism or assessment
dishonesty will be recorded as per VCI’s Plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty Policy. Only relevant
staff members will be given access to the information as required by state and federal privacy laws.

I have read and understand the information provided above and also understand and accept that
any act of plagiarism and academic dishonesty may have penalties including cancellation or
suspension of my enrolment with New York College. I further declare that:
 All assessment work submitted for this unit competency is my own original work and plagiarism
and collusion has not occurred.
 Assessment work is not copied nor has not been submitted for any other unit/course.
 I have taken proper care and effort to ensure my work has not been copied by another person.
 I understand the consequences of engaging in plagiarism as described in VCI’s Plagiarism and
Assessment Dishonesty Policy and I have obtained and read the Plagiarism and Assessment
Dishonesty Policy.

Student Signature: ............................................................... Date: ....../....../.............

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Assessment Cover Sheet

ASSESSMENT 1: Short Answers
Student Name
Student ID
Unit(s) of Competency and SITXINV004 Control stocks
Assessment Outcome  Satisfactory  Not Yet Satisfactory
Attempt Number  First  Second  Third

Comments /Feedback

Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks

The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were
explained to me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have
acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this

I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can
produce if the original is lost.

Student Signature: Date: / /20

I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I
have provided appropriate feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment
integrity checks.

Assessor Signature: Date: / /20

===========================================TEAR HERE ======================================

Student Name Student ID
Unit: SITXINV004 Control stocks Assessment Short Answers
Trainer Name Date submitted:
Received by: Signature Date received:
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Assessment Guidelines
Assessment Method
1. You are required to address all questions to achieve competence. Your trainer will provide you with
instructions for time frames and dates to complete this assessment.
2. Once completed, carefully read the responses you have provided and check for completeness. Your
trainer will provide you with feedback and the result you have achieved.

Submission instructions
The student is to submit the completed assessment with all answers to the trainer.
Ensure that the student includes the assessment cover sheet and signs the declaration section.
The assessment task is due on the date specified by the assessor.
Assessment conditions
The student must complete this task independently.
The student must complete this task in the space provided in this assessment tool.
What will be assessed
The purpose of this assessment is to assess you underpinning knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in
the elements and performance criteria for this unit of competency and relating to the following aspects:

principles of stock control:

o rotation and replenishment

o product life cycle and maximising the use of all stock
o checking for slow moving items
o segregation of non-food items from food items that have potential to cross-contaminate
stock control systems:
o bin card system
o imprest system
o integrated point-of-sale system
o ledger system
stock control procedures, template documents and reports for:
o ordering
o levels
o loss
o performance
o monitoring of quality
o receipt
o reorder cycles
o rotation
o security
o stocktakes
o valuation
o wastage
storage requirements for different kinds of stock
use of stock control equipment and software where appropriate
specific industry sector:
o types of computer stock control systems used, their functions and features
o electronic equipment used for stock control; their functions and features
o stock security systems
o types of storage and their suitability for different kinds of stock
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o methods to monitor and maintain stock levels

specific organisation:
o relevant stock and product life and storage requirements for specific goods
o departmental or individual stock ordering responsibilities
o full content of stock control and security procedures
o sources of information on negotiated cost of supply, contractual arrangements and preferred
supplier arrangements
o full content of stock ordering procedures and documents
o stock reorder cycles
o stock level reports
o stock performance reports
o stock loss reports
o full content of stocktake procedures, documents and reports
o reasons for stock loss and damage and methods to control these
considerations in the protection of stock:
o avoiding cross contamination
o correctly applying humidity and temperature controls
o correct ventilation
o securing stock
o storing stock in correct location and conditions to avoid damage
treating pest and vermin infestations.
Resource Requirements
Computer, Microsoft Office, Internet

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Assessment 1
Short Answer Questions

Your task: Provide a detailed response to each of the following questions.

Question 1: List 6 examples of forms that are used in a manual control system.

Lack of feedback and

2. Overwork
3. Toxic culture or Bad Boss
4. Boredom
Lack of feedback and
2. Overwork
3. Toxic culture or Bad Boss
4. Boredom
1. Purchase Order Form
2. Invoice Form
3. Requisition Form
4. Time Sheet Form
5. Inventory Control Form
6. Incident Report Form

Question 2: Why is it important to constantly monitor your control system?

Measure performance and ensure that the proper steps and processes are taken to ensure

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that the firm is on track to meet its objectives through the monitor and control process.

Question 3: List 6 examples of “stock items’ in the TH&E industry.

1. Wine is sold in bottles or by the glass.

2. Milliliters were taken off of the spirits.
3. Soft Drink bottle price decreased.
4. Cider lost value per can.
5. confectionery lost value per packet.
6. Sugary goods decreased by the unit.

Question 4: What does collusion refer to?

A non-competitive, covert, and occasionally unlawful agreement between competitors with the
goal of disturbing the market's equilibrium is called collusion. When parties that would typically
compete with one another choose to work together instead in order to gain an unfair competitive
advantage, this is called collusion.

Question 5: Why is it important that both the person responsible for placing orders and the
ordering process must be very clear to staff?

 Efficiency: Clear communication of the ordering process and the person responsible for placing orders
ensures that staff can efficiently request and receive the goods or services they need. This helps to
avoid delays in the procurement process, which can impact productivity and customer satisfaction.
 Accuracy: When staff have a clear understanding of the ordering process and the person responsible for
placing orders, they are less likely to make mistakes when placing orders. This can help to reduce
errors, such as incorrect quantities or items, which can result in additional costs, delays, and even lost
 Accountability: By clearly defining the ordering process and the person responsible for placing orders, it
establishes accountability for the procurement function. This can help to ensure that staff are aware of
their roles and responsibilities when ordering goods or services and that there is a clear line of
responsibility in case of any issues or errors.
 Compliance: In some industries, there may be specific regulations or policies related to procurement
and ordering processes. By clearly communicating these requirements to staff, businesses can ensure
that they are complying with any relevant regulations or policies and avoiding any potential legal or
financial consequences.

Question 6: What is the name of the stock control method which is most commonly used in the
TH&E industry and involves recording data continuously on both the amount of
stock on hand and the cost price of items in the storeroom.

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The stock control method that is most commonly used in the Tourism, Hospitality and Events
(TH&E) industry, which involves recording data continuously on both the amount of stock on hand
and the cost price of items in the storeroom, is known as the perpetual inventory system.In this
system, each item in the inventory is tracked in real-time, with regular updates made to reflect
changes in stock levels due to sales, returns, or stocktakes. This allows businesses to have a more
accurate picture of their inventory levels and value at any given time, and to quickly identify any
discrepancies or issues that may arise. The perpetual inventory system can be used in conjunction
with other stock control methods, such as minimum stock levels and reorder points, to help
ensure that businesses have the right amount of stock on hand to meet customer demand while
minimizing the risk of overstocking or stockouts.

Question 7: Why is it necessary to identify and report on slow moving stock items?

It assists in preventing waste, spoilage, and unforeseen expenses. Limiting infrequently used substances also
aids in space liberation.

Question 8: List 4 methods you can use to identify slow moving stock items.

 1. Calculate inventory turnover.

 Analyze average days to sell or use.
 Predict trends with sales Data.
 Check individual inventory items.

Question 9: What is the consequence of placing stock orders too early?

Ordering too early could have negative effects such as overstocking.

Question 10: Give 2 examples of factors which affect the maintenance of stock levels.

1. Consumer suppliers: For instance, when customers purchase massive quantities of soap, the supply is
improperly managed.
2. Financials: If suppliers alter their price demands, the budget overflow results in a decrease in

Question 11: There are 6 stages to the receiving process. There are 4 listed below, name the
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other 2.

 Deliveries should be checked against the purchase order to determine if the order is
correct and complete.
 The invoice or delivery note should be signed to accept financial liability.
 Received goods should be moved into appropriate storage areas.
 Receipt documentation should be completed.

1. Refuse to accept products that are faulty or do not adhere to the product requirements. Obtain a
credit note or amend the paperwork.
2. Fill out and submit the papers.

Question 12: What are the recommended storage conditions for the following stock items?

Frozen items The time it takes for food to freeze and the freezer's temperature both
affect the quality of frozen foods. Once kept, frozen objects must never be
thawed and then re-frozen again. Frozen items must be stored as soon as
they are received.

Meat Frozen foods like meat and fish should ideally be kept apart from one
another in storage. Storage must be done at or below -18 °C.

Seafood can be accomplished by placing fresh fish on perforated drip trays that has
been packed in ice. Daily ice replacement is required, and fish shouldn't
come into direct touch with it. Temperature for storage is 1-2 °C.

Fruit and Veg Keep fruit and vegetables apart while storing them, and periodically
inspect containers for pests. Fruit and vegetables should be stored at a
temperature of 6 to 8 °C. Some vegetables, like potatoes or pumpkin, can
be temporarily preserved in a dry storage facility.

Dairy products Dairy products, especially those with strong scents like strong-smelling
cheeses, must be stored separately from other things. This is so that the
flavours of other foods can be absorbed by dairy products.For storing
storage, dairy products should be kept between 2-4°C. Before selling,
cheeses should be brought to room temperature to allow for the
development of deeper flavours and tastes.

Chemicals Chemical storage areas should be properly aired and are often not situated
close to other storage locations. Chemicals are frequently kept in a
lockable cabinet. Chemicals should always be kept in a container that has
all appropriate warning labels and is clearly marked. The recommended
holding storage temperature for chemicals is between 14 and 20 °C,
although the SDS for the chemicals should also be consulted.

Paper Paper goods shouldn't be kept in the same stock as anything that could
contaminate, discolour, or spoil them.Products made of paper shouldn't be
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kept in areas where they could get direct sunlight. Paper products that
have been stored are a perfect place for insects and other pests to breed
and build nests. As a result, anything that can draw pests should be kept
out of this storage area. Temperature for storage is 20–22 °C.

Question 13: Give 4 examples of things that can cause stock losses.

1. known theft techniques.

2. Processed known errors include damage or being out-of-date.
3. Cost of Sales Modifications like taste, markdowns, or expiration.
4. Donations

Question 14: Give 4 examples of ways to verify stock losses.

1. Put security measures in place for both employees and customers.

2. Be wary of frauds
3. Implement a live stock system.
4. Know the inventory you currently have.
5. Employ employee sign-in, and be wary of con artists.

Question 15: Give 4 examples of ways to prevent stock losses.

1. Use the EPO system.

2. Determine the thief's identity.
3. Train Your Staff.

Question 16: List 3 items a contract with a supplier may include:

1. Responsibilities of each party.

2. Project description.
3. Project timeline and Deadlines

Question 17: What steps should you take if you encounter a routine supply problem?

It will be easy for both sides to comprehend the outcomes if you immediately inform the provider,
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thoroughly describe the problem, make a note of any prospective fixes, and gain their approval.

Question 18: List 2 procedures you can use for issuing stock?

1. Stores staff completes the request and it is prepared for pickup or delivery.
2. If necessary, orders are placed after checking the par stock levels.

Question 19: List 4 procedures of a manual stocktake:

1. Plan your stock takes in advance to minimize the impact on business operations.
2. Prior to taking a stock, clean and organise your stockroom.
3. Prepare in advance by organizing your stocktaking tools.
4. Use only the most recent inventory data.

Question 20: List 4 procedures of a computerised stocktake:

1. Analyse your stock fairly.

2. Create computerized strategies to reduce inventory that is stolen, damaged, or slow to sell.
3. Utilise an Excel spreadsheet to streamline the stocktaking process.
4. Have a database of stock takings and releases.

Question 21: Who usually performs the stocktake?

 a knowledgeable employee of the businesses.

 a junior manager with experience who works outside of the stores.
 a team hired to conduct an external audit.

Question 22: List 5 pieces of information you might find on a stocktake report.

1. Name of the company, basic subject.

2. Address.
3. Industry.
4. market value.
5. Stock price, target price, recommendation, and ticker symbol, for example.

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Question 23: If the cost of goods sold for Canadian Club Whiskey is $240,000 per year, and the
average stock held is $10,000, what should be the re-order point for placing an
order? (without considering the delivery time for this calculation)

$240,000 / $10,000 = 24 times

Question 24: Give an example of a type of computerised stock control system.

 Handheld electronic bar coding devices and point of sale (POS) equipment are examples of the
electronic equipment types utilised for stock control. These are utilised as a component of a stock
control system that continuously monitors stock amounts and stock movement.

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Question 25: Explain the features and uses of the following stock control systems:

Bin card system

a table that lists a stock item's current state. used to

keep track of the running balance of a stock on hand,
as well as details on new stock received and notes
regarding issues relating to that stock item.

Imprest system

gives a crude manual approach for monitoring petty

cash balances and currency usage. Petty cash funds
are given a set amount of money that is recorded in
their own separate account in the general ledger.

Integrated point-of-sale system

Purchasers exchange money for goods and services. A

system is the collective system that enables

Ledger system

The general ledger serves as the mechanism for

maintaining financial data for an organisation, with
records of debit and credit accounts verified by a trial
balance. gives a history of every financial transaction
that occurs throughout an opening company's

Question 26: There are several aspects which must be considered to maintain storage areas.
What does this need to include for the following aspects?


The storage room needs to be organised and spotless.

Bacteria ought to be absent. to save stock for safe
usage and see it through its normal life span in order

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to prevent waste.


To avoid mishaps and make it easier for personnel to

locate products, storage rooms must be well-lit.
Additionally, bright lighting can help keep pests under
control. To prevent stock products from spoiling when
natural light is used, direct light should be shielded.


helps keep objects preserved and aids in stopping

bacterial growth in the items so they don't go bad.


These can be recognised by the presence of droppings

and chewed or broken packaging. Look for insect
larvae on fruits and vegetables, as well as dead or
alive insects in storage areas, when identifying
insects. Storage facilities should receive regular,
professional treatment for insects and vermin.

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Assessment Cover Sheet

ASSESSMENT 2: Assignment Project
Student Name
Student ID
Unit(s) of Competency and SITXINV004 Control stocks
Assessment Outcome  Satisfactory  Not Yet Satisfactory
Attempt Number  First  Second  Third

Comments /Feedback

Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks

The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were
explained to me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have
acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this

I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I can
produce if the original is lost.

Student Signature: Date: / /20

I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I
have provided appropriate feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the indicated assessment
integrity checks.

Assessor Signature: Date: / /20

===========================================TEAR HERE ======================================

Student Name Student ID
Unit: SITXINV004 Control stocks Assessment
Trainer Name Date submitted:
Received by: Signature Date received:
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Assessment Guidelines
Assessment Method
Assessment 2 consists of 3 tasks, Task 1, Task 2 and Task 3.

Task 1 – Stocktake - Calculate and submit the excel spread sheet file for Stocktake in soft copy and print and
submit a hard copy, write your name, date, unit code and unit title on the print out.
Task 2 – Stocktake – Discrepancies - Calculate and submit the excel spread sheet file for Stocktake
Discrepancies in soft copy and print and submit a hard copy, write your name, date, unit code and unit title
on the print out. Also submit your summary report on the discrepancies and how to control these.
Task 3 - Stock Re-Ordering - Calculate and submit the excel spread sheet file for Stocktake Discrepancies in
soft copy and print and submit a hard copy, write your name, date, unit code and unit title on the print out.

To demonstrate competence each task must be answered by the student.

If more space is required for any answer then student can attach a separate page containing their name,
assessment date, unit title unit code and the assessment task number and attach this page with the current
assessment task before submission.
When you have completed all the questions check your work before submitting.
Once the assessor has marked your work, they will provide you with feedback.

Submission instructions
Ensure that the student completes the assessment cover sheet and signs the declaration section.
The assessment task is due on the date specified by the assessor.
Assessment conditions
Skills must be demonstrated in an operational tourism, travel, hospitality or events environment where
stock levels are monitored and maintained. This can be:
 an industry workplace
 a simulated industry environment.
Assessment must ensure access to:
 computers, printers and stock control software systems
 electronic equipment used for stock control
 diverse and comprehensive range of tourism, travel, hospitality or event industry stock items that
are monitored and maintained
 current commercial stock control procedures and documentation for the ordering, monitoring and
maintenance of stock.
Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations requirements for assessors.

What will be assessed

The purpose of this assessment is to assess your underpinning knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in
the elements and performance criteria for this unit of competency and relating to the following aspects:

Performance Evidence

 order, control and administer continuous and efficient supply relating to at least six different types
of stock items
 use stock control procedures to monitor and maintain stock levels for the above items over a stock
life cycle period that includes a stocktake

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 produce and distribute stock control reports

 complete above stock order and reporting activities within commercial time constraints.

Knowledge Evidence
principles of stock control:
o rotation and replenishment
o product life cycle and maximising the use of all stock
o checking for slow moving items
o segregation of non-food items from food items that have potential to cross-contaminate
stock control systems:
o bin card system
o imprest system
o integrated point-of-sale system
o ledger system
stock control procedures, template documents and reports for:
o ordering
o levels
o loss
o performance
o monitoring of quality
o receipt
o reorder cycles
o rotation
o security
o stocktakes
o valuation
o wastage
storage requirements for different kinds of stock
use of stock control equipment and software where appropriate
specific industry sector:
o types of computer stock control systems used, their functions and features
o electronic equipment used for stock control; their functions and features
o stock security systems
o types of storage and their suitability for different kinds of stock
o methods to monitor and maintain stock levels
specific organisation:
o relevant stock and product life and storage requirements for specific goods
o departmental or individual stock ordering responsibilities
o full content of stock control and security procedures

o sources of information on negotiated cost of supply, contractual arrangements and preferred


o full content of stock ordering procedures and documents

o stock reorder cycles
o stock level reports
o stock performance reports
o stock loss reports
o full content of stocktake procedures, documents and reports

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o reasons for stock loss and damage and methods to control these

Resource Requirements
Refer to assessment conditions

Computer, excel software, calculator, Excel spread sheets supplied, stock control equipment and software
as relevant to the organisation

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Assessment 2


Complete the following assessment tasks following the instructions provided for each task.

Task 1 – Stocktake - Calculate and submit the excel spread sheet file for Stocktake in soft copy and
print and submit a hard copy, write your name, date, unit code and unit title on the print out.

Task 2 – Stocktake – Discrepancies - Calculate and submit the excel spread sheet file for Stocktake
Discrepancies in soft copy and print and submit a hard copy, write your name, date, unit code and
unit title on the print out. Also submit your summary report on the discrepancies and how to
control these.

Task 3 - Stock Re-Ordering - Calculate and submit the excel spread sheet file for Stocktake
Discrepancies in soft copy and print and submit a hard copy, write your name, date, unit code and
unit title on the print out.

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Task 1

Stock Control

You have been recruited as a new assistant to the purchasing officer at the Hotel Futura. As a part of
your new role you are required to perform calculations to check the accuracy of the stock records
and the costs, analyse stock records and identify any discrepancies and report to your supervisor.

For this task you are provided with the following file – SITXINV004 Assessment 2 Task 1 Stocktake
spread sheet file that provides you with the data on the stock.

You are provided with the following figures (highlighted in red) for the stock on hand for items. You
need to enter these figures into your stocktake sheet (refer and use the above excel spread sheet) to
perform calculations so that you can establish the value of the individual stock items as well as
provide a total value of all stock items on hand.

Items Specification Weight /kg/l/unit Price Stock on hand

Dry Goods SOH
Salt Rock 1.000 kg $ 0.80 2
Pasta Fettuccine 0.375 Packet $ 1.10 5
Tomatoes Canned 0.375 Can $ 0.78 10
Soy Sauce 0.500 L $ 2.80 0

Cream Thickened 0.600 L $ 1.52 2
Milk Full cream 1.000 L $ 1.18 5
Butter Salted 0.500 kg $ 1.82 0
Butter Unsalted 0.500 kg $ 2.23 1
Cheese Cheddar 1.000 kg $ 8.55 4

Trout Whole - 300g 1.000 each $ 3.20 6
Prawns Cooked Medium 1.000 kg $ 18.50 2
Oysters Pacific shucked 1.000 Dozen $ 6.80 5

Poultry & Meat

Lamb Rack - 6 rib 1.000 each $ 4.80 2
Beef Tenderloin 1.000 kg $ 18.00 5
Pork Cutlet - 250g 1.000 each $ 2.60 0
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Kangaroo Rump - denuded 1.000 kg $ 14.00 3

Fruit & Vegetables

Lettuce Butter 1.000 each $ 1.60 2
Tomatoes Roma 1.000 kg $ 2.80 4
Potatoes Desiree 1.000 kg $ 1.25 5
Apples Granny Smith 1.000 kg $ 1.89 2
Mangoes Fresh 1.000 each $ 1.80 3

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Task 2
For this task you are provided with the spreadsheet file “SITXINV004 Assessment 2 Task 2”

The figures in these reports are different to the figures in the actual calculation spread sheet.
Therefore, your task is to identify and correct these discrepancies in the spread sheet.

You are required to check the data that has been entered in this spread sheet based on the latest
stock report, because your supervisor has expressed concerns that there are discrepancies. These
could be related to the price of the stock item or the quantity of the stock item. You need to identify
the correct stock discrepancy and correct the figures so that all the figures tally with the final totals
in each report.

You need to write a brief summary report to explain the potential reasons for these discrepancies
and how impact on the total figures as well as the availability of these stock items in relation to
maintaining and controlling stock.

1. Open the spreadsheet and identify all missing values in the opening stock column in each tab
(Fridge, Freezer and Dry Store).
2. Complete the opening stock values based on any movements (Invoice = delivered, Out =
used) or based on the closing stock values, i.e. if the closing value shows 5 and there were
no movements, then enter 5 in the opening stock column where the value was missing. If
there was a stock movement this needs to be calculated before entering the missing value in
the opening stock column, i.e. if closing shows 6 and invoice shows 5, then the opening stock
would have been 1. You will now notice that most entries you made have corrected the
values in the discrepancy columns to 0
3. List 3 factors you would investigate where a value in the discrepancy column shows a
4. Go to the tab “Fridge” and investigate the reasons for the discrepancies in Rows 8, 38, 83
and 89. Go to the tab “Dry Store” and investigate Row 65.
5. What are the likely problems that have resulted in these faults? Correct these faults
according to your findings by adjusting the relevant values, if possible.
6. Go to the tab “Consolidated Total” and calculate how your adjustments from Question 5
above have affected the totals for each storage area and the total sum.

Key points to consider are:

Error in data entry (wrong numbers, decimals in wrong place, opening balance not entered, stock
issued but it was actually invoice)

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The following examples will assist you in your task.

Example 1

For example an error could relate to the fact that the original opening stock was not entered as
highlighted [in yellow]. No stock was received (invoice) or issued (out), therefore you would enter
the value of the closing stock in the opening stock column.

Descripti Un Suppli Openin Invoic Ou Sub- Closin Closing Discrepan
on Unit it $ er g e t Total g $ cy

LEMON 100 $
GRASS G 6.0 $
0 0 1 6.00 1

Example 2

An item shows in the opening balance 0.5 boxes and 0.5 boxes in the sub-total, but 1.5 boxes in the
closing balance. This would require you to check whether there was an invoice. If not then you could
check on the last stocktake and if that shows that the value there showed 0.5 boxes, then the value
1.5 likely is to be 0.5 boxes. As you have no prior documentation you would highlight this but make
no changes.

Descriptio Uni Uni Suppli Openin Invoic Ou Sub- Closin Closing Discrepan
n t t$ er g e t Total g $ cy

NI X 35.0 S $
0 0.5 0.5 1.5 52.50 1

Example 3

Any items which show a negative discrepancy need to be investigated whether a theft has occurred
(consider chocolates, alcohol, prime cuts etc.), the opening balance was incorrect or an item was
actually invoice rather than out or vice versa.

Descripti Uni Uni Suppli Openin Invoic Ou Sub- Closin Closing Discrepan
on t t$ er g e t Total g $ cy

9KG X 69.0 $
0 0.5 0.5 0.2 13.80 -0.3

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Task 3 – Stocktake – Stock Re-Ordering

For this task you are provided with the spreadsheet file “SITXINV004 Assessment 2 Task 3”

You are required to enter the stock data below in to the spreadsheet and calculate the stock on hand in order to calculate the total cost that you need to
spend to re-order these stock items.

Weigh Stock on Minimum Maximum

Items Specification t /kg/l/unit Price hand Level Level Order required
Dry Goods SOH
Salt Rock 1.000 kg $ 0.80 2 3 6 3
Pasta Fettuccine 0.375 Packet $ 1.10 3 10 24 20
Tomatoes Canned 0.375 Can $ 0.78 16 24 48 20
Soy Sauce 0.500 L $ 2.80 20 2 6 0
Cream Thickened 0.600 L $ 1.52 20 10 40 10
Milk Full cream 1.000 L $ 1.18 4 6 20 10
Butter Salted 0.500 kg $ 1.82 6 10 40 10
Butter Unsalted 0.500 kg $ 2.23 10 6 12 0
Cheese Cheddar 1.000 kg $ 8.55 8 1 4 0
Trout Whole - 300g 1.000 each $ 3.20 16 15 30 10
Prawns Cooked Medium 1.000 kg $ 18.50 12 3 8 0
Oysters Pacific shucked 1.000 Dozen $ 6.80 24 24 48 10
SITXINV004 Control stocks Student Assessment Tool

Poultry & Meat

Lamb Rack - 6 rib 1.000 each $ 4.80 15 20 40 15
Beef Tenderloin 1.000 kg $ 18.00 20 10 25 0
Pork Cutlet - 250g 1.000 each $ 2.60 25 20 40 0
Kangaroo Rump - denuded 1.000 kg $ 14.00 16 10 30 10
Fruit &
Lettuce Butter 1.000 each $ 1.60 36 6 24 0
Tomatoes Roma 1.000 kg $ 2.80 4 4 12 6
Potatoes Desiree 1.000 kg $ 1.25 40 20 50 0
Apples Granny Smith 1.000 kg $ 1.89 5 4 10 5
Mangoes Fresh 1.000 each $ 1.80 16 20 60 20

Task 1 Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

RESULT OF ASSESSMENT Task 2 Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Task 3 Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Feedback to Student:

Assessor(s) Signature(s): Date:    /    /     

Student Signature Date:    /    /     

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Assessment Cover Sheet
ASSESSMENT 3: Stock Control Project
Student Name
Student I.D. Number
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITXINV004 Control Stock
Assessment Task Stock Control Project
Date of Assessment
Outcome  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Not Assessed
Comments /Feedback

Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals
were explained to me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I
have acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of
this assessment
I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my assessment task, which I
can produce if the original is lost.

Student Signature: Date: / /201

I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. I also declare that I have undertaken the
indicated assessment integrity checks.

Assessor Signature: Date: / /201

=================================TEAR HERE

Student Name Student ID
Unit: SITXINV004 Control Stock Assessment Stock Control Project
Trainer Name Date submitted:
Received by: Signature: Date received:
SITXINV004 Control stocks Student Assessment Tool

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Assessment Guidelines
Assessment Method
You are required to order, control and administer supply for at least 6 different types of stock
items, relevant to your area of work or training situation, over a stock life cycle.
The stock life cycle has to be determined in conjunction with your trainer:

During this period you are required to:

1. Monitor the stock levels
2. Include one stock take after a sufficient stock turnover has occurred e.g. 1 month
3. Monitor the stock quality using the relevant documentation
4. Produce a weekly stock report
5. Identify slow moving items
6. Maintain the storage areas and produce a weekly report what this included
Produce a final report reporting on the completed stock life cycle summarising any discrepancies
and recommendations or future improvements (suitable to present to your colleagues)

Submission instructions
Ensure that the student completes the assessment cover sheet and signs the declaration section.
The assessment task is due on the date specified by the assessor.
Assessment conditions
Skills must be demonstrated in an operational tourism, travel, hospitality or events environment
where stock levels are monitored and maintained. This can be:
 an industry workplace
 a simulated industry environment.
Assessment must ensure access to:
 computers, printers and stock control software systems
 electronic equipment used for stock control
 diverse and comprehensive range of tourism, travel, hospitality or event industry stock
items that are monitored and maintained
 current commercial stock control procedures and documentation for the ordering,
monitoring and maintenance of stock.
Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations requirements for

What will be assessed

The purpose of this assessment is to assess your underpinning knowledge to complete the tasks
outlined in the elements and performance criteria for this unit of competency and relating to the
following aspects:

Performance Evidence

 order, control and administer continuous and efficient supply relating to at least six different types
of stock items
 use stock control procedures to monitor and maintain stock levels for the above items over a stock
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life cycle period that includes a stocktake

 produce and distribute stock control reports
 complete above stock order and reporting activities within commercial time constraints.

Resource Requirements
Refer to assessment conditions

 A simulated industry environment or industry workplace

 computers, printers and stock control software systems
 electronic equipment used for stock control
 diverse and comprehensive range of tourism, travel, hospitality or event industry stock items that
are monitored and maintained
 current commercial stock control procedures and documentation for the ordering, monitoring and
maintenance of stock.

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Assessment 3

Stock control Project

You are required to order, control and administer supply for at least 6 different types of stock items,
relevant to your area of work or training situation, over a stock life cycle.

The stock life cycle has to be determined in conjunction with your trainer:

Period for stock control and stock life cycle: from _____________________to________________

Hospitality Sector: ________________________________________

Department: _____________________________________________

List the Stock items that were monitored:

1. Fruit & Vegetables

2. Poultry & Meat

3. Dry Goods

4. Dairy

5. Seafood

During the period determined above you are required to:

1. Monitor the stock levels

• We keep an eye on stock levels by doing the following:
• Searching for stationary objects.
• Food products that might be contaminated by other foods.
• Cutting down on waste.
• The replacement and rotation of suppliers.
• Making the most of all available stock.
• Sorting non-food products.
2. Calculate stock ordering levels based on organisational requirements and provide
documentation (attach)

Items Specification Weight /kg/l/unit Price Stock on hand

Dry Goods SOH
Salt Rock 1.000 kg $ 0.80 2
Pasta Fettuccine 0.375 Packet $ 1.10 5
Tomatoes Canned 0.375 Can $ 0.78 10
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Soy Sauce 0.500 L $ 2.80 0

Cream Thickened 0.600 L $ 1.52 2
Milk Full cream 1.000 L $ 1.18 5
Butter Salted 0.500 kg $ 1.82 0
Butter Unsalted 0.500 kg $ 2.23 1
Cheese Cheddar 1.000 kg $ 8.55 4

Trout Whole - 300g 1.000 each $ 3.20 6
Prawns Cooked Medium 1.000 kg $ 18.50 2
Oysters Pacific shucked 1.000 Dozen $ 6.80 5

Poultry & Meat

Lamb Rack - 6 rib 1.000 each $ 4.80 2
Beef Tenderloin 1.000 kg $ 18.00 5
Pork Cutlet - 250g 1.000 each $ 2.60 0
Kangaroo Rump - denuded 1.000 kg $ 14.00 3

Fruit & Vegetables

Lettuce Butter 1.000 each $ 1.60 2
Tomatoes Roma 1.000 kg $ 2.80 4
Potatoes Desiree 1.000 kg $ 1.25 5
Apples Granny Smith 1.000 kg $ 1.89 2
Mangoes Fresh 1.000 each $ 1.80 3

3. Include one stock take after a sufficient stock turnover has occurred e.g. 1 month (attach)

Month Year
Food Stocktake January 2017 Prior to correction
Total of Fridge $ 5,820 $ 5,820.41
Total of Freezer $ 3,568 $ 3,567.83
Total of Dry Store $ 3,919 $ 3,918.61
Total Food Stock On hand $ 13,307 $ 13,306.84

4. Monitor the stock quality using the relevant documentation (attach)

 Checking the outgoing and incoming cash flows while following the following methods would
allow us to keep track of the stock levels:

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 Stock's monetary value.

 Promotional deals.
 Hard price.
 The soft cost.
 Money flow.
 Personal preference.

5. Produce a weekly stock report (attach)

Specificati Weig /kg/l/ on
Items on ht unit Price hand Value
Goods SOH
Salt Rock 1.000 kg 0.80 2 $1.60
Pasta Fettuccine 0.375 Packet 1.10 3 $3.30
Tomatoes Canned 0.375 Can 0.78 16 $12.48
Soy Sauce 0.500 L 2.80 20 $56.00

Cream Thickened 0.600 L 1.52 20 $30.40
Milk Full cream 1.000 L 1.18 4 $4.72
Butter Salted 0.500 kg 1.82 6 $10.92
Butter Unsalted 0.500 kg 2.23 10 $22.30
Cheese Cheddar 1.000 kg 8.55 8 $68.40

Whole - $
Trout 300g 1.000 each 3.20 16 $51.20
Cooked $ $222.0
Prawns Medium 1.000 kg 18.50 12 0
Pacific $ $163.2
Oysters shucked 1.000 Dozen 6.80 24 0

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Poultry &
Lamb Rack - 6 rib 1.000 each 4.80 15 $72.00
$ $360.0
Beef Tenderloin 1.000 kg 18.00 20 0
Cutlet - $
Pork 250g 1.000 each 2.60 25 $65.00
Rump - $ $224.0
Kangaroo denuded 1.000 kg 14.00 16 0

Fruit &
Lettuce Butter 1.000 each 1.60 36 $57.60
Tomatoes Roma 1.000 kg 2.80 4 $11.20
Potatoes Desiree 1.000 kg 1.25 40 $50.00
Granny $
Apples Smith 1.000 kg 1.89 5 $9.45
Mangoes Fresh 1.000 each 1.80 16 $28.80

Total $1,367.52

6. Identify slow moving items (attach)

• Examine the typical days to sell.
• Turnover of inventory.
• Daily spot checks of inventory items.
• Examine the typical days to sell.
7. Maintain the storage areas and produce a weekly report what this included (attach)

Specificati Weig /kg/l/ on
Items on ht unit Price hand Value
Goods SOH
Salt Rock 1.000 kg 0.80 2 $1.60
Pasta Fettuccine 0.375 Packet 1.10 3 $3.30
Tomatoes Canned 0.375 Can $ 16 $12.48
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Soy Sauce 0.500 L 2.80 20 $56.00

Cream Thickened 0.600 L 1.52 20 $30.40
Milk Full cream 1.000 L 1.18 4 $4.72
Butter Salted 0.500 kg 1.82 6 $10.92
Butter Unsalted 0.500 kg 2.23 10 $22.30
Cheese Cheddar 1.000 kg 8.55 8 $68.40

Whole - $
Trout 300g 1.000 each 3.20 16 $51.20
Cooked $ $222.0
Prawns Medium 1.000 kg 18.50 12 0
Pacific $ $163.2
Oysters shucked 1.000 Dozen 6.80 24 0

Poultry &
Lamb Rack - 6 rib 1.000 each 4.80 15 $72.00
$ $360.0
Beef Tenderloin 1.000 kg 18.00 20 0
Cutlet - $
Pork 250g 1.000 each 2.60 25 $65.00
Rump - $ $224.0
Kangaroo denuded 1.000 kg 14.00 16 0

Fruit &
Lettuce Butter 1.000 each 1.60 36 $57.60
Tomatoes Roma 1.000 kg 2.80 4 $11.20
Potatoes Desiree 1.000 kg $ 40 $50.00
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Granny $
Apples Smith 1.000 kg 1.89 5 $9.45
Mangoes Fresh 1.000 each 1.80 16 $28.80

Total $1,367.52

8. Attach all documentation and reports for the stock life cycle to this assessment.
Produce a final report reporting on the completed stock life cycle summarising any discrepancies and
recommendations or future improvements (suitable to present to your colleagues)

 The stocktake is crucial because it highlights inconsistencies between inventory records and the
actual amount of stock we have on hand. These problems enable us to grow our company more
profitably and get rid of any potential sources of stock loss or inaccurate counts.

• Stock loss as a result of harm.

• The stock is located in the wrong place.

• Recount the relevant stock. If the figures don't add up, we should start here. It can just be an error
made during the first counting procedure.

• Determine whether the stock is available elsewhere.

• Stock theft-related losses.

• The stock is identified incorrectly on the label.

• Product similarity misinterpreted for stock.

• Incorrectly recorded inbound stock.

• Human mistake in the process of taking inventory.

The marking criteria below provide a guide for the tasks you are required to complete:

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Marking Criteria S NYS

The stock levels for each stock item is investigated
Ordering requirements are identified
Staff is informed about ordering requirements and deadlines for each department
Ordering cycles are calculated based on delivery information
Deadlines are communicated with suppliers
The storage area is inspected for signs of vermin infestation as instructed
The storage conditions are monitored using relevant documentation
Areas are swept, cleaned and sanitised as required
Stock is rotated as required
Stock is ordered using the organisational procedures and documentation
Stock is received and checked using the relevant documentation
Incoming stock is reconciled against purchase orders
Stock discrepancies are communicated with suppliers
Shortages or discrepancies are reported to supervisors immediately
Stock is stored in the corrects storage areas
Stock is secured against theft
A stocktake relevant to the department where this assessment is undertaken is conducted
The stocktake is complete
The stocktake is finalised
Any discrepancies are identified
Discrepancies are investigated where relevant
The discrepancies are reflected in a stock report
Slow moving items are identified
The shelf life of slow moving items is checked
Items to be used soon are identified and reported
The ordering cycle/frequency is adjusted as required
The stock levels are maintained consistently
Any supply issues are documented and reported
Stock is distributed and allocated within organisational timeframes and procedures

RESULT OF ASSESSMENT Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Feedback to Student:

   /    /
Assessor(s) Signature(s): Date:

   /    /
Student Signature Date:

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