Marc DIon Ceasr-WPS Office

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Marc DIon Ceasar G.



Me and My Idealize Self

As a person with adhd, I always Imagine myself doing a lot of things that i really cant do like making a
lot of friends.Because of my condition I always make an impulsive decision or movement that always
lead to failure and judgement of others. They always laught at me everytime a mess up. I always have
difficulty in paying attention I got easily distructed of the people or the things around me,One of the
reason.why it ao diffult for me to study my lesson.Sometimes it was so frustrating because it was always
and hindrace to do what I like and What I want to be.But with the help of my families and friends I am
making my imagination into reality by knowing ehat are my strength and weaknnesses that can help me
achieve my goal in life despite of my condition. I want to show others that I can be want I want to be
despite of what i have and what i am.

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