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Границы моего языка означают

границы моего мира.

The limits of my language

mean the limits of my world.

— Ludwig Wittgenstein, philospher Copyright 2021

Translation by Elmira Kuznetsova E. Kuznetsova & J. R. Pollard
Printed in Canada
A dick’s cloud “Let it all be fucked
[huyeva tucha]
Russian: Хуева туча [yebis ono vsyo konyom]
Meaning: A whole lot
Russian: Ебись оно все конём!
Meaning: A sigh of desperation
Translator’s note: due to the ambiguity of the
phrase, another possible translation is “Let a horse
fuck it all.”

4 5
To ride into Heaven on To knock pears from
someone else’s dick the tree with a dick
[v ray vyehat na chujom huyu] [huyem grushi akalachivat]

Russian: В рай въехать на чужом хую Russian: Хуем груши околачивать

Meaning: To appropriate someone else’s achieve- Meaning: To loiter or waste time

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“Cunt to the steering Out of the cunt, skiing
wheel!” [is pizdi na lyjah]

[pizda rulyu] Russian: Из пизды на лыжах

Meaning: (To appear) suddenly
Russian: Пизда рулю!
Meaning: “It’s over, this is a failure.”

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A dick weaver The dick was playing the
[huyepliot] violin and it ended badly
Russian: Хуеплёт [daigralsia huy na skripke]
Meaning: A windbag; a liar
Russian: Доигрался хуй на скрипке
Meaning: Their careless attitude led to a disaster

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“I will be a whore!” “Not a dick to myself!”
[blia budu]
[ni huya sebe]
Russian: Бля буду!
Russian: Ни хуя себе!
Meaning: “I give you my word!”
Meaning: “I cannot believe this!”

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“(You can’t) have your [i rybku syest i na huy sest]

fish and sit on a dick as Russian: И рыбку съесть, и на хуй сесть.

Meaning: “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.”

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To suffer from dickness “Dick be with you!”
[huynioy stradat] [huy s taboy]

Russian: Хуйнёй страдать Russian: Хуй с тобой!

Meaning: To laze around Meaning: “Fine, have it your way!”

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Cursing (“мат”) presents a deeply emotional
part of Russian daily communication but is rarely
explained to learners of the language. “A Treasury of
Russian Curses” is an artistic celebration of these
foul and creative phrases.

Also by Curse Like a Russian:

Books I and II!

Thank you to Yan, our

amazing Instagram community,
and the guy that almost stole
Elmira’s shelf.
A book of nice words
that definitely contains
no penis drawings.

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