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Golden energy Company

Marketing Planning
Under the Supervision of

Dr. Ramy Khodeir

Prepared by:
1 Marwa Hassan Mohamed Abdel Hamid
2 Khaled Mohamed Ali Salim
3 Ahmed Shaban Hafez Nada
4 Mohamed Hussein Mohamed Hussein
5 Sara Hafez Elsaid Hafez
6 Mohamed Sami Youssef Osman
7 Yasser Mohamed Abdou Ahmed
Contribution Sheet of the Project
NO. Item Name

1 Introduction Mohamed Hussein Mohamed Hussein

2 About us Sara Hafez El-said Hafez

3 Business Overview Mohamed Hussein Mohamed Hussein

4 Market Overview Khaled Mohamed Ali Salim

5 Customer Information Ahmed Shaban Hafez Nada

6 Market Information Khaled Mohamed Ali Salim

7 Industry Information Marwa Hassan Mohamed Abdel Hamid

8 Product Information Marwa Hassan Mohamed Abdel Hamid

9 Situational Analysis Work Team

10 SWOT Analysis Sara Hafez El-said Hafez

Yasser Mohamed Abdou Ahmed

Market Survey and Research Analysis
(Primary and secondary data sources) Khaled Mohamed Ali Salim
Market Survey Primary Data Mohamed Hussein Mohamed Hussein
12 (Online Questionnaire) Khaled Mohamed Ali Salim
Khaled Mohamed Ali Salim
13 Market Segmentation and Targeting
Yasser Mohamed Abdou Ahmed
Khaled Mohamed Ali Salim
14 Sales Projections
Mohamed Sami Youssef Osman

15 Objectives Ahmed Shaban Hafez Nada

16 Marketing Strategy Khaled Mohamed Ali Salim

17 Product Marwa Hassan Mohamed Abdel Hamid

Contribution Sheet of the Project
NO. Item Name

18 Pricing Marwa Hassan Mohamed Abdel Hamid

19 Distribution Khaled Mohamed Ali Salim

20 Promotion Ahmed Shaban Hafez Nada

21 Operational Plan Ahmed Shaban Hafez Nada

22 Direct Marketing Khaled Mohamed Ali Salim

Advertising +
23 Golden Energy Company's Poster + Sara Hafez El-said Hafez
Golden Energy Company's Direct mail
Sales promotion +
24 Sara Hafez El-said Hafez
Golden Energy Company's Discount Sales
25 Advertising and promotion through Sara Hafez El-said Hafez
partnership with the government sector
26 Public relations Sara Hafez El-said Hafez

Online Marketing Mohamed Hussein Mohamed Hussein

27 Budgets Ahmed Shaban Hafez Nada

Marwa Hassan Mohamed Abdel Hamid

28 Action Plan
Khaled Mohamed Ali Salim

29 Supporting Documentation Mohamed Hussein Mohamed Hussein

30 Work review and comments Work Team

31 Contribution sheet Mohamed Hussein Mohamed Hussein

Work collection and organization

32 Sara Hafez El-said Hafez
&Project design preparation
33 work coordination & linking Khaled Mohamed Ali Salim

Table of Contents

Introduction about the Company

Introduction 7

About us 8

Company’s Business Overview

Business Overview 11

Overview about the Market

Market Overview 14

Customer Information 15

Market Information 16

Industry Information 17

Product Information 18

Situational Analysis

SWOT Analysis
about the
Market Survey and Research Analysis


Market Segmentation & Sales Projections

Market Segmentation and Targeting 30

Sales Projections 31

Objectives 32

Marketing Strategy of the Company

Marketing Strategy 34

Product 35
Pricing 37

The Sun considered to humans as the source of safety and the pursuit of sustenance, it is the
source of light at the morning, the grow of foods as well as the source of the moon’s
illumination at night.
But humans were interested and excelled in using non-renewable energy resources, which
caused pollution and damage to the Earth’s climate, such as the hole of the ozone layer and
global warming.
These threaten the entire human population on the planet, which leads to the failure to
achieve sustainable development to preserve future generations, and the right of all
generations to benefit from natural resources on the earth.
Then humans discovered generating electricity from renewable energy such as water and
wind, to generate pure green energy that does not pollute the environment or threaten life on
the planet.
In 1941, the American inventor (Russell Ohl) was able to produce the first solar cell made of
silicon, so the life shining with a new renewable photovoltaic energy, until the resources of
manufacturing solar cells are depleted.
Accordingly, solar cells (photovoltaic) began to be exploited in many aspects of daily life, as
they were used extensively to produce the electrical energy needed to operate satellites in
space and operate space ships that were launched to discover planets and cosmic bodies.
Then began storing this energy in batteries to be used continuously, even at night or when
the sun is absent.
With governments canceling subsidies on electricity and increasing its prices like any
commodity, and its financial burdens that linked to oil and gas prices, especially in countries
that suffer from the impact of their currencies against foreign currency, the desire was
generated and increased to use solar energy to the customers to generate electricity in homes
and commercial purposes.
So, the Investors desire in Spreads and expand the area of service providing companies
increased, after the increase in demand for this type of electricity.

Therefore, the route of this research would be on How to Manage the Marketing of Solar
Energy at Arab Republic of Egypt.

About us

Golden Energy is an Egyptian company working in Solar Energy, headquartered in

Cairo, Egypt, that Supplying, installing complete Solar Systems, offering PV related
Services, which it provides innovative solutions to large segment of different group of
customers in Egypt.

is a domestic company that conduct different bussiness, which provide

more than 20 products used around egypt in solar PV market.
Golden Energy

our values define who we are and how we behave, which includes being
WHO trustworthy, inclusive, competitive and results-oriented.
we are

Golden Energy company is a reflection of their employees who help our

customers to solve their problems with better way using our products.
our profitional

General Information Numbers
500 Employees includes:
120 in Cairo.
100 in Alexandria.
70 in Ismailia.
Employees Number
65 in Faiyum.
65 in Minya.
60 in Luxor.
20 in South Sinai.
Numbers of Products 25 products for many kind of customers.
10 retail outlets are distributing our
retail outlets
products each year Egypt wide .

Our company's vision seeks to: Fresh Thinking and New Solutions for

Satisfied Future and Green Environment

Sample of our products:

Solar garden light with music Stainless Steel Solar Water Heater

Adjustable Solar Panel Mount Racks Solar Water Heater, Capacity: 100 to 500 LPD

Micro Technologies Solar Water Heater 20W to 120W Solar Street Light


The demand of Photovoltaic Energy is moving upward increasingly, which encourage
Business Overview

Golden Energy Company to think about investing in this field, (especially as we mentioned
above the increasing price of the traditional electricity, due to Egyptian government
canceling subsidies), to produce the pure energy (green source of renewable energy) with
minimum cost or cheapest way than the others, and preserves the environment for a healthy
and safe life.
Therefore, People will be pushed to change the way to get a different electricity source,
which is cheapest, no needs to pay monthly electricity bills, and avoiding unexpected power

Golden Energy Company has a professional work team with different Expertise as
Consultants, Engineers, and Technicians at Solar energy field to meet business requirements
via implementing complete solar energy Systems, Suppliers, and PV Services such as:
- Solar Power System from survey to installation.
- Standby Generators.
- Solar Heaters.
- photovoltaic panels
- Charge Controller
- battery
- inverter
- Deals with all parts of solar components.
- Customers technical support through maintenance of our products and the others.
There are 4 main components that make up a complete Solar Energy System :
1- Solar Panel or photovoltaic panels.
2- Charge Controller.
3- Deep-cycle batteries.
4- Inverters.

The photovoltaic panels are mounted on a solar panel mount structure, collect the sun light
and produce electricity as a DC current, and the generated electricity wired via the charge
controller before the battery bank where it’s stored.
The functions of the charge controller are:
 Avoiding battery overcharging.
 Preventing the revers of current flow goes to the solar panel from the battery at night.
The batteries stores the energy produced by the solar panels through the day for using
anytime (Batteries are available in many sizes and grades).
The inverter converts the DC electricity, which stored in the batteries into 120 or 240 AC
electricity to power on your home appliances.

Golden Energy Company is committed to presents Services and solutions with long-term
reliability, high efficiency, and high quality.
Golden Energy Company is promoting for renewable energy and will limit uses of no-
renewable energy that will be environmental elegant.
We already have all required licenses from the different Government entities, ready to push
our Products and services soon on the market, and the marketing plan will shows that.

Market Overview

Solar Photo Voltaic (Solar PV) Market is a growing market, PV global Market started to
grow rapidly since 2010, the following chart illustrates the fast increase all over the world,
which lead to significant decrease of solar PV prices due to the mass production conducted
by international manufacturing as well as the corresponding innovation raised by multiple
research institutions in this regard.

about the
The future sustainability of solar PV global market growth laying on the following statistics:

 Solar Energy contribution still represent 3% from the total worldwide generated

 Expected Solar Energy growth is about 200 GWh every year, which represents around
4 times of current total Egyptian electricity capacity, this expectation was based on
continuous subsidy polices especially in India and Middle East regions.

 The global average cost of solar PV production become less than the cost of
production from traditional generation technology of electricity consumption using
fossil fuels, which pursue the future growing of solar system usages.

 Some international studies said that in 2050 the expected electricity usage in
transportation sector over the world will increase to 70% in passenger’s transportation
and 43% in other transportation needs, while the expected electricity usage in water
and space heating will increase to 68%.

Egyptian Solar PV Market is expected to conduct a sustainable growth based on Egyptian
New & Renewable Energy Authority (NREA). The following figure illustrates the expected
change in Egyptian generated energy mix from different energy sources (from 2022 to 2035),
the figure shows how the solar PV market will be heavily demanded.

Customer Information
Solar energy has evidently become the trend in renewable energy. It represents a clean,
green source of energy. Solar energy is a great way to reduce carbon footprint. Solar
energy does not release any greenhouse gasses, and except for needing a source of clean
water to function, it uses absolutely no other resources. Hence, it’s safe and
environmentally friendly.
Solar energy is self-sufficient and installing solar panels on customer roof is a safe and
easy path to contribute to a sustainable future. Starting on customer property is a great
way to show his care about the environment, reducing electricity cost, recycling …etc.
Since the total demand of Egyptian electricity consumption divided into six aggregated
sectors “Customer Groups” (Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Governmental,
Agricultural, Public Utilities and Others), “our Company” develop plans to target three
distinct Customer Groups:
Demand Side projects (Low Voltage level):

 Residential Sector: We focus on households especially who live in compounds and

new buildings and have a wide space either on the roof or an empty space to establish
the solar energy system and benefits from reducing electricity cost, clean environment
and increase value of their property.

 Commercial and Industrial Sectors:

Organizations work on reducing cost and get the maximum profit due to run their
business, through implementing solar energy they can do so, in addition to gain
emission credits and adopt corporate social responsibility, furthermore create
additional jobs for skilled workers, and consequently keeps.

Supply Side projects (High Voltage level):
 Utility-Scale:
Which is a solar power as greater than 1 megawatt, it is larger than the case of
commercial and industrial, and it can supply energy to large facility and can be feed
in the grid. Territories and huge corporations can benefit from utility-scale solar
projects, which are reliable, clean and stabilizing energy prices and keep them for a
long time, utility-scale solar does not waste any energy power by adding extra power
to batteries for distributing them later.

Renewables 2020 - Analysis and forecast to 2025 – International Energy Agency

Market Information

Egyptian Solar PV market contains different kind of customer groups which can be classified
based on scale of usage (Required power capacity size and the feed-in voltage level). The
most commercial and popular projects in this market are related to customer groups who
need to install any Solar system below “500 KW” such as households and small- and
medium-size enterprises (Public/Private Universities and Schools, Malls, Clubs ...etc.).
Egyptian Solar PV market for small scale users supported by so many local and international
entities. Egyptian Government initiatives develop a market for small and decentralized solar
PV projects by ensuring adequate returns on private sector investments. Some financial
support for these kinds of projects carried out by the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP), Global Environment Facility (GEF) and acts as the GEF Implementing
Agency and Industrial Modernization Centre (IMC).
Egyptian solar PV market growth depends mainly on the naturel yearly growth of Egyptian
electricity network demand. The total expected Egyptian electricity consumption demand
divided into six aggregated sectors (Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Governmental,
Agricultural, Public Utilities and Others). the following table illustrates the future electricity
consumption in Twh by sector during the period (2020 – 2035). the electricity consumption
will increase from 152 TWh in 2020 to 307 TWh in 2035.
2020 2035

The solar PV market in Egypt consists of many competitive companies, which compete on
different Solar PV related businesses such as (Manufacturers, Suppliers, Complete Solar
Systems, Installers, and PV Services). They are classified and licensed in Egypt according to
the type of business that they provide, one company may provide a supplier and service
businesses only while another company provide all types of business mentioned above.
Golden Energy is competing with more than 300 local licensed companies working in
Egypt to provide different kind of businesses related to solar PV market.
Golden Energy had established many projects to customer groups mainly who need to
install Solar systems below “500 KW” such as households Public/Private Universities,
Schools, Malls, Clubs ...etc.). Some published statistics shows the past evolution of solar PV
market last decade such as (9000 MW installed capacity for solar PV projects, 200 small
solar PV Projects, 120 million L.E of direct investments in solar PV projects, 9000 Ton
reduction in CO2 emissions. Golden Energy had a significant contribution in developing
some of these projects in Egyptian solar PV market.
Golden Energy have a competitive advantage in solar PV market with respect to other
companies for delivering high innovative products/solutions as well as remarkable after sales
services based on last customer satisfaction survey.

Industry Information

The main technique of the Photovoltaic (PV) cells is to convert solar energy into direct
current electricity through semiconductor materials that display the photovoltaic effect.
Using solar panels made up of a number of solar cells a photovoltaic system supply usable
solar energy. To make the production of solar panels easier, cheaper, smaller, more elegant
and more convenient for customers, recently, a lot of research has been done in this field. A
lot of efforts are being exerted to increase the efficiency of solar panels. Various
technologies such as Nano-crystalline solar cells, thin-film processing, polymer processing
and many more are expected to help in the future of this industry.

Due to the huge demand for electricity in the future with the rising population in all
countries of the world, and with the increasing demand there will be a continuous rise in
electricity bills as well; This makes millions of people, especially those who live in sunny
climates, are keen to take advantage of solar energy technologies, and because the panels
have become more efficient and less expensive; Solar installations increasingly make sense
just about anywhere; So we can say that the astonishing growth of solar energy provides
great opportunities for a group of innovative entrepreneurs.

Table (1) shows that the world's
top ten companies. According to PV
info database, they supplied
shipments of about 114.1 gigawatts of
solar panels last year, controlling
81.5% of demand. The top five
suppliers experienced significant
growth in shipments, with shipments
increasing over 30% year-over-year
compared to 2019. The trend points to
the increasing dominance of major
manufacturers in the solar industry as
well as the continued outperformance
of Chinese suppliers in manufacturing
and quantitative distribution.
Solar energy companies in
Egypt are constantly increasing, thanks to the spread and growth of solar energy technology.
As part of the solar energy market in Egypt, which includes about 300 companies working in
the manufacture and supply of solar energy products and services, Golden Energy seeks to
be present strongly in this promising market, as we are currently focusing on supplying
products that are characterized by high efficiency in terms of components and lifespan, in
addition to price excellence. Our strategic target is to reach a market share which makes us
among the top 10 companies working in this field in Egypt.

Product Information

Golden Energy has been in the market for 3 years and we have a diverse portfolio of
solar energy products that we supply, which are as follows
Golden Energy introduces two types of solar panels that are the most commercially
viable: mono-crystalline silicon panels, and polycrystalline silicon panels. The
appropriate technology is selected for each customer according to
the amount of potential sunlight, geographic location and
financial requirements.
 (SONNENSTÄRK 320-330WE) Mono-crystalline Panels:
The latest German technology is used in all its manufacturing
processes, certified materials from the best manufacturers in the

world, to ensure exceptional unit quality, and high reliability. All units undergo deep testing
processes, and are assembled by highly trained professionals. Have
a consistent appearance, which indicates the purity of silicon
crystals, and their warranty is 15 years.

 (Trina PV MODULE TSM-PE15H) Polycrystalline Silicon

Half cut cell design brings higher efficiency with improved
power output under shaded conditions between rows. Has a built-in
LRF for increased performance characterized by Low thermal
coefficients for higher power output at higher operating
temperatures. Warranty is 15 years.

 B
Inverters and Solar Lights:

 SME MS2-72 cells made of galvanized iron (prepared
galvanized) according to standard specifications, with clamps
(middle and end clamps), carrying (30) solar panels (72
cells), and their multiples per row, including bolts and nuts,
the chassis is 2.5 mm thick, except for the beam 2 mm.

 SME MS1 made of galvanized iron (ready galvanized, acid

ready, EU, more than 70 microns, glossy galvanized,
hardness 37), holds two (2) solar panels (60/72 cells) poly or
mono-PERC, all capacities.

 Solar Water Heaters:

 HSSS 200L FLAT PLATE distributes thermal siphon systems manufactured by the
internationally known production facility German Ritter Group. It has been developed
so that it can be easily installed and operated. These systems are mainly operated in
regions with a high solar radiation and a good water quality.

 HSSS 300L VACCUME TUBE Thermosiphon systems manufactured by LINUO

RITTER group combine advantages from the classic thermo siphon principle with
high-performance flat plate assembly technology. Vacuum tubes are based on the
principle of a thermos flask and consist of two concentric glass tubes and a vacuum
tube to prevent heat loss.

New Products

Since Golden Energy seeks to reach a

higher share in the Egyptian market after the
success we have achieved in the past years, we
are in the process of supplying new products in
the market after our success in obtaining a
contract with a pioneer company in solar

What’s new? We are striving to provide the latest technologies

available in solar energy field. Therefore, we have always been keen
to investigate the opinions of our customers not only about our
products, but also about what new and innovative solutions they
dream to have.

Two new products are our new marketing

 SUNPAD SOLAR PANELS with built-in

This module of solar panels is cost-effective. It is
distinguished from the available types as it comes
with a built-in battery and has a life span of up to
15 years. The customer will not have to buy a
separate battery and change it every 3 years, as is
the case in the currently deployed solar panels. In
addition to have two value proposition “Improved
efficiency for the new product module and a cost
reduction by 15% for the initial cost of the integrated module compared with buying two
products separately”.


It is the world’s latest solar heater with revolutionary technology and unbeatable price. By
integrating the heat carrier tank into the insulation, which contains all components at the
same time, it is the most compact solar system available in the market, which introduces
multiple value propositions as follow:

 SUNPAD turns the solar world by saving 80% of the electricity energy compared with
traditional electric water heaters.
 SUNPAD is less expensive and an unbeatable price-performance ratio.
 User-friendly pleasing than any previous
heater system on the planet.
 SUNPAD is coming with groundbreaking
technology surpasses the competition.
 SUNPAD coming with 5 years’ warranty.

SWOT Analysis:
-To understand more about the internal and external factors that will effect of the company,
we will use SWOT analysis:

Skilled laborers.
High Initial Cost "lack of start-up finance".
Our products can be easily placed on houses
Can't predictable market growth beyond the 2
and public building.
MW target of solar energy.
Competitive prices.
Environmental benefits.
.Ease of usage all of our solar products.
Very high gross margins.
Ability to sell products online.
High quality of products.


Solar energy is one of the most important sources

of unlimited free energy available on the planet. If solar energy systems become more popular in
Free network integration with national electricity Egypt, more competitors may emerge.
grid for small projects "from 1 kilowatt to 500 Delays in energy market.
kilowatts". Mandatory planned electricity price "limited
Increasing gap between energy supply and flexibility in pricing".
demand. Health risks: some investigation reported that waste
Increasing worldwide awareness of Climate from the used solar panels presents a worldwide
Change. environmental danger.
Promising green industry. The performance of photovoltaic panels can be
Rapidly decrease of PV price around the world. affected by Dust and low raining.
Recognition from the government. Corona virus repercussions
High Barriers to entry the market that will Cheaper Chinese alternatives / copies.
decrease our competitor's numbers.

Market Survey and Research Analysis

Golden Energy conducted a Marketing Research by defining the Marketing Research

components as shown in figure.

First, (Define the Problem, the Decision Alternatives, and the Research
Objectives). Golden Energy defined the problem that faces Egyptian
households and other group of customers regarding their electricity
consumption. The electricity bill is one of the main things that occupy the
minds of many people, as it is linked to the home budget, and on which
other expenses related to home affairs are determined. People are
constantly striving to find appropriate solutions to reduce the cost of the
electricity bill by saving electricity consumption to get rid of the burden of
increasing energy prices. Since problem was defined, the research
objective was made to focus on “exploratory/qualitative” type of research
objectives through asking the questions “what is the level of awareness for
different customers’ classes about the green energy in general” and “what
exactly will attract them to engage the transformation of using the new
renewable technologies such as solar energy”.

Second, Developing the Research Plan, the decision was taken about the data sources (use
Both Secondary and Primary “Fresh” data source), research approaches (using Surveys),
research instruments (using Questionnaires), sampling plan (Cluster Random Sampling”),
and contact method (Online Questionnaire).
The following paragraphs will illustrate the different data source collection processes and
implementation of remaining steps for the marketing research procedures and related
analysis and findings.

Market Research Analysis Based on “Secondary Data source”:

Golden Energy conducted a market research analysis using “Secondary Data source, which
were available on the internet to cover the marketing research related topics to answer the
most common and popular question about solar energy “what is the level of awareness for
different customers’ classes about the green energy in general”. the free available survey
results were based on 10 questions to evaluate the level of social awareness and acceptance
related to solar energy in Egypt. survey results were based on 1000 online random sample.
Although 1000 respondents were not a large number, survey results still represent positive
view against solar energy. The overwhelming majority of respondents were aware that Egypt
has a high solar potential, and more than 50% respondent were ready to engage the
transformation to new renewable technologies which offered in market as shown in the
following figures.

Golden Energy also conducted a market research analysis for several topics related to solar
market, topics discussed the current situation in Egypt for fuel subsidy removal plans, which
will enhance the future use of green energy as well as the increasing environmental
restrictions of carbon dioxide and nitric oxide emissions which will promote the use of
renewable energy. There is a promising potential to use solar energy in very far farms, slums
and other activity in remote areas where it is difficult to connect to the electricity national

grid, also there are new policies which encourage the off-grid use “network unbundling or
isolated distribution areas” which will mainly depend on bulk solar and wind energy
projects. Some researchers found strong need for using solar panels as safe alternative
“supply backup” to meet the electricity needs for schools, universities hospitals, and other
facilities, it is known as Feed-In-Tariff program, where anyone can build and own a solar
plant to sell electricity to the electricity grid “profitable project”.

Finally, from an economic point of view, green energy can provide a remarkable customer
value proposition, since it was found that one kind of solar technology called “Solar Water
Heater (SWH)” is simply an energy efficient technology which benefits the community in
the long run. Solar water heater might incur relatively high purchasing cost with respect to
electric water heater initial cost. However, due to low operating and maintenance cost, solar
water heaters cover its initial cost “payback period”. So, in the long run it will be cost-
effective alternative. Generally, payback period means that the number of years required
recovering the cost of the initial investment in SWH. SWH will cover its initial cost
compared with the usage of electric water heart after 2 years and 4 years in case of using gas
water heater. Then customer will enjoy free hot water during the remaining lifetime for solar
water heater.

Market analysis based on “Primary Data source “Customer Insights”:

Golden Energy decided to conduct Customer Insights research, so a new survey has been
created based on online marketing research through Google forms, to improve company
understanding for the market needs and consumer behavior in addition to the good
understanding of their preferences. The responses of online survey are available on this link:

According to the below figures for customer insights results, which represent 79 respondents
who did the above-mentioned survey. The ages are varying, but the most of our respondents
ages are between 35-44 represents the youth which gave a good indicator because of
expected youth curiosity, and they are future oriented and being proficient in dealing with
new technology. Research findings showed that household uses are the highest in consuming
electrical energy by 98,7% of respondents which means Egyptian households are concerned
about Rationalizing energy consumption and reducing the monthly electricity bill and burden
of family budget. about 79.5% of the respondents showed positive attitude towards Use of
solar energy and its product. about 55,7% of the respondents agree to buy solar water heater
if they have a good bank loan to pay the purchase cost because they believe if they want to
sell their current home, they can include the cost of their new solar water heating system
upgrading the homes energy efficiency help improve the resale value .also, about 92.4% of
respondents accept to replace electric water heater with solar water heater If it is
economically viable in terms of reduction the value of monthly electric bill represent 84,8%
of responses, reducing the monthly electricity bill that will afford monthly fund installment
for new solar water heater represent 64,6% of responses, free installation & maintenance
represent 87,3% of response.

Customer Insights:

Did you know that using a solar water heater will reduce Age?
the value of your monthly electric bill?
Responses 79

Yes 
No 

What is the purpose of your electricity consumption? What solar energy applications do you prefer to
Responses 79 Responses 79

 Solar thermal
 Households  Photovoltaic
 School  Both
 Industrial  Neither
 Clubs
 Mall
 Commercial facility

Would you agree to buy a solar water heater if you have a Did you know that the value of the reduction in
good loan to pay the purchase cost? the value of electricity bill will pay you monthly
Responses 79 installment to pay the soft loan to purchase the
new solar heater until the end of the loan?
Responses 79

• Yes  Yes
• No  No

If the cost of installing your solar water heater would be Would you accept to replace your electric water
free would that encourage you to buy it? heater with a solar water heater if it is
Responses 79 economical to do so?
Responses 79

 Yes
 No

• Yes
• No

Market Segmentation and Targeting

Based on Market survey and research analysis and findings, Golden Energy will focus on
very specific market segments, which are highly promising to be attracted. Golden Energy
made its market segmentation based on geographical segmentation criteria, since it will first
start focusing on customers who is currently in the most popular and crowded cites (Cairo &
Alexandra) to increase purchasing opportunities (High level income and more
modernization/green oriented people), also Behavioral Segmentation criteria will be used to
classify “User and Usage-Related Variables/ Buyer-Readiness Stage”, so some specific
segments of customers are selected and targeted (Households, Public and private
Universities/Schools, Clubs and Malls).

Using the secondary data source “The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics
(CAPMAS)” to define the potentials of targeted customer/segment (Target segment per
City), since this kind of data can enable any organizations to predict future business
practices and lead it effectively. Generally, research results and official statistics can
describe market opportunities (locations, readiness, willingness, sales projection...etc.) for
different kind of purposes such as advertising, set prices, and respond to changes in
consumer demand.

The following table illustrates the targeted customer/segment statistics, which Golden
Energy will focus on, data provided by (CAPMAS) which is the official statistical agency of
Egypt that collects, processes, analyzes, and disseminates statistical data.


Segment Households Malls Schools Clubs


Cairo 2596291 641 4970 67

Alexandria 1331422 80 2409 104

No. Universities 54 (28 public – 26 private) Customer Category

Sales Projection

Based on the targeted customer/segment statistics, Golden Energy sales projection for the
new innovative product has been developed for the next 5-years, the most important
assumption for sales projection calculations is "Customer Engagement Factor (%)”, company
assumption was made based on market research surveys and analysis for both secondary data
and primary data source “customer insights”. There is another factor called “No. of
Product/Customer”, which assumed based on customer category usage. Since Golden Energy
had the sufficient experience in this regard, it assumed the average number of Products
needed for each customer category as shown in the following table. According to the
estimated product price, which will be discussed in the product pricing part, Golden Energy
can estimate the future revenues for the new product.

First Year - SUNPAD Sales Projection

Customer/Category Households Schools Malls Clubs Universities

Cairo 2,596,291 4970 641 67
Alexandria 1,331,422 2409 80 104
Total 3,927,713 7,379 721 171 54
Customer Engagement
0.05% 2% 1% 1% 2%
Factor (%)
Estimated NO. of
1,964 148 7 2 1
No. of
1 4 6 10 15

Total Sales 1,964 590 43 17 15

Five Year - SUNPAD Sales Projection

Product Sales Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Total Sales
2,630 2,892 3,182 3,500 3,850
(10% Yearly Growth)


Golden Energy has identified three types of objectives that are the main aims and goals for
the organization. As following:
1. Business Objectives

 To become the pioneer solar energy installation and vendor company and cooperating
in improving solar energy industry.
 To increase profits by 12% by the end of this year.
 To attain more profits from participating in medium projects while the next year then
in large projects within the year after.

2. Financial Objectives

 Increase the company profits to one million pound annually by the end of the next
 Increase the company profits to 1.7 million pound at the end of next two years.
 Open new branches to serve the potential clients at Aswan, Red Sea and Port Said by
the next 3 years.

3. Marketing Objectives

 Increase our market share by 10% by the end of next year.

 Focus on our target segments especially the small capacity with quick response and
high quality to establish our special brand positioning in the market.
 Expand our target markets in current cities to other cities started with Aswan.
 Position ourselves as the pioneer and the lead innovator company in Egypt.

Marketing Strategy

Golden Energy have developed an incentive marketing strategy based on different
marketing dimensions, which will focus mainly on how Golden Energy will provide the
most distinctive best experience for its customers, and to become the first pioneer to market
for its product. Golden Energy will introduce the new innovative solar water heater to the
Egyptian water heater market based on the following pillars:

1. Product & Services Mix and Quality Differentiation:

New innovative solar water heater “SUNPAD” will provide an exclusive value
propositions for its customers throughout the most remarkable new and advanced product
features, in addition to 5-years warranty, which represent higher warranty duration than
market average, also Golden Energy will provide free product shipping and installation.

2. Introduce Unbeatable Price-Performance Ratio:

Golden Energy will provide the best price-performance ratio “the most attractive sales
driver”, which will make it easy for a regular customer to make fast judgment to choose
SUNPAD while comparing its cost benefits with other competitors.
3. Focus on Target Market Segment:
Based on Market survey and research analysis and findings, Golden Energy will focus
on very specific market segments, which are highly promising to be attracted. Since
company market segmentation based on geographical segmentation criteria, since
Golden Energy will first start focusing on customers who is currently in the most popular
and crowded cites (Cairo & Alexandra), also Behavioral Segmentation criteria will be
used to classify “User and Usage-Related Variables / Buyer-Readiness Stage”, so some
specific segments of customers are determined (Households, Public and private
Universities/Schools, Clubs and Malls).
4. Establish New Market Channels:
Golden Energy will construct new market distribution channels for the new innovative
product “SUNPAD” to reach its target market segments in addition to its existing market
channels for its products. Golden Energy will directly communicate with customers
using the best practices and the most advanced techniques in this regard.
5. Increase Customer Awareness with Government Support “Funding Facilities”:
Golden Energy will encourage its customers to buy the new innovative product not only
by offering a remarkable value propositions but also the government support for using
green energy in general, since Egyptian government offers great support to encourage
individuals to transfer to green energy using national bank fund facilities with attractive
interest rate and longtime payment with respect to other funds.

6. Commitment of What Company Granted:
Golden Energy will keen to keep each word promised by the company for its customers,
starting from first customer communication with the company and ended by outstanding
after sales company services.


SUNPPAD solar heater is an

exceptional and totally new
solar system. By integrating
the heat carrier tank into the
insulation, which encompasses
all supporting parts at the same
time, it is the most compact
solar system available on the
SUNPAD solar heaters have
some distinctive offerings as follows:
 Innovative technology: SUNPAD All-in-one-compact solar water system is a pioneering
technology turns the solar world upside down by saving 80% of the electricity energy
compared with conventional electric water heaters. The core value of buying this heater
is to cut off electricity energy costs by almost 80%.

 Unique Design: Compared to previous heaters, the unit has a pleasing aesthetic design,
comes with an additional heat rod that accelerate heating twice faster than other solar

 Smaller size and lighter weight: the most compact solar system available on the market.
The unit and its integrated components weighs only 63 kg, which is 10 kg less than any
other heater. This means easy and different mounting possibilities.

 Domestic fresh hot water treated free of bacteria. Buying our product means you are
investing in your health.
 User friendly: the system is maintenance-free, due to the small number of components
 Environmentally friendly: If you are interested in environmental and sustainability
issues, you will definitely find what you need in our product. We can reduce the CO2
emission by one SUNPAD which corresponds to 100 huge planted trees.
 Best price: SUNPAD will provide the best price-performance ratio.

Our company Golden Energy will provide:
 5-years warranty, which represents higher warranty duration than market average
 Free product shipping and installation.
 Continuous supply chain and the associated reliable delivery.
 Payment in installments with zero interest up to one year.

Product & Services Mix and Quality Differentiation

Revolutionary Energy & Flexible &

Complete System Cost Efficiency User-friendly

compact system Low price Fast and easy installation

High performance Short payback period Plug and play system

Innovative idea free shipping Light weight

Flat or pitched roof

aesthetic Unique design Optimized packaging


Golden Energy is fully aware that customers are not anymore price takers, as the Internet
has significantly changed the way buyers react. They are well informed about prices and get
instant price comparisons online from thousands of suppliers, so their purchase decisions are
mainly subject to how they perceive prices. Pricing is a key competitive factor and is the
only element of marketing mix that produces revenues; in order to decide where to position
our product SUNPAD on quality and price we were keen to go through organized steps in
setting price.

Setting the price:

Selecting Determining Estimating Analyzing Selecting
Objective Demand Cost Competitors Final Price

1. Selecting Objective:

We are targeting to maximize our market share through market-penetration pricing.

SUNPAD will be set at the lowest possible price, taking into consideration the brand
image of our Austrian product, that a higher sales volume is expected which will lead to
lower unit costs and higher long-run profits. The market of solar water heaters is highly
price sensitive and the low price we offer stimulates market growth and at the same time
it will discourage actual and potential competitors. The revolutionary features introduced
in SUNPAD are the beginning of potential explosive growth due to the decrease in
technology costs, which will allow consumers to afford and utilize the new technology.

2. Determining Demand

SUNPAD solar water heater is a unique product that brings together revolutionary
complete system, energy and cost efficiency, and high performance. Depending on the
conducted survey, we found that customers set priority to achieve cut in their electricity
bills, and they are ready to shift their conventional water heaters with solar one as long as
the cost of buying the solar water heater will be refunded through electricity bills cuts
and there is easy payment terms. buying SUNPAD solar water heater will cut off
electricity costs of water heating by almost 80%. We will offer our clients the ability to
pay in installments up to one year with zero interest, and thus they can easily afford it.

3. Estimating costs

Depending on our break-even point analysis to achieve our target of market-penetration

pricing we assigned the lowest per month overhead costs to SUNPAD which include
payroll, rent, utilities, and an estimation of other variable costs. Our price of 9,000 EGP
per unit is based on average cost of 7,650 EGP, and a minimum gross profit margin of
approximately 15%.

4. Analyzing competitors' prices

Golden Energy takes competitors’ costs, prices, and possible reactions into
consideration. The price of our product SUNPAD compared to some competitors’ prices
is shown in the following table. Generally, the unique features introduced in SUNPAD
are incomparable to any other solar water heater in the market. Thanks to the new
technology developed in SUNPAD the complete compact system has reduced the cost of
producing it by almost 40% compared to the existing solar water heaters. Accordingly,
other solar water heaters can be easily eliminated from the competition, while the only
thing we have to take into consideration is that those competitors have been in the
Egyptian market for 10 years and have their own customers.



Price LE 9,000 10,000 11,500 14,300

5. Selecting a pricing method

Golden Energy estimated the lower possible cost which is 7650 and set a small profit
margin at 15% therefore SUNPAD price will be:
{Mark up price = 7650/ (1- 0.15) = 9,000}
We prefer to adopt value pricing method in setting SUNPAD price, as we are aiming to
win loyal customers and a large number of value-conscious buyers by charging a fairly
low price for a high-quality offering.
 Golden Energy’s Costs per unit SUNPAD, delivery and installation is 7650 EGP
 Competitors' average price is 11,900 EGP.
Based on the analysis of the competitors’ prices in the market, sales projection, and our
costs we conduct that SUNPAD price is to be 9,000 EGP which is a competing price
versus its features.
6. Selecting final price

One element Golden energy has taken into consideration in selecting the final price that
buyers may refuse our product, if they perceive a high level of risk that we will not
deliver the full promised value. Therefore, we offer a refund if the product does not
meet our client expectations. SUNPAD final price will be 9,000 LE.

Distribution (Marketing Channels)

Golden Energy will construct new market distribution channels for the new innovative
product “SUNPAD” to reach its target market segments and obtain better market
Golden Energy will use the Integrated Multichannel Marketing Systems taking into
accounts minimum expectation of marketing channels conflict as follow:
Online Marketing: Golden Energy subscribed to the most popular solar energy website
called “Egyptian Solar Energy Market” which collect all kinds of businesses related to
solar market (Manufacturers, Suppliers, Installers, Other Service Providers), so the new
innovative product “SUNPAD” is available for customers and other retailers stated with
full technical and financial information. Also, Golden Energy will offer its product
“SUNPAD” on Souq and noon “the most famous Online Shopping Stores in Egypt”, in
addition to Golden Energy own website.
Renting Temporary Sales Office in Large Market Retailers: Golden Energy will
rent a space from one month in very remarkable locations in Carrefour branches “Cairo
and Alexandria”. Company sales representer (Face to Face) will disseminate new product
brochure and explain the features and technical specification and the feasibility of using
company product and other product service mix offered by the company.
Door to Door Sales: Since Golden Energy is targeting big firms like Public and private

Universities/Schools, Clubs and Malls). Sales representatives.

Company Owned Stores: The new company product is offered also in company owned
stores in some specific addresses which are listed in the company website and product
brochures, since Golden Energy is classified as Brick and click company.


Golden Energy is concerning about adopting high communication bridges with its
customers and raising their awareness of company products and services through
promotion. We have the innovation to induce new clients from all the country to buy our
products and services without any defect on our current clients whom we diligent to keep
on making good relations and best services for them. Golden Energy will use the
advertising to enhance its public image and to show the distinct & differentiation of its
products and services, furthermore using promotion methods to show wide information on
using , high technology ,new features , perspectives and the adding value of product and

Golden Energy Promotion is consists of the following elements:

1. Website
2. Advertising
3. Personal selling
4. Sales promotion
5. Direct marketing
6. Social media
7. Events and experiences
8. Public relations
Website is considered one of the widest and fastest communication way with customers,
which can serve clients on anytime and reach them anywhere; Golden Energy website has
the following features:
 The Website is displaying in two languages, Arabic and English.
 Golden Energy website has live chat available 24/7 to deal with the client all the day
over the whole week.
 The website contains videos, brochures and publications to help new and existing
 Golden Energy has an easy using platform, which has a single interface that the client
can reach to any information easily on time with updated information.

 The website has high performance in searching, browsing and downloading
 The clients can inquiry, request, order, make payments through Golden Energy

Golden Energy advertisement channels are consists of four types as following:
 Display Ads are visual and in little text such as banners ads and digital billboards ads,
that exist by posts, search pages, websites, etc.
 Video Ads are spread widely in digital marketing, they are entertaining and eye-
catching, the content which the consumer watching is relevant to the ad itself.
 Mobile Ads are became an increasingly trends as more people using mobile media and
apps and looking for online contents in a simple way and quick time such as videos,
apps, display, searches and social ads.
 Native Ads are simple and can be included in a content as short and clear ads without
disruptive or negative impact. Native ads can be posts, videos, photos, etc.

Personal selling
Golden Energy’s salesmen meet the consumers face to face in this promotion element,
they are working on persuading the clients by describe the benefits for having our products
and services to satisfy their needs, expectations and what value will be added to them
especially in the main retails networks and channels.

Sales Promotion
Golden Energy sometimes tend to boost the demand of products and services for a short
time to attract new customers, increase the market share, sell new products, preserve
competitive advantages, or sell in a declining season.
Gold Energy sales promotion types:
 Free accessories
 Bonus-pack
 Bulk Deals

 Limited time discount
 Free gifts
 Loyalty or membership rewards

Direct Marketing
Golden Energy present in this case information about products and services directly to its
customers without intermediaries (zero-level channel) as following:
 Call to get extra information about products or services.
 Visit Golden Energy website or branches.
 Subscribe to our mailing lists.
 Requesting a quote for products or services.

Social Media
Golden Energy is using social media to connect with its customers for the following:
 Make the company’s content shared and widely spread.
 Listening to and engaging with company audience.
 Eye-catching the company audience with visuals.
 Sharing the company’s content at anytime from anywhere.
 Enhancing the company’s content through highly mobile uses.

Events and experiences

Golden Energy usually make and participate in ordinary events locally or abroad
especially the ones which is adopting green power usages and energy saving by
differentiating ourselves to show our innovative products and services for increasing our
current and potential customers’ awareness and engagement through interacting and
personal basis .

Public relations
Golden Energy has a large number of publicity relations with government, universities,
famous clubs, etc. we are working on the enhancement of our brand image and reputation to
the public and the media and make our company more helpful, interesting and attractive for
our current and prospected clients.

After-sale customer surveys
Golden Energy make surveys by contacting its clients through phone or emails after sales
to get feedback about the company and its products and services for improvements,
customer satisfaction, loyalty and engaging brand relationship.

Operational Plan

Golden Energy defines functions and activities to achieve its objectives in a timeline and
determines the responsibility for each part of the company through operation plan, which
includes the following:
Main Objective
Become the pioneer solar energy installation and vendor company and cooperating in improving solar
energy industry.
Functions Actions Objectives Responsibility TimeLine
Developing current and new
Procurement products and their Become the solar energy
Import dept. 1 year
and logistics components deals with our pioneer
Contracting, registration, Provide the legal
Legal Affairs Legal dept. 6 months
Licenses for each deal. situation.
Position ourselves as the
Expand current and new Marketing
Marketing pioneer and the lead 1 year
market channels dept.
Developing website,
Provide information to
Information software, mobile apps for
reach our clients IT dept. 3 month
Technology interacting with current and
anywhere and anytime.
potential customers.
Hire and training new staff
Provide the company
Workforce and developing current staff 1 year
with high skilled team HR dept.
Cash flow for contracting,
Finance Provide funds on time Finance dept. 1 year
equipment, and workforce.

Increase profits by 12% by the end of this year.

Expand current and new Increase sales by 1.3% Marketing

Marketing 12 months
market channels monthly dept.
Hire 4 salespersons, 2 in our
2 weeks
main cities. Support sales team with
Development current staff skilled salespersons. HR dept.
3 months
Cash flow for hiring, training,
Finance Provide funds on time Finance dept. 3 months
Attain more profits from participating in medium projects while the next year then in large projects
within the year after.
Enhance our market offers in Increase sales in medium 1 year
medium projects projects by 10%
Marketing Marketing
Enhance our market offers in Increase sales in large
large projects projects by 12% yearly
Hire skilled sales
Support sales team with
Workforce skilled sales HR dept. 3 months
Development current staff
Finance Cash flow for hiring. Provide funds on time Finance dept. 3 months
Updating website pages and Provide information to
software for interacting with reach our clients IT dept. 1 month
current and new customers. anytime.
Customer Enhance dealing with current Customer
High customer services. 1 month
Service and new clients. dept.

Open new branches to serve the potential clients at Aswan, Red Sea and Port Said by the next 3 years.

Expand current and new Marketing

Marketing Increase sales by 3% Yearly
market channels dept.
Hire team for each branch,
which includes 1 marketing Support new each branch
Workforce Yearly
manager, 2 salespersons, 2 with sufficient team. HR dept.
customer service, etc.
Finance Cash flow for rent, hiring, Provide funds on time Finance dept. Yearly

training, equipment.
Updating website pages and
Provide information to
Information software for interacting with
reach our clients IT dept. Yearly
Technology. new customers through each
Contracting, registration, Provide legal
Legal Affairs Legal dept. Yearly
Licenses for each branch. establishment.

Direct Marketing

Golden Energy will depend mainly on Direct marketing “Zero-level channel”, which
represents the most effective marketing methods, Direct marketing consists of different
customer routes such as (face to face sales, telemarketing, and owned stores). Household
Customers will have an informative high-quality and elegant brochure regarding all product
specifications and distinctive features and company contact information for more details, this
can be achieved by distributing product brochure in malls, clubs, and other popular places.
The brochure coming with printed coupon code for free product shipping and installation to
encourage household customers.

Since Golden Energy is targeting also big firms like Public and private
Universities/Schools, Clubs and Malls). Sales representatives will arrange some interviews
for “VIP Treatment” to identify multiple value proposition for the new product and provide
the cost benefit analysis to promote the purchasing of new product, also give the necessary
awareness of governmental funding facilities. Sales representatives will offer free product
trial for big firms “Small unite” as a pilot project to ensure the expected outcomes with
measurable performance. Special discount will be available for large product orders.
Word of mouth direct marketing will increase credibility for new product and getting
insights feedback which will enhance the direct marketing process as well.


Golden Energy Company seeks to:

Reach to a huge segment of her customers

Increase sales of her products

By using several kinds of Advertising as part of a marketing program.





At general, Advertising plays an important role at the stages of marketing process in our
company like:

Helping to increase awareness of our products which leads for achieve

a huge sales force or selling directly.

Through our own retail outlets and other retail outlets we use to
distribute our products, so we use advertising to make our consumers
aware about our product availability and increase sales from the

Our products should be part of a consumer’s set of choices, so we use

advertising to make consumers aware of it to become part of their set of

From advertising, we can convince our customers that our products

have a high standard of quality.

Over time, Awareness and preference to our products increase or

decrease, depending on the advertising's weight and it's frequency.

We will do a huge successful advertising campaign to spread our

products specially our new products to attract new customers and
generate more sales by using many advertising options.

We will use the suitable of advertising options for our products, which
depend on our target customers and what is the most effective way to
reach them.

In Golden Energy Company we will use many types for
advertising such as:

Types for Advertising

Paper & Online Newspaper & Specialist magazine ads
TV & Radio ads
Outdoor and transit ads
Direct mail, catalogues and leaflets ads

First: Paper & Online Newspaper & Specialist magazine Ads

 Paper & Online Newspaper:
One of the important ways to advertise our new product
SUNPAD by using newspaper, but it will be dividing between paper &
online newspaper:
-Our responsible team for advertising made a study, by this study
they choose the most familiar newspaper in Egypt "Al_Ahram,
Al_Akhbar, Al_Gomhuria" to put the company's advertisement in

-Also we will put our advertisements in the online newspaper for
them too.
 Specialist magazine ads:
Advertising by specialist magazine can reach to our customers in
easily way and more quickly.
By using magazines, it
gives our advertising multiple
chances to attract attention of
our customers.

These magazines are:

- Alam Al_taqa magazine.
-Petrol magazine.
-Nuclear Energy magazine.
-Alam Al_Kahraba

-Al_Iqtisadi magazine.

Our advertisement "Paper & Online Newspaper & Specialist

magazine ads" will contain four main elements:
 The company's
 Headli
n e by the
name of our
new product
 Some
about the
of our products.
 Illustrations of our products.

Second: TV & Radio Ads

 TV Ads:
One of the most important
manners to advertise our new
product SUNPAD is using TV,
especial ly for making awareness
to the household's segment cause

-Its extensive reach.
- The advantages of sight, sound, movement and color of TV
advertisements which help to persuade the customer to buy our

 Radio Ads:

We can also use the radio as a great way to reach to our target

The advertising team of the company will start to prepare a new

advertising campaign in the radio for our products, by the most famous
radio stations:
- Nogoum FM.
-90.90 FM.

Third: Outdoor and transit ads

This part of adverting depends on: How to advertise outside and
From using Outdoor billboards which can be signs in the road.

we can also use Transit advertising by putting some posters on buses and

After do many studies, we found that large billboards can reach

your message with a strong impact.

Fourth: Direct mail, catalogues and leaflets ads

We try to use all ways to reach to our customers; one of that ways

is Direct mail, which depends on writing to the customers directly.

We will distribute Catalogues, brochures and leaflets to our target area.

Sales promotions

Golden Energy Company seeks to earn loyalty from her current customers and
attract new customers, by increase the quality of the product, do some offers and sales

Golden Energy Company know that sales promotions are one of the most effective
manners of increasing sales, boosting customer satisfaction, and heightening brand
awareness and persuading a target customer to become customers of a business.

Golden Energy Company's business benefits from sales promotions just like her

Make a profit: this promotions create desire for customers to buy the
products in short-term offers its means that the sales will increase

Retain customers: sales promotions it will improve the relation between

our company and the customers in long-term.

Increase our current customer's satisfaction and loyalty to our

company and attract new customers

For that our team in Golden Energy Company chooses some

types of sales promotion for our new product SUNPAD:
 offering some accessories for free:
By offering some accessories for free while customer purchase
our new product SUNPAD, This strategy make customers thinking

to buy the product even they may not have considered to buy it before. We use this offers
with households segment.

 Discounts Sales:
This creates a
sense for our
customers of urgency
among for buying
now, we use this
Discounts with all
segments special
who buying
more than 5 pieces.

Golden Energy Company's Discount Sales

Advertising and promotion through partnership with the government

As a form of advertising and promotion of our company, and to be part of build our
Egyptian government’s, and develop our country, the company contracted with many

Egyptian authorities to support some ministries buildings in the New Administrative Capital
as a free contribution, in the same time it will be promoting to the company’s products.
So the company started to install the new product SUNPAD in the buildings of some
 The Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, which is associated with the
company in many transactions.
 The Ministry of Environment, which strongly welcomed of our offer, cause they
support all environmentally friendly products.
 Ministry of petroleum.
There are also new Negotiations with some other ministries about our offer. This is one of
the most important promotional practices of the company in recent times.

In addition to the company participate by its products in some housing projects for
the middle and poor class at low prices, which helps to promote the company's products

Public Relations

Our Public relations "PR" team seeks to attract new customers and strengthen the
loyalty of existing customers, so they use Well-planned strategies for achieve their target.

Golden Energy Company PR team use advantages of communication channels

unpaid like:
 Local and regional media.
 Internet.
 Business networks.
 Customer relationships.

PR team tries to achieve:

Cultivate relationships with customers.

Build and manage our business's reputation.

Focuses on promoting awareness, attitudes and behavior change.

Communicating with your market to increase awareness of our business.

By this strategy we will do a lot of steps like:

 We will do some TV interviews like "Sahibet Al-Saada" to talk about our company, and
tell a story about the history of the company, talking about our new product SUNPAD
and show the importance of it, in addition to
promote for our products.
 Creating continuous channels of communication
between t he PR team and all distributors and
suppliers, in addition to create other channels to
communicate directly with our customers, to solve any problems, or if there is any
suggestion or vision that may contribute to the development of the company's products.

Online Marketing
By the global awareness about solar energy, the green renewable energy was being a hot
subject on the internet. It became an advantage to the companies
in this field.

It facilitates the Online or digital marketing advertising through

the Internet Social, news or high traffic websites and famous
search engines, mobile applications, and the online stores as a
marketing tool.

Online websites are considered a good reference to the population to know more, increase
their knowledge, and help them to choose the right product, by
adding the terms of the product specifications and information.

Online marketing promotes the companies’ products and pushes the attention of the potential
customers. The awareness and Knowledge creates their interests and desires, and affect their
behaviors to the demand and purchase.

Golden Energy website enable customers to know more about the company products like
specifications, chatting with specialist engineers to help in requesting the proper product and
information related to the implementation and finally to facilities paying online or in-door, to
be more confident about company credibility. Golden Energy Company is registered on The
National website “Solar Market Egypt” which includes the certified Companies in this field
and offers their products to the clients as a guide and link between both sides.

Golden Energy affords marketing budget, which is about 12.5% for next year with an
increase 1.5% over the previous one while the marketing budget will cost Golden Energy
about 525,000 EGP annually, the following table has the breakdown of the annual marketing
plan budget.

Marketing Budget
Date of Cost
Item Measure of Success
Completion (EGP)
Marketplace and customer
11th March 35,000.00 Clear understanding of market activities
Competitors Studies.
Market Segmentation and
Good pricing according to POD, POP and
Targeting. 29th March 40,000.00
correlated attributes/benefits
Value proposition and
Easy using platform.
Website Development 31st March 55,000.00 High performance.
Live chat available 24/7.
Paid search engine advertisement 18 October
50,000.00 7000 websites’ visits through paid links
New distribution channels in Widen display units in distribution networks
28th May 30,000.00
current cities and new one for users’ accessibility.
Increase customers engage by 10% success
Social media and online
marketing including: Facebook, 12th November 60,000.00
Increase posts per week by
Twitter, etc.
reaching 8% engagement
Sales promotion 24th October 35,000.00 Sales incremental by 10%
Brochure printed for
Increase total calls by 5% to call center based
Compounds, Malls, Clubs, 21st September 30,000.00
on brochure
Schools, Universities, etc.
Increase call center ratio, and online search
Radio Advertising 10th October 42,000.00
Personal Selling 12th December 33,000.00 Increase the personal sales by 12%.
Media Advertisements:
Events and experiences 20th December 115,000.00 Advertorial publishing,
Events, Conferences, Seminars, etc.
TOTAL 525,000.00

Action Plan

The following table illustrates how Golden Energy will implement the marketing plan by its
marketing team members based on the completion date mentioned in the above budgeting




Action Who


Start Market Research &
Customer Insights:
Competitors studies, 5th All Marketing Team
Targeting, Value
proposition & Positioning

Website Development
1st Mohamed Hussein - IT
Other sites subscriptions
Paid search engine
4th Marwa

Paid Radio Advertising 6th Sara & Marwa

Conduct new distribution

28th Ahmed
channels contracting
Create accounts and
interact on social media 17th Sara
(Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Start Renting temporary
office in Carrefour malls 15th Khaled
for Personal Selling
Organize Interviews with
targeted clubs, schools, 4th Yasser
Sales promotion for
15th Mohamed Samy
product introduction
Engage and Subscribe to
Events, Conferences, 29 th
19th 13th Khaled & Ahmed
Seminars, etc.

Supporting Documents

Golden Energy Company is a partnership for many brands in the solar energy field, which
considered a famous trademark at the world and Egyptian Market also. The company has a
capital investment budget around 8,000,000 EGP for startup, with 40% were funded by the
owners’ capital injection and the remaining percentage (60%) as shares offered on the
Egyptian Exchange amounts (4,800,000 EGP).


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