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2 The Gas Laws >

The Behavior of

The Gas Laws

14.2 The Gas Laws >


1. Identify the properties and behavior of gases and

explain them using the kinetic molecular theory.

2. Describe the behavior of a gas with changes in

pressure, temperature, and volume.

3. Solve problems involving gas laws.

4. Cite and explain practical applications of the gas


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13 The Gas Laws >

How do you fill up a hot air balloon?

A hot air balloon works

on the principle that
warm air is less dense
than cooler air.

14.2 The Gas Laws >
Kinetic Molecular Theory(KMT)
1) Gases are composed of particles whose size is negligible compared to the
average distance between them. The volume of a gas is mostly empty space.

2) The force of attraction between gas particles is negligible.

3) Gas particles move in random, straight lines.

4) Gas particles can collide with one another and with the walls of the container
with no net charge loss. This means that the collisions are elastic.

5) The average velocity of gas particles is directly proportional to the temperature

of the gas. As temperature increases, the energy possessed by the particles
also increases. Hence, they move faster and collide more frequently. This
explains why gas expands and exerts high pressure when heated.

14.2 The Gas Laws >
Pressure and Temperature

Equivalent Expressions of Atmospheric Pressure at Sea Level

Units Atmospheric Pressure at Sea Level
Pascal(Pa) 1.01325 x 105 Pa or 100kPa
Atmosphere(atm) 1 atm
Millimeters mercury(mm Hg) 760 mm Hg
Torr 760 torr
Pound per square inch(psi) 14.7 lb/in2

Pressure can be measured using barometer ( measures atm) and manometer

5 (other than atm like pressure gauge used in tires).
14.2 The Gas Laws >
-the measure of the energy of its particles. Common units include
Kelvin(K), degree Celsius(0C), and degree Fahrenheit(0F).

TK = TC + 273 (0C to K)
Tc = Tk - 273 (K to oC)
TF = 1.8(TC) + 32 (0C to F)
TC = (TF – 32) / 1.8 (0F to 0C)

The most commonly used device to measure temperature is the


14.2 The Gas Laws >
1)The rates of effusion of two gases are

inversely proportional to the square root

of their density or molar mass

2)For a given mass of gas at constant P1V1 = P2V2

2 temperature, the volume of the gas
varies inversely with pressure.
3)The volume of a fixed mass of gas is V1T2 = V2T1
3 directly proportional to its Kelvin
temperature if the pressure is kept

4 4)As the temperature of an enclosed P1T2 = P2T1

gas increases, the pressure increases,
if the volume is constant.

5)Combines Boyle’s law, Charles’s law, P1V1T2 = P2V2T1
and Gay-Lussac’s law.

6) For a mixture of gases, the total Ptotal = P1+P2+ P3..
pressure is the sum of the partial
pressures exerted by each gas
7 7) Equal volume of gases at the same
temperature and pressure contain the
V1n2 = V2n1
same number of particles regardless of
8 their chemical nature and physical
8) The volume of a gas varies directly PV = nRT
V= Volume Ptotal = total pressure = quantity increases
with the number of its molecules and its
T = temperature n = moles = quantity decreases
absolute temperature and varies
P=pressure ntotal= total moles
MM=molar mass v=average velocity
inversely with pressure
13 The Gas Laws > Graham’s Law of Effusion

14.2 The Gas Laws > Graham’s Law of Effusion

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13 The Gas Laws > Boyle’s Law

• Robert Boyle was the first person to

study this pressure-volume
relationship in a systematic way.
• Boyle’s law states that for a given
mass of gas at constant temperature,
the volume of the gas varies inversely
with pressure.

P1V1 = P2V2

13 The Gas Laws > Boyle’s Law

If the temperature is constant, as

the pressure of a gas increases, the
volume decreases.
• As the pressure decreases, the volume

13 The Gas Laws >
14.2 Interpret Graphs

As the volume decreases from 1.0 L to 0.5 L, the

pressure increases from 100 kPa to 200 kPa.

13 The Gas Laws >
14.2 Sample Problem 14.1

Using Boyle’s Law

1) A balloon contains 30.0 L of
helium gas at 103 kPa. What is
the volume of the helium when
the balloon rises to an altitude
where the pressure is only
25.0 kPa? (Assume that the
temperature remains constant.)

13 The Gas Laws >
14.2 Sample Problem 14.1

1 Analyze List the knowns and the

Use Boyle’s law (P1V1 = P2V2) to calculate
the unknown volume (V2).

P1 = 103 kPa V2 = ? L
V1 = 30.0 L
The units of the same known
P2 = 25.0 kPa quantities must be same. If not,
convert first one unit from the
other for them to have the
same unit

14.2 The Gas Laws >
1) A balloon contains 30.0 L of helium gas at 103 kPa. What is the volume of the
helium when the balloon rises to an altitude where the pressure is only
25.0 kPa? (Assume that the temperature remains constant.)
P1 = 103 kPa
V1 = 30.0 L
P2 = 25.0 kPa
V2 =?

P1V1 = P2V2

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13 The Gas Laws >
14.2 Sample Problem 14.1

3 Evaluate Does the result make sense?

• A decrease in pressure at constant

temperature must correspond to a
proportional increase in volume.
• The calculated result agrees with
both kinetic theory and the pressure-
volume relationship.
• The units have canceled correctly.

13 The Gas Laws >

2)A sample of neon gas occupies a volume of 677 mL at 134 kPa.

What is the pressure of the sample if the volume is decreased to
642 mL?

13 The Gas Laws > Charles’s Law

When an inflated balloon is dipped into a

beaker of liquid nitrogen, the air inside
rapidly cools, and the balloon shrinks.

13 The Gas Laws > Charles’s Law

Charles’s law states that the volume of

a fixed mass of gas is directly
proportional to its Kelvin temperature if
the pressure is kept constant.

V1 V2
T1 T2

13 The Gas Laws > Charles’s Law

As the temperature of an enclosed

gas increases, the volume increases, if
the pressure is constant.

13 The Gas Laws >
14.2 Interpret Graphs

The graph shows how the volume changes

as the temperature of the gas changes.

13 The Gas Laws >

A hot air balloon contains a propane burner

onboard to heat the air inside the balloon.
What happens to the volume of the balloon
as the air is heated?

According to Charles’s law,

as the temperature of the air
increases, the volume of the
balloon also increases.

13 The Gas Laws >
14.2 Sample Problem 14.2

Using Charles’s Law

1)A balloon inflated in a room at 24 C has a
volume of 4.00 L. The balloon is then heated
to a temperature of 58 C. What is the new
volume if the pressure remains constant?

13 The Gas Laws >
14.2 Sample Problem 14.2

1 Analyze List the knowns and the

Use Charles’s law (V1T2 = V2T1) to
calculate the unknown volume (V2).

V1 = 4.00 L V2 = ? L
T1 = 24oC
o The units of the same known
T2 = 58 C quantities must be same. If not,
convert first one unit from the
other for them to have the
same unit
13 The Gas Laws >
14.2 Sample Problem 14.2

2 Calculate Solve for the unknown.

Because you will use this gas law, start by

expressing the temperatures in kelvins.

T1 = 24 C + 273 = 297 K
T2 = 58 C + 273 = 331 K

Temperature unit
must be in Kelvin(K)
14.2 The Gas Laws > Charles’s Law
1)A balloon inflated in a room at 24oC has a volume of 4.00 L. The balloon
is then heated to a temperature of 58oC. What is the new volume if the
pressure remains constant?
V1 = 4.00 L
T1 = 24oC+ 273 = 297K
T2 = 58oC + 273 = 331K
V2 = ?

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13 The Gas Laws >
14.2 Sample Problem 14.2

3 Evaluate Does the result make sense?

• The volume increases as the

temperature increases.
• This result agrees with both the
kinetic theory and Charles’s law.

13 The Gas Laws >
2) What is the temperature of a 2.3 L balloon if it shrinks to a volume
of 0.632 L when it is dipped into liquid nitrogen at a temperature of 77

13 The Gas Laws > Gay-Lussac’s Law

Gay-Lussac’s Law:
Pressure(P) and Temperature(T)

How are the pressure and temperature

of a gas related?

13 The Gas Laws > Gay-Lussac’s Law

As the temperature of an enclosed

gas increases, the pressure
increases, if the volume is constant.

13 The Gas Laws > Gay-Lussac’s Law

Gay-Lussac’s law states that the pressure

of a gas is directly proportional to the Kelvin
temperature if the volume remains

P1 P2
T1 T2

13 The Gas Laws > Gay-Lussac’s Law

Gay-Lussac’s law can be applied to

reduce the time it takes to cook food.
• In a pressure cooker, food cooks
faster than in an ordinary pot
because trapped steam becomes
hotter than it would under normal
atmospheric pressure.
• But the pressure rises, which
increases the risk of an explosion.
• A pressure cooker has a valve that
allows some vapor to escape
when the pressure exceeds the
set value.
13 The Gas Laws >
14.2 Sample Problem 14.3

Using Gay-Lussac’s Law

1) Aerosol cans carry labels warning not
to incinerate (burn) the cans or store
them above a certain temperature. This
problem will show why it is dangerous to
dispose of aerosol cans in a fire. The
gas in a used aerosol can is at a
pressure of 103 kPa at 25 C. If the can
is thrown onto a fire, what will the
pressure be when the temperature
reaches 928 C?
13 The Gas Laws >
14.2 Sample Problem 14.3

1 Analyze List the knowns and the

Use Gay Lussac’s law (P1T2 = P2T1) to
calculate the unknown pressure (P2).

P1 = 103 kPa P2 = ? kPa
T1 = 25oC Note:
The units of the same known
o quantities must be same. If not,
T2 = 928 C convert first one unit from the
other for them to have the
same unit

13 The Gas Laws >
14.2 Sample Problem 14.3

2 Calculate Solve for the unknown.

Remember, because this problem

involves temperatures and a gas law,
the temperatures must be expressed in
T1 = 25 C + 273 = 298 K
T2 = 928 C + 273 = 1201 K
Temperature unit
must be in Kelvin(K)
14.2 The Gas Laws >
1) Aerosol cans carry labels warning not to incinerate (burn) the cans or store
them above a certain temperature. This problem will show why it is dangerous to
dispose of aerosol cans in a fire. The gas in a used aerosol can is at a pressure of
103 kPa at 25oC. If the can is thrown onto a fire, what will the pressure be when
the temperature reaches 928 C?

P1 = 103 kPa
T1 = 25 C + 273 = 298K
T2 = 928oC + 273 = 1201K

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13 The Gas Laws >
14.2 Sample Problem 14.3

3 Evaluate Does the result make sense?

• From the kinetic theory, one would

expect the increase in temperature
of a gas to produce an increase in
pressure if the volume remains
• The calculated value does show
such an increase.

13 The Gas Laws >
2) A pressure cooker containing kale and some water starts at 298 K
and 101 kPa. The cooker is heated, and the pressure increases to 136
kPa. What is the final temperature inside the cooker?

13 The Gas Laws > Combined Gas Law

The Combined Gas Law

How are the pressure, volume,
and temperature of a gas related?

13 The Gas Laws > Combined Gas Law

There is a single expression, called the

Combined Gas Law, that combines
Boyle’s law, Charles’s law, and Gay-
Lussac’s law.

P1 V1 P2 V2
T1 T2

13 The Gas Laws > Combined Gas Law

When only the amount of gas is

constant, the combined gas law
describes the relationship among
pressure, volume, and temperature.

13 The Gas Laws >
14.2 Sample Problem 14.4

Using the Combined Gas Law

The volume of a gas-filled
balloon is 30.0 L at 313 K
and 153 kPa pressure.
What would the volume be
at standard temperature
and pressure (STP)?

13 The Gas Laws >
14.2 Sample Problem 14.4

1 Analyze List the knowns and the

Use the combined gas law (P1V1T2 = P2V2T1)
to calculate the unknown volume (V2).
V1 = 30.0 L V2 = ? L
The units of the same known
T1 = 313 K quantities must be same. If not,
convert first one unit from the
P1 = 153 kPa other for them to have the
same unit

T2 = 273 K (standard temperature) Note:

Temperature unit
must be in Kelvin(K)
P2 = 100 kPa (standard pressure)
Refer to the table in slide no. 5 for the standard
43 pressure values of different pressure units
13 The Gas Laws >
14.2 Sample Problem 14.4

1) The volume of a gas-filled balloon is 30.0 L at 313 K and 153 kPa pressure.
What would the volume be at standard temperature and pressure (STP)?

Given: Rearrange the equation to isolate V2.

V1 = 30.0 L
T1 = 313 K
P1 = 153 kPa P2V2
T2 = 273 K (standard temperature)
P2 = 100 kPaT1(standard pressure)
V2 =?
Isolate V2

V2 =
P2 T1
13 The Gas Laws >
14.2 Sample Problem 14.4

2 Calculate Solve for the unknown.

Substitute the known quantities into the

equation and solve.

V2 = 153 kPa x 30.0 L x 273 K

100 kPa  313 K
V2 = 40 L

13 The Gas Laws >
14.2 Sample Problem 14.4

3 Evaluate Does the result make sense?

• A decrease in temperature and a decrease in

pressure have opposite effects on the volume.

• Evaluate the increase in volume,

• The result is 40L.

13 The Gas Laws >
14.2 Combined Gas Law

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13 The Gas Laws > Combined Gas Law

V2 =
P2 T1

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13 The Gas Laws > Combined Gas Law

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13 The Gas Laws > Combined Gas Law

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13 The Gas Laws > Key Concepts
If the temperature is constant, as the pressure of
a gas increases, the volume decreases.

As the temperature of an enclosed gas

increases, the volume increases, if the pressure
is constant.

As the temperature of an enclosed gas increases,

the pressure increases, if the volume is constant.

When only the amount of gas is constant, the

combined gas law describes the relationship among
pressure, volume, and temperature.

13 The Gas Laws > Key Equations

Boyle’s law: P1V1 = P2V2

Charles’s law: V1 V2
T1 T2

Gay-Lussac’s law: P1 P2
T1 T2

Combined gas law: P1V1 P2V2

Note: Before doing calculations: =
The units of the same known T1 T2
quantities must be the same. If
not, convert first one unit from Note: Before doing
the other for them to have the calculations:
Temperature unit
same unit
must be in Kelvin(K)
13 The Gas Laws > Glossary Terms

• Boyle’s law: for a given mass of gas at constant

temperature, the volume of the gas varies inversely with
• Charles’s law: the volume of a fixed mass of gas is
directly proportional to its Kelvin temperature if the
pressure is kept constant
• Gay-Lussac’s law: the pressure of a gas is directly
proportional to the Kelvin temperature if the volume is
• Combined Gas law: the law that describes the
relationship among the pressure, temperature, and
volume of an enclosed gas

14.2 The Gas Laws > Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure

John Dalton found that for a mixture of

gases, the total pressure is the sum of
the partial pressures exerted by each
Ptotal = P1 + P2 + P3….

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14.2 The Gas Laws > Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure
1) A sample of O2 was collected over water at 230C and 760 torr. What is
the partial pressure of O2 at the given temperature and pressure? The
vapor pressure of water at 230C is 21.2 torr (from table 15-2 page357,

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14.2 The Gas Laws > Avogadro’s Law

Avogadro’s Law: Volume and amount of Gas

Amedeo Avogadro proposed that equal

volume of gases at the same temperature
and pressure contain the same number
of particles regardless of their chemical
nature and physical properties.

V = volume
n= number of moles
*One mole of any gas consists of 6.02x1023 particles(Avogadro’s
number) will occupy the same volume which is equal to 22.4L (molar
volume of a gas ) at STP
14.2 The Gas Laws > Avogadro’s Law
1) A 2.0L sample at a certain temperature and pressure contains 0.5
moles of a gas. If 0.1 mole of the gas is added to the sample
without changing the temperature and pressure, what is the new
volume of the gas?

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14.2 The Gas Laws > Avogadro’s Law
2) At a certain temperature and pressure, 3.0g of chlorine gas has a
volume of 5.0L. What is the resulting volume of a 2.0g of
chlorine gas?

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14.2 The Gas Laws > Avogadro’s Law
3) What volume will a 72.0g of oxygen gas occupy at STP?

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14.2 The Gas Laws >
Ideal Gas Law: Pressure, Volume, Temperature and number of moles
In an ideal gas equation, the product of the pressure
and volume of an ideal gas is directly proportional to
the number of moles of the gas and its absolute

PV=nRT other equations:

14.2 The Gas Laws > Ideal Gas Law

Temperature: For an ideal gas, the standard unit for
temperature is Kelvin (K).
K = oC + 273
Pressure: For an ideal gas, the standard unit for
pressure is the atmosphere (atm).
1 atm = 760 mmHg = 760 torr
1 atm = 101325 Pa = 101.325 kPa
Volume: For an ideal gas, the standard unit for volume
is liters (L).
1 L = 1000 mL = 1000 cm3 = 10 dm3
Conditions for standard temperature and pressure (STP) should
meet the requirement of having 00C (273K), and one
atmosphere (1 atm) in a system.
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14.2 The Gas Laws > Ideal Gas Law
1. A 50.0 L of cylinder contains 21.8 g H2 at 28oC. What is the
pressure (in atm) exerted by this gas?

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14.2 The Gas Laws > Ideal Gas Law
2. A 500mL bottle contains hydrogen gas with a pressure of 600
mmHg at 20ºC. How many moles of gas does the bottle contain?

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14.2 The Gas Laws > Ideal Gas Law
3. Calculate the molar mass of butane gas if 4.96 g occupies 2.13 L
at 20oC and 1atm.

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14.2 The Gas Laws > Ideal Gas Law
4. What is the density of carbon dioxide(molar mass MM= 44g/mol)
at STP?

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