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6/12/23, 7:14 PM Sound Pressure Level (SPL) | Svantek Academy




Sound Pressure Level

Sound pressure level (SPL), expressed in decibels (dB) is commonly used in acoustics. It
can be measured in the air using a microphone and in water using a hydrophone.

Must know

Definition of Sound Pressure Level (SPL)

The sound pressure level is a logarithmic measure of the effective pressure of a sound
relative to a reference value, defined in dB (decibel). The commonly used reference sound
pressure in air is 20 μPa, which is often considered the threshold of human hearing. The lower
limit of audibility is defined as a sound pressure level SPL of 0 dB. The largest pressure variation
an undistorted sound wave can have in Earth’s atmosphere is 1 atm (194 dB peak or 191 dB SPL).

What is a sound pressure?

Sound pressure is the local deviation from the ambient air pressure caused by a sound wave. It
can be measured in the air using a microphone and in water using a hydrophone. Sound
pressure is measured in pascals (Pa). The mathematical definition of sound pressure is the total
pressure, which equals static pressure plus dynamic pressure. The complementary variable to
sound pressure in a sound wave is particle velocity, which together determines the sound
intensity of the wave.

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6/12/23, 7:14 PM Sound Pressure Level (SPL) | Svantek Academy

Table of Contents 

Can sound pressure level (SPL) measurements indicate the
potential for hearing damage? ()

How does the frequency of sound affect sound pressure
level (SPL) measurements? () to dB Sound Pressure Level (SPL)&text=Using the formula Lp%3D10lg,… 2/15

6/12/23, 7:14 PM Sound Pressure Level (SPL) | Svantek Academy

Sound Pressure Level | SPL | Key Takeaways

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Sound Pressure Level (SPL) calculation

To calculate SPL, you take the ratio of the sound pressure to the reference level of sound
pressure and then take the logarithm (base 10) of that ratio, and then multiply by 20. This
gives you the SPL in decibels (dB).
For example, if the sound pressure is 20 µPa, then the ratio of the RMS sound pressure to the
reference level of sound pressure is 20/20 = 1. Taking the logarithm (base 10) of this ratio gives you
0, and multiplying by 20 gives you an SPL of 0 dB. This is the lowest possible SPL, which
corresponds to the threshold of hearing.
On the other hand, if the sound pressure is 200 µPa, then the ratio of the RMS sound pressure to
the reference level of sound pressure is 200/20 = 10. Taking the logarithm (base 10) of this ratio
gives you 1, and multiplying by 20 gives you an SPL of 20 dB. This is much louder than the
threshold of hearing, but still relatively quiet.
As the sound pressure increases, so does the SPL. At an SPL of 120 dB, the sound is considered to
be at the threshold of pain, and any sound louder than this can cause permanent hearing loss.
When measuring sound pressure in Pa, adding 20 dB to the dB level is equivalent to multiplying
the sound pressure by 10. For example, 200 µPa corresponds to 20 dB (re 20 µPa), while 2000
µPa corresponds to 40 dB. 

What is the reference value for Sound Pressure Level (SPL)? to dB Sound Pressure Level (SPL)&text=Using the formula Lp%3D10lg,… 3/15

6/12/23, 7:14 PM Sound Pressure Level (SPL) | Svantek Academy

The reference value for SPL (Sound Pressure Level) is the minimum sound pressure level that
can be perceived by the human ear, which is equal to 0 dB SPL. This corresponds to a sound
pressure of 20 µPa (micro Pascals), which is also known as the threshold of hearing. The
reference is used to calculate the difference in sound pressure levels between the measured
sound pressure and the minimum audible sound pressure. The sound pressure levels are
expressed in dB SPL, which is a logarithmic measure of the sound pressure level relative to the
reference pressure.

Sound Pressure Level formula by ISO standards

ISO 1999 defines sound pressure level (Lp) by following formula:
Lp=10lg (p/p0)2
where, p is the sound pressure in pascals, and reference sound pressure p0 is 20 μPa, in
accordance with ISO 1683. 
The A-weighted sound pressure level LpA
LpA=10lg (pA/p0)2
where, pA is the A-weighted sound pressure in pascals.

How do humans perceive changes in sound

Humans perceive sound pressure levels on a logarithmic decibel scale, which is related to the
lowest human hearable sound pressure of approximately 20 μPa (20 micro pascal), also known as
0 dB. The lowest sound pressure level that humans can hear occurs typically between 3000
and 4000 Hz. A sound pressure of approximately 60 Pa, can cause pain in a normal human ear. to dB Sound Pressure Level (SPL)&text=Using the formula Lp%3D10lg,… 4/15

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Pascal to dB Sound Pressure Level (SPL)

Because of large sound pressure amplitude changes, the sound pressure level in decibels (Lp) is
used rather than Pascal units. Using the formula Lp=10lg (p/p0)2, where p is the sound pressure
in pascals, and p0 is the reference sound pressure of 20 μPa. This formula expresses the sound
pressure level as a logarithmic function of the ratio of the sound pressure to the reference
pressure. Doubling the sound pressure in pascals increases the sound pressure level in
decibels by 6 dB.
In the decibel scale, audible sounds range from 0 dB, the threshold of hearing, to over 130 dB,
the threshold of pain. Although doubling the sound pressure corresponds to an increase of 6 dB,
it takes about 10 dB of increase for the sound to subjectively appear twice as loud. The
smallest change humans can hear is about 3 dB. 
Sound pressure level (SPL) can be described subjectively based on the decibel (dB) scale. A
range of 0 to 40 dB is considered quiet to very quiet, while 60 to 80 dB is generally described
as noisy. A sound pressure level of 100 dB is perceived as very noisy, while anything greater than
120 dB is intolerable.

How do humans hear at different frequencies?

The human ear’s sensitivity to different frequencies is not equal, with the most sensitive range
being between 2 kHz and 5 kHz. This means that the subjective loudness of a sound is not solely
determined by its sound pressure level but also by other complex factors. Furthermore, this
difference in frequency sensitivity is more pronounced at low sound pressure levels than at high
ones. The equal loudness contours in the figure show the sound pressure level required at any
frequency to give the same apparent loudness as a 1 kHz tone. For instance, a 50 Hz tone must
be 15 dB higher than a 1 kHz tone at a level of 70 dB to have the same subjective loudness.
Impulse sounds, on the other hand, pose a challenge in evaluating loudness. An impulse sound
is a sound that is less than one second in duration (
noise/). The ear is less sensitive to perceiving the loudness of such sounds because of their short
duration. For instance, typewriter and hammering noises are examples of impulse sounds.
Researchers generally agree that sounds shorter than 70 milliseconds have a lower perceived
loudness than sounds of longer duration with the same sound pressure level.

Sound Pressure Level (SPL) Examples

The sound pressure level for some sources may vary depending on the distance between the
source and the listener. The values in this table are provided as a general guide:
Source Sound Pressure Level
Threshold of Hearing 0
Rustling leaves 20
Quiet whisper (1 m) 30
Quiet office 40
Normal conversation at 1 m 60
Inside a car 65-80
Loud singing 70
Vacuum cleaner (3 m) 75
Buses, diesel trucks, motorcycles (15 m) 80
Jackhammer (15 m) 90
Subway (inside) 94
Lawn mower (1 m) 107 to dB Sound Pressure Level (SPL)&text=Using the formula Lp%3D10lg,… 5/15
6/12/23, 7:14 PM Sound Pressure Level (SPL) | Svantek Academy

Source Sound Pressure Level

Deafening, human pain limit 120
Jet plane (30 m) 130
Threshold of pain 140
Military Jet Take-off (30 m) 150
Large military weapons 180

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How is SPL measured?

SPL sound pressure level is typically measured using a sound pressure level meter. The sound
pressure level meter includes a microphone, processing section, and display
Sound pressure waves set a microphone membrane in movements, which are converted into
electrical signals by the sound pressure level meter. Next, the SLM converts electrical signals into
digital ones so they can be displayed in the form of decibels.  
To calculate the A-weighted sound pressure level (LpA)the SLM uses frequency-weighting filters
which adjust the sound pressure reading to match how sensitive the human ear is to different
frequencies. The A-weighting filter puts more weight on the frequencies that humans can hear
The SLM can also integrate the sound pressure over time in a form of the equivalent continuous
sound level (Leq), which is the average energy of sound over a certain amount of time. 

Fast and Slow SPL

When measuring sound, it’s important to accurately capture the variations in sound pressure level,
which can fluctuate rapidly. Historically, analog sound meters couldn’t keep up with these
fluctuations, resulting in erratic readings. To address this issue, two detector response
characteristics were standardized: Fast (F) and Slow (S).
The Fast detector response has a time constant of 125 milliseconds, which allows for a fast-reacting
display response that can accurately measure not too rapidly fluctuating sound levels. On the other
hand, the Slow detector response has a time constant of 1 second, which gives a slower response
that helps average out the display fluctuations on an analog meter. to dB Sound Pressure Level (SPL)&text=Using the formula Lp%3D10lg,… 7/15

6/12/23, 7:14 PM Sound Pressure Level (SPL) | Svantek Academy

Modern sound level meters with digital displays overcome the problem of fluctuating displays.
However, they still use Fast and Slow detectors as they are often dictated by the standard upon
which the measurements are to be based.
Slow time-weighting is commonly used for measuring sound levels in workplaces, Fast time
weighting is used in environmental noise monitoring. Impulse time-weighting is used for
measuring impulsive noise (, such as from machinery,
gunfire, or explosions because it captures the peak level of the sound. 

What are A, C, Z weightings?

A, C, and Z weightings are frequency weightings used in noise level meters to adjust the measured
sound pressure level (SPL) to better match the human perception of sound.
The A-weighting curve shows how the human ear reacts to different sound pressure levels, and it is
often used to measure noise in the environment (
noise/) and in industry. The A-weighting curve attenuates low and high-frequency sound pressure
levels, giving more weight to frequencies between 500 Hz and 10 kHz, where human hearing is
most sensitive.
The C-weighting curve measures the overall sound pressure level across all frequencies without
attenuation. It is used for measuring sound in high-level noise environments, such as rock concerts
or airport runways.
The Z-weighting curve is also known as “linear” or “flat” weighting and does not apply any
frequency weighting to the SPL measurement. It measures the sound pressure level across all
frequencies and is used for scientific measurements or calibrating instruments.


LAF and LAS are commonly used weighted sound pressure levels in modern acoustic
standards, such as IEC 61672. LAF stands for “A-weighted sound level, fast time weighting,”
which is a measure of the sound pressure level that is adjusted to account for the sensitivity
of the human ear to different frequencies. LAS stands for “A-weighted sound level, slow”
which is similar to LAF but uses a slow time weighting. Both LAF and LAS are commonly to dB Sound Pressure Level (SPL)&text=Using the formula Lp%3D10lg,… 8/15

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used in occupational noise exposure measurements and environmental noise assessments.

Overall, the relationship between SPL, LAF, and LAS is that LAF and LAS are two different
ways to measure SPL, using specific A-weighted frequency weightings. 

Equivalent Continuous Sound Level (Leq)

Sound is a form of energy, and the amount of hearing loss caused by exposure to a sound
environment depends on both the level and duration of the exposure. To figure out if a sound
impacts human hearing, it is required to measure the sound pressure level and its duration time.
The equivalent continuous sound level (LEQ) provides information on how much energy a
person was exposed to. LEQ measurements are used for many types of acoustic measurements
(, including building acoustics,
environmental noise, and occupational noise. 
The LEQ is a linear average of the squared sound pressure over a given time period, and it is
not using time weighting. The Leq is useful in representing an equivalent sound energy level
over time and is commonly used to represent noise exposure levels in workplaces and other
LEQ measurements can be performed over any suitable time period, which is called integration
time, while SPL is a measure of the instantaneous sound pressure level at a specific moment in
time. Svantek sound pressure level meters record both sound pressure levels and LEQ in the
form of consecutive integration times in a time history logger file. 

Loudness and Sound Intensity

In acoustics, loudness and intensity are different measurements than SPL (Sound Pressure
Level). SPL is a measurement of the pressure level of a sound wave relative to a reference level,
usually given in decibels (dB). It is a measure of the physical strength of a sound wave. to dB Sound Pressure Level (SPL)&text=Using the formula Lp%3D10lg,… 9/15

6/12/23, 7:14 PM Sound Pressure Level (SPL) | Svantek Academy

Intensity, on the other hand, is a measure of the amount of sound energy that passes through a
given area in a given time. It is usually measured in watts per square meter (W/m2). Intensity is a
measure of the energy that a sound wave carries.
Loudness is a subjective perception of how intense a sound is. It is influenced by many factors,
including SPL and frequency, as well as the sensitivity of the human ear. Loudness is usually
measured in units called phon.

How does the SPL change with the distance from the source?
The sound pressure level (SPL) of a sound wave decreases as the distance from the source
increases. This is because sound waves spread out in all directions as they travel away from the
source, and the energy in the wave is distributed over a larger and larger area. The decrease in
SPL with distance is known as sound attenuation.
The rate of sound attenuation depends on many things, such as the frequency of the sound
wave, the size and shape of the source, and the environment in which the sound is traveling.
However, as a general rule, the SPL decreases by 6 decibels (dB) for every doubling of the
distance from the source.
For example, if the SPL of a sound wave at a distance of 1 meter is 80 dB, it will be 74 dB at a
distance of 2 meters, 68 dB at a distance of 4 meters, and so on. This means that how loud a
sound seems to depend a lot on how close you are to the source. When measuring and
controlling noise levels in different places, it is important to keep this in mind. 

What are some common applications of

SPL? to dB Sound Pressure Level (SPL)&text=Using the formula Lp%3D10lg… 10/15

6/12/23, 7:14 PM Sound Pressure Level (SPL) | Svantek Academy

Sound Pressure Level (SPL) has various applications, some of which include:
1. Environmental noise monitoring: SPL is used to measure and monitor noise levels in the
environment, such as noise pollution in urban areas, industrial noise, and transportation
2. Occupational noise monitoring: SPL is used to measure noise levels in the workplace to
protect workers from hearing damage and monitor compliance with occupational health
and safety regulations.
3. In audio engineering and production, SPL is used to measure and keep an eye on sound
levels in recording studios, concert halls, and other places where audio is made, so that the
sound quality and volume are always at their best.
4. Product testing: SPL is used in product testing, such as testing the sound output of speakers
and headphones.
5. Research and scientific studies: SPL is used in scientific studies to measure and analyze
sound levels, such as in studies of animal communication, the effects of noise pollution on
wildlife, and the impact of noise on human health.

What is SPL in audio?

In the context of audio, SPL is used to describe the loudness of audio signals. SPL is used in the
design and testing of audio equipment, such as speakers and headphones, to ensure that they
produce sound at safe and appropriate levels. It is also used in recording studios and live sound
environments to monitor the volume of audio signals and prevent hearing damage to
performers and listeners.

What SPL level is used for calibration?

Calibration is necessary to ensure that sound pressure level meters provide accurate and precise
measurements. To calibrate a sound level meter (, a
portable acoustic calibrator is placed over the microphone. The calibrators provide a defined to dB Sound Pressure Level (SPL)&text=Using the formula Lp%3D10lg,… 11/15

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sound pressure level to which the sound pressure level meter can be adjusted. The typical sound
pressure levels used for calibration are 94 dB or 114 dB (the choice depends on the acoustic


Sound Pressure Level (SPL) Key Takeways:

1. SPL is a ratio of sound pressure and reference sound pressure, expressed in decibels
2. SPL is measured in decibels (dB) and is a logarithmic scale.
3. The lowest sound pressure level that a human can hear is approximately 0 dB.
4. Prolonged exposure to sound levels above 85 dB can cause hearing damage.
5. SPL can be measured using a sound level meter (SLM).
6. Different types of processing, such as weightings (A, C, Z) or time constants (Slow, Fast,
Impulse), can be used on the signal to match human ear sensitivity to different
frequencies and durations of sound.
7. SPL decreases as the distance from the sound source increases.
8. The Equivalent Continuous Sound Level (Leq) is a common way of measuring SPL over a
period of time, and it takes into account both the sound pressure level and duration of
9. Different sound sources have different typical SPL levels, such as a normal conversation
at 60 dB, a motorcycle at 88 dB, and a jet plane at 130 dB.
10. SPL is an important factor to consider in noise control and mitigation strategies, such as
engineering or administrative noise controls, personal protective equipment, and
community noise regulations.

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