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h ig h-T emP eraTUr e SUPe r C On D UC Ti ViT Y removed from the system, and are expected to
have a period of four lattice unit cells. The spin

How the cuprates part of the stripe orders antiferromagnetically

and looks like a narrow ribbon of Mott insu-
lator, whereas the part with more charge can

hid their stripes

conduct along its length and is often described
as a river, even though it is only a unit cell or so
wide (Fig. 2, overleaf). Although static stripes
seem to compete with superconductivity, it has
Extensive mapping of local electronic structure in copper oxide superconductors been proposed2 that fluctuating stripes might
reveals fluctuating stripe-like electron patterns that appear as a actually give rise to superconductivity.
high-temperature precursor to superconductivity. See Letter p.677 Of course, if fluctuating stripes are not
present, they cannot be the mechanism of
superconductivity. Static stripe-like order
k aT h r Y n a . m O L e r those of its neighbours. This well-understood has clearly been seen in some cuprate com-

state is known as a half-filled Mott insulator. pounds3–5 by means of neutron scattering and
opper oxide compounds, known as Changing the material’s stoichiometry to either X-ray scattering, and other materials have
the cuprates, may be most famous for add electrons to the planes (electron doping) shown some indications of static or fluctuat-
their high-temperature superconduct- or remove electrons from the planes (hole ing stripe order. But the lack of a clear signa-
ing state. But aficionados are fascinated by a doping) leads to dramatic effects. In all the ture of fluctuating stripe order throughout
phenomenon called the pseudogap, which hole-doped materials, increased doping levels most compounds and dopings where super-
appears at yet higher temperatures. The lead to the disappearance of the antiferromag- conductivity is seen has been one reason to
pseudogap’s basic nature, as well as its relation- netic order and eventually to superconductiv- doubt that fluctuating stripe order may cause
ship to superconductivity and to a menagerie ity, with the pseudogap region covering a wide superconductivity.
of other possible related states of matter, is range of doping. In scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM),
poorly understood. On page 677 of this issue, To understand what Parker et al.1 have a sharp metal tip is scanned across the sam-
Parker et al.1 report the observation in one achieved, we must consider what happens to ple a tiny and precise distance above the sur-
family of cuprate superconductors of a fluctu- the Mott insulator as it is doped with holes. face. Electrons quantum-mechanically tunnel
ating stripe-like electron arrangement that is Several theoretical models have shown that across the gap between the sample and the tip,
ubiquitous throughout the pseudogap region the insulator’s electrons tend to form one- and a map of the electron current reveals the
of the materials’ phase diagram and seems to dimensional ‘stripes’ of spin and charge order. underlying electronic structure with atomic
engulf the superconducting region. In general terms, this tendency comes from the resolution. By varying the voltage between the
Their discovery relied not only on extensive competition between the kinetic energy of the tip and the sample, it is even possible to make
and precise collection of data with an apparatus electrons, which is lowered if they are free to separate images of the electronic order at dif-
known as a scanning tunnelling microscope, move; the energy of interactions between their ferent energies. It therefore seems the perfect
but also on detailed modelling, which allowed spins, which is lowered if neighbouring spins tool to address the question: how common are
the fluctuating stripes (Fig. 1) to be separated are anti-aligned as in an antiferromagnet; and stripes?
from other stripy features that are formed by a their electrostatic Coulomb repulsion, which For many years, however, STM did not weigh
phenomenon called quasiparticle interference. pushes them away from each other. Such stripes in on this question, perhaps because of diffi-
This finding gives a substantial boost to previ- are likely to occur most strongly at 1/8 dop- culties in preparing suitable surfaces and the
ous theoretical work hypothesizing that super- ing, in which every eighth electron has been presence of disorder. But over the past decade,
conductivity arises from fluctuating stripes of
electronic order.

Ordinary superconductivity can be achieved
by cooling a simple metal, such as lead or tin,
to a few degrees above absolute zero. Cuprate
superconductivity is much more complicated,
and caught the world by surprise by appearing
at well over a hundred degrees kelvin above
absolute zero. The cuprates’ defining structural
feature is copper oxide planes. Each cuprate
family has a different set of atoms between the
layers and is defined by a particular formula
such as Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 + x, affectionately known
as BSCCO (pronounced ‘bisco’) and the subject
of Parker and colleagues’ investigation1.
In the parent compound of a cuprate family,
each copper site has a single unpaired electron
and the copper oxide planes are insulating. In
addition to having a charge, all electrons have
a spin and therefore a tiny magnetic moment,
which is widely believed to be pivotal to
understanding high-temperature supercon- Figure 1 | Of zebras and cuprates. Just as a zebra’s stripes disappear behind the stripes of the
ductivity. The parent compounds all have African bush, until now the fluctuating electronic stripes reported by Parker et al.1 in a family of
antiferromagnetic order, meaning that the cuprate superconductors have been difficult to distinguish from a superficially similar feature called
spin orientation of each electron is opposite to quasiparticle interference.

2 D E C E m b E R 2 0 1 0 | VO L 4 6 8 | NAT U R E | 6 4 3
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the antiferromagnetic phase. This indicates Kathryn A. Moler is in the Departments

Copper Oxygen that the pseudogap is necessary for the stripe of Applied Physics and of Physics, and the
formation but that the pseudogap and stripe Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy
formation are not the same phenomena. Science, Stanford University, Stanford,
Much more work is needed before the mech- California 94305, USA.
anism of superconductivity will be solved or the e-mail:
cuprates have a full microscopic theory, if they
1. Parker, C. V. et al. Nature 468, 677–680 (2010).
ever do. Other points of view and related top- 2. Emery, V. J., Kivelson, S. A. & Zachar, O. Phys. Rev. B
Four unit ics, such as the role of a quantum critical point 56, 6120–6147 (1997).
cells and the question of whether the pseudogap is a 3. Tranquada, J. M., Sternlieb, B. J., Axe, J. D.,
well-defined phase, continue to both incite and Nakamura, Y. & Uchida, S. Nature 375, 561–563
inspire. Nevertheless, Parker and colleagues’ 4. Fujita, M., Goka, H., Yamada, K. & Matsuda, M. Phys.
River of new data and analysis1, which show the exist- Rev. Lett. 88, 167008 (2002).
mobile charge ence of fluctuating stripe order throughout the 5. Abbamonte, P. et al. Nature Phys. 1, 155–158
pseudogap region of BSCCO, make a convinc- 6. Hoffman, J. E. et al. Science 295, 466–469 (2002).
Ribbon of
ing case that fluctuating stripes are much more 7. Howald, C., Eisaki, H., Kaneko, N., Greven, M. &
antiferromagnetic common than previously thought. Although Kapitulnik, A. Phys. Rev. B 67, 014533 (2003).
Mott-like order they detect only the charge order and not the 8. Hoffman, J. E. et al. Science 297, 1148–1151
spin, and other measurements are needed to 9. McElroy, K. et al. Nature 422, 592–596 (2003).
create a complete picture, these results increase 10. Fang, A., Howald, C., Kaneko, N., Greven, M. &
the plausibility of the hypothesis that fluctuating Kapitulnik, A. Phys. Rev. B 70, 214514 (2004).
11. Vershinin, M. et al. Science 303, 1995–1998
stripes indeed aid the superconductivity, and
Figure 2 | Stripe-like electronic order in the (2004).
will give pause to those who have considered 12. Kivelson, S. A. et al. Rev. Mod. Phys. 75, 1201–1241
cuprates. In this form of electronic order, the
material’s copper oxide planes have ribbons of stripes a mere distraction. ■ (2003).
antiferromagnetic Mott-like order — the spin
of each electron (arrowed) is in the opposite
direction to those of its neighbours — separated by STe m C eL L S
narrow rivers of mobile charge (purple spheres).
The periodicity of the arrangement is four lattice
unit cells. Parker and colleagues’ results1 support
the hypothesis that fluctuating stripes (more
disordered than those shown here) promote
The blood balance
Blood cells are generated from haematopoietic stem cells on demand. The protein
Lkb1, which lies at the crossroad of energy metabolism and cell growth, seems to
advances in STM technology have enabled the regulate these stem cells’ dynamics. See articles p.653, p.659 & letter p.701
discovery6 of chequerboard patterns in a mag-
netic field similar to what would be expected
for stripes, and a stripe-like pattern7 in zero eLLen m. DUranD & LeOnarD i. ZOn a decline in cell proliferation5 (Fig. 1).

field. However, the main features of these pat- Nakada et al.2 (page 653) set out to deter-
terns were argued8,9 to be consistent with a he haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) mine whether Lkb1 regulates HSC dynamics
completely different explanation: quasiparti- give rise to all mature blood cells and function. They used genetically engineered
cle interference, in which particle-like entities through the process of haematopoiesis. mice (Mx1-Cre; LKB1 fl/fl), which can be
scatter from defects in the material, creating This rare cell population also maintains the manipulated using a polynucleotide, poly-
standing waves. Since then, a debate has raged balance of blood cells in response to stress, inosine–polycytosine (pIpC), to delete the Lkb1
as to whether the features observed in the STM by fluctuating between quiescent and actively gene whenever desired. The authors could thus
data are fully explainable as quasiparticle inter- cycling states depending on physiological con- study the effect of Lkb1 on haematopoiesis, and
ference, or whether stripe-like order must also ditions. Transplantation of HSCs is an effec- on the cell-cycle dynamics of not only HSCs,
be present10,11. Quantitative tests have been tive treatment for cancers, such as lymphoma but also the multipotent blood-cell progenitors
proposed12 to distinguish between the two and leukaemia, as well as for autoimmune that arise from HSCs, and whole-bone-marrow
classes of effect, and more experiments have diseases and other blood-related conditions1. (WBM) cells, which include a collection of cells
been carried out. But despite much information about the func- of the haematopoietic system — ranging from
Parker et al.1 analysed STM maps at many tion and clinical relevance of HSCs, little is HSCs to completely differentiated cells.
values of doping and temperature. In addition known about the energetics and metabolic Deletion of Lkb1 resulted in an initial expan-
to the quasiparticle-interference patterns, the control of HSC dynamics. Three papers2–4 in sion of HSCs and multipotent progenitor cells.
authors clearly demonstrated, using tests pro- this issue describe a role for the protein Lkb1 With time, however, a depletion of these cell
posed earlier12, the existence of a fluctuating in the metabolic regulation of HSCs. populations and eventually a depletion of all
stripe order — strongest at 1/8 doping and Best known for its functions as a tumour blood cell types (pancytopenia) occurred.
with a periodicity of four unit cells — at tem- suppressor, Lkb1 is a kinase enzyme that Lkb1 deficiency also led to increased turnover
perature and doping values that are associated regulates the activity of AMP-activated pro- of HSCs and multipotent progenitor cells, but
with the pseudogap regime. This observation tein kinase (AMPK) — a master regulator not of WBM cells. This hints that Lkb1 has a
is consistent with the picture of fluctuating of energetics — and several other AMPK- role in regulating the cell-cycle dynamics of
microscopic phase separation into ribbons of related enzymes through phosphorylation. HSCs and multipotent progenitor cells but not
Mott insulator separated by rivers of charge. When energy and nutrient levels are low, of fully differentiated cells.
They find that the fluctuating stripe order Lkb1 activates AMPK, which in turn causes Transplantation assays are the gold standard
weakens at dopings lower than 1/8, whereas repression of mTORC (a protein com- for testing the function of HSCs, as only HSCs
the pseudogap is known to remain strong into plex that mediates protein synthesis) and can completely restore the haematopoietic

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