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Introduction to the

Zartash Naqvi
Lecturer Psychology

Branches/Disciplines of Psychology
• Biopsychology and Neuroscience
This field examines the physiological bases of behaviour in animals and
humans by studying the functioning of different brain areas and the
effects of hormones and neurotransmitters on behavior.
• Neuropsychologists
• Psycho-biologists
• Behavioral geneticists
Also known as Physiological Psychology
• Applied Psychology
Applied psychology is a field that focuses on putting practical research
into action. The activities of applied psychology range from laboratory
experimentation through field studies to direct services for troubled
Branches/Disciplines of Psychology
• Developmental Psychology
• Developmental psychology examines moral, social, emotional, and
cognitive development throughout a person’s entire life.
• This branch of psychology studies human mental and physical
growth from conception to death. Also called Child Psychology.

• Child psychologists

• Adolescent psychologists

• Life-span psychologists

Branches/Disciplines of Psychology
• Criminal Psychology
Criminal psychology is the study of the views, thoughts,
intentions, actions and reactions of criminals and all that who
involve in the criminal behaviour. Criminal psychologists are
also often asked to provide expert testimony in court.
Perhaps one of the best-known duties of a criminal
psychologist is known as offender profiling, also known as
criminal profiling.

Branches/Disciplines of Psychology
• Health Psychology
• Health Psychology explores the relationship between psychological factors and
physical ailments or disease.
• Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Industrial/organizational psychology applies psychology to the workplace with the goal
of improving the performance and well-being of employees. selecting and training
personnel the impact of computerization and automation on workers.

Branches/Disciplines of Psychology
• Educational Psychology
This field studies how people learn in school, the effectiveness of
school programs, and the psychology of teaching.
• Social Psychology
This field examines people’s interactions with other people. Focuses on
interpersonal behaviour and the role of social forces in governing
behaviour. Typical topics include attitude formation, attitude change,
prejudice, conformity, attraction, aggression, intimate relationships, and
behaviour in groups.

Branches/Disciplines of Psychology
• Social Psychology
Social psychology is the study of how people’s thoughts, feelings, and
actions are affected by others. Social psychologists study how people
influence one another and how the role of society and its culture
influence in the development of one’s personality.

Branches/Disciplines of Psychology
• Experimental Psychology
Experimental psychology is an area of psychology that utilizes
scientific methods to research the mind and behavior.
Experimental psychologists work in a wide variety of settings
including colleges, universities, research centers, government
and private businesses.

Branches/Disciplines of Psychology
• Experimental Psychology
Conducts research on basic psychological processes, such as:
• learning
• memory
• sensation
• Perception
• cognition
• motivation
• emotion

Branches/Disciplines of Psychology
• Clinical and Counselling Psychology
These are the largest fields of psychology. The focus is on the
assessment, diagnosis, causes and treatment of mental disorders.
Clinical psychology deals with the study, diagnosis, and treatment of
psychological disorders. Clinical psychologists are trained to diagnose
and treat problems that range from the crises of everyday life, such as
unhappiness over the breakup of a relationship, to more extreme
conditions, such as profound depression.

Like clinical psychologists, counselling psychologists deal with people’s

psychological problems, but the problems they deal with are more
specific. Counselling psychology focuses primarily on educational, social,
and career adjustment problems.

Branches/Disciplines of Psychology
• Sports Psychology
This field studies the psychological aspects of sports behaviour.
The goal is to understand the factors that influence performance
in sports, including exercise and team interactions.
• Psychometrics
It is concerned with the measurement of behaviour and capacities,
usually through the development of psychological tests.
Psychometrics is involved with the design of tests to assess
personality, intelligence, and a wide range of abilities. It is also
concerned with the development of new techniques for statistical

Branches/Disciplines of Psychology
• Rehabilitation Psychologists
Help clients with intellectual disable, developmental
disabilities, and disabilities resulting from neurological injury.
• Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive psychology involves how we process, store, and
retrieve information and how cognitive processes influence
our behaviours.

Branches/Disciplines of Psychology
• Personality Psychology
One of the largest and most popular branches of psychology,
focuses on the consistency in people’s behavior over time and
the traits that differentiate one person from another.
Personality psychologists study the differences among
individuals. They strive to understand how personality
develops and influences the way we think and behave.

Branches/Disciplines of Psychology
• Forensic Psychology
Forensic psychology focuses on legal issues, such as determining the
accuracy of witness memories. This branch involves applying psychology
to Law Criminal investigation Within criminal justice system.
• Military Psychology
This branch deals with psychological problems arising in the:
Training of military personnel and war
Under extreme conditions (airplane, submarine) Stress

Branches/Disciplines of Psychology
• Computational Psychology
A discipline lying on the border between artificial
intelligence and psychology.
It is concerned with building computer models of human cognitive
processes and is based on an analogy between the human mind and
computer programs. The brain and computer are viewed as general-
purpose symbol-manipulation systems, capable of supporting software


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