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Student Name
Instructor’s Name
Course Name & Section

Speech Title
Specific Purpose: to learn about animation
Central Idea: how to help people with animation

• Attention getter seh asked have yoy ever imagged a world full of manjcia
• Reason to listen she talk about how animation has an impaced
• Speaker credibility statement things that have impacted her with her idea
• Central idea sentence (thesis) animation is in her cultur
• Preview (overview) of main ideas sentence [Central idea and preview can be combined in a sentence]
Her love for animation was cultivated by her parents that were obsesses with Disney
• Main Idea One: She discover her love for animation through her parents.
A. She watched Disney movies, cartoons in different channels that she always wondered how it was
• II. Main Idea Two: Talks about her goals in animation.
A. She became an art major and aspires to be a storyboard artist for Walt Disney.
• III. Main Idea Three: How she wants to affect others with her animations
A. She hopes to spark something in other younger generation, make them realize what their passions
are,and she wants to give others a way to escape reality.

• Summary of main ideas: She discovered she wanted to work on animation professionally thanks
to her parents, she explained how she is working to reach that goal and what impact she wants to
leave with her work.
• Restate the central idea in an interesting way: Animation has been with her since she was little
kid and she wants to make others feel what she felt while watching cartoons or Disney animated
movies because to her it was an escape from reality.
• Impactful and memorable ending (for persuasive speeches, motivate the audience to respond):
She wants her art to inspire others and help them create the world of their dreams
Works Cited
(Use MLA format)

Notes on Organization of Main Ideas in the Body of the Speech

Informative Speech Persuasive Speech Controversial Persuasive Speech

Topical/Categorical Design Problem-Solution Design Refutative Design
Chronological Design Cause-Effect Design
Spatial Design Any design from Informative Speech

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