Idc Jan 2023 Notes

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Disciple is follower who applies what he has learned from his guru

ISKCON is a teaching institution and has formal and informal spiritual education

This course helps shape the future of ISKCON

As we cannot directly interact with Krishna he manifests as Guru makes him available reviving the
eternal relation ship

GBC assists devotees to easily choose Guru by making ISKCON gurus.

The Gurus also examine devotees through such courses

Faith, Sadhu sang ,inquisitive,eager,regular reading of Srila Prabupada books helps a devotee correct his
attitude and progress in spiritual life

Read 12 course principles and values which we will be discussing throughout this course

Guru Tattva & Parampara

Guru is empowered representative of Krishna like how an administrator is empowered by the King.

Sastra says we should consider Guru no different as Krishna himself. The principle is that Krishna is
unconditionally God & Guru is conditionally God when he strictly follows the standards set & does not
act independently

Always accept the fact that there will be imperfections in Guru and also do not blindly accept his
mistakes as perfect as this will reduce the faith. This means superficial approach and blind following is
not Krishna Consiousness.

Broadly classifying there are 3 types of Gurus.Vartamana pradaksha is guru who brings us to KC.Diksha
Guru is the initiating Guru and there are many no of Siksha Gurus.

Both Siksha and Diksha Gurus will take the sinful reactions of the disciples.So if one has to become Guru
he should be strong enough to take the risk.

Diksha cannot give ongoing nourishment .The ongoing nourishment is provided by Siksha.Most Diksha
gurus nourish their devotees wit ongoing Siksha

ISKCON Parampara is not connected through diksha The acharyas who contributed to the teachings of
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu are shown in paramapara.This is also called Bhagavata sampradaya.

Read the arguments given in SHB regarding RITVIK philosophy

We should conditionally surrender to Guru and Unconditionally surrender to Srila Prabupada

Srila Prabupada – ISKCON Founder Acharya

Srila Prabupada laid the foundation of ISKCON and wanted his disciples and future generations to follow.

He is the founder Acharya and pre eminent Siksha Guru because

 Established the 7 Purposes of ISKCON • Established the philosophical teachings •
Established the basic sadhana standards • Established he style and standards of temple
worship • Established significant aspects of ISKCON culture e.g. dress & style of tilok,
cuisine, language, etc. • Established the governing structure • Made unprecedented
adjustments such as gender considerations (matajis living I the temples etc) • Clarified
ISKCONs basic activities and priorities

We should maintain loyalty to him because his teachings cannot be replaced or upgraded and is
perfect.He had faith in his Gurus vani and he did the revolutionary progress which his god brothers could
not achieve.He gave super high intense out put in a very short period and showed loyalty to previous
acharyas and followed their teachings.His achievements reflect the desires of previous acharyas

If we change his books and change /reduce the standards set by him we will jeopardize the existence of

This uniqueness can be protected by encouraging all to listen to his lectures,keeping up the standards
and maintain the GBC structure

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