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Rich People are diversified, Once they are Rich!

You Get Rich by Focused. Laser-focused !

You also hear peaple talking about this concept called multiple stream of …

What we want is, multiple stream of …. Passive Income !

Broke Harv, He scattered his energies.

Rich Harv is Laser-focused.

Focus is Power

Power is the ability to do and therefore succeed.


Repeat after me


Prinsiple # 3: Do what you Love!

And what I was convinced, that if I could just find the right business, at the right time, I would make

And so, I went through business after business,

Thinking the key ingredient, was having the right vehicle.

It was not because I was sure to make a fortune in this areana.

It was because I was totally into it myself!

The shoe has to fit

But you have to atleast have an interest and hopefully have a talent in the areana as a whole.

First because you will enjoy your life more

Second, because you will have much more success

Enthusiasm is the greatest sales factore in existance

When you are in a Job or business that you don’t love, you are sub-consiously looking for way out!

You are subconsiously looking for an exit!

How do I know what I love? What’s my area?

How do I know what’s right for me?

How do I know it’s the right fit for me?

Why they bought those magazines?

What are you naturally talented at?

What are your natural talents?

What are you naturally pretty good at?

Broke Harv, belived that work is work and joy is joy. And the two do not go together.
Rich Have, now absolutely knows, that if you don’t do what you love you will hate your life. And go

“I get rich doing what I love”

Let,s repeat it, here goes.

“I get rich doing what I love”

Prinsiple # 4: You Are The Root Of Your Success!

Maybe it’s not the business. May be it’s me

That was the day, my life transformed

Your thoughts, leeds to your feelings, which lead to your actions, which lead your result.

As I grew, my money grew

You, are the root cause of your success, your mediogrity, or any failure.

Because I finally understood, that if I creat my life, I can change my life.

And I did

And so can you.

I asked, “jessy, what do you want most in your life?”

He said, “ To be successful”

I want to be a millionaire by the time I’m 30 dad

I said, “Successful people have successful habits”

“Unsuccessful people have unsuccessful habits”

“Which do think, you have?”

For your business to get better, you have to better.

For your money to grow, you have to grow.

Broke Harv belived it was all about to getting into right business.

Rich, Harve knows, it’s all about the right you.

“I am the root of my success”

Prinsiple 5: To Get Paid The Best, You Must Be The Best”

The best players, they get paid or earn the most money right?

We all know that in sports, how good you are at what you do pretty well, determines your income.

How good are you at what you do?

How much attention are you giving to become the absolute best in your field? In your business and
business in general.
Because they are not willing to do what it takes to be great at what they do. Let alone be the best at
what they do.

How good are you at what you do?

Broke Harv, just winged it and hoped for the best.

Rich Harv, studies, trains and practice with the intention to actually be the best in the world.

“I am the best in the world at my business”

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