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Gingoog City Comprehensive National High School


Difficulties encountered in distance learning of ICT Senior High School

Students of GCCNHS

Presented To:
Mrs. Claire Besto Camocamo

Ian Reister Baragona
Danilo III Valencia

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a drastic shift from traditional to online distance
education which resulted in many difficulties to our learning delivery modes. The purpose of this
study is to find out what are the challenges of ICT Senior High School Students in GCCNHS in
Distance Learning. Physical and digital distractions, technological and technical difficulties,
institutional and academic issues, and personal and psychological barriers are the challenges that
the pupils encounter during distance classes. Designating a specific area or gadget for online
classes, providing intensive training on how to navigate the online learning platforms,
maintaining limited face-to-face class, maintaining an open communication between teachers
and students, using flipped classroom instruction, strengthening parent-teacher partnership in
ensuring guidance while learning from home, and providing guidance and counseling to
stakeholders are some of the recommended strategies that are suited to the new normal distance
learning. This research will serve as a guide for educators and students and researchers in the use
of distance learning.

Keywords: Challenges, Education, Face-to-Face, New Normal, Distance Learning


Instruction, hidden costs, misuse of technology, and the attitudes of instructors, students,
and administrators. Each one of these has an effect on the overall quality of distance learning as a
product. Distance learning and its relationship to emerging computer technologies have together
offered many promises to the field of education. In practice however, the combination often falls
short of what it attempts to accomplish.

In spite of the fact that it is thought of as a modern term, separate learning has been around for
well over 100 years. One of the prior shapes of distance learning was done through
correspondence courses begun in Europe. This remained the essential means of remote learning
until the center of this century when directions radio and tv got to be more prevalent (Imel,

As technology has changed, so has the definition of distance learning. Recorded addresses have
been a standard in college and proficient courses for the final two decades (Moore & Lockee,
1998). Audiotapes and lessons sent through the mail have been utilized in correspondence
courses to educate subjects such as outside dialect for a very few time (Teaster & Blieszner,
1999). Nowadays, the Web and compressed video have taken distance learning in unused
headings, permitting distance learning to happen in genuine time. Live video instruction is the
foremost well known and fastest growing conveyance mode within the Joined together States
(Ostendorf, 1997).Greenberg (1998) characterizes contemporary distance learning as “a planned
teaching/learning encounter that employments a wide range of advances to reach learners at a
separate and is planned to energize learner interaction and certification of learning” Desmond
Keegan (1995) gives the foremost careful definition.
He says that separate instruction and preparation result from the mechanical partition of educator
and learner which liberates the understudy from the need of traveling to “a settled put, at a settled
time, to meet a settled individual, in order to be trained”.

From these definitions we can see that the student and teacher are separated by space, but not
necessarily by time. This would include compressed video, which is delivered in real time.
As stated earlier, this type of live video instruction is the fastest growing means of distance
learning today. Because of this, much of the discussion here will be dedicated to the promises
and problems of this technology. Despite the promises and obvious advantages to distance
learning, there are problems that need to be resolved. These problems include the quality of
instruction, hidden costs, misuse of technology, and the attitudes of instructors, students, and
administrators. Each one of these has an effect on the overall quality of distance learning as a
product. In many ways, each of these issues relates to the others. We will examine each of these
issues separately.

This study is supported by the theory of learning that is meant to explain and help us
understand how students or people learn. It also involves multiple disciplines including
psychology, sociology, neuroscience, lastly is education. The 3 most popular learning theories
are behaviorism, cognitivism, and social constructivism will be highlighted to have a foundation
for further discussion. Theory is defined as a set of statements, principles, ideas that is related to
a particular subject. As noted by Graham, Henrie, and Gibbons (2013), the two terms are used
and generally refer to the same concept.

It focuses on how students behave. In education behaviorism shows how students behave while
learning. It also focuses on observing how students respond to certain stimuli that when repeated
can be evaluated, quantified and controlled in each individual. Behaviorism is associated with
Ivan Pavlov known for his experiments with animals. Pavlov conducted his experiments in the
early 1900s and they were replicated by many other researchers.

The reaction to the "Rigid" stressed by the behaviorist is known to be a predictive stimulus and
response (Harasim, 2012, p. 58). Cognitive theorists suggest that the mind has an important role
to play in learning to reflect on what occurs between the event of environmental and student

It has been mentioned that the cognitive functions of the mind, such as motivational imagination,
are the essential elements of learning that bridge external stimulation and student reaction. For
example, Noam Chomsky (1959) wrote a critical analysis of Skinner's behavioral work,
emphasizing the significance of imaginative mental mechanisms that are not visible in the
physical world. While written primarily from the perspective of a linguist, Chomsky’s view
gained popularity in other fields, including psychology. Interdisciplinary in nature, cognitive
science draws from psychology, genetics, physiology, computer science, and philosophy to
clarify the functioning of the brain as well as the stages of cognitive function that shape the basis
for learning and knowledge acquisition. As a consequence, cognitivism has developed into one
of the dominant philosophies of learning. The future of cognitivism is
particularly interesting as more advanced online software evolves into adaptive and personalized
learning applications that seek to integrate artificial intelligence and learning analytics into
Behaviorism led to the development of taxonomies of learning because it emphasized the study
and evaluation of multiple steps in the learning process. Behaviorists repeatedly studied learning
activities to deconstruct and define the elements of learning. Benjamin Bloom (1956) was one of
the early psychologists to create a taxonomy of learning that applied to the growth of academic
skills and to emphasize the importance of problem solving as a higher level of ability. Bloom's
(1956) School Target Taxonomy Handbook: Cognitive domains remain a fundamental text and
an important reading within the educational culture. Bloom’s taxonomy is based on six key
elements (see Figure 1) as follows:

Figure 1. Bloom’s Taxonomy

• Creating: taking together the elements to create a cohesive or usable whole, and reorganizing
the elements into a new pattern or arrangement by generating, preparing, or making.
• Evaluating: Making judgments based on criteria and standards through checking and critiquing.
• Analyzing: Breaking material into constituent parts, and determining how the parts relate to one
another and to an overall structure or purpose through differentiating, organizing, and attributing.
• Applying: Carrying out or using a procedure through executing or implementing.
• Understanding: Constructing meaning from oral, written, and graphic messages through
interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, summarizing, inferring, comparing, and explaining.
• Remembering: Retrieving, recognizing, and recalling relevant knowledge from long-term
The ICT Senior High School (SHS) of Gingoog City Comprehensive
National High School served as respondents in this study. They are officially enrolled in the year
2021-2022. These students were purposely chosen for they are ICT students who need
technology to do their work. The researchers have made a 6 question questionnaire to be given to
all ICT Senior High School Students. Then the researchers have distributed this questionnaire to
the ICT senior high school students of GCCNHS. The questionnaire's purpose is to find what are
the difficulties encountered by the respondents. There were 11 responses from the respondents
and has been recorded through google forms to minimize group gathering during the pandemic.


In the needs questionnaire stage the researchers have found that the common difficulties
of the respondents are lack of wifi, lack of communication, and no real-time help with mentors or
teachers, and share time management apps and resources for students. The researchers also
found that the most difficult extrinsic factors the respondents find doing in distance learning are
their environment (54.5%), time (36.4%), and other (9.1%). Most respondents feel that the
distance learning experience is average (36.4). The researchers know that most of the
respondents are having a difficult time adjusting to the new normal, they also find problems with
it that make their motivation to study go down. Most of the respondents (45.5%) spend 5-7 hours
of screen time for distance learning but still can't adjust to the new normal due to the new
difficulties they face.


The researchers have some recommendations regarding the difficulties of the ICT SHS of
GCCNHS. Using share time management apps and resources for students and Effective time
management is a fundamental skill for distance learners. Encourage your students to take
advantage of the numerous time management apps and resources that are available to e-learners,
many of them for free. For example, National University offers a comprehensive suite of time
management resources for students, including daily planner worksheets, infographics, links to
apps, helpful time management tips, and even a time management calculator. Education experts
also recommend periodically surveying your students, which provides you with actionable
insights into how your students allocate their time toward various tasks. Providing clear grading
rubrics is an important tool in the traditional classroom. Make use of them in the virtual
classroom too. Be sure to provide your online students with a clear and detailed overview of the
course, including information about what type of material you’ll be covering, what items each
student will need, how each type of assignment will be graded, how to share or upload
documents, what to do if they experience technical issues, deadlines, exam dates, days off, and
other special calendar events,and how to contact you.

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