Programmable Timer With 3 Keyboards Buttons On Pic18

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ELEN 411 Project 2 Spring 2019

Introduction and Objectives

The purpose of this lab is to use C18 and DOPSoft to communicate between the microcontroller and the Human
Machine Interface. C18 is a powerful C compiler optimized for PIC18F microcontrollers. DOPSoft is a software
package used by the HMI to design GUIs for the purpose of interacting with PLCs and/or microcontrollers. It
provides easy communication with serial devices such as the UART implanted on PIC18 microcontrollers.

1. GUI for the Demo board

The GUI for the demo board should allow you to do the following:

1. Control the buzzer On/Off upon the press of a button.

2. Control the LEDs on and off.
3. Send a message to the LCD
4. Display the 10-bit A/D reading to reflect the potentiometer’s position. A progress bar or a needle type
of meter is to be shown.
1. Display the temperature in ⁰C read via the TC74 temperature sensor. Note that this sensor is I 2C type
and may be read using the function ReadTC74() in the C library TC74.h depicted in figure 1.
5. Display the status of push button RA4.

Note: You need to use a timer in order to read up-to-date values of the temperature, the 10-bit A/D result and
the status of RA4.

Hardware to be used:

 PICDEM2 PLUS demo board

 Power supply
 USB to RS232 cable

Software to be used:

 MPLAB X, C18 Compiler
 DOPSoft

Software Libraries to be used:

 LCD4PICDEM2.h, LCDdefs.h
 Hyperterm.h
 TC74.h

Authentication of Student Work

 Students will be interviewed to explain the operation of their system.

 Students will be asked questions about their preparation efforts.
 Proof of a full understanding of the program must be shown.
 It is expected that no more than a couple of students work on the project.


 May 15, 2019

Figure 1: Software library TC74.h employed to read from temperature sensor.

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