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Middle School Tips: Social and Emotional

12- 14 years old

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Middle school aged children are in a developmental stage that is referred to as
early adolescence. Early adolescence (10-14 years old) is a time of many physical,
mental, emotional, and social changes. The transition from elementary school to
middle school can be a stressful, overwhelming time for children in this age
group. Hormones, and bodies change as puberty begins. Students may be
worried about these changes and how they are looked at by others. Some students
may experience substantial drops in self-esteem as a result of these things. While
this is more prominent in females, it is seen in males as well.

At this age, students make more of their own choices about friends, appearance,
sports, studying, and school. They become more independent, with their own
personality and interests. This heightened emphasis on independence may cause
students in this age group to push adults for more privacy than they were
previously given.

As middle school aged children experience physical, mental, emotional and social
changes, their perceptions of themselves begin to change accordingly. This shift
in students' sense of self is a key characteristic of their social and emotional
development. By using what we know about the social and
emotional development of middle school aged children, we can adjust our
lessons to maximize their academic learning.

Social & Emotional Development

During Middle School, young adolescents are developing their own self-identity and
their identity among their peers.

Students are likely to:

 Experience a withdraw from parental figures and seek other adults or friends
as role models.
 Place greater importance on friends and groups.
 Seek out their own peer groups to associate with.
 Encounter peer pressure, the need to conform to the accepted ideas of the

 Frequently feel:

 Social discomfort
 Awkwardness
 Loneliness
 Angry
 Sad
 Anxious

Erikson's Stages of Development

Identity vs Role Confusion
Students are experiencing mixed feelings about where they fit into society, and may
experiment with several different roles, until they achieve a sense of identity. They
may experience self-doubt, embarrassment, feelings of awkwardness and isolation,
confusion, and depression. Due to these negative feelings, some students will turn
to a path of delinquency and rebellion, or become paralyzed by feelings of inferiority.
However, the majority of students will become well-adjusted to the emotional
challenges posed during this stage, and will develop their own sense of ideals.

Social Media
It has become a dominant force in young adolescents' lives. Social Media (any site
that allows social interaction) has given today's youth a portal for entertainment and
communication. It is of utmost importance that parents and educators understand
these sites to encourage healthy use.

*Monitor for potential problems such as cyberbullying and exposure to

inappropriate content. *

affecting all those involved

Though boys were more likely to be defined as bullies, these students will display
school problems such as difficulty getting along with classmates, in addition to
experiencing more conduct problems. In contrast, the victims were more
emotionally distressed and socially marginalized by their classmates.

Early Adolescence Phenomenons

1. The Spotlight Effect
The idea that, in any social situation, everyone's attention is focus only on
them. Young adolescents have a self-centred view of their sense of self. This
phenomena causes students to put a high emphasis on their personal
appearance. These students may alter who they are as they attempt to gain
acceptance and approval from their peers. This heightened sensitivity to what
others are thinking may lead to self-criticism, and a negative self-image.

2. Personal Fable
The belief that a young adolescent's feelings and thoughts are unique to them
and that the people around them have never experienced the emotions they
are having. These students may insist that no adult (especially teachers and
parents) understand them or could possibly know how they feel. Personal
fable causes students in this age group to shut out parents and teachers who
"don't understand" them. These students tend to shift their trust from adults
to their peers, going to their friends for advice when they have problems
instead of going to their parents or another adult. This shift causes them to
want more privacy from adults, especially their parents.

Classroom Implications, Ideas, and Management


 Avoid overreacting
 Adults who do respond with anger or power-assertive discipline make it
difficult for students to regulate their own emotions, and they become

Classroom Meetings

 Creating a safe classroom environment

 Talk about emotions and issues
 Create opportunities to talk about any emotions or issues that arise in the
classroom or curriculum

The "Leave Me Alone" Pass

 Each student gets one pass, printed on bright card stock with various
counterfeit-detection design elements. (Again, they keep track of them, or
 They can use the pass on a day they just want to put their head down and not
deal with class.
 LMA passes cannot be used on a test or quiz day.
 Helps students feel empowered and in control of their classroom experience

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