L1 Test Esiitech Semester 2

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ESP ENGLISH-Information Technology

Dr. Ralph OBANDJA BOYO, Assistant Professor (CAMES)
1st Year - 2nd Semester - Core Curriculum
First Name (s) and Surname (s):…………………………………………………………………………….…
Date :…………………………………………………………………………………..........................................

I. Complete the text with a suitable word or phrase. (2pt)

complicated – cool – easy - last - to follow - looked better - functions - quality
Well, after negotiating this great deal with a new client I was feeling pretty pleased with myself, so I thought
I’d buy myself something to celebrate. I had a look in the Mobile Shop, to see what offers there were on
smartphones. My old one was really good ……………and could………………. for another few years, but I
wanted a newer model. The one I fancied came in lots of different colours. The guy in the shop told me that
green was a popular one, but I thought it ………………in white. It had quite a few
different……………………….and looked………….. but he said it was really………………..to use. It
looked really……………………. so I bought it. However, the instructions were difficult
………………………and I couldn’t understand them, so I ended up taking it back to the shop the next day.
II. Put the words in the correct order to make questions or comments. (1.5pt)
1. I love your ring. did / where / you / it / get / ?
2. That’s a great bag. new / is / it/ ?
3. Hey, cool phone! you / it / long / had / how / have / ?
4. I love your shirt. really / a / design / it’s / nice / .
5. I like your boots. comfortable / look / really / they / .
6. That’s a lovely jacket. really / you / it / suits / .
III. You are going to hear a radio programme in which three people talk about the problem of
compulsive shopping. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). (2 pts)
1. _____Shopping is a leisure time activity for most of us.
2. _____Maria’s husband was worried that she was spending too much money.
3. _____Maria says she has got 135 bags in her wardrobe.
4. _____Compulsive shopping disorder only affect women.
5. _____Keith’s wife left him.
6. _____Keith says that men don’t usually buy the same thing as women.
7. _____Compulsive shopping disorder can also affect men.
8. _____ 20 % of British people are compulsive shoppers.
IV. Watch the video and decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F). (2.5pts)
1. _____ The father doesn’t want his son to catch alligators more than three feet long.
2. _____ The son is ten years old.
3. _____ The son looks right when his father tells him to look left.
4. _____ He doesn’t catch the first alligator he sees.
5. _____ They make a special noise to scare the mother alligator.
6. _____ The father tells his son to run.
7. _____ They are in a swampland.
8. _____ The son is having a lesson in snake charming.
9. _____We see a plane at the beginning of the video.
10. _____At this season, big alligators eat smaller alligators.

V. Fill in the table below by putting the verbs in the correct form. (2.5pts)
Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle French Translation
To make
Casser - Briser
To have
To buy
VI. Complete the text by writing the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (2.5pt)
I’m at EsiiTech and I……………..(train) to become a computing engineer. I……………………. (like) the
course and I………………(do) very well. Last month, we …………….(have) a quiz, but I …………………
(not pass) it. Every weekend, we ……………….(rest). I generally ………………(play) football with my
neighbors. Sometimes, I ………………(go) for a run. The university …………………………(organise) the
exam next month. This time I ………………..(plan) to have a good mark.
VII. Complete the sentences with the correct comparative form of the word. (2 pts)
1. It looks too complicated for my gran. Do you have one which is ……………to use? (easy)
2. It’s a bit tight round my shoulders. Do you have a ……….. size? (big)
3. It doesn’t look very strong. Have you got one which is a bit …………quality? Something which will last
a bit ………….(good, long)
4. It will probably be ………………. for the baby, but it’s a bit heavy and it will be difficult to carry up and
down stairs. Have you got something………………., something a bit…………………..that’s you can
fold…………………? (comfortable, practical, light, easily)
VIII. Underline the word which does not make a compound word with the key word. (2 pts)
traffic lights warden car
sports ground tv programme
town hall centre shop
police station woman day
church hall person meeting
bus drink station stop
play ground room person
cross roads shirt word
IX. Complete the table below by writing the correct form of the verbs. (3pts)

SIMPLE I ate a salad.




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