Research Methodology

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Research Design (Kryzelle)

2. Study Site and Participants (Merelle & Scarlett)
3. Data Collection and Ethical Considerations (Chiz and Syrile)
4. Treatment of Data (Antoinette)


To reach the intent of this study, the phenomenological research design was utilized. The
phenomenological approach is used to analyze a phenomenon from the perspective of
individuals who have experienced it in order to describe its essence and significance, both in
terms of what was experienced and how it was experienced. (Neubauer et al., 2019)

Through the use of this approach, it made it possible to examine the lived experiences of
adolescent mothers before, during, and after their pregnancies, which contributed to the
study's overall goal of identifying the variables that contribute to teen pregnancy and looking
for mitigating measures that would prevent it from happening.


The participants were selected based on the following criteria: (i) must be 18 years old or
below when pregnant, and (ii) born and raised in the Cordillera Region. All data from the
participants was gathered between March 20 to 23 of 2023. A total of four (4) Filipino women
from the Cordillera were given a consent form which they returned, providing the study a
written consent to participate. Table 1 provides the demographic profile of the participants.

Table 1. Demographic profile of the participants (n=4)

P1 P2 P3 P4

Profile Irene Jasmine Samantha Nympha

Age 23 21 21 19

Civil Status Single Single Single Married

Educational Vocational Senior High Senior High Elementary

Attainment Graduate School School Graduate
Graduate Graduate

Occupation Business N/A N/A Student


The study was conducted in Cordillera, Philippines. Due to the recent high rates of teenage
pregnancy. This site was considered for its potential to provide the causes and possible
mitigation strategies of teenage pregnancy.

To obtain the needed data on the Causes of Teenage Pregnancy and Appropriate Mitigation
Strategies in the Cordillera Administrative Region, conducting interviews was chosen to be
the method of data collection for effectively acquiring in-depth information on the opinions,
thoughts, experiences, and feelings of each respondent. In addition, purposive sampling
under non-probability sampling methods was used to select the participants of the research.
The beginning of the interview inquired about each respondent's demographic data,
including their age, civil status, educational attainment, and occupation.

An aide memoire was then developed that allowed exposure in regard to the processes
involved in selected layers of experience. Questions included how they felt when she found
out she was pregnant; what made them keep the baby; how she felt about being a teenage
mother; how she coped with the challenges of raising a child: and what she learned
throughout their pregnancy. Online interviews were done through the use of an online
messaging app by sending each of the respondents an aide memoire.

There are principles in research that influence the study designs and procedures. When
collecting data from individuals, researchers must always follow a set of rules (Academy &
Academy, 2022). Since it may be necessary to reveal sensitive information, the researchers
explicitly requested for the participant’s permission before doing the research since a legal
obligation is required to protect them. Researchers did everything possible to protect
research participants. This study ought to focus on the risk-benefit ratio in this case.


Data had been collected via copying and pasting respondents' responses onto the surveys.
Each respondent's emailed-in interviews were organized and transcribed versions compiled.
Data organization aids in organizing the information to ensure it becomes easier to read and

Axial coding was subsequently utilized to categorize the generated concepts into themes,
providing insight into the reasons, context, techniques, and outcomes. The development of
the simulacrum follows axial coding. Whereas, the elegance of presenting the results of a
qualitative study is found in how the themes are expressed and shown aesthetically.


Neubauer, B. E., Witkop, C. T., & Varpio, L. (2019, April 5). How phenomenology can help
us learn from the experiences of others - perspectives on medical education.
SpringerLink. Retrieved April 12, 2023, from
says, G. G. E., & says, M. C. A. (2022, December 16). What are the ethical considerations in
research design? Enago Academy. Retrieved April 13, 2023, from

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