I Believe in Karma

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I believe in Karma. What goes around comes around. People can make stuff
up about you. And it will come back later in life and make you sad or miserable.
Like an old saying that people say today: sticks and stones may break my bones,
but words will never hurt me. That quote means that you shouldn’t let what other
people say get to you. But don’t let it get to you and you can go on with your life
happy, and worry free. I use to pick on people when I was younger and now I feel
that karma is coming back to get me. It is coming down on hard too. I believe that
is what it’s from. So that is why I am being a better person now. And I feel better
this way because I feel like people are happier and looking at me like a better
person then what I used to look like. So it’s a positive thing as well as the way I
look at it.
People do bad things sometimes. But most of them realize what they did
wrong and changed their ways. Not everybody can be perfect and everyone makes
mistakes sometimes. That’s just part of life. And you just have to deal with it. I
learned it the hard way, but I did learn from my mistakes very quickly after getting
in trouble. So if you do something bad, try looking at the positive side after it
happens and see what you can do to fix and make yourself feel like you’re
becoming a better person. I promise you will feel satisfied once you change and
know you won’t make the same mistake again.
Most everybody believes in karma in some way. I know a few people that
do. And they take it very seriously. They don’t mess around and they are really
good people. So I believe that if we all believe in karma then the world we live in
today would be a better place. Wouldn’t everybody like the world to be if we could
have a perfect place where no crime happens and we are all nice to each other? So
we would all be friends in some way. And that is why I believe in karma.

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