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1. Who is the main character in the film? Describe him/her. Make sure that you will include the
following details:

 The main character of the film entitled “The Danish Girl” is a 48-year-old man named
Einar Wegener. Einar Wegener as portrayed in the film, is living two different lives, one
being a man named Einar Wegener (the wife of Gerda Wegener) and one as a woman
named Lili Elbe (the one he believes is female self).
2. What happened to the main character? What do you think is the main reason? What are the
triggering factors that led to his changes? 

 The main character is stuck between being a man or being a woman throughout the
film. During the movie, one of the doctors told Einar that gender imbalance is the main
cause of his confused masculinity which led the doctor using radiation on Einar. The
triggering factors may be his wife on tolerated him in the first place, his past where his
friend kissed him because he looked pretty and may be because he might have fallen in
love with Henrik.
3. Do you think that the main character has a psychological issue? How did you say so? 

 Yes, because throughout the film, it can be noticed that Einar Wegener switches
between being a man (Einar) and being a woman (Lili). Einar also showed how he was so
confused of who he really is.
4. Using some theories that we discussed in the class, explain what happened to the main

 The main character was suffering through what is called gender dysphoria. Gender
dysphoria states that a person has a great impulse to be of the other gender. In the film,
there are various signs that showed Einar’s desire to become a real woman, like seeing
Henrik without his wife knowing, mimicking the movements of other girls and so on.
5. Are you in favor of gender reassignment? Why or why not? 

 No, as it was seen in the movie, the doctor said that gender reassignment is a
complicated procedure and eventually was the reason why Einar Wegener died by the
end of the film. I am not in favor considering that the procedure invites a high risk that
might only cause an inevitable death if the procedure failed.
6. What are your learning insights after watching the film? Give at least three.

 The first thing I learned is that to lever tolerate someone you clearly know is doing
something wrong.
 The second thing that I learned is how the suppressed ones are the most unstable
 The last thing I learned is that not everyone will accept who you really are so learn to
accept yourself.

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