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want the ground to swallow you up-used to say that somethinɡ you did or said made you

very embarrassed
have someone in stitches-to make someone laugh a lot in an uncontrollable way
have butterflies in your stomach-to feel very nervous before doing something
feel shaken up-to feel upset, shocked or frightened by something that has happened to you
see red-to get very angry
feel on top of the world-to feel extremely happy
feel out of it-to feel slightly unhappy because you feel different from the rest of a group of
people and cannot share their fun, conversation etc.
make a fool of yourself-to do something stupid that you feel embarrassed about afterwards
and that makes you seem silly
be up in arms-to be very angry and ready to argue or fight
be over the moon-to be very happy
officious-too eager to tell people what to do – used to show disapproval
defeatist-believing that you will not succeed
discourteous-not polite, and not showing respect for other people
disconcerted-slightly confused, embarrassed or worried
incensed-very angry
hot headed-doing things too quickly without thinking
grasping-too eager to get money and unwilling to give any of it away or spend it
jocular-joking or humorous
guilt ridden-feeling so guilty about something that you cannot think about anything else
do-gooder-someone who helps people who are in bad situations, but who is annoying
because their help is not needed – used to show disapproval
downhearted-feeling sad and disappointed, especially because you have tried to achieve
something but have failed
megalomaniac-someone who wants to have a lot of power for themselves and enjoys having
control over other people’s lives
with the benefit of hindsight-used to say it is easier to know the right thing to do after
something has happened
pan out-to happen or develop in a particular way
stop short of-to almost do (something) but then decide not to do it
agonise over-to think about (a difficult decision) very carefully and with a lot of effort
be torn between-if you are torn between things, people or actions, you are unable to decide
what to do because you have different feelings or different things that you want
weigh up the options-to consider something carefully so that you can make a decision about
be in a quandary over-to be in a difficult situation or have a difficult problem, especially one
in which you cannot decide what to do
on reflection-after thinking carefully about something
grumpiness-feeling bad-tempered and easily annoyed
greyness-when the sky is full of clouds and the sun is not bright, or when something is
boring or lacking in colour
petulance-unreasonably impatient and angry behaviour, like a child’s
moodiness-having frequent changes from good to bad temper
grimness-a bad, ugly or unpleasant situation
nonchalance-calm behaviour, not seeming interested in anything or worried about anything
coarseness-rude and offensive language
eradication-the process of getting rid of something such as a disease or a social problem
implementation-taking action or making changes that you have officially decided should
thoughtlessness-not thinking about the needs and feelings of other people, especially
because you are thinking about what you want
keep your head down-to try to avoid being noticed or getting involved in something
not be out of the woods-used to say that there are likely to be more difficulties before things
play it safe-to avoid risks
play with fire-to do something that could have a very dangerous or harmful result
run the risk-to be in a situation where there is a possibility that something bad could happen
to you
take a calculated risk-to do something risky after thinking carefully about what might happen
the coast is clear-if the coast is clear, it is safe for you to do something without being seen or
watch your step-to be careful about what you say or how you behave
audio call-a phone call with two or more people who can hear but cannot see each other
landline-a telephone connection that uses wires, as opposed to a mobile phone
mute-to make the sound of (something) quieter, or make it disappear completely
on hold-if you are on hold, you are waiting to talk to someone on the telephone
reception-the act of receiving radio, television or other signals, or the quality of signals you
signal-a series of light waves, sound waves etc. that carry an image, sound or message, for
example in radio or television
speakerphone-a telephone that contains a microphone and a loudspeaker, so that you can
use it without holding it. Speakerphones are especially used in business meetings when
groups of people in different places want to talk to each other.
text (message)-a written message that is sent or received on a mobile phone or pager
video call-a phone call with two or more people who are able to see each other while they
voicemail-a system which lets people leave recorded messages for you on your telephone
when you are unable to answer it, or one of these messages
crackly-making repeated short sounds like something burning in a fire
echo-a sound that you hear again after a loud noise, because it was made near something
such as a wall
muffled-muffled sounds cannot be heard clearly, for example because they come from
behind a door or wall
cut out-if a phone cuts out, it suddenly stops working properly and you cannot hear the
person speaking
break up-if the sound of a person speaking breaks up, you can only hear parts of it
automated message-a spoken or written piece of information left by a computer or a
machine rather than a person

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