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Chapter 7 Part 4

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c) kind and size of all electrical cables and the locations of main and associated secondary
wiring associated with the control systems control locations.
including voltage rating, service voltage and
currents together with overload and short 1.5.2 The control locations are to be well
circuit protection; ventilated and air conditioning is to be provided
for the control consoles when required by the
d) functional block diagrams of all control and operational characteristics of the components
monitoring systems; within the consoles. There is to be an alarm for
failure of the console integral air conditioning.
e) schematic plans of hydraulic and pneumatic
control systems together with all inter- 1.5.3 Enclosed main control location located
connections, piping sizes and materials within the machinery spaces are to have two
including working pressures, relief valve means of access located as remote from each
settings, reducing valves, filters, other as practicable.
compressors and their type and
manufacturers; 1.5.4 The leading of pipes in the vicinity of
control console is to be avoided as far as
f) description of all alarm and emergency possible. When such leads are necessary, care
tripping arrangements, functional sketches is to be taken to fit no flanges or joints over or
or description of all special valves, near the console unless provision is made to
actuators, sensors and relays; prevent any leakage from injuring the
g) schematic plans and supporting data of fire-
protection and extinguishing systems, 1.5.5 Glass in a control room located within or
including fire-detection and alarm systems, adjacent to the machinery space is to be of the
bilge high level alarms; shatter-resistant type.

h) control system fault analysis, test program 1.5.6 When the main control for the propulsion
for testing controls, monitoring and alarm plant is to be situated in a location remote from
systems; the propulsion machinery space, details of
special arrangements are to be submitted to
i) Where computer based systems are used show that the operation of the propulsion plant
for essential services and are integrated would be as effective as with the main control
with other computer based systems, the located within or adjacent to the machinery
failure analysis is to be carried out and space.
should include networks and associated
network components (routers, switches etc.) 1.6 Main control location

j) A network plan clearly identifying all the 1.6.1 Controls

network components for each on board
operational technology (OT) network, The main control location is to provide
including location of each network device, control of the propulsion plant and associated
details of IT network where the IT and OT ship's service system including starting,
Networks are interconnected; stopping, and for change over of vital pumps
and motors, and is to provide effective means
k) documents/plans indicated at Section 7.2 for monitoring temperatures, pressures, the
for integrated systems. electrical system, fluid and gas flows, liquid
levels and other variables which are essential
1.4 Operational guidance manual for the propulsion plant operation.

1.4.1 An operational guidance manual is to be Effective means are to be provided for
provided on board the vessel for reference and monitoring and controlling direction of rotation or
is to contain the necessary system technical propeller pitch and speed of propeller for the
information and give operating instructions for safe operation of the plant from standby
normal and emergency operations. condition at departure through normal operation
to "finished with engines" at the end of the
1.5 Location of controls voyage.

1.5.1 Ship motion and anticipated structural The main control location is to be fitted
vibrations are to be considered when selecting with alarms and emergency trips as required

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together with indicators and is to have means for 1.7.3 If the control system automatically shuts
the assessment of the operational status of all down the main propulsion engine for any
machinery and systems vital to the propulsion of reason, this is to be alarmed at the main control
the vessel. Control functions from the console location and each secondary control location.
may be designed for either 'remote manual' or Restoration of normal operating conditions is to
'automatic control'. be possible only after manual reset. Automatic
restarting is not to be possible.
1.6.2 Independent manual control
1.8 Control console construction Means are to be provided for
independent manual control, at or near the 1.8.1 Control consoles are to be preferably self-
machinery concerned, in the event of failure of a supported with the sides and backs suitably
particular control in the centralized control protected. Where necessary, protection is to be
system. Necessary instrumentation is to be provided for consoles which might be subject to
provided so that satisfactory operation of the damage by leaks or falling objects.
machinery under independent manual control
can be exercised for lengthy periods. 1.9 Instrumentation
Independent manual control of propulsion
machinery is to be demonstrated during the 1.9.1 Main control location
tests/trials to the satisfaction of the Surveyors.
This is to include demonstration of independent Instrumentation and alarms at the main
manual control through the full maneuvering control location are to provide all information
range and transfer from automatic control. necessary for monitoring the operation of the
propulsion, electrical and emergency systems,
1.6.3 Order of control-location command generally in accordance with Table 1.9.1. When the propulsion machinery is 1.9.2 Secondary control location

arranged to be controlled from two or more
locations, the main control location is to have Instrumentation and alarms for the
means for transferring control from a secondary bridge control locations and other secondary
location to the main location at all times and control locations are to be generally in
blocking any unauthorized control from any accordance with Table 1.9.2.
secondary location. Consideration will be given
to special cases where it may be necessary for 1.10 Displays, indications and alarms
a secondary control location to have command
over control transfers between control locations. 1.10.1 The alarms and displays required by
Table 1.9.1 and Table 1.9.2 for essential
1.6.4 Control transfer services are to be readily distinguishable from
other alarms (e.g. fire alarm) and are to be Transfer of control from one location to grouped functionally in so far as practicable.
another, except as required by, is to be Alarms are to have individual visual presentation
possible only with acknowledgement by the with preferably a common audible signal.
receiving locations. The main control location
and the secondary control location are to have 1.10.2 In general, alarms and displays not
an indicator showing which location is in control. required by Table 1.9.1 and Table 1.9.2 or not
concerned with the management of the
1.7 Secondary control locations propulsion machinery (non- essential alarms)
are to be grouped separately from the essential
1.7.1 In general, secondary control locations for alarms. Audible signals for non-essential alarms,
the control of propulsion machinery from the if provided, are to be of a character distinct from
bridge or other locations on board are to be kept that for essential alarms.
as simple as possible and provided with only
those indicators and controls necessary for the 1.10.3 The number of colours used to indicate
effective control of speed and direction of the status of plant operation is to be kept to a
propulsion engines, and of the controllable-pitch minimum. A uniform code is to be used so that
propeller where fitted, for normal operation. like colours indicate like functions or status of
operation in the controlled plant or system.
1.7.2 Precautions are to be taken to ensure that
the engine is not normally operated in a barred 1.10.4 Alarm systems are to be designed so that
speed range. they cannot remain deactivated when the

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Chapter 7 Part 4
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monitoring system has returned to the normal supply, changeover to the standby power supply
running condition. Alarm systems are to provide is to be achieved without a break.
both audible and visual alarm upon each fault
condition. Alarms, due to fault condition in 1.10.11 Failure of any power supply to the alarm
machinery, are to remain active until system is to operate an audible and visual alarm
acknowledged and if arrangements are made to at the main control location.
mute audible alarms they are not to extinguish
visual alarms. Acknowledgement of visual 1.10.12 The alarm system is to be capable of
alarms is to be clearly indicated. Alarms are to being tested during normal machinery operation.
be of the self-monitoring type so that a circuit
failure will cause an alarm condition and are to 1.10.13 The alarm system is to be designed as
have provisions for testing all audible and visual far as practicable to function independently of
alarms and indicating lamps. control and safety systems such that a failure or
malfunction in these systems will not prevent the
1.10.5 Machinery, safety and control system alarm system from operating.
faults are to be indicated at the relevant control
locations to advise duty personnel of a fault 1.10.14 Disconnection or manual overriding of
condition. The presence of unrectified faults is to any part of the alarm system should be clearly
be clearly indicated at all times. indicated.

1.10.6 Where the alarms are displayed as group 1.10.15 When alarm systems are provided with
alarms provision is to be made to identify means to adjust their set point, the
individual alarms at the main control location (if arrangements are to be such that the final
fitted) or alternatively at subsidiary control settings can be readily identified.
1.10.16 Where monitors are provided at the
1.10.7 Acknowledgement of alarms at positions location in control and if fitted, in the duty
outside a machinery space is not to silence the engineer’s accommodation, they are to provide
audible alarm or extinguish the visual alarm in immediate display of new alarm information
that machinery space. regardless of the information display page
currently selected. This may be achieved by
1.10.8 If an alarm has been acknowledged and provision of a dedicated alarm monitor, a
a second fault occurs prior to the first being dedicated area of screen for alarms or other
rectified, audible and visual alarms are again to suitable means.
operate. Where alarms are displayed at a local
panel adjacent to the machinery and with 1.10.17 Alarms are to be displayed in the order
arrangements to provide a group or common in which they occur. Alarms requiring shutdown
fault alarm at the main control room alarm or slowdown action are to be given visual
display then the occurrence of a second fault prominence.
prior to the first alarm being rectified need only
be displayed at the local panel, however, the 1.11 Safety systems
group alarm is to be re-initiated.
Unacknowledged alarms on monitors are to be 1.11.1 Where safety systems are provided, the
distinguished by either flashing text or a flashing requirements of Pt.5, Ch.22, 2.5.2 to 2.5.8 are to
marker adjacent to the text. A change of colour be complied with.
will not in itself be sufficient to distinguish
between acknowledged and unacknowledged 1.11.2 Where arrangements are provided for
alarms. over-riding a safety system, they are to be such
that in-advertent operation is prevented. Visual
1.10.9 For the detection of transient faults which indication is to be given at the relevant control
are subsequently self-correcting, alarms are location(s) when a safety over-ride is operated.
required to lock in until accepted. The consequences of over-riding a safety
system are to be established and documented.
1.10.10 The alarm system is to be arranged with
automatic changeover to a standby power 1.11.3 Monitoring and safety systems for DF or
supply in the event of a failure of the normal GF engines are to be provided in accordance
power supply. Where an alarm system could be with the requirements of Ch. 4, Sec. 4,
adversely affected by an interruption in power in addition to those given in this Section.

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Table 1.9.1 : Displays, indications and alarms for main control location

System Remote Display Remarks
Main boilers
Main steam superheater Temperature
1 High -
outlet Pressure
Pressure Low
2 Fuel oil to burners -
Viscosity (temperature) High (low)
3 Master fuel oil cut-off valve - Closed -
4 Atomizing medium Pressure Outside limits -
5 Forced draft Pressure (water column) Failure -
6 Water level Level High, low
7 Feed pump discharge Pressure -
8 Feed water salinity Salinity - -
Main turbine
1 Steam, ahead chest Pressure - -
2 Steam, astern chest Pressure - -
3 Steam, gland steam Pressure - -
L.O. to turbines and Temperature High
4 -
reduction gears Pressure Low
5 L.O. sump level - Low -
6 L.O. gravity tank Level Low -
Bearings, turbine, thrust and
7 Temperature High -
reduction gear (individual)
8 Main condensate pump Running Failure -
9 Main condenser Vacuum Low -
10 Main circulator Running Failure -
11 Condensate level - High -
12 Deaerator feed tank Level Low -
13 Astern guardian valve Position Failure to open -
14 Vibration - Excessive -
15 Rotor axial displacement - Excessive -
16 Shaft roll over - Stopped -
17 Scoop valve Position - -
Main circulator sea suction
18 Position - -
L.O. to turbine and reduction Pressure Low
1 -
gear Temperature High
2 Bearings Temperature High -
3 Aux. Condenser Vacuum Low -
4 Aux. Condensate pump Running - -
5 Aux. Circulating pump running - -

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Chapter 7 Part 4
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Table 1.9.1 : (Contd.)

System Remote Display Remarks
Main diesel engines
Pressure Low
1 L.O. to engine See Note 1
Temperature High
Differential pressure across
2 Pressure High -
L.O. discharge filter
3 L.O. to reduction gear Pressure Low -
4 L.O. at reduction gear Temperature High -
Oil mist concentration in
crankcase or temperature of
5 - High See Note 16
bearings or equivalent
6 L.O. drain tank level - Low-high See Note 2
7 Cylinder lubrication - Failure See Note 1
8 Cooling water to cylinders Pressure or flow Low See Note 9
9 Cylinder cooling water outlet Temperature High See Note 3
Level of cylinder cooling
10 - Low -
water in expansion tank
11 Piston coolant Pressure Low See Note 4
Flow of piston coolant
through each piston and
Flow, temperature (or Low-high
12 temperature in manifold (or See Note 4
temperature) (high)
temperature of coolant at
each piston outlet)
Level of piston coolant in
13 - Low See Note 4
expansion tank
Pressure Low
14 Fuel valve coolant -
Temperature High
Level of fuel valve coolant in
15 - Low -
expansion tank
16 Sea water coolant Pressure Low See Note 9
17 F.O. to injection pumps Pressure Low -
18 F.O. to engine Temperature or viscosity See Note 7
Level of F.O. in daily service
19 - Low-high See Note 5
20 Charging air Temperature Low-high See Note 6
Deviation of each cylinder
from average and exhaust
21 Temperature High See Note 8
gas temperature of each
Fire in scavenging belt, for
22 - Activated See Note 10
two stoke engines
23 Starting air Pressure Low -
24 Overspeed - Activated -

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Table 1.9.1 : (Contd.)

System Remote Display Remarks
Diesel generators
1 F.O. to engines Pressure Failure -
Pressure Low
2 L.O. to engines -
Temperature High
3 Starting air Pressure Low -
4 Exhaust gas Temperature - -
Temperature High
5 Cooling medium, outlet See Note 9
Pressure Low
Level in cooling water
6 expansion tank, if not - Low -
connected to main system
7 overspeed - Activated -
Steering gear
1 Rudder position Indication - See Note 12
2 Steering gear power units - Failure -
Running and stopped Overload and
3 Steering gear motors See Note 13
indication single phase
4 Control system power - Failure -
Steering gear hydraulic oil
5 - Low See Note 14
tank level
6 Auto pilot indication Running indication Failure -
7 Hydraulic lock - Fault See Note 15
Addition services as applicable
1 Control electric power available Failure -
2 Control air supply Pressure Low -
3 Hydraulic control system Pressure Low -
4 Control location in operation In command indication - -
5 Propeller pitch indicator Pitch - -
6 Propeller speed, direction RPM, direction - -
7 Stern tube L.O. tank level - Low -
8 F.O. service or settling tank - Low, high -
F.O. settling tank
9 - High -
Volts amperes Off limits
10 Generators, ship service -
Frequency High off limits
11 Fuel oil service pump Running - -
12 Console air conditioning - Failure -
13 Automatic shut down - Shut-down -
14 Turning gear Engaged - -
15 Fire main Pressure - -
16 Bilge pump Running - -
17 Bilge level - High -
18 Clutch air or oil pressure - Low -

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Table 1.9.1 : (Contd.)


1 Individual alarms are required where separate lubricating oil systems (e.g. for camshaft, rocker
arms, turbocharger, etc.) are installed. For turbochargers with an integrated self-contained oil
lubrication system such alarm is not required.

2 Where separate lubricating oil systems are installed, individual level alarms are required for the

3 Where one common cooling space without individual stop valves is employed for all cylinder jackets,
one temperature alarm for the common cooling water outlet will be approved.

4 Only applicable for cross-head type engines.

5 High-level alarm is required only if suitable overflow arrangements are not provided.

6 Both the displays and alarms are not required if automatic temperature control is not necessary.
Low temperature alarm may be replaced by an alarm for water detection in the charging air duct.

7 Not required for distillate fuels.

8 Alarm for slow speed engines (under 300 RPM) and medium speed engines above 4000 bhp.

9 Not required for attached cooling pumps.

10 Not required for engines with bore 300 [mm], or under.

11 Alarms required for steering gear need to be fitted only on the bridge.

12 The rudder angle indication is to be on the navigation bridge and independent of the steering gear
control system.

13 Steering gear motors running indicators are to be fitted both on the bridge and main control location.

14 Each tank is to be monitored.

15 Where more than one system (either power or control) can be operated simultaneously each system
is to be monitored and the system at fault is to be identified.

16 If engine power is  2250 [kW] or cylinder bore > 300 [mm], following is to be provided:

- Oil mist detection arrangements or engine bearing temperature monitors or equivalent devices.

- Slow down with alarm for low speed diesel engines

- Shut down with alarm for medium and high speed engines.

- IRS may permit overriding of auto shut off or slow down arrangements, provided consequences
of overriding auto shut off or slow down are established and documented.

- For the purpose of this requirement :-

o Low speed engines means diesel engines having a rated speed of less than 300 rpm
o Medium speed engines means diesel engines having a rated speed of 300 rpm and
above, but less than 1400 rpm.
o High Speed engines means diesel engines having a rated speed of 1400 rpm and

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Table 1.9.2 : Displays, indications and alarms for secondary control location

System Display Alarm Remarks

1 Control location In command - -
2 Propeller speed and direction Ahead, astern, RPM - -
3 Propeller pitch Pitch - -
4 Starting air pressure - Low -
5 Propulsion unit - Abnormal -
6 Remote control power - Failure -
7 Shaft roll over - Stopped -
8 Bilge level - High -

Section 2

Control - System Characteristics

2.1 Power supply where they are properly supported and not
subject to undue vibration or movements.
2.1.1 The control systems are to be served by
two feeders from the main switchboard. One of 2.1.5 Conductors for monitoring circuits which
the feeders may be from the emergency carry low-level or information-level signals are to
switchboard, if provided. Transfer may be by be installed in such a manner or provided with
manual or automatic switch installed in or shields so as to minimize the introduction of
adjacent to the control console. The feeder from spurious signals from outside sources. Wiring
the transfer switch to the control console may be within consoles is to be arranged to provide
through a single cable. These feeders are not to maximum accessibility and protection from
supply power for any other machinery. steam, water or oil piping.

2.1.2 The feeders supplying power to the control 2.2 Electrical and electronic devices
console are to be provided with short- circuit
protection at the main switchboard and 2.2.1 All electrical and electronic devices are to
emergency switchboards, if provided. Where be suitable for use in marine atmosphere,
circuits within the control consoles are protected resistant to corrosion, not affected by shipboard
by fuses or circuit breakers, the control-system vibration and motion and are to be capable of
protection is to be subdivided and arranged so performing their intended functions at
that failure of one set of fuses or circuit breakers compartment ambient temperature. Electrical
will not cause maloperation or failure of another and electronic devices are to be applied on the
circuit or system and it is to be possible to basis of 50C ambient when located in
isolate the defective system. machinery spaces or 40C ambient when
located in other spaces, including those cases
2.1.3 The power for monitoring, alarms and when the component is located in an
emergency action is to be supplied automatically airconditioned console.
from an emergency source upon failure of ship's
service power supply. An audio / visual alarm is 2.2.2 Semiconductor devices are to be selected
to be provided at the main control location to on the basis of expected shipboard ambient air-
indicate failure of power supply. temperature ranges of 0C-50C for interior
compartments and 0C-60C inside of consoles.
2.1.4 Cables and console wiring for control and Silicon and selenium semiconductor devices are
monitoring are to be of the flame-retarding type to be used in preference to germanium which
and are to be stranded except that solid may be used, where its characteristics are
conductors may be used in low energy circuits, favoured for a circuit provided care is taken to

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Chapter 7 Part 4
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ensure satisfactory operation under shipboard temperature of 50C when located in the
conditions. machinery spaces and 40C when located
outside such spaces. The power supply for
2.2.3 Steady-state voltage variations of 10 per electrical actuators is to be from the same
cent and frequency variations of  5 per cent source as the power to the control systems.
from the nominal console feeder rating are not
to affect the intended functioning of the 2.3 Hydraulic controls
electrically operated control and monitoring
devices. Where close tolerances on voltage and 2.3.1 Hydraulic pumps, actuators, motors and
frequency are required, special regulated accessories are to be suitable for the intended
supplies are to be provided. Voltage transients duty, compatible with the working fluid and are
are not to cause any dangerous malfunctioning to be designed to operate safely at full-power
or damage to the control and monitoring devices conditions. In general, the hydraulic fluid is to be
and the control equipment is to be fitted with non-flammable or have a flash point above
transient- voltage suppressors. 157C.

2.2.4 The design and arrangement of all devices 2.3.2 All control piping is to be readily accessible
is to provide ready accessibility to parts and supported so as to protect the piping and
requiring inspection, adjustment or periodic associated accessories from mechanical
replacement. Where devices are parts of sub- damage, vibration and shock. The control piping
circuits assembled in physically-identical is to be suitably marked to indicate the character
modular units for easy mounting on and removal of its service.
from the console, suitable arrangements such
as matched plug-in modules with coded plugs 2.3.3 The hydraulic pumps are to be fitted in
are to be provided to facilitate correct duplicate and have pressure relief protection on
replacement of modules in the console. the discharge side. The pump suctions are to be
from a reservoir of sufficient capacity to contain
2.2.5 Built-in circuitry is to be provided for use in all the fluid when drained from the system,
the testing of module functions. maintain the fluid level at an effective working
height and allow air and foreign matter to
2.2.6 Consideration is to be given to minimize, separate out. The pump suctions are to be sized
as far as practicable, the probability that failure and positioned to prevent cavitation or starvation
of any one component or device in the control of a pump. A duplex filter which can be cleaned
circuitry will cause unsafe operation of the plant. without interrupting the oil supply is to be fitted
on the discharge side of the pumps.
2.2.7 Control levers or wheels are to be readily
identifiable as to function and position and are to 2.4 Pneumatic controls
be arranged for a logical sequence of
operations. Suitable interlocks are to be 2.4.1 Air compressors, actuators, motors and
provided to prevent incorrect operation. accessories are to be suitable for the intended
duty and have working and other parts which will
2.2.8 When logic circuits are used for sequential not be damaged or rendered ineffective by
start-up or for operating individual plant, corrosion.
components, indicators are to be provided at the
control console to show the successful 2.4.2 All control piping is to be readily accessible
completion of the sequence of operations by the and supported so as to protect the piping and
logic circuit and start-up and operation of the associated accessories from mechanical
component. If some particular step is not carried damage, vibration and shock. The control piping
out during the sequence, the sequence is to is to be suitably marked to indicate the character
stop at this point. Manual override is to be fitted of its service.
in vital functions to permit control in case of
failure of a logical circuit. 2.4.3 Compressed air for pneumatic control is to
be available from at least two air compressors.
2.2.9 Electrically-powered actuators for the The starting air system may be used as a
execution of control commands are to be source of control air. The air pressure to the
suitable for shipboard use, and have working pneumatic control system is to be automatically
and other parts which would not be damaged or maintained at the level required for the operation
rendered ineffective by corrosion. The windings of the installation and low air pressure is to set
are to be treated to resist oil and water and the off an alarm at the main control location. Means
enclosures are to be suitable for the location. are to be provided in the delivery from the
The ratings of coils is to be based on ambient air

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