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Speech Number 2

Narrative Speech Outline

I. Intro (Approximately 30 seconds–1 min.)

A. Attention Getter
Makes the audience ponder on the magic of animation and the importance of it.

B. Explain relevance of narrative to audience

Her love for animation and how it has become apart of her own culture, and how it has shaped
her into who she is today.
C. Thesis and preview of main points
How she grew to love animation along with growing up with Disney and other studios. She
mentions how she pops in films done by a Japanese studio when she is in need for inspiration
and how her hobby of animation in middle school realized it could be her career.
II. Body (Approximately 3–4 minutes)
In the body of your speech, you should have 2–4 main points that represent key
moments or changes in the plot of your narrative.

A. From a young age she was surrounded by the animations of Disney, along with various other films
with animation.

B. How animation helps her escape reality and how the profession as become a part of her culture.

C. After realizing her hobby could become a career, she decided to become an art major later in life.

D. Wants to be a lead story artist for Disney in the future, hoping to spark interest in younger people.

III. Conclusion (Approximately 30 seconds–1 min.)

A. Review thesis and main points

Her love for animation and how it became a part of her culture.

B. Closer
She wants to help people escape into the world of an audience's dreams and does a summary of
her speech, ending with how she wants to have a positive impact in her career to help inspire

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