The Mus'haf

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It was called the Mus’haf because it is a collection of many sahifa. Sahifa is a
written page with information that is a message to Humanity (Suhuf is the plural of
sahifa). The name Mus’haf is derived from this word ‘Suhuf’.
The Holy Qur’an has thirty volumes (30 juzus), each volume (Juz) contains ten
papers which is equal to twenty pages (20 Sahifa). Therefore, the Holy Qur’an has
about 600 or more pages (20*30). Mus’haf is an original Ethiopian word used to
refer to a Holy book.
The Holy Qur’an – it was called Holy Qur’an because it was received in the form
of recitation and it is and will always be read and recited.
Q 20:124-126 (Warning Don’t Disregard the Holy Qur’an)
“And whoever turns away from my remembrance (The Holy Qur’an), indeed will
have a difficult life and We will gather him on the day of resurrection blind,” he
will say, “why have you raised me blind when I was able to see?” Allah will say,
“because our signs came to you and you disregarded them, so shall We disregard
Swearing by the Holy Qur’an – it is permissible to swear by the Holy Qur’an
because it is the words of Allah and was not created hence permissible to swear by
the Mus’haf.
Etiquette for using the Mus’haf
 Touch the Holy Qur’an/Mus’haf when you have ablution.
 Hold the Holy Qur’an/Mus’haf using your right hand.
 Store the Holy Qur’an/Mus’haf in a high and clean place.
 Put nothing on the Holy Qur’an/Mus’haf.
 Protect the Holy Qur’an/Mus’haf from being torn apart and do not write in
 Do not use the Holy Qur’an/Mus’haf as a pillow, don’t sit on it, and do not
put your fit on it.
 Respect the Holy Qur’an/Mus’haf as a Holy book.

Researched by Shaban Kemboi


Reading the Holy Qur’an

 Reading out of the prayer and during the prayer time:
i. Reading before prayers – is pleasing because the mouth and the eyes are
involved in worship.
ii. Reading during the prayers – it is preferred to read to read from memory
than from the Holy Qur’an.
Ruling on reading the Holy Qur’an.
a. Out of the prayers
It is better to read the Holy Qur’an often because if you don’t read it you
will be running away from it.
And the prophet of Allah (PBUH) will say, “Oh my Lord, my people
consigned the Holy Qur’an to oblivion (disregarded the Holy Qur’an).”
Before reading the Holy Qur’an make sure you have ablution.
b. During prayers
Prayer is a form of worship and it is nice to read the Holy Qur’an/Mus’haf
through memorization. Also reading from the Holy Qur’an/Mus’haf is
permissible in the Sects of Imam Shafi, you can also read from the phone
provided that the phone is silent and in airplane mode; to avoid disturbance
while praying.
Don’t read the Holy Qur’an/Mus’haf while bowing or prostrating.

Researched by Shaban Kemboi



1. Mus’haf and Holy Qur’an
Mus’haf – is a word referring to the Holy Qur’an. History traces the word to
the time of Abu Bakr (R).
Holy Qur’an – in Arabic language Holy Qur’an means ‘The Recitation’ and
that the Holy Qur’an was recited to Muhammad (S.A.W) by Archangel Jibril
2. Etiquette for reading the Holy Qur’an
From Al Qurtubi who says;
 Brush your teeth before reading the Holy Qur’an.
 Sit upright an do not lean if not in prayer.
 Face Qiblah while reading the Holy Qur’an/Mus’haf.
 Do not interrupt whoever is reading the Holy Qur’an/Mus’haf unless
 Recite the whole surah of the Holy Qur’an/Mus’haf without selecting
on parts to read.
3. Reading the Holy Qur’an during prayers
 It is allowed in voluntary prayers to read directly from the Holy
Qur’an/Mus’haf but makrooh in obligatory prayers. It is permissible
to read directly from the Holy Qur’an/Mus’haf and makrooh for
whoever has memorized.
4. Reading out of the prayers
i. It is recommended to read before or after because it is rewardable
letter by later as related by Tirmidhi and Muslim that:
The Prophet (S.A.W), said, “Whoever recites a letter from the Book of Allah
will be credited with a good deed, and a good deed merits a tenfold reward. I
do not say that Alif-Laam-Meem is one letter, but Alif is a letter, Laam is a
letter, and Meem is a letter.” [At-Tirmidhi - Al-Albaani graded it saheeh
The Prophet (S.A.W), also said, “Read the Quran, for it will come as an
intercessor for its reciters on the Day of Resurrection.” [Muslim]
ii. Whoever reads the Quran ones or twice a year (all of it) has given it
its right because Archangel Jibril (A.S) recited it twice to Muhammad
(S.A.W) the year he died.

Researched by Shaban Kemboi

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