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The mission

This film is about a group of Jesuits who arrive to San Carlos in 1750, America, at that
time confused with India, who are dedicated to evangelizing and improving the lives of
the indigenous people. The film occurs around the words that a judge writes about the
events that happened.

It all begins when the first Jesuit sent is killed by the Indians. The second of them
knowing that these are great music lovers moves them with a piece of music from their
flute. Not seeing him as a threat, they accept him and his group in the tribe and
discover the beauty of the Christian religion.

In turn, a mercenary and slave trader, from the same area, repentant for murdering his
brother, with whom his wife was unfaithful, joins this expedition as a pertinence of his
sin. When he arrives at the place of the tribe, he becomes fond of the natives and gives
himself to them in body and soul.

The conflict appears when the Portuguese kingdom wants to cancel these missions of
evangelization to take advantage of their lands and to take power away from the
church, justifying that the indigenous people who live there are not people but animals
with human bodies, and therefore slaves. To do this, a judge, member of the church,
thus demonstrating that at that time the church was the highest power in the world
comes to make a decision. Even though he knew it wasn't the right thing to do, he
believes it's the only way to save the church`s power. Because otherwise the
Portuguese would rebel against them and in chain the rest of the countries, thus losing
the church much of its power.

Finally, the indigenous people with the help of the Jesuits, except for the leader who
does not want to fight because religion is based on love, decide to fight for their
freedom against the colonizers. This fight ends in a massacre in which the Indians, and
also the Jesuit group, are annihilated or enslaved in a struggle in search of freedom.
The judge, seeing this, realizes that his decision had been wrong. This film helps you
see that we are all people and therefore we all deserve a fair treatment.

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