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Chapter 1



We’ve all experienced love. We’ve loved (and been loved by) parents, brothers, sisters, friends, even
pets. But romantic love is different. It’s an intense, new feeling unlike any of these other ways of loving.
Our ability to feel romantic love develops during adolescence. Teens all over the world notice passionate
feelings of attraction. Even in cultures where people are not allowed to act on or express these feelings,
they’re still there. It’s a natural part of growing up to develop romantic feelings and sexual attractions to
others. These new feelings can be exciting – or even confusing at first. During the adolescent years most
individuals “fall in love” several times, although later in life they may refer to temporary affairs as
infatuations rather than the “real thing”. First and foremost, teenagers are biologically immature to deal
with relationships. A teenager’s brain is not fully armed with the requisite experience and knowledge to
be able to distinguish between the right person for them, and the wrong. Sometimes, teenagers even
end up permanently damaging their career and their filial and friendly relationships, which naturally
causes a lot of unhappiness and distress in the long run. Even more belittled by many parents is a
teenager’s love for a boyfriend or girlfriend. Adults refer to these relationships with demeaning
language, calling them “just puppy love”, and these romantic bonds are not taken seriously. One of the
sign of an unhealthy teen relationship is the decreasing academic performance or grades. This study
focuses on the reasons why most teens especially in third year high school performed low in academics
when they engage their selves in an early relationship. Some teenage love stories are romantic, and
others are lessons in what not to do when you fall in love.

Background of the related study

The young generation nowadays is really into something sensitive. If they want something, they usually
get the desire to have it and most of them gone into dating. Ideally, a teenager’s life should be spent in
making good friends, having great times with them, studying hard, crushing on a lot of people and other
pleasant things. A relationship at such a tender age, basically exposes them to the kind of anxiety and
trauma that married people go through! Falling into a relationship erases the brighter and the more
important aspects of a teenager’s life. The researchers want to find out who are the high school students
who engage their selves in an early relationship specifically in third year level. And how these
relationship affects them in their academic performance. The researchers want to know the students’
views, opinions reactions, and problems about this. They choose to study this topic as it is a very
controversial issue among high school students in this generation.
Statement of the Problem

This research on “The perception of the students to early engagement on having an intimate
relationship” The Factors Why Most of the Third Year Students Performed Low in Academics aimed to
prove that early engagement on having an intimate relationship are one of the reasons why Junior
students cannot focus on their studies and other academic activities as well.

1. What was the profile of the respondents in terms of the


1.1. Age

1.2. Gender

1.3. Section

1.4. No. of years in high school

2. What were the respondent’s perceptions on early relationship in

Terms of:

2.1. Interest in going to school

2.2. Problem encountered in school

2.3. Teen love as a problem

2.4. Engaged in relationships

2.5. Time managements on relationships and studies

2.6. Focus on studies despite of love quarrels

Significance of the Study

Interviews with teenage high school students revealed one of the reasons why they perform low in class.
When a teenager just broke up with her/his partner, she/he will be having a hard time to focus during
discussions. That is why here are some importance on how this study helps the:

1. Students:

• For them to be aware of the possible effects of having a relationship while still going to school.

2. Teachers:

• For them to help and understand the feelings of their students.

3. Parents:

• For them to know how to cope with their teenagers in love and to give them guidance and
protection as well.

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