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JD presi-
064=284BQ =4F34;78
?=BQ ?0C=0=4F34;78 R dent Lalu
Prasad on

lagging the challenge of ter-

Stions,etting aside their bitter dif-
ferences and regional ambi-
17 Opposition parties,
Friday gave a
paternal reprimand to
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi
F rorism, Prime Minister
Narendra Modi has said it is an
including the presidents of
major political entities like FTbc1T]VP[2<C<2RWXTU<P\PcP1P]TaYTTX]cTaPRcbfXcW2^]VaTbb[TPSTa
for his refusal to tie the nuptial
knot, pointing out the con-
enemy of humanity and there Congress, have resolved to join APWd[6P]SWXSdaX]VPY^X]c?aTbbR^]UTaT]RTPUcTa>__^bXcX^]_PacXTb´\TTcX]VX] sternation it was causing to his
can be “no ifs or buts” in deal- forces and present a united ?Pc]P^]5aXSPhB?_aTbXST]c0ZWX[TbWHPSPe9WPaZWP]S2<P]S9<<[TPSTa mother Sonia Gandhi.
ing with the scourge. He also front for the upcoming 2024 7T\P]cB^aT]P]S2^]VaTbbRWXTU<P[[XZPaYd]:WPaVTPaTP[b^bTT] ?C8 “You do not heed our
sought action against its State Lok Sabha elections. However, advice to get married”, said
sponsors, in an oblique attack fissures emerged as the AAP tion to protect the country’s midable majority with over Prasad while complimenting 53
on Pakistan. skipped the meeting and interests and safeguard their 300 seats. years old Rahul for wearing a
Making this assertion in his slammed the Congress. ideology while uniting against Continued on Page 2 half sleeved shirt.
address to the joint meeting of The top Opposition lead- the BJP-led Government.

8]3T[WX00? b[P\b
the US Congress late Thursday, ers, along with Chief Ministers However, the meeting did-
the Prime Minister said more from six States, convened in n’t dicuss name of anyone to be
than two decades after 9/11 and Patna on Friday and laid the projected as the joint

over a decade after the 26/11 groundwork for a collaborative Opposition candidate for the
attacks in Mumbai, radicalism strategy to defeat the BJP. post of Prime Minsiter. “No
and terrorism still remain a The meeting, hosted by decision taken on PM candi-
pressing danger for the whole Bihar Chief Minister Nitish date at Patna Opposition par-
world. Kumar, witnessed the partici- ties’ meet,” said Tamil Nadu BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 or the Modi Gvernment,” the
“These ideologies keep tak- ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXPSSaTbbTbPY^X]c\TTcX]V^U2^]VaTbbPccWT2P_Xc^[X]FPbWX]Vc^]^]CWdabSPh 0??C8
pation of 32 leaders who Chief Minister MK Stalin. AAP said in a statement.
ing new identities and forms, expressed their commitment to With their combined he AAP on Friday hit out “Unless the Congress pub-
but their intentions are the
same. Terrorism is an enemy of and US President Joe Biden, the Modi and Biden reiterated of terrorist proxies and called
working together and setting
aside their differences to chal-
strength currently accounting T at the Congress for
for less than 200 out of the 543 not opposing the
licly denounces the
ordinance passed by
humanity and there can be no two countries also expressed the call for concerted action on Pakistan to take immediate lenge the BJP’s dominance. seats in the Lok Sabha, the Centre’s “black ordi- the Centre, which was
ifs or buts in dealing with it. We their resolve to fight terrorism against all UN-listed terrorist action to ensure that no terri- The joint effort aims to Opposition leaders anticipate a nance”, saying the promulgated in Delhi
must overcome all such forces and extremism. groups, including al-Qaeda, tory under its control is used bring about a complete turn- complete turnaround in the grand old party’s to take control of gov-
sponsoring and exporting ter- “The US and India stand ISIS/Daesh, Lashkar e-Tayyiba, for launching terrorist attacks. around in the election land- electoral landscape if they join “silence raises suspi- ernance away from
ror,” Modi said in his 60- together to counter global ter- Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) and They called for the perpetrators scape and restrict the BJP, cur- forces, potentially limiting the cions about its real the elected
minute address in English. rorism and unequivocally con- Hizb-ul-Mujhahideen, the of the 26/11 Mumbai and rently enjoying a strong major- ruling BJP to less than 200 intentions”. Government, it would
In the India-US joint state- demn terrorism and violent statement said. Pathankot attacks to be brought ity, to less than 200 seats. seats. This united effort is “It is “high time that be “very difficult” for the party
ment released after the talks extremism in all its forms and “They strongly condemned to justice,” it said. The Opposition leaders aimed at dethroning the BJP, Congress decided whether it to be part of any alliance that
between Prime Minister Modi manifestations,” it said. cross-border terrorism, the use Continued on page 2 emphasised their determina- which currently enjoys a for- stands with the people of Delhi includes Congress,” it said.


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rime Minister Narendra

P Modi has issued a stern
warning about the growing
threat of coercion and con-
frontation in the Indo-Pacific
region. In his address to the The Prime Minister’s
joint meeting of the US remarks come against the ?C8Q F0B78=6C>= dinner hosted for him in April,
Congress, Modi expressed con- backdrop of economic crises Modi said Biden’s hospitality
cerns over the tense border sit- faced by countries like Sri rime Minister Narendra has moved his guests to sing,
uation in Ladakh and China’s
aggressive posture in the Indo-
Lanka and Pakistan, attrib-
uted to China’s substantial but
P Modi praised the stellar
achievements of Indian-
evoking laughter from the
Pacific and Indian Ocean unviable infrastructure invest- Americans in his remarks at the Modi then wished that he
regions. The PM emphasised ments. Modi reaffirmed the state dinner in which he had his too had the singing talent.
that the stability of the region shared vision of a free, open, high-profile guests often in “I know your hospitality
has become a central concern and inclusive Indo-Pacific laughter. has moved your guests to sing.
for the partnership between region, interconnected by Both President Joe Biden I wish, I too, had the singing
India and the United States. secure seas and grounded in and Modi regaled their guests talent,” Modi joked.
Modi underscored the international law while pre- with some light moments while “I could have also sang
importance of upholding the serving ASEAN centrality. also being generous to each before you all,” he said.
principles of the United The joint statement issued other, with the prime minister Modi also recalled that
Nations Charter, peaceful dis- after talks between PM Modi ending his speech with a toast during a dinner hosted for
pute resolution, and respect for and US President Joe Biden to his wonderful hosts, includ- him in 2014, he could not eat
sovereignty and territorial also stressed the importance of ing first lady Jill Biden, and the anything as he was on a
integrity in maintaining the respecting the rules-based bond between the two coun- Navratri fast while Biden, then
global order. He urged for a international order. Both lead- tries. With Modi having a busy vice-president, often enquired
region where all nations, ers highlighted that the con- day attending several events, he with concern that if there is
regardless of size, can freely temporary global order is built said he had forgotten the count anything he can eat during the
make choices without fear, on the principles of the UN of speeches he made on fast.
where progress is not hin- Charter, international law, and Thursday. “Well today, I’m making
dered by unsustainable debt the respect for the sovereign- Apparently referring to up for it. Your wish to feed me
burdens, and where connec- ty and territorial integrity of South Korean President Yoon is now being fulfilled today,”
tivity is not misused for strate- states. Suk Yeol who surprised guests Modi said.
gic purposes. Continued on Page 2 by singing during a similar state Continued on Page 2

20?BD;4 =80 RWPaVTbWTTcb "?PZd[caPbU^aPa\b

=Tf3T[WX) CWT2T]caT^]5aXSPh
cWPcT\_[^hTTbf^aZX]Vd]STacWT\ ?=BQ =4F34;78 Kadarbaksh Umetan Baloch,
\P]SPc^aX[h\PaZcWTXaPccT]SP]RT Amanullah Musa Baloch,
cWa^dVWP]0PSWPPaT]PQ[TS he National Investigation Ismail Sabzal Baloch,
T Agency (NIA) on Friday
chargesheeted 13 accused, all
Allahbaksh Hatar Baloch,
Goharbaksh Dilmurad Baloch,
V^eTa]\T]cST_Pac\T]cbP]ScWT Pakistani nationals, in the 2022 Ammal Phullan Baloch, Gul
T\_[^hTTbfW^PaT]^c\PaZX]V case related to the smuggling of Mohammad Hatar Baloch,
PccT]SP]RTSTb_XcTQTX]VaTVXbcTaTS weapons and contraband drugs Andam Ali BoherBaloch,
^]cWTbhbcT\ from Pakistan via Gujarat for Abdulgani Jungiyan Baloch
funding terrorist activities in six magazines and 120 9mm and Abdulhakim Dilmurad
=>740CF0E48=34;78B> India. live cartridges, along with doc- Baloch, the NIA said in a state-
50AB054C8;;9D=44=3 Ten of the 13 chargesheet- uments/Pakistani identity ment.
=Tf3T[WX)3T[WXb_aX\PahfTPcWTa ed were arrested in December cards, mobile phones, and The remaining three
bcPcX^]cWTBPUSPaYd]V>QbTaePc^ah 2022 with a huge consignment Pakistani currency. Pakistani accused charge-sheet-
WPb]^cTg_TaXT]RTSP]hWTPcfPeT of drugs and arms, hidden in The chargesheet was filed ed by the NIA are absconding.
cWXbbd\\TabTPb^]8]UPRcXcXb gas cylinders, from a Pakistani on Friday in the NIA Special They have been identified as
Tg_TRcTScWPccWTaTfX[[QT]^ fishing boat. The seizure Court, Ahmedabad (Gujarat). Hazi Salim, Akbar, and Karim
WTPcfPeTd]cX[cWTT]S^U9d]T included 40 kg of drugs (hero- It names all the 10 arrested Baksh.
in), six pistols (foreign made), accused, identified as Continued on Page 2
=4F34;78kB0CDA30H k9D=4!#!!"


?=BQ =4F34;78
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78
hinese terrorists hailing
C from Xinxiang launched an
attack on the Syrian palace in A 55-year-old man was
arrested for allegedly
Damascus using artillery fire. impersonating an army per-
The Turkistan Islamic sonnel and duping a wire man-
Party, also known as Hizb- ufacturer on the pretext of
Islami-al-Turkistan, a group doubling his investment in a
comprising Uyghur fighters, scheme.
claimed responsibility for the Ali Mohammad, a resi-
assault on Syrian President dent of Nuh district in Mohammad with his other
Bashar al-Assad's palace on Haryana, has been found associates searched for traders
Thursday evening. Experts involved in 15 instances of online to dupe.
monitoring the situation in online cheating across several Members of his gang BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F Thursday with the caller say-
Syria reported that the attack- states, they said, adding, money called these traders posing as 34;78 ing a man was stabbed in
ers utilized three to four tanks trail of more than Rs 22 lakh army officers of different ranks, Wazirabad.
to target the palace. has been found. but would later convince them 24-year-old man was Mohd Faizan, the victim,
During the operation, at
least three Chinese fighters of
Experts speculate that the
Chinese assault may be intend-
ty, leading to suggestions that
the Uyghur fighters may have
terrorists based in Pakistan, as
evidenced by its repeated use of
According to police, the
matter came to light when a
to invest in some scheme
promising them double the
A stabbed to death in north
Delhi's Wazirabad allegedly by
who was stabbed below chest,
was rushed to Babu Jagjivan
Uyghur origin lost their lives, ed to complicate the geopolit- the support of the Chinese technical holds to block pro- wire manufacturer from amount of investment, he said. a friend of his after he alleged- R am Memorial Hospital
including Umair Gazi and ical situation and discredit Communist Party or the posed sanctions and efforts to Shahdara filed a police com- Once the target would ly refused to give him Rs 500 where he was declared
Mohammad Sadir. Russia, which is targeting the Chinese state, both of which are ban notorious Pakistani ter- plaint. In his complaint, he transfer the money to them, to buy some drugs, police brought dead, they said.
This attack marks the entry banned terrorist group ISIS in known to enforce communist rorists. alleged that on June 8 he got a they would withdraw and dis- said on Friday. According to police, after
of Chinese terrorism onto the Syria to support the Assad policies and principles upon Interestingly, China seems call from a man who said he tribute among themselves, the The accused, Abdul he stabbed Faizan, Mashad
international stage. The inci- regime. the community. to be positioning itself as a vic- was calling from an Army offi- officer added. Mashad, has been arrested fled on a motorbike with a
dent comes shortly after China The Uyghurs have been In an attempt to mask their tim of terrorism concerning the cer School and wanted wires The DCP said along with two juveniles who friend who was waiting for
vetoed a joint proposal by engaged in a struggle for their involvement, the Chinese gov- issue of Uyghur human rights. for the school, police said. Mohammad was identified on were detained for allegedly him nearby.
India and the United States at legitimate rights against ernment recently dispatched a Pakistan has long been After discussion, a deal the basis of call records and was helping him escape, they said. Preliminary investigation
the United Nations seeking to Chinese oppression. However, purported assistance shipment accused of harboring terrorists was struck for Rs 47,790 for a arrested from Nuh. Police have Deputy Commissioner revealed Faizan and Mashad
impose a ban on Sajid Mir, the China has consistently denied to the Assad regime in Syria. to target India as part of its state certain length of wire. Deputy seized two mobile phones used of Police (North) Sagar Singh knew each other for over a
Pakistani terrorist responsible the existence of any oppression There is a noticeable shift policy, particularly in the Commissioner of Police in the crime from his posses- Kalsi said the matter was year and allegedly used drugs
for the 26/11 Mumbai attacks. against the Uyghur communi- in China's policy of backing region of Jammu and Kashmir. (Shahdara) Rohit Meena said sion reported around 10.40 am together often, Kalsi said.

1\\b_e^TTUfU\_`]U^dY^:;cY^SU1bdYS\U#' QRb_WQdY_^*CXQX
?C8Q BA8=060A which has borne the brunt of Sarpanchs,” he said. incited by Pakistan, and ple,” he said.
bloodshed in the past and Shah said that the gov- destroying peace and develop- “The youth of Jammu and
ll-round development has emerged victorious and more ernment led by Prime Minister ment here, bomb blasts and Kashmir, especially of the
A come to Jammu and
Kashmir ever since the abro-
stable and peaceful," he said,
adding this land saw nearly
Narendra Modi has done the
work of percolating democra-
bullets, all these incidents have
been bought under control. I
Valley, should come forward
and lead the process of change
gation of Article 370, Union 40,000 deaths due to terrorism cy and strengthening it by do not want to give out the fig- and work towards taking
Home Minister Amit Shah said in the last three to four decades bringing panchayati raj to the ures, but you all know and feel Jammu and Kashmir to new
on Friday, as he exhorted the but today the same Kashmir is grassroots level in Jammu and it. Today schools, colleges, goals and height.
youth of Kashmir to ensure that celebrating Vitasta Festival and Kashmir. industries are running, 1.88 “Those who put stones
they carry pens and laptops marching ahead. Shah said the panchayati crore tourists visited Jammu and weapons in your hands are
instead of stones. The home minister chose raj system in Jammu and and Kashmir in 2022, which is not you well-wishers. The gov-
Shah also said that during the occasion to call upon the Kashmir was a reality now. the biggest figure since inde- ernment is trying to improve
the rule of the previous gov- youth of Kashmir to think “Whenever the (assembly) pendence,” he added. your future by providing lap-
ernments in Jammu and about the rich cultural heritage elections take place, whoever The home minister said tops, electricity, building roads,
Kashmir, democracy was lim- of the valley. forms the government, but the with such a large number of promoting tourism,” he said.
ited to 80- 85 people only and "Those who handed over start we have made of tourists visiting Jammu and Shah said change is the
three families -- the Abdullahs, arms and stones to you, they Panchayati Raj, no one can Kashmir, in the next five years, need of the hour and the youth
Muftis and the Gandhis -- had were never your well-wishers. open arms." rule of the previous govern- the MPs, MLAs and new lead- abolish it. The panchayat elec- the number of hotel rooms in from the valley should join
taken control over democracy You should have pens, laptops The home minister also ments in Jammu and Kashmir, ers will emerge from these tions are now a reality forever. the region, especially the Valley, hands with it.
but now its future is decided by and books in your hands and highlighted the all-round democracy was limited to 80- people only. This change is possible only would be more than three "The change is waiting
35,000 elected representatives. not stones," he said, in an development in Jammu and 85 people only and three fam- However, the home min- when the heart is full of com- times of the current figure. for you, the whole country is
Addressing an event after apparent reference to stone- Kashmir since abrogation of ilies had taken control over ister said, there was a time mitment to democracy,” he This change, he said, hap- ready to take you forward,
the inauguration of the three- pelting protests in the past. Article 370 of the Constitution, democracy. when democracy was held said. pens when there is dedication and the market of the whole
day Vitasta Festival here, Shah He compared Kashmiri which accorded special status Shah said there is democ- “hostage” by three families – Referring to the situation to bring about a change. world is open for the youth of
said those who have known culture with the Vitasta to the erstwhile state, in 2019. racy in Jammu and Kashmir Abdullahs, Muftis and in the Union territory, Shah "If someone comes to rule the valley. You should come
only the history of Jammu and (Jhelum) river and said, "If one Attending another func- now because 35,000 elected Gandhis. said the incidents of stone-pelt- and enjoy the power, then he forward and be a part of the
Kashmir in the last four knows the right history of tion, where Shah inaugurated representatives are deciding “They did not allow the ing and strike calls have been cannot bring about any change. change and take pledge to ful-
decades think that this is a dis- Kashmir, hate has never been or laid the foundation of 84 the future of their village, tehsil elections of panchayats to take brought under control. Changes happen if mind is fil the resolution of the Prime
puted or disturbed area. its part. Whosoever came to development projects of about and district themselves. He place preventing people from “We have seen incidents of connected with the happiness, Minister to build a new
"But Kashmir is a land Kashmir was welcomed with Rs 586 crore, he said during the said that in the coming days, becoming Panchs and stone pelting in J-K, bandh sorrow and progress of the peo- Kashmir,” he said.

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From Page 1
In his comments, Biden
said light-heartedly that both
House. More than 400 guests
were invited for the dinner and
they included big names in the
other’s names correctly. We
can understand each other’s
accents better. Children in
tions, our energy, our
dynamism and our nation,” he
^]cTaa^a)<^SXPc ?PRXUXR
leaders raising the toast do not tech world and billionaire India become Spider-Man on “Indian Americans have From Page 1 Noting that the Ukraine speak about our calling for From Page 1
drink. He dwelt on the two industrialists such as Mukesh Halloween, and America’s come a long way in the US. They noted with concern conflict is causing great pain this century,” he said. As China continues its mil-
countries’ historic ties and Ambani, Anand Mahindra, youth are dancing to the tune They are proud of India’s val- the increasing global use of in the region, Modi said he Modi said as there have itary maneuvers and territori-
praised the contributions of Google CEO Sunder Pichai, of ‘Naatu Naatu’,” the prime ues, democratic traditions and unmanned aerial vehicles has said directly and publicly, been many advances in AI al claims in the South China
Indian Americans. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella minister said. culture and have always found (UAVs), drones and informa- “This is not an era of war. But, (Artificial Intelligence) in the Sea, India, the US, and other
The President also spoke and Apple CEO Tim Cook. Americans love baseball, a respectful place in America’s tion and communication one of dialogue and diplo- past few years, at the same global powers have been advo-
about Rabindranath Tagore’s During his address at the but cricket is also becoming melting pot. technologies for terrorist pur- macy.”Representing 1.4 billion time, there have been even cating for a free, open, and
visit to the US, and his impact dinner, Modi raised a toast for popular in the US, he said. Indian Americans have poses and reaffirmed the Indians, Modi said it is always more momentous develop- thriving Indo-Pacific region.
on the ideas here and invoked his “wonderful” hosts. “The American team is trying played a significant role in impor tance of working a great honour to address ments in other AI-- America Modi called attention to China’s
his famous poem ‘Where mind He raised it for good its best to qualify for the further strengthening the inclu- together to combat such mis- the US Congress and an and India. actions, including the con-
is without fear’. health, prosperity and the pur- Cricket World Cup to be held sive society and economy of the use. exceptional privilege to do so “We were strangers in the struction of artificial islands
In his address, Modi said suit of happiness to liberty, in India later this year. I wish US,” Prime Minister Modi said. In his address to the US twice. defence cooperation at the and military installations, and
Indian-Americans have played equality and fraternity, and to them good luck and success,” “Be it hospitals or hotels, Congress, Modi also made a Modi became the first turn of the century. Now, the expressed concern over dis-
a significant role in the all- the ever-lasting bonds of the prime minister said. universities or research labs, gas veiled reference to China, Indian leader to address the US has become one of our ruptive developments, such as
round development of the friendship between India and Modi told Biden that he stations or logistics manage- saying the global order is joint session of the US most important defence part- the Ukraine conflict, which
nation they live in and also in the US. has gathered a group of excep- ment, they are making their based on respect for the prin- Congress twice on Thursday. ners,” said Modi, who is cur- has reintroduced war in
strengthening the India-US “With every passing day, tionally talented and remark- mark everywhere,” the prime ciples of the UN Charter, He first addressed a joint rently on his maiden State Europe.
relationship. Indians and Americans are able people tonight. minister said. peaceful resolution of dis- meeting of the US Congress visit. The Prime Minister
The State Dinner was host- getting to know each other bet- “I must commend you for Modi spoke in Hindi with putes, and respect for sover- in 2016. His words received a emphasized that the current era
ed in his honour by Bidens at ter. that. These people symbolise so the speech being translated to eignty and territorial integri- “Now, when our era is at standing ovation from US should be one of dialogue and
the North Lawn of the White We can pronounce each much about India-US rela- English. ty. a crossroads, I am here to lawmakers. diplomacy, not war.


From Page 1
The outcome of the meet-
Addressing a joint Press
conference after an extensive
efforts were driven by the
national interest, accusing the
dethrone the BJP at the
Centre.” Congress leader
change history, but we’ll
ensure that history is saved.”
movement, our united front
will get blessings of public”.
ing and the indication that the
Oppostion would be able to
come together to take on the
four-hour meeting during
which leaders expressed their
views, Nitish, “We had a good
BJP of working against the
country’s welfare and attempt-
ing to rewrite India’s history.
Rahul Gandhi stated, they
may have some differences but
they have decided to work
Mamata, whose stand is
significant and crucial for
the sake of Opposition unity,
PDP leader and former
Chief Minister of Jammu &
Kashmir Mehbooba Mufti
BJP is a major development meeting, and several leaders “Very positive talks were together with flexibility and also asserted that they were after the Opposition meet From Page 1 Te r ror i s t S q u a d ( AT S ) ,
that could, make the next expressed their views during held today and we have decid- will work to protect the coun- not opposition parties but cit- said, “We can’t let Gandhi’s “As per NIA investiga- Gujarat, received credible
year’s Lok Sabha contest excit- the meeting. Seventeen parties ed to contest (Lok Sabha try’s ideology. “It is a battle of izens of the country who are India to become Godse’s tions, the consignment of inputs that one Pakistan-
ing. have decided to work togeth- polls) together. Another ideologies. Indeed, there will patriotic and love ‘Bharat country”. sophisticated/imported based drug mafia Hazi Salim
er and contest the Lok Sabha meeting of all the be differences amongst us but Mat a.’ Jhark hand Chief “17 parties from Kashmir weapons was being smug- was trying to smuggle huge
elections unitedly.” He was (Opposition) parties will be we have decided to work Minister and JMM leader to Kanyakumari have come gled into India by the 10 consignments of contraband
flanked by his alliance partner held to decide the next course together and protect the ide- Hemant Soren said, “Today’s together not for power, but arrested accused, in con- drugs and illegal weapons
RJD supremo Lalu Prasad, of action. In that meeting, ologies shared by us,” he said. beginning will prove to be a for principles. We have met nivance with Hazi Salim, through Okha shore from
C ongress president almost everything will be West B engal Chief milestone for the country, to save the country from Akbar and Karim Baksh, for Pakistan.
Mallikarjun Kharge, and finalised. Kharge will chair Minister and Trinamool and all leaders will move devastation and to bring deliver y to India-b as e d The ATS was tipped off
Chief Ministers Mamata that meeting early next Congress (TMC) supremo together with a positive d e m o c r a c y b a ck . I and absconding accused Harun. that the said consignment
Banerjee, Hemant Soren, and month,” on his part, Nitish Mamata Banerjee said, “The thinking.” Mehbooba belong to that Harun had hatched the con- w ou l d b e re a c h i n g t h e
M K Stalin, among others. told media. first meet was organised in SP leader and former part of the country where spiracy to illegally smuggle Indian waters on December
The meeting is viewed as the About the propsoed Patna as ‘whatever starts from Uttar Pradesh CM Akhilesh demo crac y is the consignment of weapons 27 or 28, 2022, near Okha
beginning of Opposition Shimla conclave, Kharge said, Patna, takes the shape of the Yadav said, “The message mu rd e re d. . . Ye s te rd ay i n a n d c ont r a b a n d f rom Jetty (150 Nautical Miles
unity ahead of the crucial Lok “We have decided to prepare public movement.’ If this dic- from the Patna meeting is America there were discus- Pakistan to India to provide west of Okha Jetty) through
Sabha polls, with the aim of a common agenda and will tatorial Government (NDA) clear for all of us that we sions about democracy in funds to terrorist outfits and a fishing boat named “Al-
collectively challenging the take decisions in the next returns this time, there will need to work together to the White House...why this gangs operating in Punjab Soheli”.
BJP-led Government under meeting on how to move for- be no elections in the future.” save the country.” democracy doesn’t reach and North India,” the agency The Okha Coast Guard
the leadership of Prime ward. We will have to evolve She added, “We all are unit- Nationalist C ongress Jammua nd Kashmir...”, NC said. . was informed by the ATS
Minister Narendra Modi. separate plans for every State, ed and will fight unitedly Party (NCP) leader Sharad leader Omar Abdullah said T h e c on s pi r a c y w a s and in a joint operation, the
Nitish emphasised that their and we will work together to against BJP. The BJP wants to Pawar said, “Just like JP after Opposition meet. exposed after the Anti- two agencies seized the boat.


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BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 at the rear end of the plot and
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78

I n a move to curb stray dog

menace, Delhi Lieutenant
Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena
has approved the allotment of
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78

man driving a car was

he New Delhi Municipal

not be visible from the main
entrance and road, the docu-
land for setting up a dog ster-
ilization centre cum veteri-
A injured while his friend
seated on the front passenger
T Council (NDMC) has
issued a 37-point guideline
ment said, adding no diesel
generator sets are allowed at the
nary hospital and dispensary in
southwest Delhi's Vasant Kunj
seat escaped unhurt after two
bike-borne masked assailants
giving detailed rules and regu- tower site to cater to the power area. fired a bullet at them on a street
lations that need to be followed requirements of the antenna. According to Raj Niwas at Chittaranjan Park in south
while installing communica- NDMC will e-auction the official, the Delhi Development Delhi on Thursday night. The
tion towers in the Lutyens' sites for installation of COWs Authority (DDA) will allot a car driver was hit by a bullet in
Delhi. There are around 240 in the NDMC area on desig- plot of land measuring 483 his finger after it pierced
unauthorised cellular towers. nated places on approved rates square metres to the Municipal through the windowpane of his
Out of these, 140 are located on initially for three years, which Corporation of Delhi (MCD) vehicle.
government buildings and the may be extended further for for developing the facility in According to officials, the pro- dogs. MCD officials said 57000 The incident took place
rest on private buildings. in the NDMC area, it said. paying arrears from the date of two years, they added. public-private partnership posal for setting up the centre stray dogs were sterilised till around 8 pm Thursday when
In a document issued by Installations of towers and their existence. For cellular towers existing (PPP) mode. was pending since 2019. The May in 2022-23 and it had Sachin Gupta and Waseem
the Council on Thursday, the antennas, either ground-based The policy also increases before the issue of this policy, While approving the pro- Raj Niwas, in light of the grow- raised the target to 80,000 this Ahmad were in a car in CR
civic body laid down the or on the rooftop, will not be the one-time permission charge the telecom company and ser- posal, the LG directed the ing incidents of dog bites and year. Park's C Block, they said. A
NDMC policy regarding the permitted within Central Vista, from Rs 2 lakh to Rs 3 lakh for vice provider may apply for DDA to ensure that since the the rising menace of stray dogs While five dog sterilisation police team that rushed to the
installation of communication however, if necessary, a com- five years. No change has been regularisation within 30 days of proposed facility comes under in the city, had said that the centres under MCD are owned spot discovered that a single-
towers to bring "uniformity" in mittee will decide the issue on introduced to the monthly notification of this policy by essential municipal services, land being allotted by DDA to and operated by NGOs and 11 round of shots were fired at
the area. a case-to-case basis. The com- licence fee. "A monthly licence paying arrears from the date of the sterilisation of stray dogs the MCD should be on the by organisations and private Sachin from the driver's side of
According to the NDMC, mittee will be chaired by fee of Rs. 292 per sq. Ft. Plus their existence failing which should be done free of cost. condition that it provides free veterinary doctors, five centres the vehicle.
there are four main aspects of NDMC Chairperson with service tax subject to a mini- NDMC will take action against Revenue generated from the services for the sterilization of are yet to be allotted to NGOs, According to the police,
the policy — regularisation of members to be co-opted from mum of Rs 50,000," the policy those towers as per policy centre through other means, stray dogs. In the recent past, said officials. Gupta was driving the car and
unauthorised towers, increase Central Vista Committee. mentioned. Similarly, permission to like services and treatment of there have been several inci- “The NGOs and private was talking on the phone. All of
in one-time tower installation The mobile towers “The NDMC issues the install towers or antennae on pets should be used for running dents where stray dogs have veterinary doctors are reim- a sudden, a single round was
fee, renter fee for towers situ- installed without permission policy for installation of mobile the campus of NDMC schools the facility, officials said. attacked people leading to bursed Rs 1,000 per dog cap- fired from the driver side. The
ated on NDMC buildings (no post issuance of this policy may communication towers and including Navyug Schools and The centre will be set up deaths in some cases. tured, neutered and released. If bullet pierced through the dri-
change), and process to install be regularised as per rules related infrastructure to bring buildings of hospitals and dis- in build operate and transfer The Animal Birth Control the dog is captured by MCD ver side window and scraped
new towers. along with a penalty of Rs uniformity, based on the advi- pensaries will not be given. mode with the conditions that (Dog) Rule, 2001, deals with and handed over to the NGO, Gupta's finger. Ahmad who was
The installation of towers 10,000 per month from the sory guidelines issued by the "However, in case there is a all expenses for construction, the population control of strays. the payment is Rs 900 per dog,” seated on the front passenger
or antennae should be in a date of installation of the Department of technical requirement for medical equipment, operations It provides for the neutering said an official. The Animal seat was unhurt, police said.
manner that they do not dis- tower.For cellular towers exist- Telecommunication and by installation on these buildings, and payment to employees strays to achieve population Welfare Board of India had des- Preliminary investigation
turb the heritage and aesthet- ing before the issue of this pol- considering all connected fac- the matter shall be referred to shall be borne by the PPP stabilisation, as opposed to ignated over 200 feeding points revealed that the shot was fired
ic aspects of the New Delhi icy, the telecom company and tors,” an official said. the Chairperson NDMC for partners selected through a killing them. Improper imple- in Delhi-NCR from 2014 to by one of the two people fol-
area, the document mentioned. service provider may apply for The antennae and towers, seeking exemption on a case- bidding process, they said.The mentation of this law is also 2022, which was considered too lowing Gupta on a bike. They
No unauthorised Cell On regularisation within 30 days of including appurtenances and to-case basis," the document successful bidder will pay an seen as a major reason behind few for the number of colonies had their faces hidden behind
Wheel (COW) will be allowed notification of this Policy by equipment, should be located mentioned. annual license fee to the MCD. the growing menace of stray in the region. a muffler, a police officer said.

BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 for the arrival of monsoon in BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 account of a declining number IO did not produce the most
Delhi. Normally, the rain-bear- of Covid cases, wearing masks clinching piece of evidence in
elhi's Safdarjung ing system reaches the capital city court has acquitted the and maintaining social dis- the court despite having
D Observatory has not expe-
rienced any heatwave this sum-
by June 27.
The national capital wit-
A Patel Nagar MLA and now
Delhi Minister Raaj Kumar
tancing, as mandated in the
National Directives for COVID
received it," the court said.
"There is no specific num-
mer season. In fact, it is expect- nessed sultry weather condi- Anand and an MCD council- Management, would continue, ber of the persons who partic-
ed that there will be no heat- tions on Friday as the maxi- lor Ankush Narang in a case the prosecution said. ipated in the protest march.
wave until the end of June. mum temperature of 37.7 related to a protest held near "There are innumerable While one witness says it would
According to the India degrees Celsius coupled with the residence of former Delhi lapses in the investigation con- be around 50-60 persons, the
Meteorological Department's no rain resulted in uneasiness BJP president Adesh Kumar ducted by the investigating other says that it would be
(IMD) data, this is quite unusu- for people. The maximum Gupta in March last year, say- officer (IO) -- not conducting around 100-150 persons and
al because since 2011, the temperature recorded was one ing there were innumerable inquiries from public witness- despite that, only two persons
observatory has always record- degree below the normal. The lapses in the investigation. Kejriwal led Delhi govern- es, no preparation of site plan, have been made accused in this
ed at least one heatwave in humidity oscillated between Additional Chief ment. The AAP leaders were not recording statements of the matter," the court said.
summer. 92 and 53 per cent. Metropolitan Magistrate Vidhi booked under Section 188 read station house officer or the It said the time of the
"The Safdarjung Mahesh Palawat, a meteo- Gupta Anand was hearing a with 34 of IPC for disobedience assistant commissioner of protest remained unclear as the
Observatory has not recorded region and bring unseasonal at isolated pockets. The Met rologist at private forecasting case against Anand and Narang of order duly promulgated by police and other eyewitnesses, witnesses gave different
any heatwave this summer sea- rainfall to northwest India -- department has forecast inter- agency Skymet Weather, how- -- who were accused of partic- a public servant. to mention a few," the court answers and that no police wit-
son so far. Also, there will be no this summer season (March to mittent rains over the next six ever, said monsoon may reach ipating in a protest near the res- Delhi Police accused them said. nesses were examined apart
heatwave in the next seven June). to seven days, with the inten- Delhi on June 28-29. The IMD idence of Delhi BJP chief of marching while shouting It said the most glaring from a constable.
days. Since 2011, this is the first According to the IMD's sity peaking between June 25 on Friday said monsoon has Aadesh Gupta in West Patel slogans without any prior per- omission was not bringing the "It is held that the prose-
summer without a heatwave in data, Delhi recorded 111 mm and June 27. further advanced over some Nagar without prior permis- mission from the Competent video of the incident on record, cution has failed to discharge its
Delhi," said Kuldeep Srivastava, rainfall in May, 262 per cent Maximum temperatures more parts of Karnataka, sion and without maintaining Authority and not maintaining despite it being available with burden of proving the guilt of
the head of the IMD's region- more than the long-term aver- are predicted to hover around Telangana, the remaining parts social distancing or wearing social distancing and wearing the IO."Mere statement of the the accused persons. Hence,
al forecasting centre. age of 30.7 mm and the fourth the 35-degree Celsius mark of Andhra Pradesh, some parts masks on February 26 last masks. IO that he has changed his both the accused persons are
Meteorologists attribute highest in the month since the during the period. Though the of Vidarbha, Chhattisgarh, the year. At the time of the alleged mobile phone and therefore, held not guilty and acquitted
the absence of heatwave days to Met office started maintaining IMD's extended range model remaining parts of Odisha and Anand is a minister for protest, an order issued by the does not remember receiving for the offence under IPC sec-
excess rainfall due to higher- records. The city logged more guidance shows an upswing in Gangetic West Bengal, some Social Welfare, Labour, assistant commissioner of the video of the incident tions 188 (disobedience to
than-usual western distur- than 20 mm rainfall in April, rains over northwest India in more parts of Jharkhand and Employment, SC & ST, Land & police, Patel Nagar was in force. appears to be nothing more order duly promulgated by
bances -- weather systems that the highest in the month since the last week of June, the Met Bihar and some parts of east Building, Cooperative, The order said though social than a flimsy excuse and it is a public servant) and 34 (com-
originate in the Mediterranean 2017, and heatwave conditions office is yet to announce a date Uttar Pradesh. Gurudwara Elections in Arvind restrictions were lifted on separate question as to why the mon intention)," the court said.


BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 still coming in and we hope to BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 Furthermore, the DJB is com-
get more by the month-end," he mitted to improving its mobile
he committee assigned to said. "On the other hand, 23 of BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F sition parties have shown mir- name of Ordinance. First of all
T study the routes for 'mohal-
la' buses in Delhi will take at
our teams are on ground to
carry out a survey by talking to
34;78 ror to Kejriwal at the meeting.
“After the Patna meeting, 16 of
ordinance is valid for six
months and Central govern-
an effort to make the
of paying water bills
the consumers in a hassle free
application by incorporating
numerous new features. These
updates will not only enhance
least two months to submit its people to know about their s the AAP skipped the the 17 parties held a joint ment can extend it three times manner, the Delhi Jal Board the speed and quality of services
report. A technical committee
was constituted by Transport
feedback and suggestions for
possible routes," he added.
A opposition parties Press
conference held post the meet-
press conference with the
Congress and only the AAP
so they don't need to bring it
in Parliament,” he said
(DJB) is set to introduce a
range of new facilities for its
but also ensure greater conve-
nience and transparency for
Minister Kailash Gahlot in The teams are also exam- ing in Patna, Delhi BJP was left out of it, which shows The BJP leader said that consumers in the near future. DJB consumers. Artificial
May to decide routes and oper- ining the options for last-mile slammed the Arvind Kejriwal that it has no importance in the Kejriwal is talking about Besides this planned move, Intelligence (AI) will be lever-
ational characteristics of the connectivity in areas, their saying the Delhi ordinance president Virendra Sachdeva opposition alliance,” he said. Ordinance and trying to get customers will have access to a aged to eliminate loopholes in
new bus scheme. fares, status and availability of was neither discussed nor any said. The AAP convener and Leader of Opposition in Delhi support from Opposition but chatbot provided by the DJB, the billing system and combat
According to officials in e-rickshaws along with other support announced. chief minister Arvind Kejriwal Assembly, Ramvir Singh the fact is he needs protection enabling them to easily register corruption, further advancing
the transport department, the aspects, the official explained. “After the Patna meeting, has met several Opposition Bidhuri said Kejriwal and of Opposition parties to pre- complaints and apply for new the board's commitment to
committee is currently collect- The dedicated teams are visit- 16 of the 17 parties held a joint leaders to garner support AAPians can not be trusted. vent him going to jail in the water connections. Moreover, to providing advanced and con-
ing data that will serve as the ing high-potential metro sta- press conference with the against the ordinance. “That’s the reason, the oppo- liquor scam sooner and later. enhance accuracy and prevent sumer-friendly services.
basis for formulating the routes tions, bus terminals, stops, and Congress and only the AAP His campaigns are also sition parties have distanced The Delhi BJP issues with billing, the DJB Vice Chairman of the Delhi
for the bus service. "These various localities in Delhi as was left out of it, which shows aimed at halting any move by from Kejriwal and his party. Spokesperson Harish Khurana plans to connect water meters Jal Board Somnath Bharti
buses will serve areas that are part of the mandate. that it has no importance in the the Centre to turn its ordi- Actually, Kejriwal was try- dared Chief Minister and AAP with GIS and assign a unique ID emphasised the implementation
underserved. We had issued an The technical committee Opposition alliance. nance into a full-fledged law in ing to project himself as Prime convenor Arvind Kejriwal to to each meter using a QR code. of cutting-edge technologies to
email id for receiving sugges- had been given the time of AAP is like an unwanted Parliament, particularly in the Minister face for the 2024 Lok announce that he would go This initiative will effectively offer superior facilities and
tions from public on the three weeks to submit its rec- intruder in the political corri- Rajya Sabha. Sabha elections. He was fool- head-to-head against Prime address problems related to enhance transparency for the
scheme. The suggestions are ommendations. dor of the country,” Delhi BJP Sachdeva said that oppo- ing opposition parties in the Minister Narendra Modi. incorrect or inflated billings. people of Delhi.

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V\__TY^W_VcdbUUdcTebY^W]_^c__^ BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 Nehru University Teachers'
Association, other groups who
the SAU faculty" by the admin-
istration. "The suspension
the earliest," the statement
read. The SPCSS-TN, a body of
BC055A4?>AC4AQ everal teachers' associations, have issued a statement in sup- order served to four faculty educators and activists, said the
6DAD6A0< SNehru
including the Jawaharlal
University Teachers
port of the suspended faculty
members are the All India
members by the SAU admin-
istration is an attempt to intim-
administrative actions of the
SAU, an institution facilitated
dentifying hotspots, han- Association (JNUTA), have Forum for Right to Education, idate and silence the faculty and by SAARC, are not in "conso-
dling traffic jams due to
roads and instal-
condemned the "arbitrary" sus-
pension of four faculty mem-
the State Platform for Common
School System-Tamil Nadu
the students who raise their
voice against the arbitrary and
nance with the international
understanding of human rights
lation of new drainage pumps bers of the South Asian (SPCSS-TN) and the University authoritarian actions of the and democracy". "SPCSS-TN
are among the measures University, saying the action is conduct were passed on June of Hyderabad Teachers' administration," the JNUTA appeals to the member coun-
planned by the district admin- an attempt to "intimidate and 16. The university has accused Association (UHTA). alleged. The JNUTA asserted tries of the SAARC to uphold
istration here to check flooding silence" them. the faculty members of insti- The teacher' bodies that it stands in complete sol- the freedom of thought and
of streets during rains. city. After visiting all the water due to waterlogging and mon- The SAU suspended the gating students to protest, fail- expressed solidarity with the idarity with the faculty of SAU expression of every individual
The action plan to check logging spots with Yadav on itor traffic jams caused due to faculty members on ing to perform appropriate suspended faculty and said the in defending their rights to and come forward to advise the
waterlogging in the city was Thursday, the officials identi- flooding of streets. "When it Wednesday in connection with duties, and having association institution "should be run speak truth to power. administration of SAU to give
decided during a meeting of fied 112 such spots. rains, the officers will have to the 2022 student protests with a Marxist study circle, a transparently and democrati- "The JNUTA demands that up the authoritarian attitude
District Collector Nishant A meeting was held later in visit their assigned spots and against the downward revi- faculty member claimed on the cally keeping the interests and the suspension orders of SAU and to adopt a democratic
Kumar Yadav with officers of the day, where 20 HCS officers oversee the drainage work. sion of monthly stipends for condition of anonymity. The well-being of its different con- faculty and rustication/expul- process to resolve the issues
the Haryana Civil Services were appointed as nodal offi- They will also have to ensure Master's students. Office orders teachers' groups from across stituents in mind". In a state- sion order of SAU students be raised by the students and pro-
(HCS) on Thursday. Yadav cers for monitoring at least five smooth traffic management placing the four faculty mem- the country demanded that ment, the JNUTA strongly immediately revoked and the vide all necessary help needed
inspected the drainage system spots each. These officers will for the commuters with the bers under suspension over the suspension orders be condemned what it termed as administration starts a dia- for the administration to fulfil
on the Delhi-Jaipur highway, also have to ensure that com- help of traffic police," Yadav allegations of misconduct and "immediately withdrawn". "unprecedented harassment, logue to discuss the demands the legitimate demands of the
Manesar and other parts of the muters do not face problems said. violation of the varsity's code of Apart from the Jawaharlal coercion, and intimidation of for an agreeable resolution at students," the SPCSS-TN said.
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rime Minister Narendra

P Modi’s visit to the US has
been extremely rich in form
and equally, if not more, rich in
substance,” and the trip was
“path-breaking,” Foreign ?8>=44A=4FB sive stance in the Indo-Pacific. tionship, Prime Minister Modi
Secretary Vinay Kwatra said. B4AE824064=284BQ =4F “The United States and India told reporters during a news
The substantive outcome of his 34;78F0B78=6C>= stand together to counter glob- conference that now even the
talks with President Joe Biden al terrorism and unequivocal- sky is not the limit.
was co-operation in technolo- iven the robust ties ly condemn terrorism and “In fact, in short for India
gy in all the domains including
defence and space, he added.
G between the two coun-
tries, Prime Minister Narendra
violent extremism in all its
forms and manifestations,” the
and America partnership, even
this — even the sky is not the
Modi also discussed all Modi and President Joe Biden joint statement said. limit. Friends, the most impor-
pressing challenges confronting affirmed a vision of the US and “Together, we will build an tant pillar of our relations is
the global community with India as among the closest even stronger, diverse US- our people-to-people ties,” he ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824 dents who had qualified June
Biden and exchanged views on forms, but their intentions are “Technology featured in partners. They also said the India partnership that will said. “Two of the world’s Q =4F34;78 2022 FMGE exam before NMC
how India and the US could the same. Terrorism is an talks, not in a limited way but diverse partnership between advance the aspirations of our largest democracies, India and notice came in. There are a few
cooperate to mitigate, address enemy of humanity and there technology cooperation across the two nations will serve the people for a bright and pros- America can together make an here seems to be no end to state medical councils that have
and deal with terrorism com-
prehensively, Kwatra said in
can be no ifs or buts in dealing
with it.
the ecosystem. This included
technology transfer, services
global good.
These pointers were high-
perous future grounded in
respect for human rights, and
important contribution to
global peace stability and pros-
T the agony of the Foreign
Medical Graduates (FMGs)
given permanent registration to
these candidates after one year
Washington during an inter- “We must overcome all and working together in lighted in the joint statement shared principles of democra- perity. I’m confident that based who had to return to India mid- of internship and they have
action with the media. such forces sponsoring and research among other issued after the summit cy, freedom, and the rule of on these values, we will be able way following the Covid pan- moved on in their career or
Highlighting the takeaways exporting terror” Kwatra also domains,” he added. between the two leaders late law,” said the joint statement. to fulfil the expectations and demic. In spite of completing taken up PG courses as well.
from the visit, Kwatra said said technology cooperation Kwatra said one theme Thursday. Our cooperation will serve aspirations of not only the their mandatory two years Meanwhile, a few candidates are
besides the reference in the US featured prominently in the which has run through the visit It said the US-India the global good as we work people of our two countries internship as mandated by the still waiting for their registra-
Congress to the challenge of discussion between India and is the “exceptional warmth and Comprehensive Global and through a range of multilater- but of the entire world,” he National Medical Commission tion,” pointed out Dr Aviral
terrorism, the prime minister the US and described it as one hospitality” US President Joe Strategic Partnership are al and regional groupings — said. (NMC), many are yet to get the Mathur, President, FORDA.
said even after the two decades of the most substantive out- Biden and First Lady Jill Biden anchored in a new level of particularly the Quad — to Affirming that technology certificate of permanent regis- Dr Mathur explained that there
of 9/11 and a decade of 26/11, comes of Prime Minister extended to Modi. trust and mutual understand- contribute toward a free, open, will play the defining role in tration from their respective are discrepancies in the way dif-
the problem of terrorism Modi’s visit. “The visit has been ing and enriched by the warm inclusive, and resilient Indo- deepening our partnership, state medical councils, leaving ferent states have interpreted
remains a pressing challenge “Very clearly, technology, extremely rich in form and bonds of family and friendship Pacific. No corner of human the joint statement said the them in limbo. and implemented the NMC
for the global community. in particular, advanced tech- equally, if not more, rich in sub- that inextricably link the two enterprise is untouched by leaders hailed the inauguration Now, the Federation of notice.
He said Modi was clearly nology, across all domains stance,” he said, describing the countries together. the partnership between our of the initiative on Critical and Resident Doctors Association “This is very unfair that
highlighting the need for “the ranging from defence to space trip as “path-breaking.” He The statement also high- two great countries, which Emerging Technology (iCET) (FORDA) has taken up their students who are from the
international community to and energy is one of the most referred to various deals, lighted the scourge of terror- spans the seas to the stars,” said in January 2023 as a major cause and complained about the same batch and qualified for the
recognise that the people who important substantive out- including in defence, to high- ism in apparent reference to the statement. milestone in US-India rela- disparities in permanent regis- same exam are being treated
sponsor terrorism, support ter- comes,” he said. light the visit’s achievements. Pakistan and China’s aggres- Upbeat about the rela- tions. tration of FMGs post internship differently. “Now, taking back
rorism, they continue to pose adopted by many State medical permanent registration of stu-

a serious challenge to the safe- councils. dents who have already been
ty and security of our societies In a letter to the Union given is not way forward. We
and have to be very sternly and Health Minister Mansukh want to see uniformity across all
firmly dealt with”. Mandaviya on June 20, the states and for permanent reg-
He said when Prime ?=B064=284BQ =4F it was Mark Warner and John recognising India as the key Association said that many istration numbers to be pro-
Minister Modi and President 34;78F0B78=6C>= Cornyn. partner it is. Together, the state medical councils have vided to rest of FMGs as well,”
Biden held their discussions, “The United States and United States and India will misinterpreted the notice he added.
“all aspects of such global chal- ith defence ties between India are bonded by our shared continue to cooperate and safe- released by the NMC dated July The FORDA has brought
lenges were discussed between
the two and how India and US
W the two countries now on
the upswing, a legislation to
national security interests and
democratic values which is
guard our shared national secu-
rity interests and promote sta-
28, 2022, and were refusing to
issue permanent registration
to attention of Union Health
Minister that states such as
could cooperate to mitigate, fast-track weapons sales to why it is so important we con- bility in the Indo-Pacific status to the students. Delhi, Haryana, Jammu and
address and try and deal with India has been introduced in tinue to strengthen our global region,” Barr said. It said that many state med- Kashmir, Punjab, Tamil Nadu,
this challenge as comprehen- the US Congress, with a group partnership to address the Barr said as the world’s ical councils have misinter- and Kerala have denied or
sively as possible.” of lawmakers saying strength- threats of today,” Waltz said. largest democracies, “strength- preted the notice released by the withheld permanent registra-
“That was also discussed ening the strategic partner- The Congressman said as ening our global partnership is NMC last July that said that tion for FMGE candidates with
between the two leaders. And ship of the nations will safe- “our militaries continue to con- paramount in addressing the Indian students who were in the one year of internship experi-
going forward, it would be our guard their shared security duct joint military exercises challenges of today and secur- last year of their undergraduate ence. “This has put future of
effort to see how some of those interests. and coordinate through the ing a safer future for all”. (UG) medicine course and many medical students at stake.
discussions can translate into This comes amid Prime Quadrilateral Security Strengthening the US- have completed the final year The Ministry needs to come
concrete cooperative decisions Minister Narendra Modi’s visit with other partners and allies While in the House of Dialogue, streamlining military India strategic partnership is online, on or before June 30, forward to resolve the issue by
between India and the US,” he to the US. The legislation of the US by streamlining and Representatives, it was intro- sales will help our two nations vital to the prosperity and 2022, will be eligible for regis- talking to States. We just can-
said. In his address to the US introduced in both the House accelerating the review and duced by Congressmen Mike bolster security in the Indo- security of not only both the tration only after completing not leave students fending on
Congress on Thursday, Modi of Representatives and the sales process for foreign mili- Waltz, Ro Khanna, Raja Pacific region”. nations, but also other democ- the Compulsory Rotating their own,” said FORDA
said, “These ideologies keep Senate late Thursday, seeks to tary sales and exports under the Krishnamoorthi, Andy Barr “By removing the red tape racies around world, Medical Internship (CRMI) for General Secretary Dr Sarvesh
taking new identities and place India on equal footing Arms Export Control Act. and Marc Veasey, in the Senate, around military sales, we are Krishnamoorthi said. two years. “There were stu- Pandey.

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?=BQ =4F34;78

aking a scathing attack on

an anti-BJP front for next year’s
general elections. The meeting
was hosted by Bihar Chief
Minister Narendra Modi alone”.
Irani took a dig at JD(U) and
other opposition parties, saying
hain”. They have sent out a mes-
sage that they are unable to take
on Modi on their own, she
M the Opposition parties
attempt to join hands against
Minister Nitish Kumar of the
JD(U) and his deputy Tejashwi
it was “ironic” that some of the
leaders who witnessed the
claimed. “I want to especially
express gratitude to the
number of government
employees posted across min-
All ministries and depart-
ments have been asked to
the Modi-government, the Yadav of the RJD. Hitting-out “murder of democracy” during Congress for openly announc- istries/departments/organisa- ensure that the biometric
BJP on Friday compared them at the opposition parties for the Emergency have assembled ing that it is incapable of defeat- he Centre on Friday asked tions of the Government of machines remain functional
as “wolves preying in pack” and
their “prey being future of
attempting to forge a united
front against the Modi-gov-
under the Congress’ parasol in
ing Modi alone. It needs sup-
T all its departments to
ensure that employees working
India (GOI), are not marking
their attendance using the sys-
at all times; and heads of
departments (HODs) shall
India” as it also said the ernment, Union Minister and Pointing-out the alleged “Power has moved from under them mandatorily mark tem, an order issued by the periodically monitor the mark-
Congress seeking the help of BJP leader Smiriti Irani said mismatch between the oppo- the palace to the people. That’s their attendance through an Personnel Ministry said. ing of attendance to ensure
other parties is an admission Top leaders of Opposition the Congress seeking the help sition leaders , she referred to why people who take pride in Aadhaar-enabled biometric Taking a serious note of the punctuality and sensitise their
of the fact that it was “inca- parties went into a huddle in of other parties is an admission the white paper brought by their political legacy now have system. inattentiveness/laxity on the employees to adhere to the
pable of defeating Prime Patna on Friday to chalk out a of the fact by it that was “inca- Mamta Benerjee against the to go to those whom they had The move came after it part of ministries/depart- instructions relating to office
Minister Narendra Modi alone”. roadmap for the formation of pable of defeating Prime RJD in the past and Left front put behind bars during the noticed laxity on the part of ments/organisations and the hours, late attendance etc., said
meting-out humiliating treat- Emergency,” Irani said. government departments and employees (who are not mark- the order issued to all central
ment to Banerjee during the In a veiled attack on Bihar the employees who are not ing attendance despite being government ministries.
former’s rule. Irani said old Chief Minister Kumar, she marking attendance despite registered and active), it has “Habitual late attendance
foes are gathering together referred to the recent bridge being registered on the system. been decided that “ministries/ and early leaving of office
only to defeat Modi. “Wolves collapse over the Ganga in the During a recent review of departments/organisations should be viewed seriously
prey in pack and their prey is state’s Bhagalpur district, and the implementation of the (MDOs) shall ensure that the and essentially discouraged
future of India”, said the BJP asked, “What kind of democ- Aadhaar Enabled Biometric employees posted there to and action against the same
leader adding “Nishane pe ratic bridge will they make who Attendance System (AEBAS), it mark their attendance using may be initiated under the
Modi nahin bharat ki tijori can not even build a bridge.” has been observed that a large AEBAS without fail”, it said. extant GOI rules,” it added.

3;Ae`cVeYZ_\R]]ZR_TV B2cda]bS^f] 218aPXSbRXcXTb

hZeY4YRfeR]R¶d;;A QPX[c^?^^YP³b X]C Ra^aT
New Delhi: The Bharatiya
Janata Party (BJP) is doing a
rethink on its alliance with
in the state, which does not align
with the BJP’s anti-corruption
WdbQP]S ?=1bRP\
Deputy Chief Minister The strained relationship ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q New Delhi: The Central It has been alleged that the
Dushyant Chautala’s Jannayak between the BJP and the JJP =4F34;78 Bureau of Investigation (CBI) accused conspired to defraud
Janata Party (JJP) in Haryana, as became apparent when announced on Friday that it has Punjab National Bank (for-
it believes the alliance may not Dushyant Chautala, soon after he Supreme Court on carried out searches in three merly United Bank of India).
yield positive results in the
upcoming Lok Sabha elections
Shah’s rally in Sirsa, countered
the BJP’s claim of winning all
T Friday refused to grant
anticipatory bail to Abhishek
cities following the registration
of a First Information Report
“In pursuance of the said
conspiracy, the accused mis-
for the state’s ten seats. A deci- ten Lok Sabha seats in the state. Jha, the husband of suspended (FIR) against IL&FS Energy appropriated the sanctioned
sion on the coalition’s future is Chautala asserted that his party Jharkhand cadre IAS officer Development Company credit facilities through acts of
expected by the end of this is also preparing to contest and Pooja Singhal, in a money Limited for allegedly defraud- cheating, utilization of loan
month, coinciding with the win all ten seats, stating, laundering case arising out of ing Punjab National Bank funds contrary to the terms and
conclusion of the BJP’s month- “Neither can we stop the BJP, the alleged MNREGA scam in (PNB) of Rs 100.30 crore. conditions of the sanction,
long “Sampark see Samarthan” nor can the BJP stop us.” He the State. The CBI has charged the diversion of sale proceeds to
campaign across the country. went on to add that his party is Singhal, a 2000-batch IAS company and its directors related and sister concern com-
Union Home Minister also preparing to contest and officer, is the main accused in under relevant sections of the panies, and other means, result-
Amit Shah, during a recent win all 10 seats. the alleged scam involving Indian Penal Code (IPC) per- ing in a loss of Rs. 100.03 crore
public rally in Sirsa, had The future of the coalition embezzlement of public funds taining to criminal conspiracy plus interest to the bank,”
declared that the BJP would win government in Haryana has of Rs 18.07 crore when she was and cheating, as well as provi- explained the agency.
all ten Lok Sabha seats in been under discussion for the the deputy commissioner of sions of the Prevention of On December 28, 2017,
Haryana. Subsequently, Shah past few weeks, particularly Khunti district. A vacation Corruption Act for the diver- United Bank of India sanc-
held a meeting with top BJP after Haryana BJP-in-charge bench of Justices Surya Kant sion of funds and other irreg- tioned a term loan of Rs 100
leaders from Haryana, includ- Biplab Kumar Deb met with five and MM Sundresh declined to ularities in the utilization of crore to IL&FS Energy
ing Chief Minister Manohar Lal independent MLAs in the state grant relief to Jha and posted loans obtained from the bank. Development Company
Khattar, Haryana BJP-in-charge The future of the coalition the matter for hearing on July “In the course of the inves- Limited under a multiple bank-
Biplab Kumar Deb, and government in Haryana was 5. tigation, the CBI conducted ing arrangement.
Haryana BJP President Om being discussed over few weeks Jha has challenged the May searches at the offices and res- However, the account
Prakash Dhankar, to assess the after the state-in-charge Deb 18 order of the Jharkhand idences of the accused, includ- turned into a non-performing
effectiveness of the BJP-JJP met five independent MLAs in High Court denying him bail in ing the private company, in asset (NPA) on December 31,
alliance in the lead-up to the the state . BJP has 41 MLAs, JJP the case. His lawyer had ear- New Delhi, Dehradun 2018. To investigate possible
Lok Sabha polls. 10 and seven MLAs are inde- lier mentioned the matter seek- (Uttarakhand), Mumbai fraudulent activities, a forensic
Sources indicate that the pendent and the saffron party ing an urgent hearing. On May (Maharashtra), and other loca- audit was conducted by
feedback received in the meet- requires five more MLAs to 18, the High Court dismissed tions, leading to the recovery of Haribhakti and Company for
ing was against continuing the reach the magical figure of 46 in anticipatory bail plea of Jha and incriminating documents and the period from December 1,
alliance with the JJP, as the party the 90-strong Haryana assem- had asked him to surrender articles,” stated the CBI in a 2013, to April 30, 2020.
is seen to have a “tainted” image bly. PNS before court in four weeks. released statement. PNS
=4F34;78kB0CDA30H k9D=4!#!!" ]PcX^]$

3;Acf__Z_XaRcR]]V]8`geWc`^CR[3YRgR_d+5ZUZ ?PbbT]VTa
had been opposing the con-
cept of West B engal
Foundation Day calling it a
millions of people in West
Bengal today…
We strongly protest
T wo days after Bengal
Governor CV Ananda
Bose returned the joining
saffron agenda to rekindle
the past memories of Partition
of the State along communal
against this unconstitutional
and unilateral decision of the
Government of India to
report of State Election
Commissioner Rajiva Sinha -
lines had written a strong let-
ter to the Governor asking
commemorate the so-called
Foundation Day of West 1bQRYQ*83Qc[cX_g
-- a former Chief Secretary him to desist from celebrating Bengal on June 20.” ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q nature of the proposer between
considered close to Mamata such a programme that could Alleging that the BJP was :>;:0C0 June 10 and 15 the time given
Banerjee --- and days after he ignite communal feelings imposing its wish through by the Commission for filing C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108
celebrated West B engal among the people. the Governor’s House, he Calcutta High Court nominations.
Foundation Day against the
wishes of the State
Bose however, went ahead
with his plans.
Baner jee said,
Chancellors are b eing
“Vice T has taken strong exception
to the alleged “ghost nomina-
As there was no provision
for online nomination a thor- A passenger on board Vistara
flight was arrested by the
Government the Chief In her letter she wrote, appointed arbitrarily without tion” of a Trinamool Congress ough police ON Thursday evening,
Minister on Friday lashed “the state was not founded on consulting the State candidate in the upcoming investigation into the mat- after he was overheard talking
out at Raj Bhavan for running any particular day, least of all Government.” panchayat elections. ter needed to be done, the over phone by a crew member
a parallel government in the on June 20… Contrarily, the The Chief Minister also Taking strong note of the Judge said. and a few co-passengers about
State. state was formed through the attacked the Centre for stop- incident, the Bench of Justice Besides, the same Judge has a “hijacking plan” some time
Speaking to the media at infamous Radcliffe Award, ping her State’s legitimate Commissioners cannot be eventually reveal the history Amrita on Friday directed the also ordered a CBI investiga- before the aircraft took off
the close of the all-Opposition which was given legitimacy by dues; they are not giving removed by not accepting of the Great Calcutta Killings State Election Commission to tion against aBlock from Chhatrapati Shivaji
meet at Patna, Banerjee said the departing colonial/impe- money for the 100-days’ work their joining letters … they and the communal partition inquire into the matter and Development Officer (from Maharaj International Airport
that the Governor’s house rial government,” adding scheme … they have blocked have to be impeached like the of Bengal … it will awaken submit a report by June 25. Bengal cadre executive ser- in Mumbai for Delhi.
had become a tool of BJP’s “Since Independence, we in funds meant for the con- judges of the High Court and the people --- a fact that will Ghost nomination had vices) for allegedly tampering Acting on a complaint
“autocratic” rule. “They are West Bengal have never com- struction of the rural roads … Supreme Court,” she said. jeopardize her position,” been filed in the name of with the documents of two lodged by the crew members,
r unning an alternative memorated or celebrated any and if you protest” central Reacting to the Chief Sinha said, adding Banerjee Mohiruddin Gazi a TMC pan- CPI(M) candidates eventually the Sahara police arrested 23-
Government from the Raj day as the Foundation Day of agencies were sent at the Minister’s allegations, senior had failed on every front. chayat candidate --- from disqualifying them from con- year-old passenger from
Bhavan,” she said, adding how West Bengal. Rather, we have Opposition leaders’ doors. BJP leader Rahul “She has given nothing to Minakhan block in North 24 testing the polls. Haryana – identified as one
“for the first time West Bengal seen the Partition as a result On the issue of the Sinha said that her Bengal except bombs, guns, Parganas --- who is presently The State Government has Ritesh Sanjaykukar Juneja, who
Foundation Day was orga- of the unleashing of commu- Governor’s returning the remarks in Patna had proved syndicates, cut money and touring Saudi Arabia. Though moved the Division Bench was heard saying over phone:
nized without consulting the nal forces that could not be SEC’s joining report the Chief that her government corruption … people have Gazi left India on June 2 --- against Justice Sinha’s order. 'Hijack ka sara planning hain.
State Government … we had resisted at that point of time.” Minister earlier said that such was failing and she had no decided to throw her out of much before the election dates Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Uska sara access hain, chinta
never heard of a thing called She further said that the measures would have no control over her departments. power and that she knows full were declared --- and was sup- Banerjee on Fridayreferred to mat karna.' (All planning has
Foundation Day of West Governor’s decision “would impact on his career as he “She is opposing the cel- well that she will soon posed to return on July 16, his the same High Court order for been done for hijacking .
Bengal.” hurt the sentiments or poodle could be removed only by ebration of West Bengal Day become an ex-Chief Minister,” nomination was filed along CBI investigation whilespeak- There’s an access for it, don’t
The Chief Minister which and insult and defame the impeachment. “Election because such celebrations will the BJP leader said. with his credentials and a sig- ing to the media in Patna. worry”. *

3,21((51(:66(59,&(Q 35$<$*5$- Bareilly jail. When things were February. The top shooters of saved. The third teenager is to save the teenagers. After a lot
finalised, he left India knowing the gang Asad, Guddu Muslim, feared drowned in the water. of effort, people saved Abdul
wanted criminal with a it well that after the elimination Gulam, Sabir, Arman and The divers kept searching for Ahmed and Alfaiz. But by then
reward of C1 lakh on his of Umesh Pal, the police will Usman had met Ashraf in him till late at night, but failed Mohd Faiz was feared drowned
C=A067D=0C70Q “Combining the two dif- solar energy solutions to make head, Saddam, brother-in-law arrest him. Umesh, prime Bareilly jail on February 11 to to trace him. The SDRF and in the water. People searched
<D<108 ferent types of solar cells allows it truly ubiquitous. “This is of Atiq Ahmad’s younger witness of BSP MLA Raju Pal give a final shape to the mur- team of divers also made lot for him a lot, but without any
the device to convert more of where perovskite solar cells brother Khalid Azeem alias murder of 2005, was killed on der plot which was executed on efforts to search him since success. Faiz’s both companions
team of students from the light falling on it into elec- (PSCs) come in, promising an Ashraf has returned from February 24. Saddam man- February 24. Besides Saddam, morning but failed to do so till drowning got scared and from
A theNational Centre for
Photovoltaic Research and
tricity. Apart from the higher
efficiency, the tandem archi-
able alternative to traditional
silicon solar cells due to their
Dubai and his last location was
traced in Delhi. A police team
aged all VIP facilities for
Ashraf, husband of his sister
his sister Zainab, who is the
wife of Ashraf, was also
last reports received here said.
According to a report,
there, instead of informing the
police, went straight to their
Education (NCPRE) at the tecture also provides greater low fabrication costs and high has been despatched to Delhi Z ainab, in Bareilly jail. involved in this conspiracy Mohd Faiz alias Faizu (16) homes. When they went home
Indian Institute of Technology stability to the device, while efficiency,” Prof. Kabra said. to ensure his arrest. The last Immediately after the shifting along with Shaista Parveen, alias Guddu of Havelia ward in late in the evening and told
Bombay (IITB) has fabricated driving its overall lifetime costs Perovskites have gained a location of Ashraf’s wife Zainab of Ashraf to Bareilly jail, wife of Atiq. All of them are Jhunsi police station area of the their family members about the
a novel semi-transparent per- low. The first experimental lot of attention since 2009, was also found in Delhi, so the Saddam also reached there absconding. The police are city, New Jhunsi, had left home incident, they were shocked.
ovskite solar cell (PSC) which demonstration of a 4T- silicon- when the first perovskite solar police drew a conclusion that and lived in a rented house. keeping a track and recently on Thursday evening with two They told Faiz’s family mem-
together with silicon-based perovskite tandem with a solar cell (PSC) was fabricated. brother and sister Saddam and He managed all facilities for the location of Saddam and of his friends, Abdul Ahad bers and the police was
solar cell, has demonstrated an cell from India showed with Perovskite crystals are one of Zainab were hiding somewhere Ashraf in jail besides provid- Zainab was found in Delhi. (16) and Alfaiz (18). They had informed. Everyone reached
efficiency of more than 26 per efficiency greater than 26 per the most abundant types of in Delhi. Though Saddam ing him an iPhone to be in FEARED DROWNED: gone somewhere and from Chhatnag Ghat and police
cent for such a cell. cent,” Prof. Dinesh Kabra, a crystal structure families, with had left for Dubai before the contact with gang leader Atiq Three teenagers got trapped in there went to Chhatnag Ghat to engaged divers. A search for
The team from IIT professor at IITB and an author many compounds with differ- killing of Umesh Pal by the and other members. Those the strong current of Ganga at bathe in the Ganga. While tak- Mohd Faiz was made till at late
Bombay's NCPRE has over- of the new study, said. ent properties adopting such a Atiq-Ashraf gang, he had who wanted to meet Ashraf in Chhatnag Ghat in the Jhunsi ing bathing they got trapped in night but to no avail. Jhunsi’s
come the stability issue by Though the prices of solar crystal structure. PSCs are also played a vital role in this mur- Bareilly jail, stayed at Saddam’s police station area late on the strong current of water. On Chhatnag chowki incharge
combining their PSC with a sil- panels have dropped signifi- highly efficient at converting der conspiracy by arranging a rented house. Criminals used Thursday evening. The people seeing them drowning, people Naveen Singh said divers have
icon solar cell in what is called cantly in recent years, there is light into electricity and cheap meeting of the shooters with to meet Ashraf in jail and this around saved two of them but raised an alarm. Sanjay Nishad been deployed again in search
a tandem configuration. still a need for more affordable to produce. Ashraf on February 11 in frequency increased in the third one could not be of Chhatnag and others rushed of Faiz on Friday.

3,21((51(:66(59,&(Q 35$<$*5$- The candidates are strictly pro- utes before the commence-
hibited from carrying mobile, ment of the examination on the
he UP Board of Secondary pager or any other electronic scheduled date so that arrange-
T Education popularly
known as UP Madhyamik
device inside the examination
hall. CCTV cameras with voice
ments can be made to make the
examinees sit in the examina-
Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) recorders and routers etc. tion halls in a planned and con-
has released the schedule for installed in the rooms during trolled manner.
the improvement and com- the examination period will be NIRF RANKING: The
partment examination of High fully active. The overall Motilal Nehru National
School and Intermediate. This arrangement for the mainte- Institute of Technology
exam will be held on July 15 nance of question papers at the (MNNIT)-Allahabad’s reputa-
in two shifts. The first shift was examination centres will be tion and quality education is
from 8 am to 11 am while the done in the same double- exemplified by its recent rank-
second shift from 2 pm to 5:15 locked almirah in the desig- ing in the NIRF report.
pm. Secretary of the Board of nated strong room as in the According to the newly
Secondar y Education, main examination. released NIRF ranking, on
Divyakant Shukla said the The strong room will be combined metric for
examination will be held at the under CCTV Surveillance with Placements and Higher studies
examination centres deter- Voice Recorder working 24X7. (GPH), MNNIT stands as the
mined by the District Inspector Packets of question papers will second best among all NITs
of Schools (DIOS) at the dis- be opened and distributed in and the seventh best among all
trict headquarters. the presence of centre admin- engineering colleges, including
The entry of outsiders istrator, external centre admin- IITs.
other than the examinee / cen- istrator and static magistrate The MNNIT also rolled out
tre administrator/ teachers and only under the surveillance of maximum number of offers and
non-teaching staff at the exam- CCTV cameras. on the basis of median salary of
ination centre will be com- The examinees concerned the placed students for the year
pletely prohibited. The centre may download their admit 2021-22, MNNIT bagged third
administrators will ensure such card from the Board’s website position among all NITs as per
arrangements, so that unnec- or establish the NIRF data 2023. A record
essary crowd of examinees did contact with the principal of breaking 382 students were
not gather at the entrance of the the registered school and offered packages exceeding C20
examination centre. Similarly, obtain their admit card after lakh per annum (LPA), 114
such arrangement should be getting it countersigned by the above C30 LPA, 37 above C40
ensured even after the com- principal of their school and LPA and 33 above C50 LPA in
pletion of the examination. must reach the school 45 min- 2023.

Y^)iUQbccQicE@ =Y^YcdUb
3,21((51(:66(59,&(Q According to him, apart tricity poles and other works
9$5$1$6, from this, the foundation were done from the year 2014
stone of development projects to 2023 in his constituency.
P Minister of State worth C9,000 crore has been He also gave the details of all
U (Independent Charge) for
Stamp and Court Registration
laid and the work is in
progress in all these projects.
the projects.
Earlier, Ravindra Jaiswal
Fees Ravindra Jaiswal said “Under the inspiration of the conducted a surprise inspec-
the last nine years tenure of PM, the state government led tion of the road construction
Prime Minister Narendra by Chief Minister Yogi being done by the PWD
Modi has been unmatched for Adityanath has made a his- department from Kali Mata
the countrymen, especially toric all-round development Mandir, Pandeypur to Bypass
the p eople of Kashi. in his City North assembly Ring Road under City North
“Ambitious Phulwaria four- constituency and the devel- Vidhan Sabha constituency
lane road will be completed in opment work is going on on Thursday night.
July,” he said while addressing continuously. During his inspection, he
a press conference here on “Along with the public found the road is being made
Friday. “During the last nine welfare schemes of the central 2.5 metres high due to which
years, development works and state governments, 597 colonies situated on the road-
worth C18,000 crore have work projects worth C1333.52 side will go down consider-
been completed in Kashi,” he lakh relating to health, roads, ably and there will be water-
said. drinking water, sewer, elec- logging in the rainy season.
=4F34;78kB0CDA30H k9D=4!#!!"


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renamed as the Prime Minister’s
crowned India’s Prime Minister
FRPSDQ\RZQLQJWKH7LWDQ DQGLWVSLORW WKHRWKHU after the British left in 1947, in the
'DZRRGDQGKLV\HDUROGVRQ6XOHPDQERWK delight the taking over of the reins
of power from the British Empire.
%ULWLVK FLWL]HQV DQG )UHQFK RFHDQRJUDSKHU DQG However, he disliked the armed
army asked Prime Minister
DWLQJVLQFHFRVWSHUSHUVRQ Independence as to his broad
0\VWHU\VKURXGVWKHLPSORVLRQ·VWLPLQJZKHQ7LWDQ intentions about the scope of the
(Lockhart) could begin planning tion that he wept on the radio himself. He was the de facto the two neighbouring bunga-
LQJDQ\ORXGYLROHQWQRLVHWKDWZRXOGFKDUDFWHULVHWKHLPSORVLRQ+RZHYHUWKH861DY\ the size and equipment of the while addressing the nation. president of the Vrishni league, lows in no way reflect the life
VDLGWKDWDQDQDO\VLVRILWVRZQDFRXVWLFGDWDKDGGHWHFWHG´DQDQRPDO\FRQVLVWHQW force, Nehru’s quick retort was His heart went out to the one among the numerous and work of the distinguished
ZLWKDQLPSORVLRQRUH[SORVLRQµQHDUWKHVXEPHUVLEOH·VORFDWLRQ7RWKLVILOPPDNHU-DPHV that India believed in peace and people of Assam, he cried in Yadava clans that made up the lady. A place at Janpath occu-
&DPHURQZKRGLUHFWHGWKH2VFDUZLQQLQJPRYLH7LWDQLF DQGKDVKLPVHOIYHQWXUHGPDQ\ therefore did not need any army. English. “Assam khatre mein Confederacy of Mathura. pied by the descendants of
The police that were then avail- hai”, he wept in Hindi. It was Krishna’s struggle against the India’s second Prime Minister
WLPHVWRWKHZUHFNLQVXEPHUVLEOHVVDLGKHOHDUQHGRIWKHDFRXVWLFILQGLQJVZLWKLQD able in the country were adequate a comprehensive route rampaging Magadhan titan Lal Bahadur Shastri is anoth-
GD\DQG´NQHZZKDWLWPHDQWµ,W·VSHUWLQHQWIRUWKHLQGXVWU\WRGUDZH[LJHQWOHVVRQV to protect us. presided over by General B.M. Jarasandha, a ruthless imperi- er instance.
IURPWKLVWUDJHG\ZKLFKPXVWQRZORRNLQZDUGVDQGVFDOHXSWKHFXOWXUHRIVDIHW\DQG Prime Minister Nehru Kaul, who had not seen action alist, was a struggle to protect One of Jawaharlal Nehru’s
DFFRXQWDELOLW\&DOOVPXVWEHUDLVHGIRUDGGLWLRQDOVDIHW\UHJXODWLRQVWKRXJKLQGXVWU\ remained consistent in these throughout his career, and and preserve the republican admirers claims that the library
views. He did not expand the whose only qualification for way of life against the aggran- situated in the palatial bunga-
H[SHUWVVD\DQ\QHZPHDVXUHVPD\EHLPSRVVLEOHWRHQIRUFHJLYHQWKHLQWHUQDWLRQDO armed forces nor did he acquire being appointed army chief dizement of a superpower. low of the former British com-
QDWXUHRIWKHEXVLQHVV7KH\DOVRFLWHDVDUHDVRQWKHPXUN\UHJXODWLRQVRQZDWHUVIRU any new weaponry for them. The was that he happened to be Democracy in India was- mander-in-chief of the Indian
GHHSVHDH[SORUDWLRQFRPSDULQJWKHVXEPHUVLEOHRSHUDWLRQZLWKWKDWRIWKHWLPHZKHQ result was the disaster in Ladakh related to Nehru. Yet a captive ;4CC74A40;B> n’t confined to Krishna and Army of the colonial era has
Pradesh). The Chinese Radio
establishment and fawning
media shielded India’s first 14=>3>D1C Mathura. Northwestern India
had many republics that
contributed a great deal to the
intellectual life of the country.
OLHUJLYHQWKDWLWVPDNHURSWHGDJDLQVWFHUWLI\LQJWKHYHVVHOWKXVGHI\LQJFRQYHQWLRQ boasted that its troops look for- Prime Minister from any fall- C70C68E4=C74 valiantly fought the invading Now, no matter where this
6RPEUHDVWKHWKRXJKWPD\EHWKHUHLVDVPDOOFRQVRODWLRQ7KHILYHH[SORUHUVSHU ward to celebrating the Christmas out; his loud-talking and iras- Alexander, like the Mallas and library might have been situ-
LVKHGGRLQJZLWKDGLVWLQFWVSLULWRIDGYHQWXUHMXVWZKDWWKH\ORYHG of 1962 in Calcutta. Their inva- cible, though intelligent, BCA0C4682 Kshudrakas. Greek sources ated, it would have served the
sion began on 20 October and
ended with a unilateral withdraw-
defence minister V.K. Krishna
Menon was made the scape- 8<?>AC0=24>5 admit that Alexander could
overcome them only after suf-
same purpose. Architecturally,
it detracts from the majesty of
?82D1<; al on midnight of 20 and 21
November. During those unfor-
goat for the 1962 disaster and
made to resign to pacify
C74A468>=8C fering considerable casualties.
Vaishali, a neighbour of
the commander-in-chief ’s
tunate months, thousands of our national anger. 8B>=;H0 Magadha and at loggerheads It has no memorial value,
army jawans laid down their
lives in trying to resist the People’s
The mother of parlia-
ments, namely Britain’s <0CC4A>5C8<4 with the latter was home to the
renowned Vajji republic inhab-
unlike the 17th century
Mughal prince Dara Shikoh’s
Liberation Army (PLA). Many Westminster, does not provide 145>A4C74 ited by the Licchavi people. library, which is a reminder
more were wounded by frostbite apartments or houses to its If any memorial is desired that had he ruled India, there
because those soldiers who were Members of Parliament. 278=4B4 by the family or kith and kin might have been no Partition.
dispatched in a hurry after the
invasion began were ill-equipped.
House rent allowance is part of
the basket of allowances given 2><<4=24 of a deceased leader, it should
be built in tune with his or her
It has been an appropriate step
taken to convert this library
They went up the high mountains to the MPs. Quite contrary to ?>DA8=6>8;>= character as well as achieve- into a Partition Museum to
with one thin pullover, a pair of what is often loudly claimed by ments. In this context, the two enable India’s present and
thin woollen socks and no gloves. his acolytes, democracy in CA>D1;43 bungalows at Safdarjung and coming generations to know
The footwear our soldiers had
were no more than ordinary
our country is in no way a gift
bequeathed by Nehru or his F0C4AB Akbar Road in India’s capital,
converted into a sort of memo-
about what transpired in those
canvas shoes. Thus, many unfor- dynasty. It flourished in rial for the late Indira Gandhi (The writer is a well-
tunate soldiers suffered frostbite ancient India in myriad forms. is a shabby effort. One, because known columnist, an author
by the thousand. For instance, Krishna, who is the bungalows were state prop- and a former member of the
Prime Minister Nehru was so worshipped as an avatar of erty for ministers or officials of Rajya Sabha. The views
shaken at this national humilia- Lord Vishnu, was a Republican the state to live in; Secondly, expressed are personal)

0h^d]VbcTaYd\_bX]c^PRP]P[c^QTPccWTWTPc^]PW^cbd\\TaSPhX]0\aXcbPa ?C8 ;4CC4AB C>C C74438C>A

Sir —Self-regulation plays a pivotal role in
fostering autonomy and accountability
within educational settings, bestowing RP_cdaTSQhcWT\TSXP_d[[X]VcWTRWPaX^ceXPa^_Tb

upon students the invaluable opportuni- fXcWWXb^cWTa_Pachb_TRd[XPaUPRTb
ty to embark on a personalized journey of 3Tb_XcTAPcWHPcaPQTX]VPRT]caXRUTbcXeXch
knowledge and growth. This approach cul- ^U >SXbWP caPSXcX^]P[[h 1T]VP[ 2< <P\cP
tivates an enriching environment that nur- 1P]TaYTTSXS]^cUX]SP]hPfZfPaS]TbbX]\PaZ
C89F1>9270D370AH tures intrinsic motivation, thereby yield- X]VWTa_aTbT]RTcWTaT0[cW^dVWfWT]XcR^\Tb
endowing students with the capacity to

education, they are empowered to embrace WTbPRaTSAPcWHPcaP^U>SXbWPb?daXWPS QTT] RaXcXRXbX]V 9PX BWaX AP\ Pb fT[[ Pb 9PX
ndia's culinary scene has and gastronomy, creating an ble art' as its guiding princi- the mantle of responsibility for their PccaPRcTSPVXVP]cXRR^d]c^USTe^cTTbc^cWT 1PYaP]V1P[XRWP]cX]VbPbbWTUX]SbcWT\P]cX

I witnessed a remarkable
evolution in recent years,
with a growing emphasis on
extraordinary sensory jour-
ney for its guests. It is like tele-
porting your clients to anoth-
ple. Founded by Ashita Baijal
Meette represents an arti-
san bakery and patisserie that
achievements. This autonomy catalyzes the
development of a profound sense of own-
ership and pride in their educational
cWX]V PQ^dc AP\ CT\_[T X] 0h^SWhP 4eT] 9PX
elite dining experiences that er place and time and giving constantly seeks to exceed endeavours, giving rise to heightened P]SSTe^cTTb\PSTcWXbP]]dP[hPcaP^]RTPVPX] RWP]cX]V9PXBWaXAP\7Ta?daXP__TPaP]RTXbfT[
combine exquisite flavours, them an experience which limits and explore new hori- engagement and unwavering motivation. P_^X]c^UPccaPRcX^]?daXW^[Sbb_TRXUXRbXV]XUX R^\X]V0]S]^f_T^_[TfP]cTSWTac^\PaZWTa
impeccable service, and lux- they can relish for the rest of zons. It thrives on the creative When students actively seize the reins of RP]RTU^acWXbAPcWHPcaPfWTaTcWT\P\\^cW _aTbT]RTU^aAP\CT\_[TPbfT[[fXcW^dcPbb^
urious ambience. Discerning their lives. And of course, the interplay of flavours and aes- their educational trajectory, they are des- 2WPaX^c Xb _d[[TS Qh cWT STe^cTTb bTRcX^] RXPcX]VXcfXcWABB^a19?
food enthusiasts and con- meals you serve matters the thetics. tined to reap a multitude of positive out- 8]cTaTbcX]V[h1T]VP[2<<P\cP1P]TaYTTfPbP[b^ 1WPVfP]CWPSP]X| <d\QPX
noisseurs are now seeking most” says Shikha Begwani, Likewise, another elite comes, including elevated levels of involve-
more than just a meal; they demand for elite dining expe- the owner of Ophelia an elite dining concept Toy Room, ment, passion, and scholarly proficiency.
crave immersive experiences riences across the country. restaurant in the heart of with its presence in nine Moreover, the cultivation of autonomy the exchanges in Washington as an effort der and boasted that there is no discrim-
that tantalize the senses. While traditional Indian cui- New Delhi which has countries has now been start- instils within students a deep-rooted sense at its politico-economic containment. Xi ination in India at all. But the truth is dif-
So if you are looking for sine continues to be celebrat- emerged as a trailblazer in the ed in Delhi. The playful, of ownership over their intellectual pur- is not known to exercise reticence or ferent. PM Narendra Modi is maintaining
an authentic Mediterranean ed, the emergence of interna- elite dining scene in India proactive, and unpretentious suits, fostering an unwavering sense of self-patience and thus Chinese incursions a stoic silence on many issues. Muslims are
and Turkish dining experi- tional flavours and innovative with its authentic Inspired by ambience is what Toy Room esteem and resolute self-confidence. In into our northern borders could be more being lynched in the name of Cow vigilan-
ence that brings together the culinary techniques has the realms of nature, architec- is known for across the world. essence, as students assume a leadership provocative than before. Moderating equa- tism every day in the country. The Modi
flavours, ingredients, and added a new dimension to the ture, fashion, and interiors. Shikha believes that the time role in their learning, they become the tions between an enthusiastic ally and a Government has not taken any concrete
cooking methods of the dining landscape. Discerning The trend of elite dining for elite dining in India is now. architects of their destiny, fostering unpar-sulking adversary will be onerous. steps to protect them. Now Manipur has
Mediterranean region and diners are now seeking out is fast becoming a rage. A tal- “The partygoers are becom- alleled self-efficacy and forging a path Coupled with this, we see the US par- been convulsed by ethnic clashes for 50
Turkey right here in India you exclusive restaurants that offer ented team of chefs and ing more demanding and cut towards remarkable academic excellence. allelly setting out on defrosting its icy rela- days and there are no signs of cessation of
could have that experience in a unique blend of exception- mixologists curate a menu above the rest. They have Imdadullah | Faridabad tions with China. In the process, the US violence. In Jammu and Kashmir, attacks
Delhi. That is the elite dining al gastronomy, opulent sur- that traverses Mediterranean, travelled across the world could be circumspect on already unsteady on Hindu minorities and migrants have
for you. Because it is all about roundings, and personalized European, Oriental, and and look for the same expe- G1<;9>71D978DB?@5 Indo - Chinese issues. All the more that our gone up, even the journalists have been
creating ambience. However service. From immersive tast- modern Indian cuisines, rience back home” says she. Sir —Given a history of bipartisan support relations with Beijing need careful handling locked up on dubious charges.
more than anything elite din- ing menus to molecular gas- ensuring a rich and satisfying The first Toy Room opened in to India by the US, the current visit by hence onwards. Former US President Barack Obama
ing experience can be creat- tronomy presentations, these culinary journey for India. the Aloft Hotel, Aerocity, Modi should come as an extension of the R Narayanan | Navi Mumbai has rightly commented that under the lead-
ed only with imagination and dining experiences are With a blend of captivating Delhi and the second in same. This time though the content of dis- ership of PM Narendra Modi the
creativity. One has to be an designed to transport guests music, delectable cuisine, and Grand Hyatt, Santacruz, course is qualitatively heavier, in particu- D9=56?B9>DB?C@53D9?> Minorities are under threat. He rightly said
avid traveller and must have into a world of culinary excel- a warm and inviting ambi- Mumbai. Indeed the elite lar the US willingness to share technolo- Sir — By reaching out to critics in the USA the PM Modis government has cracked
an eye for details and the abil- lence. ence. Take for example Cosy dining restaurants are going gy, a rarity arising out of its need to find our PM Narendra Modi says there is no down on the press and civil society, jailed
ity to catch the cultural However, it is far more Box which eagerly awaits the to do a brisk business in an alternative to unceasing Chinese man- discrimination based on religion or caste political opponents and pushed an aggres-
nuances. challenging than it looks as a chance to create lasting mem- times to come as India is the ufacturing and trade pre-eminence. The in India. He has stressed that the country sive Hindu nationalism that leaves little
India's burgeoning mid- lot of thinking and creativity ories for its cherished guests. most happening place for convergence of Indo - US interests is per- is run based on the constitution and strong space for India's religious Minorities.
dle class, coupled with an along with an eye for detail Meette, a progressive culinary such restaurants. haps far greater today than before. fundamentals of democracy, which is in the Zeeshaan | Kazipet
increase in disposable income goes into it. “This avant- venture rooted in the early (The writer is a business That said, such Indo - US economic DNA. The PM has emphasised that the
and a growing interest in garde restaurant embodies stages of the pandemic, consultant and specialises bonhomie must ruffle Chinese feathers to resources and benefits are available to all BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^)
gastronomy, has fueled the the convergence of art, design, embraces the concept of 'edi- in the hospitality sector) induce some belligerence. China must view irrespective of caste, creed, religion or gen- [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\
=4F34;78kB0CDA30H k9D=4!#!!"

gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa




he fire that started in Manipur it is necessary to maintain order clashes have unleashed a wave of support, while Kukis and other
a month and a half ago could in insurgency-prone regions, violence, leaving behind a trail of tribal communities have more
engulf the entire northeast. It human rights groups have destruction. Officially over 50 land to them but remain aloof
has already reached Assam decried its abuses. lives have been lost, while 1,700 from government support and
and Meghalaya. The situation Today, the region is a melting buildings, including homes and development. Such disparities
is anything but under control and yet the pot of conflicting claims to eth- places of worship, have been fuel resentment and widen the
seriousness that must be given to deal nic and communal homelands, reduced to ashes. More than divide. The influx of refugees
with such a situation seems to be miss- guarded by armed insurgent 50,000 people are living in refugee from neighbouring Myanmar,
ing in the BJP’s incumbent state govern- groups. In Manipur, at least four relief camps across the state. following the 2021 military coup,
ment. In fact, they can be blamed for stok- valley-based armed groups, sev- The catalyst of course was a added further fuel to the fire. The
ing the fire in the sensitive state of eral Naga groups and many Kuki court order declaring that the presence of refugees, particular-
Manipur which has had a long history of armed insurgent organizations Meitei community, the majority ly those from the Sagaing region
violence and armed struggle. are vying for control. With an esti- population in Manipur, be grant- with strong ties to the Kukis, exac-
The situation remains grave in mated total of around 60 armed ed Scheduled Tribe status. This erbated the insecurity felt by the
Manipur, the jewel of the Northeast, and groups in the region, Manipur has status would provide constitu- Meiteis. Amidst the chaos orches-
0RUHRYHUDFWLYHO\VHHNLQJKDSSLQHVVFDQVLJQLILFDQWO\HQKDQFH human lives are at serious risk. The ‘dou- C74?4>?;4>5 become a war zone of sorts. tional protection and extend ben- trated by those in control of
RXUH[SHULHQFH6SHQGLQJTXDOLW\WLPHZLWKIDPLO\FDQVHUYHDVDQ ble engine’ has failed in the northeastern Those wielding political power efits, including reserved govern- guns, drugs, and politics, it is the
DEXQGDQW VRXUFH RI MR\ ,QWHUDFWLQJ ZLWK FKLOGUHQ DQG HYHQ state. What is sadder is that everybody in <0=8?DA70E4 have taken advantage of the situ- ment seats, to the Meitei people. women and children who bear the
From the PM to the CM no one is talk-
4=3DA43 ation and turned Manipur into a
hub of gun-running, narco- and
Protests erupted following the
court's announcement, leading to
brunt of the conflict's impact.
Essential commodities sky-
DOVREULQJVLPPHDVXUDEOHKDSSLQHVV7DNLQJWKHPIRUDQRXWLQJZLWK ing about it and even the very vocal main- D=8<068=01;4 human trafficking. a chain reaction of violence. The rocket in price, leaving vital sup-
stream media is subdued in its limited Armed groups often endorse flames were first kindled on May plies stranded on stranded trucks.
XVFDQEHWUXO\UHZDUGLQJ reporting of Manipur. BD554A8=60B candidates in state elections, fur- 3, when reports emerged of the The central government's
The Manipur diaspora in the US is,
however, protesting in front of PM Modi
C748A50A<B ther muddying the waters of
democracy. Politicians in the
burning of the Anglo-Kuki War
Memorial Gate. In response, the
silence in the face of violence has
been criticised by the opposition
EULQJVLPPHQVHMR\DOWKRXJKLWPD\QRWDOZD\VEHSRVVLEOHWRPHHW who is on the US visit. A4B4<1;43 Northeast face intimidation from Kuki community retaliated by parties, especially Congress, accus-
IUHTXHQWO\PDNLQJWKHHIIRUWWRGRVRZKHQHYHUIHDVLEOHLVTXLWH This is not to suggest that Manipur has rival armed groups. Civil society setting fire to several villages ing the ruling BJP of playing pol-
LPSRUWDQW(YHQVSRUDGLFUHQGH]YRXVLVEHWWHUWKDQQRQHDWDOO been a peaceful state. It is not. It has been 10CC;4584;3B organisations lament the over- inhabited by the Meitei in itics over the lives at stake. After
3XUVXLQJ KREELHV LV DQRWKHU DYHQXH IRU ILQGLQJ KDSSLQHVV at perennially at war with itself and the
country. This northeastern state is home
F8C7?4024 shadowing of elections by "open
intimidation" and violence at
This sparked further reprisals
nearly a month of ongoing vio-
lence, Home Minister Amit Shah
'HVSLWHRXUEXV\VFKHGXOHVHWWLQJDVLGHWLPHWRHQJDJHLQDFWLY to 39 diverse ethnic communities, each A8??430F0H polling stations. Thus, democracy from the Meitei, who reportedly finally visited Manipur, aiming to
LWLHVZHORYHLVFUXFLDO%\SODQQLQJRXUDFWLYLWLHVDFFRUGLQJO\ZH with its own vibrant cultures and beliefs. in this fragile region teeters under torched Kuki localities in the restore normalcy during his four-
FDQFUHDWHVSDFHIRURXUSDVVLRQ'LIIHUHQWLDWLQJEHWZHHQZRUNDQG However, beneath the surface, a simmer- 1H?>F4A the threat of gun-wielding forces. Imphal Valley. Trapped in this day visit. Additionally, the chief of
SOD\ LV HVVHQWLDO :KLOH ZRUN PD\ EULQJ VXFFHVV ILQDQFLDO ing cauldron of inter-ethnic strife is 7D=6AH The insensitivity of the adminis- cycle of violence, casualties mount- army staff assessed the situation on
JDLQVDQGPDWHULDOFRPIRUWVWUXHKDSSLQHVVLVQRWGHSHQGHQWRQ always present. The identities of various tration with a dash of political ed on both sides. While the the ground. Shah announced a
VXFK H[WHUQDO IDFWRUV +DSSLQHVV LV GHULYHG IURP LQWDQJLEOH ethnic communities have long been 8=38E83D0;B expediency is a perfect recipe for protests may have served as the judicial probe into the violence, to
manipulated to serve the interests of rul- a burning Manipur. immediate trigger, tensions with- be conducted by a retired High
DVSHFWVRIOLIH ing elites. The seeds of discontent were F7>C7A8E4 The present-day crisis can be in the Indigenous communities Court judge, along with the estab-
sown in Manipur during its merger with
India in 1949.
>=38E8B8>= attributed to an irresponsible
judgement that ignited the fire and
had been building for years. The
state government's handling of
lishment of a peace committee
comprising members from differ-
QHVVLQYROYHVQXUWXULQJDSRVLWLYHPLQGVHWHPEUDFLQJJUDWLWXGHDQG This unease continues even today. To 0=3E8>;4=24 the state government in all its wis- Indigenous land rights issues, par- ent communities.
ILQGLQJFRQWHQWPHQWLQWKHSUHVHQWPRPHQW,WUHTXLUHVUHFRJQLV quell this resistance, New Delhi intro- dom or voracity or both started ticularly those affecting Kuki com- However, the efficacy of these
LQJWKDWKDSSLQHVVLVQRWVXEMHFWWRDFKLHYLQJVSHFLILFJRDOVRUWKH duced the controversial Armed Forces surveying the hill areas enraging munities in the surrounding hill measures hinges on the ongoing
DFFXPXODWLRQRIPDWHULDOSRVVHVVLRQVEXWUDWKHUWRRQH·VDELOLW\ Special Powers Act in 1958. This act the hill people, the Kukis. areas, stoked discontent. violence. Armed groups continue to
granted extensive powers to the military Since May 3, Manipur has Efforts to survey reserved exploit the chaos, and concerns of
WR DSSUHFLDWH DQG GULYH MR\ IURP WKH VLPSOH SOHDVXUHV RI OLIH and paramilitary to maintain public become a battleground for two forests in these regions, ostensi- cross-border attacks loom large. The
3UDFWLVLQJPLQGIXOQHVVFDQJUHDWO\FRQWULEXWHWRRXUKDSSLQHVVMRXU order in "disturbed areas." Over the years local ethnic communities: the bly to curb poppy cultivation, people of Manipur have endured
QH\%\EHLQJIXOO\SUHVHQWLQHDFKPRPHQWDQGDFNQRZOHGJLQJWKH army earned a bad reputation and led to Meitei and Kuki, you could also resulted in forced evictions from unimaginable suffering as their
EHDXW\DQGZRQGHUVDURXQGXVZHFDQGHYHORSDGHHSHUDSSUH further deuteriation of trust between add Nagas albeit to a lesser extent. Kuki villages. Meiteis are prohib- rice fields transformed into battle-
FLDWLRQIRUOLIH,QFRQFOXVLRQKDSSLQHVVLVDMRXUQH\WKDWODVWVD Manpuris and New Delhi. But that is a This action coupled with a trust ited from buying land in the hill grounds, with peace ripped away by
OLIHWLPH story for another day. (The writer is a deficit was enough to start bloody regions but have a political major- power-hungry individuals who
7KHZULWHULV*URXS3UR9LFH&KDQFHOORU+5 While the central government claims senior journalist) violent clashes in the state. Their ity and so get more government thrive on division and violence.

n a surprising develop- Limited is among the top five address a few operative aspects As per the guideline, sub- In extraordinary circum- with the bank or its group enti- CEO of the bank for 17 years

I ment, shareholders of
Kotak Mahindra Bank
Limited had voted in favour of
largest banks in India in terms
of business. It will be within
the top three or four in terms
received through such feed-
back, the central bank decid-
ed to issue instructions about
ject to statutory approvals,
the post of the MD & CEO
cannot be held by the same
stances, at the sole discretion
of RBI such MD&CEO or
WTDs may be allowed to
ties in any capacity, either
directly or indirectly.
Appointing Uday Kotak as
(well over the 10 year-period
proposed by the RBI) it was
believed that he would have to
the appointment of Uday of market capitalization in the Chair and meetings of the incumbent for more than 15 continue up to 15 years. The a non-executive director sim- step down, or the RBI would
Kotak as a non-executive, India. It is well ahead of even board, the composition of years. Thereafter, the indi- guideline has also provided ply violates this provision. approve a short term exten-
non-independent director on C:0;H0=0BD=30A0< some government banks, like certain committees of the vidual will be eligible for re- some relaxation to enable a Strangely, the shareholders sion to allow the bank to
the board. The bank claims PNB, Bank of Baroda, and board, age, tenure and remu- appointment as MD & CEO smooth transition to the have been allowed to pass a select his successor. However,
that the proposed appoint- Bank of India. Hence it is neration of directors, and in the same bank, if consid- revised requirements and the resolution which is contrary to on December 14, 2020, the
ment of Uday Kotak, who is important to ensure proper appointment of the whole- ered necessary and desirable banks were permitted to com- RBI guideline and even SEBI regulator approved a three-
now MD and CEO of the conduct of the bank well with- time directors. Accordingly, a by the board, after a minimum ply with these instructions lat- can initiate action against the year extension as CEO (till
bank, as a non-executive in the regulatory framework notification was issued on gap of three years. est by October 01, 2021. Board for such a violation. The December 31, 2023) for Uday
director after the end of his established by the RBI. Now 26th April 2021. During this period, the The RBI guideline is to RBI as regulator must put Kotak. During the same peri-
term is lawful and in the let us see where the friction The revised instructions individual shall not be appoint- establish a proper framework down such appointments and od, the CEOs of Federal Bank
interest of shareholders. CFO comes from. apply to all the Private Sector ed or associated with the bank for governance. Hence for any establish set norms as applic- and DCB Bank were given just
Jaimin Bhatt said “What we Originally a Discussion Banks including Small or its group entities in any meaningful corporate gover- able for all banks to Kotak a one-year extension.
did...we clearly believe is in Paper on ‘Governance in Finance Banks and wholly capacity, either directly or indi- nance, the guidelines should be Mahindra Bank also. Here is another interesting
accordance with law and reg- Commercial Banks in India’ owned subsidiaries of Foreign rectly. The upper age limit for followed in letter and spirit. On earlier occasions, it piece of information. In 2017
ulations. We do believe it is in was issued by RBI on June 11, Banks. In respect of the SBI MD & CEO and WTDs in the When the guideline sets an was perceived that the RBI had a committee to improve effi-
the best interest of all stake- 2020, to review the framework and nationalised Banks, these private sector banks has been upper limit for a position on accommodated Uday Kotak ciency in corporate gover-
holders.” It seems that the for governance in commercial guidelines would apply to the retained as 70 years. Further, the board, it is with a purpose. and Kotak Mahindra Bank. As nance was constituted by SEBI
Reserve Bank of India is yet to banks. Based on the feedback extent the stipulations are not the MD&CEO or WTD who The guideline stipulates that Uday Kotak’s term as CEO under the chairmanship of
provide its clearance for such received, a comprehensive inconsistent with provisions of is also a promoter/ major during this three-year cooling was coming to an end on Uday Kotak. He was the guid-
an appointment. (The writer is a review of the framework has specific statutes applicable to shareholder, cannot hold these period, the individual shall not December 31, 2020, and since ing force for improving corpo-
Kotak Mahindra Bank retired banker) been done by the RBI. To these banks. posts for more than 12 years. be appointed or associated he had been the founder- rate governance.
=4F34;78kB0CDA30H k9D=4!#!!" f^a[S'

?C8Q 8B;0<0103 government of Pakistan was

MF Managing Director 3Pa²WPaPbbTb³Y^da]P[Xbc

?C80?Q 8B;0<0103 Greece that left more than 500 fully committed to fulfilling its
migrants missing, including obligations as agreed with the

P akistan on Friday con- scores of Pakistanis, authorities Iurged

Kristalina Georgieva has IMF.
firmed that about 350
Pakistanis were aboard an over-
crowded fishing boat which
said Thursday.
The families
approached authorities, say-
Pakistan’s Prime
Minister Shehbaz Sharif to
resolve policy differences at
^eTa_^bTa^]8<5STP[ A member of the federal
cabinet joined from Paris the
technical round of talks, which
sank off Greece’s coast last ing they suspect their loved the global lender’s staff level Islamabad (PTI): Pakistan’s Kristalina Georgieva. took place in Islamabad after
week, killing scores of passen- ones were on the boat, prior to getting a much-need- Finance Minister Ishaq Dar has While Dar, 73, did not the meeting between the IMF
gers in one of the deadliest inci- spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra ed loan to stabilise the cash- found himself at the centre of reply to the questions, the MD and Prime Minister
dents in the central Baloch of the Foreign Ministry strapped country’s economy, a controversy for engaging in a journalist persisted and ques- Sharif.
Mediterranean Sea. Interior told a news conference in the according to a media report. heated exchange with a jour- tioned the government’s failure Both sides again discussed
Minister Rana Sanaullah told capital of Islamabad. Georgieva said this dur- nalist, who accused the politi- to secure the USD 1.1 billion all the outstanding issues and
Parliament that the boat which Pakistani police, mean- ing her meeting with Prime cian of slapping him over a deal from the Washington- the government appeared to
sank on June 14 was carrying while, arrested 10 more sus- Minister Shehbaz Sharif that question about the stalled IMF based global lender. accept the IMF’s views on a
around 700 people when it only pected traffickers, bringing the took place on Thursday on the deal. Dar then retorted that the few budgetary numbers, the
had the capacity to carry 400 number of traffickers detained sidelines of the New Global The incident occurred on deal could not be cracked officials said.
passengers. “Among these, the in the nationwide crackdown to Financial Pact summit in Thursday when Dar was leav- “because people like you are in They continued that
number of Pakistani passengers 17, she said. Nearly three dozen Paris, The Express Tribune ing the parliament premises the system”. another round of talks might
on board — as per the informa- Pakistan illegally migrate by business of human smuggling. other suspects have also been reported on Thursday.“Prime after addressing a National The journalist defending take place soon.
tion that we have received so far saying that about 99 per cent Meanwhile, the Federal taken into custody in connec- Minister Sharif met IMF MD Assembly session when he was himself asserted that reporters It was the second time in
— is approximately 350,” he leaving for Europe adopt “legal Investigation Agency (FIA) in tion with the case. Kristalina Georgieva. During approached by journalist were not part of the system but less than a month that Prime
said, adding that 82 deceased means” but upon reaching its crackdown has arrested 27 However, she said the gov- the meeting she emphasised Shahid Qureshi, the Dawn merely asked questions. Minister Sharif has directly
Pakistani victims had been countries such as Egypt, UAE, alleged human traffickers and ernment still cannot verify the and insisted that all the poli- newspaper reported. At this point, Dar became talked to the IMF MD in
recovered. and Libya, they tend to opt for registered 70 cases against number of Pakistanis among cy matters should be resolved In a video that has gone visibly angry and confronted addition to sending her at
The minister said that 12 illegal routes. smugglers involved in the the dead or missing from the at the IMF staff level,” the viral on social media, the the journalist, asking him what least three letters regarding the
Pakistanis were among the Sanaullah revealed that the Greece boat tragedy. sinking. report said. reporter can be seen asking Dar he wanted and telling him to loan that debt-ridden Pakistan
total of 104 people who had prime minister has established The dirty business of send- The crackdown followed The International if he would be willing to talk “fear God”.Dar then attempted desperately wants, the report
survived. He said that the iden- a committee to investigate the ing young people to Europe orders from Prime Minister Monetary Fund (IMF) signed and the minister responded he to snatch the journalist’s mobile said.The meeting took place a
tification of the dead was going incident. thrives in certain areas of Shahbaz Sharif for security a deal in 2019 to provide USD had just finished speaking. phone and even instructed week before the expiry of the
on and may take several days “I assure the house that we Punjab and the Kashmir region forces to dismantle human 6 billion to Pakistan on the ful- Qureshi then inquired security personnel to seize and current four-year-long pro-
if not weeks and warned that will spare no efforts, and a of the country. People spend smuggling networks in the filment of certain conditions. about the progress of the stalled throw away the mobile phone, gramme ending on June 30.
the number of deceased may go comprehensive set of recom- thousands of dollars to get to country. The overcrowded The plan was derailed sev- International Monetary Fund the report said.The finance Pakistan’s efforts to unlock
up. mendations will be proposed Europe but not all of them fishing trawler capsized last eral times and the full reim- (IMF) programme and referred minister’s security personnel access to the already agreed
Sanaullah said that 281 by the probe committee, which make it to the desired shores. Wednesday with as many as bursement is still pending due to Prime Minister Shehbaz then intervened and escorted USD 6 billion loan package are
families have contacted the the government will diligently 750 people on board. Only 104 to insistence by the donor Sharif ’s recent meeting with Dar towards a vehicle in the in a quagmire as the budget
government to know about implement,” he said. 3=0B0<?;4BC0:4= people, including Egyptians, that Pakistan should complete IMF Managing Director parking lot. needs to satisfy the global
the victims and the govern- He also promised to fur- 5A><50<8;84B Pakistanis, Syrians and all formalities. lender to secure the release of
ment so far has collected 193 ther tighten laws to curb the Palestinians, have been res- During the meeting, more bailout money for the
DNA samples. The repatriation practice of illegal movement of Pakistan has collected cued and 82 bodies were recov- Georgieva did not immediate- the release of the third last Minister Sharif also under- cash-strapped country. It is
of bodies would follow once people to Europe and other DNA samples from more than ered.An unspecified number of ly concede to the demand by loan tranche of USD 1.2 bil- scored that all prior actions for feared that Pakistan might
identification was completed. countries.The minister also 200 families following last Afghan nationals were also on Prime Minister Sharif for a lion, the report said. the ninth review under the default on external financing
The minister also rejected announced to bring to law week’s sinking of an over- the boat. Pakistanis who tried board meeting date for the The report, quoting Extended Fund Facility (EEF) commitments without the
the idea that people from those involved in the heinous crowded smuggling vessel off to ma approval of the 9th review and sources, said that Prime had been completed and the active support of the IMF.

9cbQU\QbbUcdc#_fUb@Q\UcdY^YQ^d_g^QddQS[c LOOHJDOPLQHUV
0?Q 94ADB0;4< vandalized dozens of set ablaze, turning the hillsides
srael’s security agency said on
Friday it had detained three
Palestinian homes and cars
throughout the occupied West
Bank. Their ferocity echoed a
of the northern West Bank into
an inferno.
The group’s director, Ziv H[SORVLRQ¶ cdb_^WX_\Tcd_``\U
settlers on suspicion of deadly settler rampage in Stahl, alleged that the Israeli 0?Q 0C74=B right-wing voices in his own
involvement in mass rampages February in the northern military’s inability or unwilling- Johannesburg (AP): At least 31 party.
through Palestinian towns in Palestinian town of Hawara. ness to prevent the settler people were believed to have reeks return to the polls “He has been building this
the occupied West Bank this
week following the killing of
Some Israeli settlers were
detained following that attack,
attacks that roiled the West
Bank in revenge for
died in a gas explosion in a dis-
used mine shaft in South Africa
G Sunday for a second gener-
al election in five weeks, with
profile of a moderate politician
and an effective politician for
four Israelis. While rights but swiftly released without Wednesday’s Palestinian shoot- that happened last month but the conservative front-runners many years now,” he said of
groups welcomed the arrests, indictments. The Israeli rights ing attack was “part of an was only now coming to light, eyeing a landslide win after top- Mitsotakis, whose late father
the small number of suspects group Yesh Din on Friday intentional policy rather than authorities said Friday. pling strongholds dominated by Constantine Mitsotakis was a
given the scale of the attacks described the arrests as “a drop a mistake”. The suspected illegal min- their opponents for decades. divisive figure who served as
have revived criticism of the in the ocean” given the scale “(The army) had four ers were believed to have been Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the 55- prime minister in the early
wider lack of accountability for and intensity of the violence. mounts after (the attack in) killed on May 18 and most of year-old conservative leader, is 1990s.
Israeli settlers. The arrests The group said it docu- Hawara to study how to deal their bodies were still under- seeking a second four-year The younger Mitsotakis, a
fuelled concerns that the Israeli mented the burning of at least with this and stop it,” she said. ground, South Africa’s term as prime minister. His Harvard graduate, has vowed to
military is not doing enough to 30 Palestinian homes, 60 cars, “But everything happened in Department of Mineral center-right New Democracy rebrand Greece as a pro-busi-
stop and prevent settler a gas station, multiple shops, a broad daylight. They didn’t Resources and Energy said. party won by a huge margin in ness and fiscally responsible
attacks.“We didn’t expect mosque and school throughout detain anyone on the scene. Authorities were being pre- May elections but is heading to euro zone member.
much,” said Roy Yellin, of the 0]X]cTa]PcX^]P[ST[TVPcX^]TgP\X]TbPc^aRWTSQdX[SX]VPbcWThc^dacWTFTbc1P]Z northern West Bank villages They allowed the settlers to do vented from sending a search a second ballot to take advan- The strategy, so far, has
Israeli rights group B’Tselem. c^f]^UCda\db0hhPSPhbPUcTaPaP\_PVTQh9TfXbWbTcc[Tab^]5aXSPh 0VT]RXTb this week. The number of whatever they felt like doing.” team into the mine to retrieve tage of election law changes that worked: New Democracy rout-
“The rule is impunity from jus- homes and cars burned or The Israeli military did bodies because there were still favor the winning party. ed left-wing opponents in May,
tice.” three Israelis detained or offer ipating in “violent incidents”. vandalised, it acknowledged, is not immediately respond to a dangerously high levels of Sunday’s vote comes days crucially winning Socialist
Israel’s Shin Bet security further details, saying only Over the past three days, probably higher. Wheat fields request for comment on the methane gas in the shaft, the after hundreds of migrants died strongholds on the island of
agency did not identify the they were suspected of partic- Jewish settlers have torched and outside of Ramallah were also accusations. department said in a statement. and went missing in southern Crete and lower-income areas
It said it was considering Greece when an over-crowded surrounding Athens, some for

various options to “speedily fishing trawler capsized and the first time.
deal” with what was “a unique sank, drawing criticism over One of those areas to flip is
and strange situation.” how Greek authorities han- the mountain-slope Athens dis-

Illegal prospecting is rife in dled the rescue. trict of Kaisariani, once nick-
South Africa’s old gold-mining But the disaster did little to named “Little Stalingrad.” It has
areas, where miners go into dent Mitsotakis’ 20-point lead a fiercely proud tradition of
closed and often dangerous in opinion polls over left-wing support for the Communist
Kuala Lumpur (AP): advertisements. The commis- mine shafts to dig for deposits. rivals. Party rooted in World War II
Malaysia’s government said sion said repeated efforts to ?C8Q 2>;><1> (FOD), International Truth and state should take action against The government depart- As Greece emerges from a resistance and the ugly Cold
Friday it will take legal action reach out to Meta to remove Justice Project (ITJP) and Rajapaksa under Article 12 (4) ment said it had received infor- major financial crisis in the pre- War aftermath that included a
against Facebook’s parent com- harmful content were of no three-year civil war.
pany, Meta Platforms, for fail-
ing to remove undesirable and
avail. “Meta’s response, which
has been sluggish and unsatis-
Lanka’s former President
Rajapaksa report-
destroyed police records of
Journalists for Democracy in Sri
Lanka (JDS) was released on
Thursday. The mass graves were
of the International Convention
on the Protection of People
from Enforced Disappearances.
mation that three bodies had
been recovered after they were
brought to the surface by other
vious decade and turmoil
caused by the pandemic, voters
are happy to return a prime
Theodoros Sideris grew up
in a shack, playing on
harmful content from its social factory, has not met the a mass grave discovered in the discovered in the Matale district “Gotabaya Rajapaksa, then illegal miners. Another 16 sus- minister who delivered growth Kaisariani’s dirt roads, and vol-
media platform. urgency of the matter and has country when he was the mili- of central Sri Lanka in 2013. Secretary to the Ministry of pected illegal miners who were and lower unemployment, unteering to sell a left-wing
The Malaysian led to increasing public con- tary coordinator during the The report aims to analyse Defence (who had been Military also in the shaft have handed according to analyst Yannis newspaper on streets corners. “I
Communication and cern and scrutiny,” it said in a Marxist rebellion of 1988-89, an shortcomings in the Sri Lankan Coordinating Officer of Matale themselves over to authorities, Tsirbas.“What we see here is come from a left-wing family,
Multimedia Commission said statement. “As there is no suf- international rights group has exhumations which include 155 district between July 1989 and police said. Authorities said economic voting,” said Tsirbas, and I was a supporter of the left.
Facebook has recently been ficient cooperation from Meta, alleged. bodies at Matale, and at Mannar January 1990, and who later they believe the miners are a political scientist at the I had relatives in prison for their
plagued by a “a significant vol- MCMC has no option but to The report titled ‘Mass where 81 bodies and 318 skele- became President of Sri Lanka) nationals from neighbouring University of Athens. beliefs. My mother was a com-
ume of undesirable content” take definitive steps or legal graves and failed exhumations in tons were exhumed. The report was reported to have ordered the country Lesotho. Lesotho’s for- Mitsotakis, he argued, has suc- munist, my father too – that’s all
relating to sensitive issues on action against Meta as a mea- Sri Lanka’, authored by four said that Rajapaksa’s alleged destruction of all police registers eign ministry recently passed cessfully reached out to centrist there was,” said Sideris, who
race, religion and royalty as well sure to ensure that people are organisations Centre for Human action was “a prime example of and records older than 5 years information onto South voters, helped by an often- spends his afternoons volun-
as defamation, impersonation, secure and protected in the Rights Development (CHRD), political interference”. The report at police stations in the Central African authorities on the inci- obliging private news media teering at an open-air cinema
online gambling and scam physical sphere.” Families of the Disappeared advocated that the Sri Lanka Province including Matale. dent. and by muting some prominent run by the municipality.

0?Q 1>BC>= 435 miles (700 kilometers) The private company based and support from our friends family at this tragic time. We
south of St. John’s, in Washington started bringing and colleagues,” the company extend our heartfelt condo-
renowned Titanic expert, a Newfoundland, according to tourists to the Titanic in 2021 said in a statement. lences to the family, colleagues,
world record-holding Canada’s Joint Rescue as part of its effort to chroni- Harding’s family said in a and friends and all those
adventurer, two members of Coordination Center, spurring cle the slow deterioration of the statement: ”He was one of a around the world who grieve
one of Pakistan’s wealthiest a desperate international rescue wreck. kind and we adored him... the unthinkable loss,” the state-
families and the CEO of the effort. Rescuers raced against What he achieved in his life- ment said.
company leading an expedition the clock because it was feared 70<8B770A38=6 time was truly remarkable and When called, the compa- Boston (AP): Authorities found, said Rear Adm. John data and found an “anomaly”
to the world’s most famous the oxygen supply could run A British businessman, if we can take any small conso- ny’s employees said they were turned their focus to determin- Mauger, of the First Coast that was consistent with an
shipwreck were killed aboard out by approximately 6 am Harding lived in Dubai in the lation from this tragedy, it’s that reciting verses from the Quran ing why a submersible carrying Guard District.“I know there are implosion or explosion in the
the Titan submersible when it Thursday. United Arab Emirates. Action we lost him doing what he for the Dawoods. people to the wreck of the also a lot of questions about general vicinity of where the
imploded in the Atlantic Ocean The expedition featuring Aviation, an aircraft brokering loved.” Shahzada Dawood also was Titanic imploded deep in the how, why and when did this vessel was operating when com-
sometime this week. the Titan was led by company for which Harding on the board of trustees for the North Atlantic, as tributes happen. Those are questions we munications were lost. \
The US Coast Guard on OceanGate, making its third served as chairman, said he was B707I0300=3 California-based SETI Institute poured in for the five aboard will collect as much information The official spoke on con-
Thursday said there were no voyage to the Titanic, which one of the mission specialists, BD;4<0=30F>>3 that searches for extraterrestri- who were killed. as we can about now,” Mauger dition of anonymity to discuss
survivors after the catastroph- struck an iceberg and sank in who paid to go on the expedi- Father-and-son Shahzada al intelligence. The Dawoods The announcement that no said, adding that it was a “com- a sensitive acoustic detection
ic implosion deep in the North 1912, killing all but about 700 tion. and Suleman Dawood were lived in the UK, according to one survived on Thursday plex case” that happened in a system.
Atlantic. of the roughly 2,200 passengers Harding was a billionaire members of one of Pakistan’s SETI. brought a tragic end to a five- remote part of the ocean and Those killed were Stockton
The search for the sub- and crew. A pilot and four adventurer who held three most prominent families. Their .” day saga that included an urgent involved people from several Rush, the CEO of OceanGate
mersible — as well as any clues other people were on the Titan. Guinness World Records, family had said in a statement ?0D;74=A8=0A64>;4C around-the-clock search for the different countries. Expeditions; two members of a
to explain what happened They were: including the longest duration that they were both aboard the Nargeolet was a former vessel known as the Titan. The The first hint of a timeline prominent Pakistani family,
underwater — continued at full ocean depth by a crewed vessel. Their firm, Dawood French navy officer who was investigation into what hap- came Thursday evening when a Shahzada Dawood and his son
Thursday after a deep-sea robot BC>2:C>=ADB7 vessel. Hercules Corp., based in considered a Titanic expert pened was already underway senior US Navy official said that Suleman Dawood; British
found debris near the Titanic Although his background In March 2021, he and Karachi, is involved in agricul- after making multiple trips to and would continue in the area after the Titan was reported adventurer Hamish Harding;
shipwreck. is in aerospace and technology, ocean explorer Victor Vescovo ture, petrochemicals and the wreckage over several around Titanic where debris missing Sunday, the Navy went and Titanic expert Paul-Henri
Rear Adm. John Mauger, of Rush founded OceanGate Inc. dived to the lowest depth of the telecommunication infrastruc- decades. from the submersible was back and analysed its acoustic Nargeolet.
the First Coast Guard District, in 2009 to provide crewed sub- Mariana Trench. In June 2022, ture. He was director of under-
said search efforts will contin- mersibles for undersea he went into space on Blue In Pakistan, the Dawood- water research for E/M Group file. was expedition leader on the sections as well as the debris
ue but that the prospect of find- researchers and explorers, Origin’s New Shepard rocket. owned Engro Corporation, a and RMS Titanic Inc., had RMS Titanic, Inc., the most technologically advanced field. While with the French
ing or recovering remains was according to the company’s “Both the Harding family fertilizer company, announced completed 37 dives to the company that owns the salvage dive to the Titanic in 2010, Institute for Research and
unknown. website. Rush was the Titan’s and the team at Action the deaths of the two men early wreck and supervised the rights to the Titanic shipwreck, which used high-resolution Exploitation of Sea, he led the
The Titan was reported pilot, said company spokesper- Aviation are very grateful for all Friday. “Our thoughts and recovery of 5,000 artifacts, mourned the longtime employ- sonar and 3D optical imaging first recovery expedition to
overdue Sunday night about son Andrew Von Kerens. the kind messages of concern prayers are with the Dawood according to his company pro- ee known as “PH.” “argeolet on the Titanic’s bow and stern the Titanic in 1987.
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0?Q :H8E

U kraine wants other coun-

tries to heed its warning
to negotiate for a safety perime-
ter to protect the facility as
nearby areas came under
repeated shelling.
air force said. It did not iden-
tify the targeted airfield, but
Ukraine has an air base near
the Khmelnytskyi region’s town
nighttime remarks on
Thursday on a possible attack
on the nuclear power plant car-
ried a tone of frustration with
that Russia may be planning to The International Atomic of Starokostiantyniv. “countries that are pretending 0?Q <>B2>F
attack an occupied nuclear Energy Agency noted The base houses fighter jets to be neutral even now” in the
power plant to cause a radiation Thursday that the “the military and bombers, and five years war.He accused “anyone who he video was shocking —
disaster, President Volodymyr
Zelenskyy said.
situation has become increas-
ingly tense” while a Ukrainian
ago it hosted a training exercise
with air force personnel from
turns a blind eye to Russia’s
occupation of such a facility” of
T not just for what it showed
but also for what was said.
Members of his govern- counteroffensive that got the United States, Ukraine and enabling Moscow to commit an Yevgeny Prigozhin, the out-
ment briefed international rep- underway this month unfolds seven European countries. It act of evil and terror. spoken millionaire head of the
resentatives on Thursday on in Zaporizhzhia province, has come under Russian attack “Obviously, radiation does private military contractor
the possible threat to the where the namesake plant is previously, including within not ask who is neutral and can Wagner, stood in front of the
Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power located, and in an adjacent part the last month. reach anyone in the world. bloodied bodies of his slain
Plant. In his nightly address, of Donetsk province. Ukrainian forces so far Accordingly, anyone in the troops in Ukraine and yelled
Zelenskyy said he expected On Friday, IAEA Director have made only incremental world can help now, and it is expletive-riddled insults at
other nations to “give appropri- General Rafael Grossi met with gains in Zaporizhzhia province, quite clear what to do,” Russian military leaders,
ate signals and exert pressure” the director of Russian state one of four regions of the Zelenskyy said. blaming them for the carnage.
on Moscow. nuclear corporation Rosatom a transportation company in country that Russian President On Friday, Russia claimed “They came here as volun-
“Our principle is simple: to discuss the conditions at the Kherson, the capital of Kherson Vladimir Putin illegally it was the target of “an informa- teers and they died to let you
The world must know what the plant. Rosatom director Alexey province, killed two others on annexed last year. Putin has tion and propaganda campaign lounge in your red wood
occupier is preparing. Everyone Likachev and other officials at Friday, governor Oleksandr pledged to defend the regions to discredit the country in the offices,” Prigozhin shouted.
who knows must act,” the meeting in the Kaliningrad Prokudin said. Russia also fired as Russian territory. international arena.” “You are sitting in your

Zelenskyy said. exclave “emphasised that they 13 cruise missiles overnight at Zelenskyy has said that Russia’s Federal Security expensive clubs, your chil-
“The world has enough now expect specific steps” from a military airfield in the west- Ukraine is fighting to force Service, the FSB, said five peo- dren are enjoying good living
power to prevent any radiation the UN agency to prevent ern Khmelnytskyi province but Russian troops out of those ple were arrested for trying to and filming videos on
incidents, let alone a radiation
Ukrainian attacks on the plant
and its adjacent territory, said
Ukrainian air defences inter-
cepted them all, according to
regions and Crimea, which
Moscow is using as a staging
smuggle a kilogram of the
radioactive isotope Cesium-
YouTube. Those who don’t
give us ammunition will be =_cS_gQYbcX_g
The potential for a life- a statement from the Russian the air force. and supply route in the 16- 137 out of the country under eaten alive in hell!” Moscow (AP): Russia is like- earlier suggested it was due to
threatening release of radiation corporation, whose divisions The attack came after month-old war. the direction of a Ukrainian cit- It was a disquieting dis- ly to cancel this year’s Moscow Western sanctions on Russia
has been a concern since build and operate nuclear Russian-appointed officials said If the counteroffensive now izen. The FSB said the mater- play for Russians used to more air show, which for decades connected to the conflict in
Russian troops invaded power plants. that Ukrainian-fired missiles in its early stages breaks the ial was to be used for “organiz- than two decades of rigidly has been a major venue for Ukraine that would shrink
Ukraine last year and seized the The governor of damaged a bridge that serves as Russian defences in the south, ing staged scenes of the use of controlled rule by President showing off new warplanes international participation
plant, which is Europe’s largest Zaporizhzhia, Yuriy Malashko, key supply link to occupied Ukrainian forces could attempt weapons of mass destruction.” Vladimir Putin — years with and negotiating aerospace and have affected parts sup-
nuclear power station. reported Friday that Russian areas of southern Ukraine. to reach a pair of occupied port Cesium-137 is often mentioned little sign of infighting among contracts, a top official of its plies to manufacturers.
The head of the UN’s shelling in the southern Russia’s air-launched Kh- cities on the Sea of Azoz and as of potential use in making a his top lieutenants. organising agency said on Those reports also cited
atomic energy agency spent province killed two people in 101 and Kh-555 missiles were break Russia’s land bridge to ”dirty bomb” that could cont- Prigozhin’s video in May Friday. unnamed sources as saying
months unsuccessfully trying the past day. An attack that hit sent from the Caspian Sea, the Crimea. The Ukrainian leader’s aminate a wide area. and his other rants against the Viktor Kladov, director there are security worries in
military leadership have been for international cooperation the wake of drone attacks
met with silence from Putin, at the state-owned defence that hit the Kremlin and the

1HDUO\PQIRUHLJQSLOJULPV F?RZUV_eVcdDjcZR_ as well as the brass. Some see

Putin’s failure to squelch the
infighting as a sign of poten-
conglomerate Rostec, was
quoted by the state news
agency Tass as saying that the
outskirts of Moscow in May.
International attendance at
Russia’s annual investment


tial shifts in Russia’s political show “in all probability” won’t showcase, the St. Petersburg
scene that set the stage for take place this year. It had International Economic
more internal battles. been scheduled for the end of Forum, was notably lower

Prigozhin’s rift with the July. Kladov did not state a than it had been prior to
0?Q <4220 military has been ignored by reason for putting off the Russia’s sending troops into
state-controlled TV, where event, but Russian news media Ukraine in February 2022.
uslim pilgrims streamed most Russians get their news,
M into the holy city of
Mecca on Friday ahead of the
Idlib (AP): A convoy carrying
UN aid entered Syria’s last
Bashar Assad of trying “to
benefit from the aid intended
although it is followed close-
ly by the politically active,
ence, “there are growing signs
of deep dysfunction, anxiety,
Strategic Studies and the edi-
tor of its Strategic Survey.
start of Hajj next week, as the rebel-held enclave from gov- for victims of the earthquake.” ultra-patriotic readers and worry about the war and real Prigozhin’s feud with mil-
annual pilgrimage returns to its ernment-held territory on In the wake of the earth- viewers on social media net- problems in marshalling the itary leaders goes back years,
monumental scale after three Friday, the first such shipment quake, aid deliveries to affect- works, which share resources necessary to fight it and it spilled into the open
years of heavy restrictions to cross battle lines since ed areas became a political bat- his contempt for military effectively,” said Nigel Gould- amid the fighting for the east-
because of the coronavirus February’s deadly 7.8-magni- tleground, with Assad’s oppo- leaders. Davies, a senior fellow for ern Ukrainian city of
pandemic. tude earthquake that hit Turkey nents and many aid organisa- While there are no indica- Russia and Eurasia at the Bakhmut that was spearhead-
Saudi officials say close to and Syria. tions pushing for the United tions that Putin is losing influ- International Institute for ed by his mercenaries.
1.5 million foreign pilgrims The convoy with humani- Nations to send more aid ship-

have arrived in the country so faithful, walking nearly shoul- the world, many pilgrims con- tarian supplies crossed from a ments to northern Syria by way
far, the vast majority by air. der to shoulder — in stark con- verged on nearby shops and government-controlled area in of Turkey.
More are expected, and trast to scenes two years ago at malls to buy souvenirs. the province of Aleppo, and Meanwhile, the Syrian gov-
hundreds of thousands of the height of the pandemic, The Hajj is one of the five entered Idlib, according to the ernment and its ally, Russia,
Saudis and others living in when the sparse numbers kept pillars of Islam, and all Muslims UN office for humanitarian pushed for the aid to be sent via 0?Q 1D270A4BC nearly 7 million Twitter follow- but nonetheless often takes
Saudi Arabia will also join far from each other in the are required to undertake it at affairs or OCHA. The last aid Damascus. The UN is usually ers and is known for express- longer. The agency alleges that
them when the pilgrimage offi- nearly empty court as they least once in their lives if they shipment to cross the front only allowed to deliver aid Romanian court on Friday ing misogynistic views and the four defendants formed a
cially begins on Monday.
Saudi officials have said
walked the circuit.
Pilgrims do the circumam-
are physically and financially
able to do so. It is one of the
lines in the conflict was in early
January. After the February
through a single border cross-
ing from Turkey, at Bab al-
A extended by 30 days the
house arrest of Andrew Tate,
hate speech online, was initial-
ly arrested near Romania’s cap-
criminal group in 2021 “in
order to commit the crime of
they expect the number of pil- bulation, known as “Tawaf ” in world’s largest religious gather- earthquake that struck Turkey Hawa, at the insistence of the divisive social media per- ital, Bucharest, in late human trafficking” in
grims to reach pre-pandemic Arabic, upon arriving in ings. and northern Syria, causing Russia, which is a permanent sonality and former profes- December, along with his Romania, as well as in the
levels. In 2019, more than 2.4 Mecca, and the large crowds This year’s pilgrimage will widespread destruction, con- member of the United Nations sional kickboxer who was brother, Tristan. United States and Britain.
million Muslims made the pil- circling the Kaaba will last be the first without the restric- voys have been prevented from Security Council. charged this week with rape, Two Romanian women are All four have denied the
grimage. On Friday, pilgrims into the Hajj’s first day. tions imposed during the coro- entering the province of Idlib After the earthquake, human trafficking, and form- also charged in the case. All allegations against them. There
thronged the Grand Mosque in Carrying umbrellas against navirus pandemic. Fewer than from government-held areas by Assad agreed to the opening of ing a criminal gang to sexual- four defendants will remain are seven female victims in the
Mecca to attend weekly com- the sun in temperatures reach- 10,000 pilgrims performed the the al-Qaeda-affiliated mili- two new crossing points from ly exploit women. under house arrest for 30 days, case, DIICOT said, who were
munal prayers. ing 42 degrees Celsius (107 Hajj in 2020 and around 60,000 tant group Hayat Tahrir al- Turkey, at Bab al-Salam and al- The Bucharest Tribunal’s the court ruled, but the deci- lured with false pretenses of
Many then did a ritual cir- Fahrenheit) on Friday, pilgrims in 2021 — all of them residents Sham, which dominates the Raee on a temporary basis. decision comes days after pros- sion can be appealed within 48 love and transported to
cuit walking seven times walked for kilometres (miles) of Saudi Arabia since pilgrims area. In practice however, most ecutors from Romania’s anti- hours. DIICOT requested this Romania, where the gang sex-
around the Kaaba, the cube- from bus lots into the Grand were forbidden to come from The group has sought to of the cross-border aid contin- organised crime agency, week that judges extend the ually exploited and subjected
shaped structure inside the Mosque area in central Mecca, abroad. Last year, around distance itself from al-Qaeda in ued to come via Bab al-Hawa. DIICOT, formally indicted the house arrest measure as they them to physical violence. One
Grand Mosque that is Islam’s often jostling with barricades 900,000 made the pilgrimage as recent years. After the February The mandate for cross-border 36-year-old social media star filed their investigation. defendant is accused of
holiest site. On Thursday night, set up by security forces to Saudi Arabia allowed limited 6 quake, an administrative arm aid deliveries at Bab al-Hawa is after filing their criminal inves- Under Romanian law, raping a woman twice in March
the vast marble court around direct the giant flows of people. numbers of pilgrims from of the group accused the gov- up for renewal next month at tigation to a Bucharest court. judges have 60 days to decide 2022, according to the
the Kaaba was packed with the Coming from all around abroad. ernment of Syrian President the Security Council. Tate, who has amassed whether the case is sent to trial, agency.

Phnom Penh (AP): Pro-govern- candidates for public office to Paris (AP): Zambia and its nations in debt distress. The
ment Cambodian lawmakers prove their civic responsibility. government creditors, including International Monetary Fund
unanimously approved changes The amended law will take China, have reached a deal to approved the deal, meaning it’s
to the country’s election law on effect after approval by the restructure USD 6.3 billion in going to allow Zambia to receive
Friday that will ban anyone who Senate, a formality. Hun Sen’s loans, the French government more financing from the insti-
fails to vote from running as a critics say the action as his latest announced on Thursday on tution, the French said. A rep-
candidate in future elections, a tactic to marginalise his political the sidelines of a global finance resentative from the IMF did
move critics say is aimed at crip- opponents, some of whom are summit in Paris. not immediately respond to a
pling the opposition’s chances in considering an election boycott. The agreement covers loans request for comment. The
the polls. He announced the plan less from countries including Zambia deal came at a summit
The measure was approved than a month after the main France, the UK, South Africa, with more than 50 world lead-
with minimal debate by all 111 opposition party was barred Israel and India as well as China ers, finance officials and activists
lawmakers present in the from participating in the polls — Zambia’s biggest creditor at to discuss ways of reforming a
National Assembly. All members because it could not provide all USD 4.1 billion of the total. The global financial system to bet-
of the assembly belong to Prime of the paperwork required for deal, announced by officials ter help developing nations
Minister Hun Sen’s Cambodian registering. The Candlelight who spoke anonymously in struggling with debt, climate
People’s Party. Hun Sen, who has Party said it was unable to pro- accordance with the French change and poverty. Zambia
been in power for 38 years, vide one document to the government’s customary prac- became Africa’s first Covid-era
declared last week that the law National Election Committee tices, may provide a roadmap nation to default when it failed
would be amended ahead of because it had been seized in a for how China will handle to make a USD 42.5 mn bond
July’s general election to compel police raid several years ago. restructuring deals with other payment in November 2020.

0?Q B0=5A0=28B2> gence, has made Brussels a formation — as well as hate will obey the law,” Musk told
trailblazer in the growing glob- speech — spreading on Twitter the France 2 TV channel this
top European Union offi- al movement to clamp down since the billionaire Tesla CEO week when asked about the
A cial is in Silicon Valley to
check whether Twitter is ready
on Big Tech.
Breton tweeted about his
took over the company last
year. Musk has reinstated noto-
DSA. Breton’s agenda Friday
includes discussions about the
to comply with the bloc’s tough meeting Thursday at Twitter rious election deniers, over- EU’s digital rules and upcom-
new digital rulebook, a set of headquarters to carry out a vol- hauled Twitter’s verification ing artificial intelligence regu-
sweeping new standards that untary “stress test” to prepare system and gutted much of the lations with Meta CEO Mark
the world’s biggest online plat- for the new rules. “The com- staff that had been responsible Zuckerberg and OpenAI CEO
forms all must obey in just two pany is taking this exercise very for moderating posts. Sam Altman, whose company
months. seriously,” he said, adding he Last month, Breton makes the popular AI chatbot
European Commissioner had “constructive dialogue” warned Twitter that it “can’t ChatGPT.
Thierry Breton, who oversees with owner Elon Musk and hide” from its obligations after The DSA is part of a
digital policy, is the EU’s point new CEO Linda Yaccarino. the social media site aban- sweeping update to the EU’s
person working to get tech The mock exercise tested doned the bloc’s voluntary digital rulebook aimed at forc-
companies in line for the Twitter’s readiness to cope “code of practice” on online ing tech companies to clean up
Digital Services Act, which with the DSA’s requirements, disinformation, which other their platforms and better pro-
will force companies to crack including protecting children social media platforms have tect users online. For European
down on hate speech, disinfor- online and detecting and mit- pledged to support. users of big tech platforms, it
mation and other harmful igating risks like disinforma- Under the Digital Services will be easier to report
material on their sites. It takes tion, under both normal and Act, combating disinforma- illegal content like hate speech,
effect Aug. 25 for the biggest extreme situations. tion will become a legal and they will get more infor-
platforms. The law, along with Despite Musk’s claims to requirement. Musk has said mation on why they have been
new regulations in the pipeline the contrary, independent Twitter will comply. recommended certain
for data and artificial intelli- researchers have found misin- “If laws are passed, Twitter content.
=4F34;78kB0CDA30H k9D=4!#!!" \^]Th 

?C8■ <D<108 “Recent national accounts global economic activity has
data and corporate results sustained its growth momen-
nflation is slowing down when read in conjunction tum in the second quarter of

I personal consumption
expenditure, which in turn
is moderating corporate sales
clearly show that inflation is
slowing down personal con-
sumption expenditure. This, in
2023, albeit with two diverging
“While economies like
and holding back private turn, is moderating corporate India are rebounding, some
investment in capacity cre- sales and holding back private others are slowing or contract-
ation, said a Reserve Bank investment in capacity cre- ing,” it said.
paper on Friday. ation,” said the article published India’s real GDP growth in
The paper, authored by a in the RBI’s latest bulletin. Q4 2022-23 at 6.1 per cent was
team led by RBI Deputy The Reserve Bank, howev- the highest among major
Governor Michael Debabrata er, said the views expressed in economies of the world, and
Patra, underlined the need for the bulletin articles are of the CPI inflation came down to a
lowering inflation to revive authors and do not represent 25-month low of 4.25 per cent
consumer spending and boost the views of the Reserve Bank in May 2023.
corporate revenues and prof- of India. Kharif sowing, it said, has
itability. The article on the ‘State of begun on the back of a record
The retail inflation based the Economy’ stressed that rabi harvest, and the manufac-
on the consumer price index bringing down inflation and turing sector has posted a pick-
(CPI), which remained above stabilising inflation expecta- up in net profits.
5 per cent during 2022-23, is tions will revive consumer Credit growth is rebasing

now on the decline and fell to spending, and boost corporate to more durable sources of
a two-year low of 4.25 per cent revenues and profitability, funding, and the Indian rupee
in May, following RBI’s mone- which is the best incentive for is turning out to be the most

tary policy actions and govern- private capex. stable currency among emerg-
ment measures. The article further said ing market peers.


?C8■ <D<108

quity benchmarks Sensex

Asian Paints, NTPC, HCL
Technologies, HDFC and Sun
Pharma were the gainers.
majorly by global develop- E and Nifty buckled under “Global central banks are
For the week ended June
Friday when the broader mar-
ket was anyway under profit-
aT\PX]bcPQ[T^eTa selling pressure for the second
straight session on Friday as a
currently focused on addressing
inflation and have reiterated
16, the foreign currency
assets, a major component of
taking mode. An additional
reason for the group stocks to
! '\^]cWb³ bearish trend in global equities
and concerns over rate hikes by
their commitment to reaching
their target levels, as evidenced
the reserves, increased by fall was the news of Adani central banks unnerved by the hawkish commentary
USD 2.578 billion to USD Group drawing regulatory ?C8■ =4F34;78 investors. from (US Federal Reserve Chair
527.651 billion, according to scrutiny in the US after a short Besides, selling pressure in Jerome) Powell and the unex-
the Weekly Statistical seller report. oody’s Investors Service index majors Reliance pected rate hike by the Bank of
Supplement released by the
RBI on Friday.
“The US Attorney’s Office
in Brooklyn, New York, has
M on Friday said it has Industries, Infosys and L&T
affirmed Yes Bank’s ratings on also dragged the benchmark
England,” said Vinod Nair, Head
of Research at Geojit Financial
Expressed in dollar terms, reportedly sent inquiries in the back of expectation that its indices lower, traders said. Services.
?C8■ <D<108 the foreign currency assets recent months to institutional financial performance will The 30-share BSE Sensex In the broader market, the
include the effect of appreci- investors with large holdings in remain stable over the next 12- fell 259.52 points or 0.41 per BSE midcap gauge declined
?C8■ =4F34;78 1.24 per cent and smallcap
Ilionndia’s forex reser ves
increased by USD 2.35 bil-
to USD 596.098 billion
ation or depreciation of non-
US units like the euro, pound
and yen held in the foreign dani Group stocks ended in
cent, Adani Power declined
5.61 per cent and Ambuja
Cements tanked 4.19 per cent
Adani Group. The requests for
information were focused on
what Adani Group told those
18 months. cent to settle at 62,979.37.
The long-term foreign and During the day, it tumbled
local currency bank deposit rat- 364.77 points or 0.57 per cent to
index fell 1.17 per cent.
All the indices ended in the
for the week ended June 16,
the Reserve Bank said on
exchange reserves.
Gold reserves dropped by
A the negative territory on
Friday, with Adani Enterprises
on the BSE.
Adani Ports fell by 4.16 per
investors,” said Deepak Jasani,
Head of Retail Research, HDFC
ings and foreign currency issuer 62,874.12.
rating has been affirmed at The NSE Nifty declined
negative territory, with com-
modities declining by 1.87 per
Friday. USD 324 million to USD falling nearly 7 per cent, in-line cent, NDTV slumped 3.46 per Securities. ‘Ba3’, with a stable outlook. 105.75 points or 0.56 per cent to cent, oil & gas falling by 1.74 per
The overall reserves had 45.049 billion, the RBI said. with weak trend in the broader cent, ACC declined 3.46 per Adani Group stocks have in “The rating affirmation and end at 18,665.50. cent, consumer durables (1.67
dropped by USD 1.318 billion The Special Drawing market, amid reports that the cent, Adani Wilmar skidded the past taken a beating on the stable outlook is driven by the On a weekly, the BSE per cent), metal (1.61 per cent),
to USD 593.749 billion in the Rights (SDRs) were up by United States authorities are 3.42 per cent, Adani Total Gas bourses after Hindenburg made improvement in India’s macro benchmark fell 405.21 points or utilities (1.34 per cent), industri-
previous reporting week. USD 62 million to USD looking into the representa- went lower by 3.21 per cent and a litany of allegations, including profile to ‘moderate+’ from 0.63 per cent and the Nifty als (1.17 per cent), IT (0.99 per
It can be noted that in 18.249 billion, the central tions that the conglomerate Adani Green Energy dipped those about fraudulent transac- ‘moderate’, along with Moody’s dipped 160.5 points or 0.85 per cent) and auto (0.94 per cent).
October 2021, the country’s bank said. made to its American investors 1.50 per cent. tions and share-price manipu- expectation that Yes Bank’s cent. “The downward revision
forex kitty had reached an all- The country’s reserve in the wake of allegations of In the equity market, the 30- lation, against the business con- financial performance will “Nifty fell for the second of earnings guidance by a major
time high of USD 645 billion. position with the IMF was up stock manipulation levelled by share BSE Sensex fell 259.52 glomerate. remain stable over the next 12- consecutive session on June 23 US tech company Accenture has
The reser ves have been by USD 34 million to USD Hindenburg Research. points or 0.41 per cent to settle Adani Group has dismissed 18 months,” Moody’s said in a pulled lower by negative glob- raised concerns about potential
declining as the central bank 5.149 billion in the reporting Shares of Adani Enterprises at 62,979.37. the charges as lies, saying it statement. al cues. Global stocks fell on earnings downgrades in the
deploys the kitty to defend the week, the apex bank data tumbled 6.79 per cent, Adani “Adani group stocks came complies with all laws and dis- The agency expects Yes Friday, extending their declines Indian IT sector, resulting in
rupee amid pressures caused showed. Transmission plunged 6.38 per under selling pressure on closure requirements. Bank’s asset quality to be stable for the week and edging towards pressure on IT stocks.
as the bulk of its legacy problem their worst week since March, “However, the domestic

Be`UUVQ\\c%`QYcUd_S\_cU <93\Qe^SXUc
assets have been resolved, while as traders worried that central market is not expected to expe-
India’s good economic momen- banks’ efforts to curb sticky rience a significant correction
tum will support the perfor- inflation will lead to recessions due to favourable domestic eco-
mance of its newly originated and strengthen the US dollar,” nomic indicators and correction

Qd(" "QWQY^cdECT_\\Qb ^Ug^_^\Y^[UT

loans. said Deepak Jasani, Head of in international commodities
The bank’s gross non-per- Retail Research, HDFC prices to sustain earnings
forming loan ratio declined to Securities. growth on a QoQ basis,” Nair

2.2 per cent at the end of March Tata Motors was the biggest added.
2023 from 13.9 per cent a year loser in the Sensex pack, skid- In Asian markets, Seoul,
?C8■ <D<108 global central banks have earlier, following its sale of non- ding 1.77 per cent, followed by Tokyo, Shanghai and Hong
hiked interest rates, implying performing loans (NPL) to an SBI, Power Grid, Tata Steel, Kong ended lower.
he rupee depreciated by 5 inflation is still a global issue. ?C8■ <D<108 10, 15 and 18 years and the asset reconstruction company Infosys, UltraTech Cement, Equity benchmark indices
T paise to close at 82.02
(provisional) against the US
However, a weakness in crude
oil prices may support rupee ational insurer Life
minimum age at entry varies
from 90 days to 8 years,
(ARC) in 2022. Titan, Larsen & Toubro,
Yes Bank’s capital improved Reliance Industries and Maruti.
in Europe were also trading in
the red. The US markets ended
dollar on Friday amid strong
American currency against
at lower levels. Traders may
remain cautious ahead of PMI
N Insurance Corporation
on Friday launched a new
depending on the term select-
ed, and the maximum age at
post a capital raise from private On the other hand,
investors in 2022, Moody’s said. IndusInd Bank, Bharti Airtel,
on a mixed note in the overnight
trade on Thursday.
major rivals overseas and neg- US. We expect the USDINR close-ended plan Dhan entry varies from 32 to 60
ative sentiment in equity mar- spot to trade between 81.50 to Vridhhi. years, depending upon the
Outflow of foreign funds
82.40 in the near term,” he
The new plan will be on
sale from June 23 through
term and option selected.
The plan offers a mini-
:^cPZ1P]ZPa\b 1DB8=4BB1A845
from domestic equities also
put pressure on the local unit.
The dollar index, which
gauges the greenback’s
September 30, the insurer
said in a statement.
mum basic assured sum of Rs
1,25,000 and can be opted for
X]eTbcC&"!RaX] BA<24;41A0C4B8=C4A=0C8>=0;H>6030H
However, a sharp fall in crude
price cushioned the fall in the
strength against a basket of six
currencies, was up 0.63 per
LIC said Dhan Vriddhi is
a non-linked, non-partici-
more in multiples of Rs 5,000.
The guaranteed additions
APccP]X]SXP?^fTa =Tf3T[WX)BA<?dQ[XRBRW^^[2T[TQaPcTb8]cTa]PcX^]P[H^VP3Ph
Indian currency, said ana- cent at 103.03. pating, individual, savings, shall accrue at the end of each Mumbai: Kotak Mahindra cWTH^VP?[TSVTX]cWTBRW^^[PbbT\Q[hU^[[^fTSQhcWT_TaU^a\P]RT
lysts. 82.07 during the day’s trade. Crude oil price bench- single premium life plan, policy year, throughout the Bank on Friday said two of its ^Uh^VPPbP]PbP]S_aP]PhP\PQhcWTbcdST]cbP]SbcPUU
“FII outflows also weighed The currency finally settled at mark Brent crude was down offering a combination of policy term, and ranges from arms have invested Rs 732 crore
on the domestic currency 82.02 (provisional) against 1.29 per cent to USD 73.18 per protection and savings. Rs 60 to Rs 75 in the first in Rattanindia Power (RIPL) to
while the overnight decline in the US dollar, registering a fall barrel. This plan provides finan- option and Rs 25 to Rs 40 in help the thermal power plant
crude oil prices cushioned of 5 paise over the previous In the domestic equity cial support to the family in the second option for every operator reduce the cost of debt
the downside. The dollar close. market, the 30-share BSE case of unfortunate death of Rs 1,000 of basic sum servicing.
strengthened overnight on On Thursday, the rupee Sensex declined 259.52 points, the life assured during the assured. The guaranteed Kotak Strategic Situations
hawkish comments by US settled at 81.97 against the or 0.41 per cent to close at policy term. It also provides additions are higher for a India Fund II (KSSF) and Kotak
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome dollar. 62,979.37, and the broader a guaranteed lump sum higher sum assured. Private Credit Fund (KPCF) will
Powell,” said Anuj Choudhary, Chaudhar y said the Nifty fell 105.75 points, or amount on the date of matu- A settlement option is be investing Rs 582 crore and Rs
Research Analyst at Indian currency is likely to see 0.56 per cent to end at rity to the assured. available on maturity/death 150 crore, respectively, in the
Sharekhan by BNP Paribas. more fluctuation in the near 18,665.50. The plan comes with two in monthly/quarterly/half- non-convertible debentures
At the interbank foreign term as participants may Foreign Institutional options to choose from yearly/yearly intervals for five (NCDs) of RattanIndia Power,
exchange, the domestic cur- remain cautious awaiting PMI Investors (FIIs) were net sell- wherein the sum assured on years. The plan also offers liq- as per a statement.
rency opened weak at 82.05 data from the US. ers in the capital markets on death can either be 1.25 times uidity through a loan facili- The investment is part of an
against the greenback. The “Strong dollar and con- Thursday as they offloaded or 10 times in the second ty, which is available anytime overall Rs 1,125 crore infusion
unit hit the intra-day peak of cerns over global growth may shares worth Rs 693.28 crore, option. after three months from the by a consortium of lenders, it
82.00 and the lowest level of further pressurise rupee. Most according to exchange data. The plan is available for completion of the policy. said. PTI 5;06B78?82>=82?A>942C0==>D=243


P]TbcX\PcTS_^_d[PcX^]^U^eTa [PZWb6^[ST]6aP]STXbbXcdPcTSX]
?C8■ =4F34;78 stands cancelled.” “MCX stock price fell on June 23 of the shift to new technology. Soft over- The software support and mainte- 5[hfPhP]S:XbP]2W^fZ<Tca^BcPcX^]<30bWaPX6a^d_0]P]S
The stock went lower by 3.12 per as media carried reports in the morn- all markets also contributed to the nance agreement between 63 Moons BWdZ[PTg_aTbbTSWXbTgRXcT\T]cPQ^dccWT_a^YTRc

Son hares of Multi Commodity

Exchange (MCX) fell over 3 per cent
Friday, a day after the exchange can-
cent to settle at Rs 1,570.45 on the BSE.
During the day, it fell 6.37 per cent to
Rs 1,517.80.
ing about cancellation of mock trading
on the previous day. Mock trading has
been cancelled on a couple of occa-
weakness in the stock price,” he said.
In the equity market, the 30-share
BSE Sensex fell 259.52 points or 0.41 per
and MCX, which was last amended on
September 27, 2014, ended on
September 30, 2022, but it was extend-
celled the mock trading session for the At NSE, it declined 3.28 per cent to sions,” said Deepak Jasani, Head of cent to settle at 62,979.37. The NSE ed at the last moment for a period of 8]SXP=^afPhR^^_TaPcX^]_a^YTRcU^a_[PbcXRP]SRWT\XRP[_^[[dcX^]
new trading platform. end at Rs 1,568.80. Retail Research, HDFC Securities. Nifty declined 105.75 points or 0.56 per three months till December 31, 2022. aTSdRcX^]X]8]SXP8=>?>;bcPacTSfXcWXcb?WPbT88c^QT
The exchange is in the process of Earlier this week, the exchange had MCX has targeted to shift to new cent to end at 18,665.50. MCX had later extended the soft- X\_[T\T]cTSX]CP\X[=PSdP]SDccPaPZWP]S0b_Pac^UcWXb_a^YTRc
implementing a new commodity deriv- proposed a mock trading session on technology from July 1, Jasani added. The exchange had in the past ware contract with 63 Moons up to June Z]^f[TSVTP]SRP_PRXchfX[[QTQdX[cP\^]VbcSXUUTaT]cbcPZTW^[STab
ative platform. June 19 also but cancelled the same. “The street is eagerly monitoring as requested members to actively partic- this year. The technology support for bdRWPbbRXT]cXbcbP]STg_TacbPccWTBcPcT?^[[dcX^]2^]ca^[1^PaSb
In a circular on Thursday, MCX The exchange had earlier also to whether it will be able to do that ipate in the mock trading session to MCX has been provided by 63 Moons, aTbTPaRWP]SPRPST\XR^aVP]XbPcX^]bP]S2XeX[B^RXTch>aVP]XbPcX^]b
said, “the exchange had proposed a announced to conduct mock trading smoothly. There may be a few more avoid any issue when the exchange which was earlier known as Financial c^WT[_aTSdRTcWTaT[TPbTbP]SX\_PRcb^U_[PbcXR_^[[dcX^]P]ScWT
mock trading session on 22 June 2023, sessions to familiarise members with mock sessions and we will have a bet- plans to go live with the new version of Technologies India Ltd and was its erst- ²]Tf³?>?b[XbcTSd]STacWTBc^RZW^[\2^]eT]cX^]fWXRW8]SXPWPb
from 05.00 pm to 11.30 pm which the new trading platform. ter idea by next week about the success trading software. while founder-promoter. aTRT]c[haPcXUXTS
=4F34;78kB0CDA30H k9D=4!#!!"

FDE@9@DE6IA2?565 8\aTPShc^S^VaTPc
80=B■ =4F34;78

orld No. 2 tennis player

W Carlos Alcaraz has said his
expectations have changed and he
is ready to go for "great results" on
05?■ B?08= In theory, the last edition in grass after reaching his first grass-
the smaller format will be played court quarterfinal ahead of his
he Club World Cup 2025 in Saudi Arabia in December. Wimbledon tilt.

T will be the pinnacle of elite

professional men's club
football, and with the required
Six of the places have already
been decided with five continen-
tal champions -- Manchester
The Spaniard has undoubted-
ly been a dominant force on both
the hard and clay courts over the
infrastructure in place together City, Leon of Mexico, Egyptians past 18 months, having clinched
with a massive local interest, the Al Ahly, Urawa Red Diamond seven of his 10 ATP titles on the
United States is the ideal host to from Japan, Auckland City of clay and the remaining three on
kick off this new, global tourna- New Zealand -- and Al Ittihad hard courts.
ment," said FIFA President representing the host country. But his experience on the grass
Gianni Infantino. The Copa America in South lays thin, having only played eight
The dates, host cities and American has not yet finished. matches on the surface in his
match schedule for the tourna- Current plans would leave a young career. "Playing these kinds of matches,
ment will be established at a later one-year gap before the expand- Alcaraz quickly found his footing the level that I played -- I'm ok with
date, FIFA said. ed tournament kicks off. on the surface, securing two victories that. I feel really comfortable here on
The US will also host the Continental federations have in West London this week, including grass so I'm really happy getting expe-
2026 World Cup along with reportedly asked FIFA to ensure his triumph over Jiri Lehecka on rience on grass, getting hours.
Canada and Mexico. that their 2024 champions have Thursday to enter the last eight of the Knowing that I have this level, I'm real-
The club World Cup has a chance to play for a global title Queen's Championships for the first ly happy about it," Alcaraz was quot-
been held annually in a seven- next year. time. ed by Eurosport.
team, or sometimes six-team, FIFA also announced on "After this match, this level, the Alcaraz will next play former
format since 2005 with that year's Friday it was pushing back the expectations change. I'think I'm ready World No.3 Grigor Dimitrov for a
six continental champions plus, decision on the host of the 2030 to do great results here on grass. place in the semifinal.
when necessary, a representative World Cup from September or Playing my first quarterfinal here, I'm The youngster is pursuing more
of the host nation. October to the second half of going to enjoy it. I'm enjoying every than his first grass-court title this week.
FIFA announced the planned to include four represen- North and Central America, as winners of last five Champions next year "to ensure additional single second here, and of course, I will If he triumphs at Queen's Club, he will
enlarged format in February. tatives each from Asia, Africa and well as six from South America, Cup, and one each from Oceania consultation with all key stake- go into the next round with a lot of reclaim World No. 1 in the ATP Rankings
The new competition is CONCACAF, which includes 12 from Europe, including the and the host country. holders." confidence and I will go for it. from Novak Djokovic on Monday.

" "$?\i]`YSV\Q]UgY\\RUSQbbYUTV_b&(TQic
0?■ ?0A8B The torch will be lit by the along the famed red-wine vine- "It's going to be spectacular,"
sun's rays on April 16 in Ancient yards of Saint-Émilion and said Estanguet, a three-time
he Olympic flame for the Olympia, Greece. It will then be white-wine vines of Chablis. Olympic canoeing champion.
T 2024 Paris Games will pass
through 64 departments -
carried around the nation before
its handover in Athens.
"They are the Games of the
country," said Paris Mayor Anne
Continuing over land, the
torch will rise up the Alpine
including five overseas - and 400 The flame will leave Athens Hidalgo, citing French author mountain pass of Chamonix for
towns over 68 days before the on April 27 aboard a three-mast Victor Hugo and his theme of Olympic Day on June 23 before
cauldron is lit. ship named Belem for the universality. "Paris belongs to the spending July 14 - known as
Organizers announced the French port of Marseille - a for- whole country." Bastille Day, France's national
route for the torch relay on mer Greek colony founded Including beyond its borders. day - and July 15 in Paris.

Friday at a Paris university. 2,600 years ago. A passage in France's over- The torch will then tour var-
"Paris 2024 is the greatest The Belem was first used in seas territories, called the Relais ious suburbs of Paris until
collective project in our history," 1896, the same year the modern des Oceans (Ocean Relay), will returning via Seine-Saint-Denis

organizing committee president Olympics came back. It will be begin on June 9 in Guyana and - home to the Stade de France -
Tony Estanguet said. "The torch skippered by French navigator crew will reach Marseille on sites such the imposing Mont will take in the Reunion Island, before arriving back in Paris.
relay plays an important role Armel Le Cléac'h, winner of the May 8. Saint-Michel in Normandy and Polynesia, Gaudeloupe and "It's an occasion to all come
because it has the capacity to solo around-the-world race After leaving Marseille, the the 2,500-year-old medieval city Martinique before coming back together, whatever our origins,"
80=B■ C08?48 the mid-game break. Ng Ka touch so many people." Vendée Globe in 2017. The torch relay will take in heritage of Carcassone. It will also trail to Nice on June 18. Hidalgo said.
Long Angus remained in control
ndia's campaign at the Taipei as the Indian shuttler failed to
Open 2023 came to an end on match his opponent's intensity.
after HS Prannoy bowed
out of the tournament, suffering
a loss in the men's singles quar-
The Hong Kong shuttler
wrapped up the match in 38
minutes. 1T]XcTiPbR^PRW ET]dbFX[[XP\b[^bTbc^
ter-finals, here. This was Prannoy's sixth
Prannoy, ninth in the world loss against Ng Ka Long Angus 0?■ <03A83 "The centenary season, an
badminton rankings, lost 19-21, in 12 meetings. In their last unforgettable and unique event
8-21 to Hong Kong's world No. meeting, Prannoy beat Ng Ka afa Benitez will coach Celta for Celta fans, looks set to have
16 Ng Ka Long Angus in the
Long Angus 21-18, 21-16 on the
way to the semi-finals of the
R Vigo on a three-year deal,
the Spanish side said Friday.
a formidable leader in the
dugout," said the Galician team
at 2-2 in the second set. She
looked uncomfortable when she
Playing at the Tian-Mu Indonesian Open 2023. The former Liverpool, in a statement. returned to the grass but contin-
Arena, the third-seeded Prannoy Earlier, Tanya Hemanth lost Chelsea and Real Madrid coach "Celta have reached an ued to play, fighting for every
found his footing quickly and to world No. 4 and Tokyo 2020 replaces Carlos Carvalhal, who agreement in principle with point and even saving a match

raced to a 5-2 lead. However, Ng Olympics silver medallist Tai left Celta earlier in June by Rafa Benitez for the Madrid- point at 5-3 before recovering to
Ka Long Angus rallied to make Tzu Ying of Chinese Taipei in mutual consent after helping the born coach to lead the team in win four games in a row and take
it 5-all. As the match progressed, the women's singles pre-quar- team survive relegation from La this special year and two more it to a decider.

both shuttlers battled to gain the terfinals on Thursday to end Liga. seasons." By the end of a 44-minute
upper hand. With the scores tied India's run in the category. Celta, celebrating their Benitez, who won the third set, Williams' mobility was
at 19-all, Ng Ka Long Angus The Indian shuttlers will be centenary in the upcoming Champions League with limited and Ostapenko sealed

won two consecutive points to in action next at the Canada season, said they have reached Liverpool and La Liga twice victory with a forehand down the
take the lead. Open. The BWF Super 500 an agreement with the 63-year- with Valencia, last coached line.
In the second game, tournament will be held in old coach, which will be signed Everton before he was sacked in A seven-time Grand Slam
Prannoy trailed 8-2 going into Calgary from July 4 to 9. in July. January 2022.
0?■ 18A<8=670<
champion and five-time winner of
the Wimbledon singles, Williams
was this week granted a wild card
05?■ 14A;8= enus Williams couldn't cause by the All England Club for this 0=8■ 3D108

umber one seed Daniil

V an even bigger surprise at the
Birmingham Classic.
year's championships and she has
justified it. he second day of the Global Chess League saw the
Medvedev has crashed out The 43-year-old American, Top-seeded Barbora debut of Magnus Carlsen, the strongest chess play-
of the Halle Open, a tradition- now ranked No. 697, lost 6-3, 5- Krejcikova earlier maintained her er in the world. Carlsen played his first game against
al Wimbledon warm-up, beaten 7, 6-3 to second-seeded Jelena confident progress by reaching the Ian Nepomniachtchi, a two-time challenger for the
in straight sets by Roberto Ostapenko on Thursday in the quarterfinals with a straight-set world crown.
Bautista Agut on Friday. missing last year's tournament previously made it to the final of second round of the grass-court win over fellow Czech player The first to face each other were the teams of
Medvedev lost 7-5, 7-6 (7- due to a ban on Russian athletes the Halle tournament in 2016 tournament that is serving as a Tereza Martincova. SG Alpine Warriors and Balan Alaskan Knights.
3) against the 35-year-old due to the war in Ukraine. and 2017, losing to 10-time warmup for Wimbledon. With the 6-4, 6-4 victory, The match ended with a score of 9 to 7 for the SG
Spaniard. Eighth seed Bautista Olympic gold medallist winner Roger Federer on both On Monday, Williams defeat- Krejcikova has yet to drop a set at Alpine Warriors. The match saw the two strongest
Agut now boasts a 5-2 career Alexander Zverev also pro- occasions. ed 48th-ranked Camile Giorgi for the tournament. players of the event making their first appearance
record against the 2021 US gressed into the semi-finals after Zverev will meet Kazakh a first victory over a player in the The No. 12-ranked Krejcikova in the Global Chess League - the current world
Open winner. defeating Chilean Nicolas Jarry. Alexander Bublik in the last four top 50 in nearly four years. She won her first-round match 6-3, 6- champion in rapid and blitz and the top-rated
Medvedev, the former world The 26-year-old German, after Bublik advanced when has just returned after six months 3 against Cristina Bucsa. player in the world, Magnus Carlsen, and the two-
number one, was runner-up on who made it to the semi finals Italian fourth seed Jannik Sinner out with a hamstring injury sus- Eighth-seeded Sorana Cirstea time world champion candidate, Ian
the Halle grass in 2022, losing to of this year's French Open, withdrew hurt in the second set tained in Auckland in the first of Romania was beaten 6-3, 6-7 Nepomniachtchi. The game was largely calm end-
Poland's Hubert Hurkacz in defeated Jarry in straight sets 7- of their quarter final tie. week of the year. (1), 6-4 by Magdalena Frech of ing in a draw relatively quickly, which was not the
straight sets in the final. 5, 6-3. things to improve on" Zverev Bublik won the first set 7-5 Williams, who played with Poland, and Rebecca Marino of case for the rest of the games.
With a poor record on grass, "It's fantastic that I've been said. and was up 2-0 in the second strapping around her right knee Canada defeated 150th-ranked Balan Alaskan Knights gained a significant
Medvedev has never reached the able to keep playing like I did in Zverev will play in the semis when Sinner pulled out with a against Ostapenko, received an American player Emina Bektas 6- advantage as Teimour Radjabov won as black, earn-
quarter-finals at Wimbledon, Paris, but there's still a few for the third time. The German right leg injury. off-court medical timeout when 4, 4-6, 7-6 (1). ing them four crucial points. Fortunately for the SG
Alpine Warriors, they made a comeback with two vic-

tories, securing six points.
After draws on two other boards the result was
8-6 for SG Alpine Warriors. Everything was hanging
on the last game between Indian chess hope Gukesh
D who was up against Nodirbek Abdusattorov, the
80=B■ 14=60;DAD I'm also happy that we've Despite India knowing nent. We have many inexperi- 2021 rapid world champion. Abdusattorov made a
already forgotten about that Nepal very well and boasting a enced players in this competi- strong push from the early stages, but Gukesh man-
fter a resounding success match and are working on the great record against them, tion, and haven't had much aged to hold his ground, ensuring his team's victory
A over Pakistan in their SAFF
Championship opener, the
next one," said Stimac.
"With all due respect to
Stimac believes they are a
much-changed side now under
time to prepare. However, we
did create many chances, espe-
with a final score of 9-7.
"I had a small edge but it was largely even through.
Indian senior men's team face every team participating here, new head coach Vincenzo cially in the second half," said I wanted to play a more interesting game but this one
Nepal in their second Group A we are only thinking about Alberto Annese, who led Annese. went the way it did," said Carlsen who also noted that
match at the Sree Kanteerava ourselves," he added. Gokulam Kerala to back-to- For 174-ranked Nepal, a he is excited to be taking part in this event which is
Stadium here, with an aim to The Croatian was sent off in back I-League titles between in defeat will see them eliminated more dynamic and different to most others in chess.
secure the semi-final berth on the first-half added time for 2021 and 2022. should Pakistan fail to beat In match four the Chingari Gulf Titans played as
Saturday. interrupting a quick throw-in "Nepal changed their coach Kuwait. But Annese is only white against Triveni Continental Kings. Both start-
A victory for India, coupled from Pakistan, an act he does- a few months ago. He is trying focused on the mountain to ed with a defeat on the first day and were looking for
with a win or a draw for Kuwait n't regret and only did for the to bring and implement a new climb against the hosts in the their first victory.
against Pakistan, will see the good of the team. philosophy to their game. But as evening. It started well for the Titans whose players man-
Blue Tigers qualify for the semi- "Whatever decision I made I said, we're not thinking about "We will face an India side aged to create stronger positions and take initiative
final with one group-stage wasn't in the heat of the them. Our only concern is us which hasn't conceded in their in the match.
match to spare. moment but with a cool head and where we can improve. We last seven games. They have In the duel of the prodigies, Nihal Sarin scored
Sunil Chhetri's hat-trick and knowing that there would need to maintain the good amazing players who play in an an impressive victory against Jonas Buhl Bjere, set-
and a late strike from Udanta be a sanction after it. I'm there momentum as far as possible," amazing league like the ISL. I ting the Titans off to a good start. However, follow-
Singh powered India to a 4-0 to protect my boys and my Stimac stated. respect them a lot, and it will be ing a mistake in a tense game, Daniil Dubov allowed
victor y on a rain-lashed team. It's better I get the cards Nepal went down 1-3 to tough for us, but we'll go out Wei Yi to score as black, making a comeback for the
Wednesday, which the Blue than them," he said. Kuwait in their first game, with with character. We will be up Triveni Continental Kings.
Tigers have already moved on Under Stimac, India have Anjan Bista, who played for against 20 thousand people As the four other games ended in a draw - includ-
from, according to head coach faced Nepal four times (three Mumbai Kenkre in the I-League tomorrow. We need to give ing between heavyweights Jan-Krzystof Duda and
Igor Stimac. wins and a draw), with the last Male. India claimed their thanks to goals from Sunil last season, scoring the conso- more than 100 per cent. It's a Levon Aronian, this meant that Wei Yi's victory was
"I'm very happy with how meeting coming in the 2021 record-extending eighth title Chhetri, Suresh Singh Wangjam lation goal for Annese's side. great opportunity, an amazing crucial to secure them an overall edge of 8:7 in the
we responded against Pakistan. SAFF Championship Final in after a convincing 3-0 win and Sahal Abdul Samad. "Kuwait was a great oppo- challenge," said the Italian. match.
=4F34;78kB0CDA30H k9D=4!#!!"
b_^ac !

?C8■ =4F34;78 know of things told PTI on condi- also an issue. The two knocks and bat at number three. If they
tions of anonymity. against Bangladesh were hardly of forge a good combination at top in
he national selection panel on "Twin failures at Oval sealed his any consequence," the source said. future, there is every chance that
T Friday effectively brought cur-
tains down on veteran Cheteshwar
fate. SS Das was in London for WTC
final. He must have had a word with :QYcgQ\ 7QY[gQT SQ^ R_dX
Shubman Gill can bat at the covet-
ed No. 4 position as and when Virat
Pujara's international career by head coach Rahul Dravid and inti- _`U^QcgU\\QcRQdQd>_# Kohli decides to move on.
dropping him from Indian Test mated his panel's thought-process After he scored 213 and 144 in "I am not saying Das' panel
squad for the two-Test series against post final," the source added. the Irani Cup for Rest of India would think like this but a Ruturaj
the West Indies, starting July 12. If Pujara's knocks of 90 and 102 against MP, the stylish Mumbai left- with his ability to play fast bowling,
Inclusion of powerhouse domes- against Bangladesh are taken away, hander Jaiswal was expected to despite his 40 plus average in Ranji
tic performers Yashasvi Jaiswal and he has scored at a poor average of earn his maiden Test call up. Trophy, stands a better chance to be
Ruturaj Gaikwad in the 16-member 26 in the last three years and per- With a first-class average of successful. A selector will not just
squad is a clear indication that the haps got a very long rope for non- 80.21, Jaiswal has shown that he is look at runs.
four-member panel, headed by Shiv performance. a special talent and needed to be "Hence a Sarfaraz Khan getting
Sunder Das, is now looking at the "It is a two-year cycle and fast-tracked. completely exposed against quick
next two-year World Test you can't just make wholesale In pre-IPL days, the selec- bowlers in IPL or Abhimanyu
Championship cycle (2023-2025). changes. Pujara hasn't been tors would always be wary Easwaran not scoring for Bengal in
That Pujara will be dropped and scoring for three years. about temperament of seven consecutive Ranji knock-out
skipper Rohit Sharma is likely to Difference between a Virat domestic performers at the games (three quarter-finals, two
lead the Test side in the Caribbean Kohli and a Pujara has been highest level but one good semi-finals and two finals) also is
was reported by the PTI recently. the rhythm. Yes, Kohli also thing about IPL is a chance to taken into account. It is not just
The other significant develop- has had a dry spell but he never test one's skills against the about how many runs you score but
ment was Ajinkya Rahane's re- looked out of form. best in the world. also how you score them that mat-
appointment as the vice-captain of "Pujara never Both Jaiswal and ters," a former selector said.
the Test side just after making an gave you confi- Gaikwad, who plays India Test squad: Rohit Sharma
international comeback in the pre- dence after the Maharashtra, can (C), Shubman Gill, Ruturaj
vious game. Australia tour op en Gaikwad, Virat Kohli, Yashasvi
While Mohammed Shami has that he is in Jaiswal, Ajinkya Rahane (VC), KS
been given complete rest from both rhythm. Bharat (wk), Ishan Kishan (wk),
Tests and ODIs after nearly three Intent was Ravichandran Ashwin,
months of hectic competitive crick- tracks. together these 20 players will most cricket and earn his stripes. Ravindra Jadeja, Shardul
et, the selectors have indeed start- All three new entrants -- Jaiswal, likely make the core group going Pujara went back to County Thakur, Axar Patel, Mohd.
ed the phasing out process by drop- Gaikwad and Mukesh -- were the into the big World Cup. Cricket and played for Sussex. He Siraj, Mukesh Kumar, Jaydev
ping the profligate Umesh Yadav stand-by players for the WTC final. scored tons of runs and was recalled Unadkat and Navdeep Saini.
and bringing in the consistent They have been very consistent in @eZQbQ e^\Y[U\i d_ ]Q[U Q for the one-off Test against England India's ODI squad: Rohit Sharma
Kolkata seamer Mukesh Kumar in domestic cricket over past few sea- S_]URQS[Q^idY]Uc__^ in 2022 and also got a chance to (C), Shubman Gill, Ruturaj Gaikwad,
the main squad. sons. When Pujara was dropped for complete 100 Tests milestone in the Virat Kohli, Surya Kumar Yadav,
Navdeep Saini, whose career The ODI squad didn't have any the home series against Sri Lanka series against Australia this year. Sanju Samson (wk), Ishan Kishan
had been on a free-fall since the his- major surprise with 17 members lit- along with Rahana, the former "Once he failed in Australia (wk), Hardik Pandya (VC), Shardul
toric tour of Australia, also gets a erally picking themselves. chairman of selectors Chetan series at home, there was very little Thakur, Ravindra Jadeja, Axar Patel,
chance for resurrection as his hit- The injured Jasprit Bumrah, Sharma had said that doors were not chance for him but selectors didn't Yuzvendra Chahal, Kuldeep Yadav,
the-deck (140 clicks) bowling might Shreyas Iyer and KL Rahul, when- closed for the gritty No.3 and he want to change things ahead of Jaydev Unadkat, Mohd. Siraj, Umran
be effective on the slow Caribbean ever fit, also select themselves and could go get back to first-class WTC final," a BCCI source in Malik, Mukesh Kumar.

2P_cPX]A^WXcR^\_[TcTb % 7PbPaP]VP:d\PaP[TPSB;c^
80=B■ 1D;0F0H>

eg-spinner Wanindu
hTPabX]X]cTa]PcX^]P[RaXRZTc cWd\_X]V fXRZTcfX]^eTa>\P]
Hasaranga clinched his
second consecutive five-wick-
et haul in ODIs while Lahiru
Kumara picked three wickets
"I guess time flies, doesn't and openers scored vital runs Maqsood and Mohammad 1 after brilliant work in the
it? I actually remember Rohit to lead Sri Lanka to a thump- Nadeem packing in quick suc- deep from Rajitha. Later on,
even before the Ireland series ing ten-wicket win over Oman cession, as Oman found them- Ayaan's gritty knock of 41
when we were playing a chal- in their Group B match of selves reeling at 20/4. Ayaan came to an end with
lenger in Madras (Chennai). Mens Cricket World Cup Khan and Jatinder Singh then Hasaranga scalping his fourth
We all knew that Rohit was qualifiers at the Queens Sports embarked on a rebuilding job wicket courtesy of a brilliant
going to be special," he said. Club, here on Friday. for Oman, putting together a catch in the slips by
"We could just see that he After the duo of 52-run stand. Dhananjaya de Silva.
was a very very special talent Hasaranga (5/13) and Kumara But it all changed when Hasaranga clinched his
that I wouldn't, so many years (3/22) combined to bowl out Hasaranga came on to bowl in second consecutive five-wick-
later, be working with him that Oman for just 98, opener the 21st over -- three wickets et haul of the tournament,
I never thought about or Dimuth Karunaratne made and a maiden over coming out trapping Bilal Khan for zero,
envisaged.... 51 not out as Sri Lanka chased of it. Hasaranga first trapped as Oman were bowled out for
"But honestly, the way he down the total in 15 overs. Jatinder lbw for 21 on the first 98.
has grown as a leader and as The result means the 1996 delivery, followed by castling In the chase, Karunaratne
a person over these last 14 World Cup winners climbed Shoaib Khan and getting Jay and Pathum Nissanka barely
years now. What he's achieved to the top spot in Group B and first paid off very well as pace trapped him in front of the Odedra out on the final deliv- broke a sweat, remaining
?C8■ =4F34;78 But as he leads the team both as an Indian player and put themselves on the verge of from Kumara and Kasun stumps. Aqib Ilyas followed ery of the over. unbeaten on 61 and 37 respec-
to West Indies, one can recol- as a leader for the Mumbai qualifying for the Super Six Rajitha was too fiery to han- suit, with Rajitha getting in on Oman's slide continued as tively as Sri Lanka not only
here is something about 16 lect how Rohit had described Indians has been phenomenal. stage of the tournament. dle for the Oman top-order. the act. miscommunication between sealed a win in their first-ever
T that has a lingering sweet
aftertaste. Ask Indian skipper
his feelings when Dravid, the
then captain informed him
"Having to carry the lega-
cy of obviously Mumbai crick-
Sri Lanka skipper Dasun
Shanaka's decision to bowl
Kashyap Prajapati was the
first wicket to fall, as Kumara
Kumara was in no mood
to stop as he sent Zeeshan
Ayaan and Naseem Khushi led
to the latter being run out for
meeting over Oman, but also
bolstered their net run rate.
Rohit Sharma, who complet- about his debut. et and Indian cricket is not an
ed 16 summers as an interna- "It was way back in 2007 easy one and he's done it with

tional cricketer after starting when I was selected, but the a lot of grace and class," said
as a highly-rated 20-year-old first time I had the opportu- Dravid.
from Mumbai's famous stable nity to interact with him However, as he completes

of batters. (Dravid) was in Bangalore at 16 years in international crick-
On June 23, 2007, Rohit a camp," Rohit had told medi- et, the best compliment from
made his debut under current apersons during an interaction a distance would certainly be
head coach Rahul Dravid's just after Dravid took over as from Virat Kohli.
captaincy in an ODI game in coach. "When he burst onto the 80=B■ =4F34;78 with Kent and I am excited Sunday's clash against
Ireland, a match India won "It was a very brief chat scene, everyone spoke about about a more extended peri- Derbyshire at New Road. He
quite easily as one got a and I was actually kind of very this young player Rohit orcestershire announced od with Worcestershire. will also be available for the
glimpse of the youngster clad
in full-sleeved jumpers amidst
nervous and I never used to
talk so much even with my age
Sharma and I used to be curi-
ous," Kohli had said during
W the signing of India fast
bowler Navdeep Saini as their
Hopefully, I can contribute to
their promotion push while
home f ixture against
Yorkshire, starting on July 10,
biting cold in Belfast. group of people, so leave alone YouTube show 'Breakfast With second overseas player for the also continuing to develop my and the away matches against
Following 441 interna- these guys at that point. Champions'. upcoming four matches of the own skills." Leicestershire at Oakham

tional games, 17,115 runs and "So I was just quietly "We are also talented ongoing County "I am aware that Indian S chool on July 19, and
43 international hundreds, doing my things and getting a young player so why this fuss Championship season. players such as Kapil Dev, Gloucestershire at
the 36-year-old 'Hit-Man' now move on with my game. But about this guy alone? Then we Saini has represented India Z aheer Khan, and Cheltenham C ollege on
stands on the most important
cusp of his illustrious career:
To end the 10-year jinx for an
yeah, in Ireland the first time
when he came and told me
that you will be playing this
saw T20 World Cup and once
I saw him bat, I quietly
slumped into my couch
in two Tests, eight ODIs, and 11
T20Is, and had a brief stint with
Kent in last year's County
Ravichandran Ashwin have
previously played for
Worcestershire and achieved
July 26.
His availability for the
Worcestershire matches on
ICC trophy.
An antithesis to Mumbai's
much talked about 'Khadoos'
game I was on the moon,
obviously, it felt like a dream
to be part of the dressing
because when you saw, you
knew what people were talk-
ing about.
Championship, where he
claimed 11 wickets in two
matches, including match figures
success. I also aim to make a
significant impact and hit
the ground r unning on
July 10 and 19 may be affect-
ed considering Saini receiving
a call-up for India's two-
school of batsmanship, Rohit's room," he had recollected. Perhaps, it was nice to take of 7-111 against Warwickshire at Sunday," he said in a state- match Test tour of West 80=B■ =4F34;78 "But I'm just not ready for
graceful strokeplay is what Dravid remembered it a trip down the memory lane Edgbaston, lace with 5-72 in the ment. Indies, happening from July a full-time international
makes him stand-out among during that press meet as if it and recollect a sweet compli- first innings. Saini, 30 is set to make his 12-24 in Dominica and ormer Australia skipper coaching job, where I'm at in
his peers. happened a day before. ment on Rohit's Sweet 16. "I enjoyed my brief time Worcestershire debut in Trinidad. F Ricky Ponting has revealed
that he was approached for
my life. Having travelled as
much as I have, with young

the role of England Test team kids now I just don't want to

head coach prior to Brendon
McCullum's appointment.
Following England's
resounding 4-0 defeat in the
be away as much as I was," he
"And even talking to
Brendon, his family is only
?C8■ ;>=3>= Anderson conceded he
didn't meet his own expecta-
"Ollie did nothing wrong
when he had his moment
W`c=`cUdEVde Ashes series held in Australia
in early 2022, significant
just arriving today. When
you've got kids that are in
xpressing his displeasure tion while also revealing why with Khawaja. In fact, I stood 80=B■ ;>=3>= changes were implemented school, moving them around,
E over the flat pitch in the
Ashes opener, veteran England
he wasn't handed the second
new ball late on the final day.
at mid-off for most of the
game and didn't hear anything eg-spinner Rehan Ahmed
within the team manage-
ment. Head coach Chris
that's not what I want to do."
When new Test skipper
seamer James Anderson says
he's "done" if similar tracks are
"I know I wasn't on top of
my game this week. It was not
said by either team that was
unacceptable," Anderson
L has been added to the
England squad as a cover for
Silverwood, batting mentor
Graham Thorpe, and manag-
Ben Stokes and coach
McCullum took over the
produced for the reminder of my best performance. I know wrote. Moeen Ali for the second Men's ing director Ashley Giles all reins, England adopted an
the series. I have more to offer and con- "I don't want Ollie to Ashes Test against Australia to faced dismissal from their aggressive and fearless brand
Ahead of the series, England tribute to the team.I want to change. I like him getting be held at Lords from June 28, respective jobs. of cricket dubbed 'Bazball'.
skipper Ben Stokes said England make up for it at Lord's and all fired up. He bowls better the England and Wales Cricket Additionally, Joe Root Under the Bazball
wanted fast flat pitches to help I can do is turn up on Sunday when he is in that mood. Board (ECB) said on Friday. decided to relinquish his role approach of rattling up
execute their attacking style of and prepare to play. From personal experience, I Ali returned to Test crick- as captain. boundaries and using aggres-
play. "I didn't take the new ball know I bowl better when I am et after retiring from the format Ponting revealed Rob sive fields and early declara-
However, Anderson said in the first innings or late on a bit more aggressive and in 2021, due to lead spinner Key, who assumed the role of tions, England have witnessed
the benign Edgbaston track was the final day. I had a chat with intense. Jack Leach suffering a stress director of men's cricket for a remarkable transformation
"like kryptonite for me". Ben Stokes about how I felt. We "It has revved up a few fracture to his back. But Ali also the England Cricket Board, in Test cricket, having won 11
"If all the pitches are like that agreed it was the type of pitch former Australia cricketers suffered an injury to his spin- approached Ponting to dis- of their 13 Tests and not lost
I'm done in the Ashes series. the taller bowlers were getting who have had a bit to say in ning finger while playing in the cuss the coaching opportuni- a single series yet.
That pitch was like kryptonite more out of. I was completely the media. That's OK. I'm sure first Ashes Test at Edgbaston. ty. The Ashes defeat at
for me. There was not much on board with that." I will be doing that as an ex- With a big blister on his "I actually got asked Edgbaston was just the third
swing, no reverse swing, no tle," Anderson wrote in his col- fully I can contribute at some Anderson also defended player. spinning finger after bowling before Brendon took the job, loss England have suffered in
seam movement, no bounce umn for 'The Telegraph'. point, but if all the pitches are teammate Ollie Robinson, "You have to keep your many overs on the trot in first there you go. You guys might 14 Tests since McCullum was
and no pace." The 40-year old Anderson, like that I'm done in the Ashes who was involved in a fiery name in the papers and keep innings, Ali couldn't bowl sig- be the first to find that out - appointed in May last year.
"I've tried over the years to the world's most successful series." exchange with Australia open- getting a job. It is to be expect- nificant overs in the second - but I did take some calls Before Bazball, England
hone my skills so I can bowl in pacer, managed to take just one Anderson and Stuart Broad er Usman Khawaja. ed. More and more people will innings, which resulted in from Robert Key as soon as had secured just one win in 17
any conditions but everything I wicket in the first Test as English have been pivotal for England, The pacer has copped a come out of the woodwork England losing in a dramatic he took over that job," Ponting Tests under former mentor
tried made no difference. I felt lost the match by two-wickets. snaring wickets event on flat lot of criticism for his exple- with that kind of stuff as the fashion by two wickets to told Guerilla Cricket. Chris Silverwood.
like I was fighting an uphill bat- "It's a long series and hope- pitches. tive-laden sendoff to Khawaja. series goes on." Australia.

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