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Assignment no 6

Explain Fog Computing architecture for IIOT

Def- Fog computing is a computing architecture in which a series of nodes

receives data from IoT devices in real time.

These nodes perform real-time processing of the data that they receive, with
millisecond response time. The nodes periodically send analytical summary
information to the cloud.

1. The devices comprising the fog infrastructure are known as fog nodes.

2. In fog computing, all the storage capabilities, computation capabilities, data

along with the applications are placed between the cloud and the physical

3. All these functionalities are placed more towards the host. This makes
processing faster as it is done almost at the place where data is created.

4. It improves the efficiency of the system and is also used to ensure

increased security.

Real-world examples where fog computing is used are in IoT devices (eg. Car-to-
Car Consortium, Europe), Devices with Sensors, Cameras (IIoT-Industrial Internet
of Things), etc.
1. It is used when only selected data is required to send to the cloud. This
selected data is chosen for long-term storage and is less frequently
accessed by the host.

2. It is used when the data should be analyzed within a fraction of seconds i.e
Latency should be low.

3. It is used whenever a large number of services need to be provided over a

large area at different geographical locations.

4. Devices that are subjected to rigorous computations and processings must

use fog computing.
2]Write brief about R programming?

Features of R Programming Language

 Open-source. R in data science is free software that is accessible to

everyone. ...

 Powerful graphics. This is one of the attractive features of R programming.


 Widely used. R fosters a community of its own. ...

 Performs complex statistical calculations. ...

 Compatibility.

R is an interpreted language; users can access it through a command-line


R is an open-source programming language that is widely used as a statistical

software and data analysis tool.

R generally comes with the Command-line interface.

R is available across widely used platforms like Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Also, the R programming language is the latest cutting-edge tool.

 It’s open-source. No fees or licenses are needed, so it’s a low-risk venture

if you’re developing a new program.
 It’s platform-independent.
 R runs on all operating systems, so developers only need to create one
program that can work on competing systems. This independence is yet
another reason why R is cost-effective!
 R lets you perform data wrangling. R offers a host of packages that help
data analysts turn unstructured, messy data into a structured format
 R is still growing. R keeps evolving and growing, constantly updating and
upgrading, thanks to a solid supportive community.

3] Short note on Data management with Hadoop

Hadoop is an open source software programming framework for storing a large

amount of data and performing the computation. Its framework is based on Java
programming with some native code in C and shell scripts.

It is designed to handle big data and is based on the MapReduce programming

model, which allows for the parallel processing of large datasets.

Hadoop has two main components:

 HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System): This is the storage component of

Hadoop, which allows for the storage of large amounts of data across
multiple machines. It is designed to work with commodity hardware, which
makes it cost-effective.
 YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator): This is the resource management
component of Hadoop, which manages the allocation of resources (such as
CPU and memory) for processing the data stored in HDFS.
 Hadoop is commonly used in big data scenarios such as data warehousing,
business intelligence, and machine learning.
 It’s also used for data processing, data analysis, and data mining.
 It enables the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of
computers using a simple programming model.
Features of hadoop:
1. it is fault tolerance.
2. it is highly available.
3. it’s programming is easy.
4. it have huge flexible storage.
5. it is low cost.

4] What is Data Centre Network

Data Center Network: Properties

 Stable
 Secure
 Reliable
 Supports networking requirements
 Scalable
 Agility (any service on any server at any time

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