Lesson Plan Pro Forma-1

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NAME AFNIAWATI_ DATE 15/3/2023_ TP No. 8


Class Profile: (age, educational level, purpose in learning English, first language)

The students are a group of high school students. Their first language is Indonesian.

Lesson Rationale/Fit: (how does it follow on from the previous lesson and lead into the next one)

In previous lessons, students have learned about their favorite weekends activity and favorite sports,
and in this lesson they are going to develop their writing skill on the context of writing a simple self

Main aims (structure/skills): (what will the students be able to do better)

By the end of the lesson, the students will have developed their writing skill in the context of making
simple profile about themselves.

Subsidiary aims (structure/skills):

The students will be able to practice their speaking fluency in the context of deciding who they want to
write to.

Personal aims: (what are you trying to improve on in your teaching?)

To manage the pace so I can complete all the activities I planned.

To give clear and brief instruction

Anticipated student problems (skills/MFPA): (what might prevent aims being achieved?)
1. Students might run out of ideas.

2. Students might not know how to start.

3. Students might use their own language.


1. To brainstorm beforehand.

2. To provide language frame on handout and elicit opening phrases.

3. To remind students to use L12

Tutor Feedback

Brief comments on the following

a) achievement/non-achievement of aims/learning outcomes:

b) perceived reasons for the above:

c) adaptation of methods or materials for a future class/learners:

d) feasibility of lesson aims:

e) development of classroom management skills (establish rapport, motivate learners, etc.):

Strengths (as per a-e above)

Areas to work on (as per a-e above)


Lesson grade: To standard Below standard

Tutor: _________________________

Stage aim Time Interaction ACTIVITIES AND DETAILED PROCEDURE (Please leave blank)

To generate 2’ T-C Lead in : show a picture of an app called SLOWLY on PPT.

students interest T-SS Say “today we will make a new friend through this
application called SLOWLY.”
“Have you known this app before?”

To establish 3’ T-C Say “look at the pictures and tell me what we can do
context T-SS with this app.”
Show pictures of the front page of the app.
“what can we do with this app?”
Ss answer “send a letter to a new friend.”
Tell them about the app.
Through this app we make new friends by sending them
letters as in real life pace.

Make an account – choose friend – write letter – wait

To help students 3’ T-C But first now,

generate the ideas Let’s make an account here.
about the topic. Ask “what should we do when we want to start a new
account of an app?”
Ss answer “answer some personal questions.”
Ask “what kinds of personal questions? Give me the

Elicit and show the answer on PPT.

1. Name
2. Nickname/ username
3. Date of birth
4. Place of birth
5. Country of origin
6. Occupation
7. Gender
8. The languages we speak
9. Your interests

Show picture of a registration page of SLOWLY.

Go through it one part at a time.

To consolidate 2’ T-C I will give you the printed version. Fill in the form with
meaning T-SS your personal data. Work alone. You have 2 minutes.

Check whether you write correct answers with your


Show answer on PPT.

Now, that you all have completed the registration, and

have an account, let’s move on to the next step.

To brainstorm 3’ T-C Show one sample of a slowly account.

ideas T-SS Say “this is my sister slowly account”
Ask “what do we do next?”
Ss answer “write a letter?”
Ask “before that?
Ss answer “Choose one of person to be our friend.”

Show picture of the app

Tell them “There are many interesting people that can

be our friends. But we only need to choose one.”
Look at this picture again. We have …(describe the

Ask “How do you choose one person to be your friend?”

“what do you need to think or see before you
Ss answer “ age, the country, the same interest, …?”

Now, we have top 4 candidates to be our friends.

Show the picture on PPT.
(describe the pictures one by one)

To develop 10’ T-C In group of 4, discuss and decide one person that you
students speaking T-SS want to send the letter to.
fluency in the SS-SS Think about their interests, language, received ratio etc.
context of You have to come up with one person only and all must
choosing a friend agree.

Here’s the language that you can use during the


I choose A because she/he ….

I don’t like B because she/he ….
I like C because we both like music.

You have 10 minutes to discuss.

Monitor around the class and provide necessary support

if needed. Make sure all groups have one name.

Okay, now you all have one person in each group.
Ask each group who they decided to write the letter to.
To understand the 10’ T-C Pre writing activity
language and T-SS It’s time to write the letter.
genre used in SS-SS What should you write?
writing profile And how?
Show the example of a simple greeting and introducing
letter from the app.

Read the letter.

In your group, discuss how this letter is structured.

Show worksheet:
Look at the letter, match the parts of the letter with the
language used.

For example …

You have 2 minutes.


Elicit and show answer on PPT

Now, look at the letter again.

Find which expression is a, b, c,…
Write the a, b, c on the letter.

Explain and show the answer on PPT.

Model one letter.

Elicit as a class.
To develop 20’ T-C Go back to your seat. Work alone. Write the letter to
students writing that one person you have.
skill in writing Write at least 10 sentences.
about their
personal profile. Tell them about :
1. Your name
2. Country and city you live
3. Age
4. Occupation (student) what grade?
5. Language you speak
6. Your siblings/family
7. Your favorites activities to do on your free time
8. Favorite idol
9. Favorite food.
10. Show your interest
11. Extra information about you : your future dream/
your pet/ your personality…

You have 20 minutes to write.

Here’s the paper.

5’ T- C Feedback:
Collect the paper.
“What have you done today in this class?”
Next time you need to write a profile about yourself you
can do just like you did today.
You did a good job today. Thank you
Language Structure Analysis

This form is designed to help you think through the target language (grammar, vocabulary, function) you are going to
teach. You must complete it if you are teaching a language structure.

Example sentence

(eg 2 people discussing
holiday plans)

(eg giving advice)
Possible problems with
(eg Ss may think it
means obligation)

Form (+/-/?)
(eg subject + should +
base form, subject +
shouldn’t + base form)
Possible problems with
(eg she should goes)

(eg /ʃʊd/)

Possible problems with

(eg Ss may pronounce
the /l/)

Possible problems with

(eg Ss may use it to
talk to the boss)

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