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Have you chanted all the verses of ISO?

With others?
More than three times?
How long does it take to chant them? (Chanting time = 4’ 30”)
If Text 1 is called Meter A, then which other texts use the same meter. What is its Sanskrita name? [1-3 and 9-
15, name =???]
An innocent scholar says that Srila Prabhupada uses the phrase “Personality of Godhead” in the translation of
the Invocation but it does not seem to appear in the original Sanskrit. How can you explain this to him? [Yes,
we find that Srila Prabhupada translates the first word, "OM", as, 'the personality of Godhead'. Ooo! The
Mayavadis and Sanskrit technicians would cough and choke in their graves to hear this, no? Yet, we would all
agree that if someone heard that the President was coming to New York today it would be an accurate
translation to say that Barack Obama is coming to New York today. We will find the evidence that OM is an
impersonal form of address for Sri Krsna.]
Which verses would appeal to Christians, Mulsims?

Text Groupings:
Which Texts of ISO aer cited or paraphrased in NOI? [Text 1 is the one that Srila Prabhupada actually cites in
NOI-2. We should learn it and the Invocation by memory. He paraphrases the Invocation the same place in
Do you see a common theme in comparison for Invocation and Texts 1-3? [Simple Living High Thinking? Text
three may be another topic or the contrast to the Invocation and Texts 1 and 2.]
We group 4-8 in one pile. Really 4,5 & 8 describe the same thing. What is it? [ttd]
9-14 seems to talk about this cosmos. What does it say? How does it contrast with 4 & 5? [ttd]
15-16 emphasize brahman, paramatma or bhagavan? [Bhagavan]
15-16 call out to the Lord for something different than in texts 17 & 18. What is it [ttd]

What is the amazing symmetry between texts 9-11 and 12-14. In two words what are the different topics in the
two sets? [One set discusses knowing and the other set discussing worshipping.]
Bh.Vai = Especially we are struck by Srila Prabhupada’s use of the words "sambhavad, asambhavat and
sambhutim" in tests 12, 13 & 14. We would like to call Radhika and ask him for his help. [NOTE (2013 Jul rev) - We
did talk with him and they are bona-fide uses of the words].


Int Inv 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

How does the Introduction explain our epistemology?
Philosophers divide philosophy into three areas: Epistemology, ontology and praxiology - How you
know, what is ultimately knowable and what do you do about it. Are these all in the Introduction?
BH.Vai = In the Bhakti Vaibhava curriculum we can go into more detail. Maybe look at Jiva-goswam's
We count 14 paragraphs in the Introduction.
In paragraphs 1-4 Srila Prabhupada says that our topic is Veda, and Veda means _______(?). Yet in conditioned
life we have several defects in our ability to acquire knowledge. How many?
Then he explains each one.
From modern psychology we would suggest that we can look at the four defects as occurring in a sequence:
1) Imperfect senses. Honey-bees can see infra-red, not us.
2) … [I see or hear properly, but integration of the sense data by my unconscious is imperfect. For example, I
am receiving proper sense data but I see a rope as a snake. There are so many visual illusions. You can look
them up on the internet.]
3) … [Experience is within the range of my senses, my sub-conscious integrates the data properly, but I make a
cognitive mistake. I see two boys and three girls - 2+3=5, but I make a cognitive mistake and 2+3=6 and again I
don't have perfect knowledge.]
4) … [Proper perception, proper sensor integration, proper cognitive evaluation, but I don't like it. So I cheat
and say that rope is a snake even though I know better. So we have to accept some authority.]

Some one might complain, "But your Vedas are also limited knowledge from one culture, India!". Answer this
complaint from paragraphs five and six by the several examples Srila Prabhupada gives to explain that the
Vedas are coming from, and accepted as transcendental knowledge.
From paragraphs 7-10 – briefly explain disciplic succession, pratyaksa, anumana and sabda. The different
Anumana, mental speculation, can be divided into what two categories? What is aroha pantha?
[Inductive and deductive, no? Inductive is aroha, ascending]
From p’graphs 11 & 12 why do we need a personal Guru. [Prabhupada introduces the importance of personal
Guru, because Krsna is too great to understand without Guru.]
From ¶13 & 14 what is the history of the Vedas? [SP gives the history of Veda and how it became divided and
finally became most accessible in Srimad Bhagavatam.]

Bh. Vai = Many times Srila Prabhupada seems to go from topic to topic, forward and backward. Can you look
at all the points in the Introduction for some time we can put them into a more strict linear order. Of course this
appeals to our mechanical German mentality, but actually Prabhupada's organization of the ideas seems to be
more on the basis of taste and how they support one another’s appreciation. For example, we may have a feast
of several preparations, and someone may think that we should eat one preparation after another to conclusion
before going on to the next, but someone else may like to take a little subji, vegetable, some bread, puri and
then chutney and then back to some more subji.

INVOCATION – TEXT 3 – Simple Living High Thinking

Bh. Vai. Explain the different case endings in the Invocation: Again, what's nice about the Invocation are the
examples of case-endings. In English we say, "to Krsna, from Krsna, with Krsna, by Krsna...", but in Sanskrita
this is all accomplished by suffixes, "Krsnena, Krsnasya, Krsnaya, Krsnat...". So, here, in this text we can see
different case endings for the word Purunam. What does Purnam mean?
Purnam, Complete, means brahman, ______ & bhagavan?
If Bhagavan has many complete energies, is the Material Nature one of these? How is it complete? Why do
“bad things happen to good people”? How does the material energy help the Jiva energy? [We, the Jiva energy,
can realize our relationship with the Complete Whole, Bhagavan, by the complete arrangement of the material
world, external energy.]

Text 1
How does Srila Prabhupada translate, "Isa"? How is this justified? [As the Lord. The controller must be a
Define Apauruseya.
The Isopanisad is associated with which of the four Vedas? [Yajur Veda.]

A tiger eats me(at). What is the quota for a human being? [Prasadam. “(A) human being should not only
become a strict vegetarian but should also become a devotee of the Lord...".]
What sound do the Communists and Capitalists make when they argue with each other? [They snarl.]

Text 2
Compare and contrast Text 2 with NOI-2.
By what are we forced to work? [By fear of death]
What are the three kinds of works? Which is desirable? [Vikarma, Karma, Akarma. We should work for
Akarma, liberation. Instead people work as Karmis and Vikarmis for their own sense gratification or extended
sense gratification.]
How is a "Mahatma" different than a Karmi? [He does not work for personal or extended sense gratification]

Text 3
How does Text 3 continue with the same theme as in Texts 1 & 2.[ We should live properly in this world as
humans, not animals and endeavour for self-realization. The Veda, Upanisads are so nice to give us this
In which paragraph is there a summary of the whole Text? [Last one ]
Define 'atma-ha'. [¶2 ]
What determines if we take birth as suci or srimat, in family of rich people, of wise people? [¶5]

TEXTS 4-8 – Virata rupa and More
Text 4
In Text 4 we come to the personal features of the Lord? From Paragraph Four etc, what are the impediments to
knowing Him?

Text 5
Ten Paragraphs. We continue with the same theme as Text 4. Does "tat" mean "that" or "He"? This Upanisad
starts with "Isa". The controller must be a person? The same theme is there in the start of the SB also.
¶1 – What contradictions are given to prove the Lord's potencies are inconceivable?
¶3-6 - In our present state, limited senses, we cannot see the Lord, in what form does He come before us swiftly
in a form we can perceive, if we surrender? [Text 4]
¶7 - When the Lord descends and becomes Saguna, does he adopt a material form? Nirguna means he has
¶8-10 Deals with 'antar', 'bahyatah' qualities mentioned in the Sanskrit.
¶10 Why is the last sentence is a super-humdinger!

Text 6
Continuing with the last idea in Text 5, the Isa is within and without: 'Anupasyati', he sees.
From ¶1 describe the 'Maha'bhagavata'".
From ¶2-3 describe the different levels of spiritual development. What four categories of people does the
Madhyama-adhikari see? Which Text in NOI explains this?
¶4 Is imitation of the Uttama-adhikaris vision a way to advance? Does BG 6.8 – 10 relate to this?

Bh. Vai – Summarize the ISO into Text groupings with content.
ISO 1-3 Seem to talk about the same thing as NIO Text 2. God has a plan, take your share and engage in
spiritual life.
ISO 4 & 5 talks about God as the Parama-atma, physically related to His creation.
ISO 6 & 7 talks about His relationship to the Jiva souls in His creaton and the results of seeing Him in this way.
ISO 8 emphasizes we must know this Paramatma feature again.
Then... 9-14 contrast again and again knowledge and worship of the spiritual and material world, culminating
in going to the spiritual world if you really know the Isvara.

Text 7
It seems to us the controlling phrase in Text 7 seems to be 'eka-tvam', oneness with "Isa". Explain some of the
analogies Prabhupada gives in his purport to say that "ekatvam' means oneness of purpose, not that I become
Only the Uttama and Madhyama-adhiaris can realize the nature of the Paramatma and the Jiva atma in
relationship, but how do they realize it differently?

TEXTS 9-11 – What Do You Know?
Text 9
3-8¶ - What is the definition of Veda-vata-rata? How and for whom are they Gurus?
9¶ - Define Karmi, Veda-vata-rata and Mayapahrta-jnana. What “knowledge do they cultivate? [They are
cultivating knowledge of illusion. I am God and this world is mine.]

Text 10
We continue in. 'Vidyaya' and 'Dhira'.
¶6-8 – How have the Dhiras have come to know "The living entity has actual functions in the living spiritual
world, but this material world is dead." [By hearing from superior authorities and following the regulative
principles mercifully given by them.]

Text 11
Define "amrta", deathlessness. It's one of what 18 aspects of ________ cited from the Gita in Text 10.
¶11-13 - The Vedas are insufficient textbooks. What four things do they prescribe? [dharma, artha, kama,
moksa - go to work on time, get monkey (money), get beer and when your sick of that try to get out of it all
But these four only lead us to what stage? [brahma bhuta, the neutral stage. Knowledge of brahman. Knowledge
of the SPIRIT]
But in this Age we need to know Krsna personally by what two books that Srila Prabhupada has given us?
[Srimad Bhagavatam, and in its extracted essence, Nectar of Devotion.]

TEXTS 12-14 – To Whom Do You Bow?

Text 12
¶1 – How does Srila Prabhupada define 'asambhutim' and 'sambhutim', equalizing them with whom? [the
demigods and the original God.]
¶2 - By mental work one only eliminates the material nature but cannot know the _______ ['sambhuti].
¶5-8 – Do you have the tendency to become a pseudo-worshipper? Eg. false Gurus, for material comfort, golden
handcuffs, a big book distributor, mother, expose all the false Gurus and give yourself some concocted name
and replace them.

Text 13
¶1 - 'Iti susruma dhiranam', We must hear from the undisturbed authorities. How does this apply to hearing
classes from ISKCON devotees? [If he is at least grossly free from the 4-sinful activities, illicit sex... Then he is
'dhira', no? At least grossly. We can hear from him, at least grossly.]
Bh. Vai ¶6 - P'pada quotes BG 10.8 and then many citations from the Vedas to support that Krsna is the
Sambhutim. They look just the same as the ones P'pada cites in the Purport to BG 10.8 itself. Let's see if they
are when we get to Chapter 10 in our BG overview this Semester.

¶15-16 – Compare these paragraphs with SB 1st Canto, Second Chapter, Text, "Srnvatam sva katha krsna...".
By this process everyone can become a Brahmana, worship the Sambhutim and go to Sambhutim?

Text 14
¶11 – Do you think paragraph 11 is SOOO great?! Why?

TEXTS 15-18 – Directly Praying to the Lord
Text 15
How can Mantra 15 and BG 1515 be used to combat the idea that the Upanisads, Vedas, present and impersonal
idea of God? Puffed up Sanskrit mayavadis? [The word Mukham is so clear. The next Text continues with the
same idea. This is Text 15 and if you look at BG 15.15 you see that it also falls into this same idea that the
Vedas talk of Krsna!]

In paragraphs 2-4 we see Krsna always engaged in Pastimes in Vrndavana (like a Krsna book summary). Then
as described in Paragraph 5, how does He relate to the Material World? [By His Paramatma feature.]

Text 16
From paragraphs 4-6 summarize citation from Jiva Goswami Prabhupada explaining the word Bhavagavan.

Text 17
From Paragraphs 7-1, why is the position of the Bhaktas superior to that of the impersonalists at the time of
death? [The impersonalists don't have this help from Krsna]

Text 18
From paragraph 8 - "Entire process is hinted at in this mantra and SB 1.2.17-20 explains further". Hw does Srila
Prabhupada cites and use this series of verses in BG 7.1 purport?

NOI/ISO Module Review
1. Let us humble submit that the questions on the Bhakti Sastri examination will only come from the questions
here in this document.
2. The verses your esteemed self should know are: NoI 1 &3, ISO Invocation, 1 & 15.
3. The whole purpose of these studies is to learn how to have fun with Krsna again.

1) How many verses in the NOI?
2) Preface: “Upadeśāmṛta constitutes the first instructions for neophyte devotees”. In which Text is the
Isopanisad cited and after that which ISO Text is paraphrased?
3) What are the six pushes?
4) What are the six faults?
5) What are the six good qualities?
6) What are the six kinds of association?
7) What are the three levels of devotees called in Sanskrita.
8) Mathura is superior to Vaikuntha and ________________ is superior to Govardhana.
9) [T/F] “Great sages and great devotees like Nārada and Sanaka get an opportunity to come to Rādhā-kuṇḍa
to take their baths.”
10) From Text 8: “This is called rāgānuga-bhakti. Rāgānuga-bhakti, or spontaneous devotional service, can be
executed in the śānta-rasa when one aspires to be like Kṛṣṇa's c____s or the s______ or f_____ in the hand
of Kṛṣṇa, or the _______ around Kṛṣṇa's n____. In the dāsya-rasa one follows in the footsteps of servants
like Citraka, Patraka or R_______. In the friendly sakhya-rasa one can become a friend like B____deva,
Śrīd___or Sud___. In the vātsalya-rasa, characterized by parental affection, one can become like
N_____________ and Y______, and in the mādhurya-rasa, characterized by conjugal love, one can become
like Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī or Her lady friends such as Lalitā and Her serving maids (mañjarīs) like R____ and
11) From what Astakam are the following verses and what number verses are they in that Astakam: “Ceto
darpana marjanam...”, “Trnad api sahisnuna..”
12) Write out the verse beginning: Ceto darpana marjanam...
13) Write out the verse beginning: Trnad api sahisnuna...
14) Text 3: We are the Tatastha-shakti. In Sanskrit what are the names of the other two principle shaktis of
15) Text 3: “Indeed, all living entities within this material world are under the control of mahāmāyā, whose
business is to subject them to the influence of threefold miseries”. What are the threefold miseries called in
Sanskrit and what are they.
16) If one is not a mahātmā, he is a ___ātmā, or a cripple-minded person.
17) Text 6: “As soon as anyone becomes _______, he falls from the platform of paramahaḿsa.”

18) How many verses in the ISO?
19) Invocation: How can we say that this world in “complete” since we see so many problems here?
20) Text 1: The quota for tiger is meat, but the quota for a human being is?
21) Text 9: “Those who engage in the culture of nescient activities shall enter into the darkest region of
ignorance. Worse still are those engaged in the culture of so-called knowledge.” What do the words “veda-
vāda-rata” mean in terms of this verse?
22) Iso 13: “It is said that one result is obtained by worshiping the supreme cause of all causes and that another
result is obtained by worshiping what is not supreme. All this is heard from the undisturbed authorities, who
clearly explained it.” What does the word “dhira” mean in terms of this verse?
23) Iso 15: “O my Lord, sustainer of all that lives, Your real face is covered by Your dazzling effulgence.
Kindly remove that covering and exhibit Yourself to Your pure devotee.” What does the word mukham
mean in his verse?
24) Iso 17: “Let this temporary body be burnt to ashes, and let the air of life be merged with the totality of air.
Now, O my Lord, please remember all my sacrifices, and because You are the ultimate beneficiary, please
remember all that I have done for You.
“Even if at the time of death a devotee does not remember his service to the Lord...”, he still has hope for
escaping form the material world because ________.

Well, we have finished ISO, but this is just one time. You want to live with it for all eternity, no? Personally,
your associate, Hanumatpresaka Swami, is sitting in our room on the second story of the Temple in Santiago.
It’s 3:07 P.M. so the “Little Toddler’s Happy School” across the street is quiet today. Boy, were they howling
yesterday, and not in happiness. I remember that. My mother worked also, so I was in day-care-centers from the
beginning. It had a lot to do with the way I think, and you?
We have an enormous head-ache. For two days now we have been editing this TPP on a computer with strange
functions and simultaneously doing Temple programs, disciple programs, LOB programs, sense gratification
programs. We have done the best we can, and we rely on the fact that we know our readers to be people of
quality, with patience and determination, and so maybe this will be of use to you.
Now we have to print it, post it, and get it ready to send to our actual five Students, then we can see if it is
useful, useless or manageable with work.
Thank you. Hare Krsna. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Tommorrow is Gaura purnima.


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