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Grammar  in  context  zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA

Be  going  to  a n d  will  zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA

l a  Look at the  sentences.  l b  M atch  these  e xpla na tions  of  the  use of  will  and  be going  to 
a  I think global warming  w i l l  get worse,  with  e xa mple  sentences  a ­ e  in  1a. 
b  Greenpeace  began  in  1971.  In 2021 it  will  We use  w i l l . . . 
celebrate its 50   anniversary, 
1  for decisions that we take at the  moment of speaking.  С 
с  What  can I do to help? I know!  I'll  keep a record  2  to talk about  an objective truth. 
of my carbon  footprint,  3  to make a general  prediction. We often  use think,  hope, 
d  Yesterday I decided what  to do in the  summer.  e xpe ct  with this use. 
I'm  going  t o  work for Greenpeace, 
We use be  going  to  . 
e  Look at the sky. It's going  to  rain. 
4  to  make predictions  based on some sort of evidence. 
(GRAMMAR  REFERENCE  •  page 80  5  to talk about  plans or intentions. 

2 a  PRONUNCIATION   Look at these  sentences. Why  do  you  4  W rite  down  six  diffe re nt  plans  or  inte ntions  you  have for  the  future. 
think  some  words  are  marked  in  bold?  W rite  a bout  these  areas: 
1  The situation  is going to get  worse.  1  school  3  work  5  family 
2  Temperatures  are going to go  up.  2  home  4  sport/hobbies  6  friends 
3  It's going to  be a hot  summer.  I'm going  to do a project  about  biology at  school  next  week 
4  We're all going to  have  problems. 
5  Now  write  down  six  predictions for  the future . Write about  these areas: 
5  I'm going to do  something to  help. 
1  the environment  3  politics  5  sport 
2 b  ф  2.04 Listen to the  sentences. What  happens  to  2  TV  4  clothes and fashion  6  medicine 
the words  in  bold? What  is the  pronunciation  of  / think  the planet  willyet  hotter  in  the  future. 
be  going  to? 
6  SPEAKING  W ork  with  a partner.  Compare  your  plans  and  predictions 
2 c  sjj) Listen again  and  repeat  the  sentences w i t h  the  from  4 a nd  5. Are the y  similar  or  different? 
correct  stress. 
3  Complete  the  sentences w i t h  the  correct f o r m  of  the 
Will,  may,  might 
verbs  using  will  or  be going  to. 
1  Experts expect that the ice  7 a  Look at the  sentences and give an approximate  percentage  of 
cap  (disappear) one day.  ce rta inty  for  each expression  in  bold. 
1  This will  proba bly  affect  plants and animals. 
2  It's only  10am but the sun is already strong. 
/0­80%  certain 
It  (be) a hot day. 

3  A: What's the  matter?  2  Global warming  will  de finite ly  make a big  difference. 

B: I'm  really  hot. 

A: I  (open) the  window.  3  Perhaps  some places will  have more  rain. 

4  Next week  (be) the anniversary  of 

4  It's  possible  tha t  other  places will  become drier. 
the world's worst oil spill. 

5  My friends have decided they  (write)  5  Different  parts of the world  might  have terrible floods or 

a letter about the environment  to the  local  droughts.  _. 
6  The temperature  may  go up by 5°C in the  next fifty years. 
6  People think that global warming 
(cause) lots of problems  in the future. 
7  The changes  proba bly  won't  be immediate. 
7  A: Where are you  going? 
B: To see a documentary  about the  environment.  8  Things  de finite ly  won't  get better  until we do something. 
A: Wait! I  (come) with you. 
7 b  Look  at  the  position  of  the  adverbs  definitely  and  probably 
in  sentences  1 a nd  2 a nd  sentences  7 and  8. W hat  do  you 
8  A: Come to  my  house this evening. 

Page 63
В: I can't. I  (go) to a meeting  about 
making  our  school 'green'.  (GRAMMAR  REFERENCE  •  page 

Page 1
1L U n it  6 
•  Developing  vocabulary 

D i f f e r e n t  u s e s  o f  get 
1  Look  at  get  in these  sentences  a nd  ma tch  each 
You are going to do a sentence transformation  activity. Read the 

instructions. What things are important  to check when you finish an 
activity like this?  EXAM SUCCESS  •  page  151 
1 one  to  the  correct  me a ning  (a ­e ). 
1  Summers are getting  very hot.  С 
2  I got your email yesterday. 

8  Rewrite the  sentences  ke e ping  the  same  me a ning.  Do  not  change  3  Last week she got  a book about  pollution. 
the word  give n. Use be twe e n  tw o  a nd  five  words,  including  the  4  What time will you get to the  meeting? 
word given.  5  Can you get me the  pen that's on the desk? 
1  It's possible that the sea level will go up in the  next fifty years,  a  arrive  d  obtain or buy 
may  b  bring  e  receive 
The sea levelzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
  маудонр.  in the  next fifty years.  с  become 
2  It's 100% certain that some parts of the earth will  become deserts,  2  C omple te  the  sentences  with  these  words. 
definitely  W ha t  is the  me a ning  of get  in each  sentence? 
Some parts of the earth  deserts. 
dark  late  ready  red  thin  worse 
3  There's a possibility that the consequences will  be catastrophic, 
1  I can see that you're  hot. Your face is 
4  It's 100% certain  life on the planet won't  end in the  next twenty years,  2  My brother  needs to eat more. He's getting 
definitely  very 
Life on the  planet  in the  next twenty years. 
3  Come on! You need to get 
5  It's quite probable that  people won't  change their  habits,  for the  meeting. 
won't  4  Scientists are very worried  because they say the 
People  habits.  situation  is getting 
6  The situation might get worse  before it gets  better,  5  Come on! It's getting  .Time 
possible  for bed. 
It's  get worse  before it gets  better.  6  I'll  switch the  light on. It's got very 
in here. 
9  How certain  do  you  think  these  pre dictions  are? W rite  sentences 
with the  expressions  in  8.  3  W ha t  usually  happens  in these  situations? 
W rite  sentences  w ith  get  a nd  these  words. 
1  Summers will get  hotter. 
2  Polar bears will become  extinct.  an email  with  news  angry  bread 
3  Cars of the future won't  use petrol.  home  late  paper and a pen  presents  tired 
4  We will  have another  ice age. 
1  Somebody  is saying  horrible things to you. 
5  One day there will be a terrible nuclear disaster in the USA.  Youget  angry. 
/ think  summers  will  definitelyget  hotter.  2  You run for an hour or more. 

10  SPEAKING  W ork  with  a partner.  Compare  your  answers  in  9.  3  It's your  birthday  tomorrow. 

/ think summers  will definitely  get  hotter.  4  You're out at  11pm and there are no buses. 

I think  they may  get hotter.  I'm not  sure.  5  You're in a supermarket  because you want  to 

make a sandwich for lunch. 

6  Your friend  in the  USA writes to tell you about 

what  happened to  her last week. 

7  Somebody  is talking  to you on the phone and 

wants to  leave a message. 

4 a  SPEAKING  W ork  w ith  a partner.  W rite  a  story 

whe re  you  use get  as ma ny  time s  as possible. 
4 b  Tell your  story  to  the  class. W ho  uses get  the 

Page 64 Yesterday  I got  up at  7am 

and  I got  ready  for  school. 
U n it  6  Page 2
Be going to and  will  2 Choose t h e correct a l t e r n a t i v e .

1 A : The p h o n e is ringing. В: I 'm going  tg/'ll get it.

1 C o m p l e t e t h e sentences a n d rules w i t h t h e correct f o r m
2 A: Do you w a n t t o c o m e to a party on Saturday?
  be going  to or will. 
В: I can't. M y family and I are going  tg/will go to London for
the weekend.
3 H o w old areyoiigghjgjG/^iyou be on your next birthday?
4 Look. He's p u t t i n g his coat on. He 's.gging[to/yyill go out.
5 A : It's cold in here. В: OK. I M.ggingjg/li close the window.

Will,  may, might 

3 M a t c h t h e s e s y m b o l s w i t h t h e sentences.

a *$ t$ *rf=
: :
Yes, certain,
Rule: We use t o make predictions based o n some
sort of evidence. b  *и ^ = Yes, more or less certain,
I can't d o this
с * ^ = Maybe yes, maybe no.

d = No, more or less certain,

Don't worry,
e ^ \ 7 ? = No,certain.

help y o u ! 1 Perhaps it'll rain.

2 It definitely w o n ' t rain.
3 It may rain.
4 It's possible t h a t it'll rain.
Rule: We use for decisions that w e take at the 5 It m i g h t rain.
m o m e n t of speaking. 6 It'll probably rain.
7 It probably w o n ' t rain.
8 It'll definitely rain.

4 Put t h e w o r d s in o r d e r t o m a k e sentences. Then give a n

a p p r o x i m a t e p e r c e n t a g e o f c e r t a i n t y f o r each one.

1 tea m t h e w i n our Perhaps c o m p e t i t i o n will.

2 t o n i g h t w o n ' t It probably cold be

Rule: We use . t o talk a b o u t an objective t r u t h .

3 will finish m y h o m e w o r k soon I definitely.

Next week I.
4 o u t t o m o r r o w She w o n ' t definitely go.
•J see m y favourite g r o u p in concert,
-л I've already g o t m y ticket.
5 do the They week may exam next.

6 this M y probably call brother will afternoon.

Rule: We use t o talk a b o u t future plans or

intentions. Grammar extension 

[We t h i n k that t h e e c o n o m y 5 M a k e p r e d i c t i o n s a b o u t y o u r life w h e n y o u are 35. Use t h e

word given.

get better soon.

1 may 
2 .probably 
3 ... perhaps 
4 .... possible 
5 . definitely 

Rule: We use t o make a general prediction, often Page 79 6 won't 

after verbs like think or  hope.  7 might 

Page 3
1a Work with a partner. Look at the two photos

on the right. Talk about what you can
see. What do you think is the connection Is this the most important building in
between them?

1b Look at the title of the article and the

photos. What could ‘the most important
building in the world’ be and why? A Future problems D Helping worldwide
Each year, people are becoming Any country in the world
more and more worried about can leave seeds in Svalbard.
2 You have three minutes to read the text and the future of our planet. People And the service is free. There
check your prediction. are now starting to agree – are 1,500 potatoes from Peru,
global warming will definitely bananas from the Pacific
3 Choose the correct alternative. Write the make a difference to the Islands, and rice from more
letter of the paragraph where you found the world’s weather. On the one than a hundred different
answer. hand, some parts of the world countries. The seeds of
may have more floods. But some plants, such as peas,
1 Countries pay/don’t pay to keep their seeds some other parts might suffer only survive for 20 to 30
there. terrible droughts. All of this will years. But others will last for
Paragraph have a serious impact on the hundreds of years.
2 If there is an electrical problem at the Seed world’s agriculture. And that
Vault, the temperature will/won’t be a problem.
could make it difficult for us to E The most
get enough food to survive. important building?
In 2028, the Svalbard
3 The most important thing about the location of B A possible solution Vault will celebrate its 20th
the Seed Vault is that it is easy to protect from This explains the idea behind anniversary. 200 years in the
attacks/the altitude will keep the seeds dry. the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. future, it’s possible that the
Paragraph The Seed Vault is built into a ice caps will melt. Even if
mountain on an island near this happens, Svalbard will
4 In the case of a future catastrophe, the the North Pole. The aim of the be safe. That’s because it is
important thing is to have a lot/wide variety of building is to protect the on a mountain and will
seeds. world’s agriculture be above the water
Paragraph from future level. And because
catastrophes. This it is so close to the
5 The Svalbard Global Seed Vault has/doesn’t
may not just be North Pole, even
have millions of types of seeds.
a question of if their electricity
Paragraph global warming. stops working, the
6 Norway built the Svalbard Global Seed Perhaps there ice will maintain
Vault because of global warming/possible will be a major a cool temperature
environmental disasters. nuclear disaster of -3.5ºC to keep the
or war one day. These seeds safe. But the best
Paragraph things definitely won’t be a protection is the fact that
7 People believe droughts and floods might/will problem for Svalbard. Thanks it is in such a remote place.
never make it difficult to find food in the future. to careful planning, experts say After all, maybe one day this
Paragraph that it is going to survive any will be the most important
catastrophe. building in the whole world.
C Protecting our plants
Think! Then compare ideas with Some experts think that the
your class. population of the earth will
■ Do you agree that this is the most probably go up by 50% in
important building in the world? Why? the next 40 years. Because of
climate change, it probably
■ What plants from your country do you won’t be easy for some plants
think are important to protect? to survive. Having many
different types of plants will
be essential for agriculture
5 What do the underlined words in the to adapt to changes in the
text mean? Guess and then check in your environment. In the Svalbard
dictionary. Global Seed Vault, there is
space for 4.5 million types
6 SPEAKING What about you? of seed. That’s 2.5 billion
individual seeds! At the
Are you generally optimistic or pessimistic about moment there are over 770,000
the future of the planet? Why? different types there.

Page 65

Unit 6 Page714
Gr a m m a r zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTS
• Be going to, will, may, might
• Zero conditional and first conditi

Vo ca b u l a r y • Geographical f eat ures • The environm ent • Different uses of ;

Sp e a k i n g • Making arrangem ent s

Wr i t i n g • A form al letter

• Vocabulary

Geographical features  The  environment 

1 Complete the crossword. 3 C o m p l e t e these w o r d s a n d t h e n m a t c h t h e m t o t h e correct


Ir g ht fI d g I.... b .. I w rm ng
gr nh s f f.. с t .... z.... n.... t у r
.... с у с I.... s.... v w.... t.... r w... s t . w t r

Acr oss

1 a long line o f very big hills

3 an area w i t h a lot o f trees
5 an area w i t h a lot o f sand, b u t n o t m a n y plants and almost no


2 similar t o 3 across, b u t here it rains a lot

4 an area next t o the sea w i t h sand, w h e r e some people go t o
spend their holidays
6 a big, cold area t h a t covers t h e land and sea around the N o r t h
and South Pole
7 a tropical area w i t h a lot o f plants, trees, animals and insects

2 Use t h e w o r d s in 1 t o w r i t e a b o u t w h a t t h e r e is or isn't in y o u r

Page 76

Unit 6
Page 5
How much do you know about the…

What do you call the area that What do you call the Which layer protects the
is inhabited by a particular processing of used Earth from UV rays?
species? materials and their reuse?
a) Habitat. a) Recycling. a) Oxygen.
b) Environment. b) Reusing. b) Nitrogen.
c) Biosphere. c) Reprocessing. c) Ozone.

The process by which the Which of the following is What is the term for the
Earth’s temperature is biodegradable? complete disappearance of
increasing is called the … a species?
a) biothermal effect. a) Plastic. a) Termination.
b) greenhouse effect. b) Paper. b) Disappearance.
c) temperature effect. c) Glass. c) Extinction.

What do you call renewable Which of these energy What do you call the rain
safe sources of energy? sources is renewable? that contains many
chemicals and is harmful?
a) Alternative energies. a) Coal. a) Smog.
b) Bio-energies. b) Natural gas. b) Acid rain.
c) Solar energies. c) Wind. c) Monsoon.

What do you call a substance What is the most used Which of these animals is
that pollutes the air, water or renewable energy source not in danger becoming
soil? in the world? extinct?
a) Pollutant. a) Hydro energy. a) Panda bears.
b) Pesticides. b) Solar energy. b) Polar bears.
c) Acid. c) Wind energy. c) Grizzly bears.

What type of shopping bag is Global warming will cause Which gas is responsible
more eco-friendly? an increase of … for global warming?

a) Paper. a) Heat waves. a) Carbon dioxide.

b) Plastic. b) Hurricanes. b) Oxygen.
c) Neither. c) Both. c) Hydrogen.

What are some of the Which of the following is Which of these human
consequences of not a fossil fuel? activities contributes the
deforestation? most for global warming?
a) Loss of habitats. a) Coal. a) Using fossil fuels.
b) Soil erosion. b) Wood. b) Cutting down trees.
c) Both. c) Oil. c) Riding bicycles.

Which of the following can be Which is the following Rainforest land is most
recycled? animals is not yet extinct? often cleared for …

a) Milk cartons. a) Tasmanian tiger. a) factories.

b) Plastic bottles. b) Dodo. b) farmland.
c) Both. c) Javan rhinoceros. c) pasture.

Page 81

Page 6
Wlll our planet survive?
Future: w//
1st Conditional,
+ inf initive
if and when

Prepositions of place file. Preposition

Living longe4 growing younger

Asking for information

O $7ork in groups. Look at the headlines from different newspaper and

magazine articles. Guess what the content of each article will be.

Glo[altttlarlning - real nr imagined? One planet is not enough

Wildl ife habitats disappearing Hope for forests?

US puts economy first Water-aglobal crisis
@ The words in A are in the extracts in @. Match them with their meaning in B.
1 the world's resources a damage very badly
2 destroy b 100olo necessary
3 essential c impossible to believe
4 destruction ) continue to exist
5 global warming the noun of to destroy
6 habitat f increase in the world's temperature
7 incredible b e.g. oil, forests, water
8 survive h natural home of a plant, bird, or animal

O Read the extracts from the articles. Write the correct headline from @ for
each extract.

... Forests are essentialto life. They ... Scientists have predicted
give us clean air and plants for that global warming will
medicines. and contain over half destroy 80% of the 115 most
the world's animals, birds, and important wildlife habitats. If
plarits. Humans destroy an area of we don't save these habitats,
forest the size of Greece every year. 2OTo of theworld's birds,
If we don't stop this destruction, it animals, and plants will
will be too late. There are some disappear for ever. . . .
signs of hope, butwe will have to
workverv hard if we want to save
the planet. ...
,{ I
... Some people saywe can'tbe
sure global warming is really
happening. They say they'll
worryabout itwhen we are
sure. But it will be too late to do
anything about it when we are
sure. It won't be possible to save
the planet if we don't take
action now. . ..

Page 67

Page 7
@ Underline five verbs which refer to the future in the extracts in @.

Future: will + infinitive; 1st Conditional, if and when

Read the examples. Answer the question and 1st Conditional
complete the grammar rules. * have to act now if we want to save the planet.
r+ If we dont stop this destruction, it will be too late.
will + infinitive *, It wont be possible to save the planet if we dont
take action now.
* This percentage will increase by 43'/" inthe
next 20 years. o Use the 1st Conditional to express a future
* Our planet wont survive. possibility, and its result.
o Usewill + infinitive to predict future situations Write will + infinitiue or the Present Simple.
and actions.
o In a 1st Conditional sentence, use
How do we make questions and short answers after if and
withwill + infinitive? to express
the result.
p.5 Look at the extracts ln @. fnd other 1st
Conditional sentences.
Note V/i// becomes '// in spoken English, except
in short answers. if and when
not becomes won't in + It will be too late to do anything about it when we
spoken English, including short answers. afe sufe.
+ 'We'11
have to work very hard if we want to save the
\7rite i/or when.
o Use to express a possibility and to
express a certainty.


. . . Today a billion people in the world don't

have clean drinkingwater. If we don't
improve our use of water, this number will
rise to four billion by the year 2025. It seems
incredible, butwe have to live on less than 1%
of the world's water becausegTTo of the water
on our planet is seawater,2To is ice, and we
can use only part of the 7% underground.
That is what we have to survive on. . . .

L. r*,rr*""*"",
25To ofthe gases that cause
global warming and says this -66'
percentage will increaseby 4\Toin
.*Ft "***, the next 20 years. It says we can do
irr':.'r"i Iittle to change the situation. If the USA
i::r";..i. works with other countries to reduce global
warming, we'll be able to Iimit the damage. If it
doesn't, we won't, and our planet won't survive. . . .
Page 68
uNtT 10 | gz

Page 8
Practice O Complete the extracts from newspaper articles about global warming. Put
the verbs in brackets in the correct tense, Present Simple or will + infinitrve.

Theworldwarms up World's capitals at risk Water wars

If we ' (do)nothing Scientists believe that temperatures in In the future. neonle
to stop global warming, we Creenland o (increase)
(not fight) wars over oil, or religion, or
'(see)big changes more than in other parts of the world. politics, but over water. Nearly 40% of
in the future. If world temperatures If this ' (happen), the the world's population depends on
'(continue) to rise, ice will melt completely and sea levels rivers from which two or more
as scientists have predicted, there '' (rise) by about seven countries get their water. Many of
'(be) less snow and metres. They say this these countries want to develop their
some countries 5
(put) most of the world's capitals under agriculture and industry. If they
(lose) their skiing industry. We water. " (not have) enough
o rL-.,^\ L^++-- ,-1.;-. r8 [fiohf)
vL./ rrvLLLr,
[rr4 ur rLr water, they t^_D___/
summers and more wind and rain wars to get it because without water
in winter. fh e*t 'n (not survive).
Your summer holidays
are bad for the planet
Rising sea levels We all enjoy travelling and air travel is
getting cheaper. That's good news lor
Three hundred top American holidaymakers but bad news for the
scientists have predicted that sea levels environment because aircraft
' (rise) by between 50 emissions increase global warming.
and 100 centimetres over the next There has been a huge increase in air
ncntrrrv If lheir nrediclions
travel in recentyears. Ifthis increase
(be) correct, half the US 14 l.nnfinrre\ f]re
population who live in coastal areas damage 15 (ocf\ rrrnrqe
(lose) their homes.

Page 69
e8 {D uNlr 10

Page 9
First conditional
4a Look at these sentences in the first conditional. 4b Look at the sentences again and choose the
Then choose the correct alternative. correct alternative.
1 If you run in the corridors at this school, the 1 In the part of the sentence with if we use the
teachers will be really happy. present simple/will or won’t.
2 The school will save money if they produce extra 2 In the other part of the sentence we use the
electricity. present simple/will or won’t.

We use the first conditional to talk about possible/

impossible situations and their consequences.

5 Choose the correct alternative. 6 Put the verbs in the correct tenses using the first

‘If we (a) (not do) something soon,

electronic products (b) (create) serious
problems for the environment. We use more and more
energy because we buy more and more electronic
gadgets. If this situation (c) (continue),
1 If we don’t/won’t recycle paper now, we need/will
each house (d) (need) an incredible
need to cut down more trees in the future.
quantity of energy. The popularity of computers,
tablets and mobile phones has created an enormous
need for more power. In the 1970s homes contained,
on average, just 17 electronic products. But now
some people think that they (e) (not be)
able to brush their teeth if they (f) (not
2 If we cut/will cut down more trees, the forests have) an electric toothbrush. If we (g)
disappear/will disappear. (forget) to switch off all these electronic gadgets,
we (h) (use) up all of our electricity for

7 SPEAKING Work in groups. Begin with this sentence.

If I pass all my exams this year, I’ll have a special
holiday in the summer.
3 There are/will be more deserts if the forests Take it in turns to add conditional sentences. How many
disappear/will disappear. sentences can you make?

If I pass all my exams this year, I’ll

have a special holiday in the summer.

If I have a special holiday in the

summer, I’ll go with my friends.

4 If there are/will be more deserts, the planet If I go with my friends, I’ll ...
becomes/will become hotter.

Page 66
5 Many plants and animals die/will die if the planet
becomes/will become hotter.

Unit 6 Page 77
'Grammar in context

Zero  conditional 

1 Match t h e halves o f t h e sentences. 5 W r i t e c o m p l e t e sentences w i t h t h e first c o n d i t i o n a l using t h e

words given.
1 If you leave a can of cola in a freezer,
2 If you run as fast as y o u can, 1 If/he/have a problem/he/speak t o the teacher.
3 If you write t o o quickly,
4 tf you read the newspaper every day,
2 l/go t o t h e doctor/if/my hand hurt t o m o r r o w .
5 If you look regularly at your vocabulary list,
6 If you w o r k on a c o m p u t e r all day,
7 If you w a n t t o be a professional musician,
3 He/not be happy/if/he/miss the bus.

a you k n o w what's h a p p e n i n g in t h e w o r l d .
b it's a g o o d idea t o start playing w h e n you're y o u n g .
4 If/my sister/go t o music lessons/my m u m / b u y her a guitar.
с your eyes sometimes hurt.
d you often make mistakes.
e you remember words more easily.
f it explodes.
5 If/you/see t h e film t o m o r r o w / y o u / k n o w h o w the story ends.
g you get tired very quickly.

f  6 The teacher/give me a bad mark/if/I/not give her my homework.

7 You/not see me/if/you/come late.

8 If/you/not switch off your m o b i l e phone/people/get angry.

9 The picnic/be a disaster/if/the weather/be bad.

2 Look at t h e sentences in 1 a n d choose t h e correct a l t e r n a t i v e . 10 If/we/not g o t o t h e shops/we/not have e n o u g h food.

1 We use the zero conditional t o talk a b o u tzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA

a specific, unique
sjtogtion/ spmething that is generally true.
2 We use the present simple in Qne„ hgjffoth_hajy(x of the
Grammar extension 
First conditional  6 C o m p l e t e t h e sentences in a l o g i c a l w a y w i t h t h e first
3 Choose t h e correct a l t e r n a t i v e .
1 If it rains, _ _
If I like/ will like their next CD, I buy/ will buy, it.
j you won't
2 She doesn' t/ won' t c o m e t o n i g h t if you dgnf/ won' t invite her.
pass your exams.
3 If our car doesn' t/ won' t w o r k t o m o r r o w , my dad tgkes/ willtgke
it t o the garage. 3 j I'll give

4 If you need/ will need help next week, I cgme/ wjjhcome. you a present.

5 The police arrest/ will arrest h i m t o m o r r o w if t h e y find/ will find 4 If m y parents give m e e n o u g h money,

6 If you play/ will play that song again, I gg/ wil.[go m a d . 5 If I don't speak English,
7 If she doesn' t/ won' t play in t h e next match, her t e a m loses/ will 6 If t h e plane isn't late,
7 ., perhaps she'll w i n

4 Look at t h e sentences in 3 a n d choose t h e correct a l t e r n a t i v e . the c o m p e t i t i o n .

8 If t h e shop is o p e n ,
1 We use the first conditional t o talk about possible/ impossible
situations and their consequences. 9 ,

Page 78
2 We use the present simple/ will in the half of t h e sentence w i t h I'll cry.

if. 1 0 If t h a t noise doesn't stop,
^ „ , ^ _

Unit 6
PageI 11
Complete the blanks with the verbs in brackets:
1. Many wildlife habitats will be destroyed if man
_____________________ (keep) polluting the environment.
2. If we dump all sorts of chemicals into rivers, we
_______________ (not be able to) swim in them in the future.
3. If we __________________ (not stop) cutting down so many
To talk about situations that will trees, we ___________________ (endanger) our oxygen supply.
4. Soon the Earth’s resources will be exhausted if the
possibly or probably happen in the
human population ____________________ (continue) to grow.
5. If everybody continues to use aerosols and CFCs, the
hole in the ozone layer ______________________ (get) bigger.
If I study harder, I will pass my exams easily.
6. If the sun radiation can’t escape into space, Earth’s
(It’s very likely that this may happen)
temperature _____________________ (increase) steadily.
7. If the global temperature ______________________ (rise),
sea levels __________________ (rise) too.
IF–CLAUSE + SIMPLE PRESENT 8. We’ll threaten our own existence if we _________________
go /goes / don’t go / doesn’t go (not cut down) on waste rapidly.
9. People ____________________ (run out of) drinking water
one day if they _______________ (not use) it more rationally.
10. If he ____________________ (want) to help the planet,
will + infinitive then he __________________ (have to) change his habits.

Complete the blanks with the verbs in brackets:

1. If people _______________________ (not be) so careless,
Earth wouldn’t be in danger.
2. The amount of waste ______________________ (decrease)
if people started to buy reusable packages.
3. Many fish wouldn’t die if factories _____________________
To talk about hypothetical, unreal or
(not dump) so many chemicals into rivers and oceans.
impossible situations in the present.
4. If people _____________________ (buy) more recycled
paper, there wouldn’t be so much waste.
5. _________________________ (you take) these bottles to the
If I studied harder, I would pass my exams.
bottle bank if I asked you to?
(But I don’t do it - I’m just imagining this)
6. If people really ____________________ (not care) about the
If I were you, I would study more.
environment, they ____________________ (not try) to save it.
(Here we are giving some advice)
7. If Paul __________________ (think) more about the planet,
he wouldn’t waste so much water.
8. We ________________________ (be) less worried if oil spills IF–CLAUSE + SIMPLE PAST
_____________________ (not have) such destructive effects. went / didn’t go
9. If we consumed less, we ____________________ (produce)
less waste material.
10. If we ___________________ (destroy) the ozone layer, MAIN CLAUSE + CONDITIONAL

Page 80
nothing ______________________ (save) us from the UV rays. would + infinitive

Page 12

The environment B IS S Verbs to talk about energy HHHI

1 ★ Write the words under the pictures. 3 ★★ *• Circle) the correct option: А, В, C or D.
factory fumes | rubbish | flood litter
0 If you reuse something,
pollution waste recycling | smog
A you th row it away.
В you use it fo r the last time.
C you waste a lot o f energy.
(Б)уои use it again.
1 Recycling helps to
A understand pollution.
В save energy.
C th ro w things away.
D waste energy.
2 It’s better to disconnect electrical appliances
from their
A owners. В smog.
C pow er source. D standby.
3 Certain whales belong to the world's
A endangered tribes.
В fragile organisms.
C endangered species.
D tiniest organisms.
4 Cutting down too many forests causes
A deforestation. В consequences.
C responsibilities. D financial interests.
5 Experts say that a lot of damage has been done
to the world's
A energy. В fear.
C po llution . D oceans.
6 The future of the world is everybody's
A generation. В damage.
C troub le. D responsibility.
7 Climate change is making the environment
A tiny. В fragile.
C p o llute d. D endangered.
2 ★★ Match the sentence halves.
4 ★★★ Answer the questions.
0 Many people think we need stricter
1 Plastic bags produce □ 1 What do you think is the biggest threat to our

environment and why?
2 If global warming continues, many glaciers
3 Some parts o f the world don't get enough rain, □
4 In many o f the world's largest cities, □
5 Recycling paper means □ 2 How do you feel when you see someone throw

litter on the street?
6 This river's water is very clean - it doesn't seem
7 To help the environment, we should recycle □
a while others get flooded all the time, 3 Have you ever told somebody not to pollute the
environment? How did they react?
b will melt and this will be terrible,
c polluted at all.
d rubbish and we must never produce litter,
e far too much waste. 4 W hat positive examples do you know o f people
f smog and factory fumes cause bad air pollution, caring for the environment?
g laws to protect the environment,
h we don't need to cut down so many trees.

Page57 13
Page 14


An article to raise awareness about an 2 Complete the sentences from Exercise 1 with
environmental issue linking words.

1 Read the extracts. Which of them ... 0 The species is endangered because they cannot
find enough food any more.
1 outline a problem? |~A~| and
1 Some people believe that having a wild animal in
2 describe what will happen if
a cage at home is something special__________,
nothing is done? | | and
every year, thousands of exotic animals die on their
suggest what to do? | | and
way to other countries and continents.
2 This will all happen for sure_________ we all
1 T hese a ttra ctiv e bird s live n e a r rivers. T hey change things now.
:a t frog s and o th e r sm all a n im a ls. The species
3 We need to make sure that there are enough trains
ig e re d b e ca u se th e birds c a n n o t fin<
and buses_________ that people can travel to work.
lo u g h fo o d a n y m o r e . C ities are ge ttin g
4 We need to let people know what will happen
bigg er an d bigger, a n d h u m a n s d e s tro y th e ir
everybody uses their car all the time.
n a tu ra l hab itat.
• If you want to raise awareness about an environmental
issue, you need to structure your text very carefully.

If w e d o n ’t s to p p o llu tio n , th e te m p e r a tu r e 3 Read the phrases in the list. Which ones are ...
w ill r is e f u r th e r . If th e E a r t h g e ts h o tte r ,
1 a description o f a problem?
it w ill h a v e d r a m a tic co n se q u e n c e s. If w e
Every year, we lose........................... .............
d o n ’t a c t no w , it m ig h t b e to o la te .
2 talking about consequences?

irst, w e m u s t in tro d u c e ne w laws to s to p 3 a suggested action?
de fore station . T he la w s sho uld say th a t
big c o m p an ie s th a t have e arne d m illions • If w e d o n 't s to p now, th e re w ill b e ...
from pro d u c in g p a p e r have to invest s o m e • Unless p e o p le b e g in to change th e ir b eh aviou r,
o f th e ir m on e y to save th e rainforest. it m ig h t b e to o late.
• In fiv e years' tim e , m ost o f th e animals w i l l ...
• Then w e have to ...
• F o rty p e r c e n t o f th e species in th a t area are in
Some people believe that having a wild
anim al in a cage at hom e is something
• The air in b ig cities is te rrib ly p o llu te d .
special. This is why, every year, thousands
• W e m ust in tro d u c e n ew laws to s to p ...
of exotic animals die on their way to other
• Every year, w e lose ...
countries and continents.
• First w e n e e d to ...
• The species is e n d a n g e re d because ...
• W e m ig h t have b ig g e r p ro b le m s soon.
F irst, w e n e e d to m a k e s u re th a t th e re a re
e no ug h tr a in s a n d b u se s so th a t pe o ple c a n 4 Write an article about an environmental issue
tra v e l to w o rk on pu blic tr a n s p o r t. T h e n w e (about 200 words). If you have already written
nee d to let p eople k n o w w h a t w ill h ap p en if about a global problem (page 63 o f the Student's
e v e ry b o d y u se s th e ir c a r a ll th e tim e. Book), write about a local problem now. If you
have written about a local problem, write about
a global issue.
We need to do som ething now. If the level • D e scribe th e p ro b le m .
o f the oceans keeps rising, many small • Explain w h a t w ill o r m ig h t hap pen if no th in g changes.
islands w ill be flooded. People and animals
• M a ke suggestions to solve it.
w ill die. This w ill all happen fo r sure unless
we all change things now.

Page59 15
• Grammar  revision  zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Be going to, will zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Zero conditional
1 Correct the mistakes in these sentences. 3  Answer  these  que stions  with  comple te  sentences. 
1  Scientists think that they'll to find a solution for this problem. 
1  What  happens if you mix blue and yellow? 
2  What are your  plans? What do you do tomorrow? 
3  They say it's raining  next week. 
2  What  happens if you study for an exam? 
4  I can't meet you tomorrow  because I'll do an exam. 
3  What  happens if you  never  brush your teeth? 
W O R KBO O K  •  p a g e  4 8  ( /4 points)
4  What  happens if you eat too much? 

Will, may, might

W O R KBO O K  •  p a g e  51  ( /4 points)
2  Complete the sentences  with  these  words. 

definitely  may  perhaps  probably  will  won't  First conditional

1  My team will  win tonight. I'm totally sure.  4  C omple te  the sentences  with  the correct  form  of the  words. 

2  Paula  go to see him next week but I don't  1  If the sun  (shine), we'll be able to go out. 

really know.  2  We'll go shopping  if my mum  (finish)  work 
3  the problem will disappear but we aren't  early. 
3  If you do the exercise carefully today, you  (get) 
4  They  won't go out tonight  because they  have 
all the answers  right. 
an exam tomorrow, but it's not impossible. 
5  She definitely  run tomorrow  because she's  4  It'll be great if she  (come)  tonight. 
got a broken  leg.  5  She'll leave hospital today if she  (feel) OK. 
6  It's possible that  I  see him  tomorrow. 
6  I  (not bring) the dog  if you don't want  me to. 

W O R KBO O K  •  p a g e  4 8  ( /6 points) W O R KBO O K  •  p a g e  51  ( /6 points)

• Vocabulary  revision 
Geographical features
1  Look at the names. W ha t  are the ge ogra phica l  features? 
1  Sahara  4  Ipanema in Rio de Janeiro 
2  The Amazon River and  5  Costa del Sol 
3  The Andes  6  The North  Pole 
7  Sherwood 
W ORKBOO K  •  p a g e  4 6  ( /7 points)

The environment
2  Complete the te xt  with  these  words. 

droughts  floods  global warming  ozone  layer  recycle  save  waste 

(a)  is getting worse and worse ­ the  where it hasn't  rained for a long time. But in places like the USA 

temperatures keep going up and up. That's probably  because of  and Europe people (e)  water ­  they  use too 
the big hole in the (b)  , which  protects  us from  much, without thinking. It's important to (f) 
the sun. In some parts of the  planet there have been  terrible  water, for example by having short showers, not baths. There 
(c)  where the water  has destroyed towns and  are other things we can do to protect the earth. We can 
cities. Meanwhile, in Africa there are terrible (d)  (g)  things  like bottles or newspapers. 

W O R KBO O K  •  pa ge  4 6  ( /7 points)

Different uses of get

3  Decide on a synonym  for get in these  sentences. 
1  I'm going to get some bread from the supermarket.,  4  Don't  move. I'll get you a glass of water.. 
2  Did you get home  late last night?  5  I got my exam marks yesterday. 
3  The book started off really well but then it got boring in the end.  6  She got an email from  her best friend..... 

W O R KBO O K  •  pa ge  4 9  Page 75 ( /6 points)

/40 points)
81  16
Revision: Units 5-6
Grammar  Vocabulary 

1 Choose t h e correct a l t e r n a t i v e . 1 C o m p l e t e t h e t y p e s o f p r o g r a m m e w i t h t h e missing vowels.

1 Greece iszyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
hotter/ more hotter t h a n Britain in t h e summer. 1 g m sh w 4 .... dv... rt
2 I think Sam is t h i n n e r thanAhat Jake. 2 с rt n 5 ch ...t sh....w
3 She's the best player of/ in t h e t e a m .
3 d . _ с.... m.... nt.... ry 6 dr.... m ...
4 That's the sjllyest/ silliest t h i n g I've ever seen.
5 Greg is t h e more/ most intelligent person I know. (  / 6  poi nt s)  
6 Do you t h i n k rainy weather is more bad/ worse t h a n sunny
2 M a t c h t h e s e adjectives w i t h t h e e x p l a n a t i o n s . T h e r e are m o r e
weather? *
/ 6  poi nt s)   adjectives t h a n e x p l a n a t i o n s .

2 Rewrite t h e sentences u s i n g t h e w o r d s in b o l d . M a k e sure t h e

m e a n i n g stays t h e same. confused
CO, confusing cool funny interested
inter relaxing scary surprised surprising
1 Love is more i m p o r t a n t than money.

Money LESS
1 It's w h e n s o m e t h i n g makes you laugh.
2 I t h i n k that biology is easier t h a n maths.
It's h o w you feel w h e n s o m e t h i n g happens but you didn't
I t h i n k that maths AS
k n o w it was g o i n g t o happen.
3 We aren't old e n o u g h t o see that film.
It's w h e n s o m e t h i n g makes you w a n t t o k n o w more.
We're TOO

4 It's t o o cold t o s w i m in t h e sea today.

4 It's w h e n s o m e t h i n g makes you feel frightened.
It's EN O U G H
5 It's h o w you feel w h e n y o u don't understand something or a
5 Her sister is very intelligent and she's very intelligent.
She's AS
6 It's w h e n s o m e t h i n g is really g o o d .
6 He is t o o slow t o w i n t h e race.
С   / 6  poi nt s)  
3 Put t h e letters in o r d e r t o f i n d d i f f e r e n t g e o g r a p h i c a l features.
С   / 6  poi nt s)  
1 leungj 3 trsofe
3 Choose t h e correct a l t e r n a t i v e .
2 tesdre 4 m i n t o a n u grean
1 I don't really k n o w but Joe may/ will w i n t h e c o m p e t i t i o n .
(  / 4  poi nt s)  
2 ItzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
 ШрХИ9!°.9Му/РШ^.ЯШ.Ш01 i tomorrow. r a n

3 They say it is snowing/ is going to snow next Christmas. 4 M a t c h these w o r d s w i t h t h e e x p l a n a t i o n s . There are m o r e
4 The effects will definitely/ definitely will be tern ble. words than explanations.
5 N o b o d y is certain, b u t humans will/ might travel t o Mars
around 2050.
drought flood global w a r m i n g greenhouse effect
6 A : Someone's at t h e door! B: OK, 11l/ ' m going to go.
ozone layer recycle save waste
( / 6  poi nt s)  

4 C o m p l e t e t h e sentences w i t h t h e first or zero c o n d i t i o n a l f o r m 1 w h e n it rains a lot and rivers get t o o big

of t h e verbs g i v e n . 2 w h e n you save old things t o use t h e materials again

1 If she (go) t o London, she'll be able t o see t h e 3 w h e n y o u use things in an unnecessary w a y

London Eye. 4 t h e t h i n g w h i c h protects t h e earth f r o m the sun

2 She w o n ' t say anything if you (tell) her a secret. 5 w h e n it doesn't rain and there is n o water

3 If you p u t snow in your hand, your hand (get) 6 w h e n y o u stop using s o m e t h i n g or use very little

cold. (  / 6  poi nt s)  
4 If w e have t h e chance, w e (travel) all around
5 Find a s y n o n y m f o r get i n t h e s e sentences.
Europe next summer.
1 I'll get your bag.
5 If you look directly at t h e sun, it (be) bad for
2 Can you get m e t h e newspaper w h e n you g o t o t h e shops?
your eyes.

6 Sheila (do) well in t o m o r r o w ' s exam if she

3 She usually gets h o m e early.
(think) carefully. (  / 7  poi nt s)  

Г  / 3  poi nt s)  

/ 25 
Page 77
poi nt s 

Page 17

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