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Student Name: Adnan Khan Roll Number: CB644810

Proposed Topic for Research Project (8613): Effect of Availability

and Utilization of Instructional Resources On the development of
critical thinking among Biology students of Grade 10
Explanation: Critical thinking abilities are becoming a more vital part of basic education, yet
teaching them to secondary levels school students can be difficult.

Because children learn in a variety of way and come from a variety of backgrounds, it's critical that future
secondary school teachers receive training that will enable them to effectively reach a
variety of students so that they can learn to think critically and meet the challenges of living in a diversea
nd complex world.

Students are encouraged to connect the dots between topics, solve issues, think creatively, and apply
knowledge in new ways through critical thinking, which goes beyond memorising. Despite popular belief
that critical thinking skills are solely useful in disciplines like physics and math, the truth is that these
abilities which are founded on the evaluation and application of knowledge—are essential not only for
academic success, but also for everyday life.

The study aims to find the essentials of critical thinking, from what it is to how to incorporate it into
everyday lessons, with effective teaching instructional resources.

Exploring a scientific concept in Biology class from different perspectives is oneof the best critical
thinking tasks for secondary students.

This strategy not only establishes that an idea should be evaluated from various perspectives before
forming an opinion, but it also allows students to share their own perspectives while listening to and
learning from others.

In well-resourced education systems, teachers and students can usually take for granted a wide selection
of high-quality instructional materials. This may not true in low-resourced systems. For example, in a
recent study of remote school districts in Indonesia, only 39% of surveyed schools reported having
enough textbooks. Also it’s not just the quantity of instructional materials that matters, but also their
quality. In order to facilitate learning gains, instructional materials must suit the particular challenges and
circumstances facing their users, both students and teachers.

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