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Part 1

Doan Huu Phuc

September 18th 2003
Ha Noi City
Recycling, reusing and reducing
Part 2
To tell the truth, I have joined the association because the friendly environment of the
association. And also, I think we should prioritize recycling.
Part 3
Hi guys! I have been a member of the association since 2018. I have joined the
association because a friend of mine recommended the association to me. Also, I enjoy
the friendly environment of the society.
To be honest, my company has already launched several special environment protection
projects. But, I am only involved in 1 specific project called “Recycle office wastes”. We
recycle our office wastes to conserves natural resources.
Well, I totally agree with your point of view. Because recycling is a genius way to
conserves natural resources such as wood, water, minerals and more. It also helps
decrease resource depletion.
Part 4.1
Hi Nam,
Did you get the news from our association that the Protection Competition for schools
has been cancelled due to the lack of sponsorship?
I was so disappointed with this news. The competition could has been an amazing
method to helps the kids aware of the significant of protecting the environment. Because
of that, I am going to write an email to the association and require them to host another
competition. What about you?
I am always happy to hear from you.
Best wishes,
Part 4.2
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is John and I have been a member of the Association since 2018. I am writing
this email to express my deepest disappointment regarding the cancellation of the
Environment Protection for schools due to the lack of sponsorship.
As you know, we have been working very hard to prepare for this incoming competition.
If we cancel this event, it will make all members of our association become unmotivated
to do another competition.
Therefore, I will venture a couple of suggestions. One alternative is that you could
persuade an investor to sponsor for the event. Another one is that you could continue to
host the competition but only on a smaller scale.
I would be grateful if you could take this into consideration.
I look forward to receiving your response at your earliest convenience.
Yours faithfully,

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