Tugas Book Review - Strategic Leadership

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1. The making of great nations is attributed to the vision, philosophies and

conviction of great leaders. Exceptional leaders with clear vision of strategy and

statecraft motivate their followers to achieve onerous objectives in national

interest. Strategy is the process of inter-relating ends, ways and means.

Strategic leadership can therefore be defined as the skilful and careful

determination of ends, ways and means towards attaining shared goals and

aspirations. Statecraft is the application and interplay of multiple objectives of

states, including political prestige, economic prosperity, influence and strategic

leadership. Some great strategic leaders have made outstanding achievements

in statecraft. The thoughts and contributions of these leaders have helped in

shaping a new world order of shared progress and prosperity. It is therefore,

essential for future leaders to study and learn from the actions of such great


2. Some of the great strategic leaders who contributed to the development of

their countries include Kwame Nkrumah who led the independence struggle in

Ghana and made the country double the production of Cocoa in a short time

after independence. Lee Kuan Yew, transformed economic landscape of

Singapore with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of US$3 billion at

independence in 1965 to a country with a GDP of US$46 billion in 1990. Pandit

Jawaharlal Nehru, was a pioneering leader in India’s struggle for freedom and

was first prime minister, that helped frame the constitution, integrated 562

princely states into union of India. These leaders exercised excellence in

statecraft in their countries.

3. Another outstanding South Asian leader was Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,

the founding father of People’s Republic of Bangladesh. His legacies include

liberating his country from the clutches of tyranny and foreign occupation and

enacting the country’s constitution within a year of independence amongst other


4. Similarly, Joko Widodo who is the focus of this book review, is the

seventh president of Indonesia and has been in office since 2014. He has been

lauded for his pro-poor policies, infrastructure development, and efforts to

combat corruption. His rise to the presidency, however, was not without its

challenges. Jokowi and the New Indonesia: A Political Biography, written by

Ben Bland, provides a detailed account of Jokowi's life, his political career, and

his impact on Indonesia. The book offers insight into the challenges Jokowi

faced and how he navigated them, as well as his successes and failures.


5. Jokowi and the New Indonesia: A Political Biography is divided into

three parts. The first part provides a background on Jokowi's early life, his

business career, and his entry into politics. The second part focuses on Jokowi's

years as mayor of Solo and governor of Jakarta, while the third part covers his

presidency. These are discussed below.

6. Early Life. Joko Widodo, popularly known as Jokowi, is the current

President of Indonesia. He was born on June 21, 1961, in Surakarta (Solo),

Central Java, Indonesia. Widodo grew up in a lower-middle-class family, with

his father working as a carpenter and his mother as a rice trader. He was the

fourth of five children. Widodo attended primary and secondary school in his

hometown of Solo before continuing his education at Gadjah Mada University

in Yogyakarta, where he earned a degree in forestry in 1985. After graduation,

he worked for a state-owned forestry company for several years before starting

his own furniture export business in 1992.

7. His Business Career. Widodo's business, which he named "Rakabu,"

was initially a small-scale operation that produced furniture made from teak

wood. However, the business grew rapidly, and within a few years, it became

one of the largest furniture exporters in Central Java. By 2001, Rakabu had

become a multi-million-dollar enterprise, employing over 700 people. Widodo's

success in the furniture industry earned him a reputation as a successful

businessman and a capable manager.

8. Entry into Politics (Mayor of Solo). In 2005, he was elected as the

mayor of Solo, his hometown, as an independent candidate. He served in this

position for two terms, from 2005 to 2012, during which he implemented a

number of innovative policies that improved the quality of life for the city's

residents. As the Mayor of Solo, Jokowi implemented several policies that

improved the city's infrastructure, social welfare, and economic growth. One of

his key achievements was the implementation of the "Solo Kota Kita" program,

which aimed to improve the city's infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and

public facilities. Under this program, Jokowi built 1,000 kilometers of new

road, completed 20 new bridges, and constructed 194 new public facilities,

including markets, parks, and health clinics. As a result, the city's economy

grew by 5.17 per cent in 2007, and by 6.45 percent in 2009. Jokowi also

focused on improving healthcare and education in Solo. He established a

program to provide free healthcare for the city's poorest residents, and built new

hospitals and health clinics. He also established a program to provide free

education for all children in the city, including those from low-income families.

As a result, the city's literacy rate increased from 90.36 per cent in 2005 to

96.16 per cent in 2012. Widodo's popularity as mayor of Solo earned him

national recognition, and he was named as one of the "Top 10 World Mayors"

by the City Mayors Foundation in 2011.

9. Governor of Jakarta. As the Governor of Jakarta, Jokowi implemented

several state policies that aimed to improve economic growth, health, education,

and infrastructure. One of his key achievements was the implementation of the

"Jakarta One Card" program, which aimed to provide a single card for all

citizens to access government services. Under this program, citizens could use

the card to access government services such as healthcare, education, and public

transportation. As a result, the city's public transportation system improved

significantly, reducing traffic congestion and improving air quality. Jokowi also

focused on improving healthcare and education in Jakarta. He established a

program to provide free healthcare for the city's poorest residents, and built new

hospitals and health clinics. He also established a program to provide free

education for all children in the city, including those from low-income families.

As a result, the city's literacy rate increased from 95.5% in 2012 to 98.4% in



10. Under Jokowi's leadership, Indonesia has experienced significant

economic growth. During his presidency, the country's GDP has grown by an

average of 5.1 per cent per year, and the poverty rate has declined from 10.96

per cent in 2014 to 9.22 per cent in 2019. In 2019, Indonesia's economy grew by

5.02 per cent, the highest rate in five years. Jokowi has also implemented

several policies to boost economic growth, including the "Making Indonesia

4.0" program, which aims to promote the growth of the country's manufacturing

sector through the use of advanced technology. Jokowi has also been focused on

improving the country's infrastructure. Under his leadership, the government

has invested heavily in building new highways, airports, and seaports. In 2019,

Indonesia opened its first high-speed railway, the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed

Railway, which was built with the assistance of China. This new rail line has

significantly reduced travel times between the two cities, and has improved the

country's transportation infrastructure. In the area of national security, Jokowi

has also made significant contributions. He has increased funding for the

country's military and police forces, and has implemented policies to combat

terrorism and extremism. Under his leadership, Indonesia has successfully

prevented several terrorist attacks and has increased regional cooperation to

address security challenges.

11. In addition, Jokowi has also been focused on improving access to

healthcare and education for all Indonesians. He has established several

programs to provide free healthcare and education for low-income families, and

has invested in building new hospitals and schools throughout the country. As a

result, the country's literacy rate has increased from 93.91 per cent in 2014 to

96.91 per cent in 2020, and the country's infant mortality rate has decreased

from 25.6 per 1,000 live births in 2014 to 20.6 per 1,000 live births in 2020.

12. Moreover, Jokowi has been a strong advocate for environmental

conservation and has implemented policies to address climate change. He has

established a program to reduce carbon emissions and promote the use of

renewable energy, and has invested in building new infrastructure to support

sustainable development. In 2019, Indonesia hosted the ASEAN Summit on

Sustainable Development, which focused on promoting sustainable

development and reducing carbon emissions in the region.

13. In summary, Bland's book highlights Jokowi's rise to power from a

furniture businessman to the governor of Jakarta, and his eventual presidency.

Throughout the book, Bland provides an in-depth analysis of Jokowi's policies,

his management style, and his political strategies. He also explores the

challenges Jokowi faced, such as his lack of political experience, the opposition

he faced from entrenched political interests, and his struggle to implement his

policies. One of the key themes in the book is Jokowi's focus on building

infrastructure and reducing poverty. Bland highlights Jokowi's efforts to

improve access to healthcare, education, and housing for the poor, as well as his

ambitious infrastructure projects. The book also covers Jokowi's efforts to

combat corruption, which has been a longstanding problem in Indonesia.

14. Another important theme in the book is Jokowi's management style.

Bland describes Jokowi as a hands-on manager who values efficiency and

results, but who can also be indecisive and prone to micromanagement. Bland

also explores Jokowi's relationship with his political allies and opponents, as

well as his interactions with the media and civil society.


15. Bland's book is well-researched and provides a comprehensive account of

Jokowi's life and political career. He draws on a wide range of sources,

including interviews with Jokowi himself, as well as his family, colleagues, and

political opponents. Bland also uses newspaper articles, government reports,

and academic studies to provide context and analysis. One of the strengths of

the book is Bland's ability to provide an objective analysis of Jokowi's policies

and management style. He presents both the successes and failures of Jokowi's

policies, and provides a nuanced analysis of their impact on Indonesia. Bland

also provides a balanced assessment of Jokowi's personality, highlighting both

his strengths and weaknesses as a leader.

16. The writing in the book is clear and engaging, making it accessible to a

wide audience. Bland uses anecdotes and personal stories to bring Jokowi's

story to life, and his writing style is engaging and easy to follow. The book is

also well-structured, with each chapter focusing on a specific aspect of Jokowi's

life or political career. The value addition of Jokowi and the New Indonesia is in

its in-depth analysis of Jokowi's policies and management style, as well as its

exploration of the challenges he faced in implementing his agenda. Bland's book

provides a detailed account of the political landscape in Indonesia, and how

Jokowi's policies fit within it. It also sheds light on the obstacles Jokowi faced

in implementing his policies, including opposition from political elites,

bureaucratic inefficiencies, and social and cultural barriers.

17. One criticism of the book is that it focuses heavily on Jokowi's personal

story and his political career, rather than providing a broader analysis of

Indonesia's political and economic landscape. While Bland does touch on some

of the broader issues facing Indonesia, such as corruption and infrastructure

development, the book is primarily a biography of Jokowi.


18. Jokowi and the New Indonesia provides valuable insights into the values,

principles, methods, and mindsets that have shaped Jokowi's leadership style.

Here are some of the key lessons that can be learnt from the book:

19. Focus on Results. Jokowi's leadership style is characterized by his focus

on achieving results. He is a hands-on leader who values efficiency and is not

afraid to take bold decisions to achieve his goals. His focus on results has been

reflected in his policies, which have prioritized infrastructure development and

poverty reduction.

20. Be Pragmatic. Jokowi's leadership style is characterized by his

pragmatism. He is not bound by ideology or political dogma and is willing to

adopt policies that are effective, even if they do not fit neatly into a particular

political ideology. This pragmatism has been reflected in his willingness to

work with political opponents and his ability to build coalitions to achieve his


21. Be Decisive. Jokowi's leadership style is characterized by his

decisiveness. He is not afraid to make tough decisions, even if they are

unpopular, and is willing to take risks to achieve his goals. This decisiveness

has been reflected in his willingness to cancel infrastructure projects that were

deemed unnecessary and his decision to move the capital city from Jakarta to

East Kalimantan.

22. Build Coalitions. Jokowi's leadership style is characterized by his ability

to build coalitions. He has been able to work with political opponents and civil

society groups to achieve his goals. This has been reflected in his ability to pass

important legislation, such as the Anti-Corruption Law, and his ability to win

elections with broad-based support.

23. Combat Corruption. Jokowi's leadership style is characterized by his

commitment to combat corruption. He has implemented policies to increase

transparency and accountability, and has empowered anti-corruption agencies to

investigate and prosecute corruption cases. His commitment to combat

corruption has been reflected in his willingness to take on powerful political

elites, including members of his own party.


24. Jokowi and the New Indonesia: A Political Biography is a valuable

resource for anyone interested in Indonesian politics and leadership. It provides

a detailed account of Jokowi's life and political career, and offers insights into

the challenges he faced and how he navigated them. Jokowi Widodo has made

significant contributions to Indonesia's governance and has been widely

recognized for his achievements in improving economic growth, healthcare,

education, infrastructure, and national security.

25. Under his leadership, Indonesia has experienced significant economic

growth and has made progress in addressing key social and environmental

challenges. His policies have benefited millions of Indonesians, particularly

those from low-income families, and have contributed to the country's progress

and development. The book also provides valuable lessons on leadership,

including the importance of focusing on results, being pragmatic, being

decisive, building coalitions, and combating corruption. Overall, Jokowi and the

New Indonesia is a well-researched and engaging book that provides a

comprehensive account of Jokowi's impact on Indonesia.


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