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compiled by Tomasz Szczegóła (

1. A good teacher is like an artist.

2. Characterize three most stressful jobs in the world.
3. Choose and describe a few personality types.
4. Classify automobile drivers.
5. Compare "reality TV" to reality.
6. Compare a movie and the book it was based on.
7. Compare infatuation and true love.
8. Compare reality shows and blogs.
9. Compare the advantages of being young and being old.
10. Compare the life of a celebrity with the life of a politician.
11. Compare the situation of an only child with that of a child brought up with siblings.
12. Define the difference between a traveler and a tourist.
13. Describe how the media shape our attitudes.
14. Describe the various styles of parenting.
15. Discuss the advantages or disadvantages of being single.
16. Discuss the effects of insomnia.
17. Discuss the importance of sporting heroes/icons in society today.
18. Discuss the role of the media in present day society.
19. Do soccer and war have anything in common?
20. Explain how a desire can turn into an obsession.
21. Explain the causes of racism.
22. Explain the effects advertising has on our lives.
23. Explain the notion of family.
24. Explain what it means to be an honorable person.
25. Explain what it means to think positive.
26. Give examples of challenges your generation is facing.
27. Give examples of mobbing at the workplace.
28. Give reasons why soccer is such a popular spectator sport.
29. How are stereotypes formed?
30. How do friendships develop into loves? Describe the process.
31. How do male and female views of relationships differ?
32. How does children’s perception of parents change as they [=children] grow older?
33. How does education improve one’s future?
34. How does fashion affect young people?
35. How does information kill the art of conversation?
36. How does keeping a pet affect a person's life?
37. How have the parent-child relationships in Polish families changed in the last 15 years or so?
38. How is keeping a pet beneficial to the development of a child?
39. How to improve one's self-confidence?
40. Human life is like the four seasons of the year.
compiled by Tomasz Szczegóła (

41. In what way does literature enhance our life?

42. More and more couples are choosing to live together before marriage; what are the effects of this kind of decision?
43. Present and discuss negative aspects of maintaining tradition.
44. Sports teach children many valuable lessons about life. Explain what some of these lessons are.
45. What are some of the drawbacks of the position of English as a global language?
46. What are some of the reasons for people becoming homeless?
47. What are some of the things that 'money can't buy'?
48. What are the advantages or disadvantages of exposing children to competition?
49. What are the causes of conflicts between adolescents and their parents?
50. What are the causes of terrorism?
51. What are the causes of violence in Polish schools?
52. What are the different categories of dreams?
53. What are the different types of humor?
54. What are the different types of love?
55. What are the drawbacks of modern travel?
56. What are the drawbacks of multiculturalism?
57. What are the drawbacks or advantages globalization?
58. What are the effects of democracy?
59. What are the effects of excessive Internet use?
60. What are the most powerful forces shaping public opinion today?
61. What are the qualities of a good leader?
62. What are the qualities of a good parent?
63. What are the root causes of racism?
64. What are the three greatest problems the world is facing today?
65. What are the ways to enhance your memory?
66. What causes bribery to exist?
67. What do politicians and salespeople have in common?
68. What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur?
69. What does the term loyalty mean to you? In what areas of life does it apply?
70. What elements contribute to a successful magazine OR newspaper?
71. What has changed in Poland's image abroad since our accession to the EU?
72. What has EU membership done for Poland?
73. What ingredients are essential for a successful marriage?
74. What inventions have improved people's lives the most?
75. What is political correctness and how does it manifest itself?
76. What is the difference between advertising and propaganda?
77. What is the difference between being a workaholic and being devoted to your job?
78. What makes an effective advertisement?
79. What role does religion play in our lives?
80. Why are a lot of Poles disenchanted with politics and politicians?
81. Why can dealing with their parents' divorce be difficult for young people?
compiled by Tomasz Szczegóła (

82. Why do fewer and fewer people read books nowadays?

83. Why do people believe in the supernatural?
84. Why do people lie?
85. Why is the traditional family on the decline?

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