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Question 1

Outline the health and safety roles and responsibilities of:

(a) directors and senior managers; (6)

(1) Ensure the right health and safety policy is put in place. This includes smoking policy, drug
and alcohol policy and so on. You must not use ‘and so on’ !

(2) Ensure adequate resources are allocated to establish, implement and maintain the health and
safety management system. This includes sufficient funding and competent person.

(3) Ensure the right organizational structures with clear roles and responsibilities are put in place.

(4) Ensure the organization meets the laws and legislations of health and safety ,such as safety
production laws and so on. You must not use ‘and so on’ !

(5) Ensure the objectives of the organization is achieved, such as zero accident and so on.
You must not use ‘and so on’ !

(6) Ensure the objectives and measures in place remain valid.

Score 6/6

(b) supervisors; (6)

(1) Providing advice and guidance on health and safety standards.

(2) Promoting a positive health and safety culture. e.g. correcting faults when seen immediaetly.
(3) Identifying training needs. Of whom? Their direct employees they are responsible for, e.g.
PTW training.
(4) Monitoring health and safety performance. How? By carrying out safety inspections in the
workplace to identify hazards risk and controls needed.
(5) Overseeing accident reporting and investigations. Where, When? In their area of responsibility
when the risk realized is of a minor nature.
(6) Developing and implementing policy. They don’t develop policy they follow it. Your last bit is
correct they do implement the policy content.

Most of your points above are correct, but you have not met the requirement of the question
which was too outline. Hopefully the examples above will help.
Score 2/6
(c) workers; (4)

(1) Workers have a responsibility to take reasonable care of their own health and safety.
(2) Workers have a responsibility to take reasonable care of other people who might be affected by the
things they do.
(3) Workers have a responsibility to cooperate with their employer.
(4) Workers have a responsibility to follow the health and safety rules and regulations.

Score 4/4

(d) person(s) with primary health and safety functions, eg health and safety officer. (4)
(1) They have a responsibility to correct the unsafe actions of workers. This is the supervisors job.
(2) They have a responsibility to report the unsafe conditions of the tools and equipment.
(3) They have a responsibility to provide reasonable advice about improving the health and safety
performance. What is reasonable, a generic answer which attracts no marks.
(4) They have a responsibility to organize and participate in the emergency drills. Not directly.

Score 1/ 4
My concept for this question would have been the PDCA approach.

Help the company develop the health and safety policy with advice about legislation.
Help Manager’s complete risk assessments accurately which make them suitable and sufficient
Carry out active monitoring through safety inspections.
Develop an audit system and take part in audit functions.

Question 2

(a) Outline how international standards, such as the International Standards Organisation (ISO), can
contribute towards good standards of health and safety. (4)

(1) These international standards often provide guidance to solve Not specific.
Score 0/4

International standards offer guidance on how to develop a management system through the
PDCA approach.

Standards can identify what to include in the organisations management system e.g. the ‘check’
aspect through active and reactive monitoring.

Compliance with the minimum required by the standard can promote a positive health and safety
culture of the organization.

The standards can identify hazards risks and controls which can be used to control risk to ALARP.

(b) Outline how enforcement agencies can contribute towards good standards of health and safety. (4)

(1) Enforcement agencies have right to punish those organizations who don’t meet the health and
safety standards, it could make the organizations keep good standards of health and safety.

(2) Enforcement agencies have right to inspect the health and safety conditions in the workplace,
it could help the organizations to improve health and safety level.

(3) Enforcement agencies have right to ask the organizations to conduct internal audit or third
party audit, it could make the organizations update their HSE management system timely.

(4) Enforcement agencies have right to participate in accident investigation which could make the
organization pay more attention to the investigation. they don’t normally participate in a
company investigation, they will conduct their own in the most serious incidents.

Score 3/ 4
They can offer advice when requested for hazard identification.
They can give talks on the legal requirements of health and safety
They can guide employers on the codes of practice and guidance notes available.

Question 3
Outline ways in which the health and safety culture of an organization might be improved. (8)

(1) Providing more health and safety training can improve the health and safety culture.

(2) Senior managers demonstrate their commitment on health and safety can improve the health
and safety culture.

(3) Allocating more resources to establish, implement and maintain health and safety level can
improve the health and safety culture.

(4) Award the workers who have outstanding HSE performance can improve health and safety

(5) Periodic inspections in the workplace can improve health and safety culture. By who?

(6) Periodic audit of the organizations can improve health and safety culture.

(7) Share the accident in the workplace can improve health and safety culture.
Poor English here I think, do you mean share the lesson learned from an accident. Remember
the examiner will only mark what you write, he will not add word or interpret them.

(8) Give health and safety an equal priority to other matters can improve health and safety culture.

Score 7/8

Question 4
A serious accident has occurred. During the investigation it is found that an inspection of the work site
had taken place before the accident.

Outline possible reasons why the inspection did not lead to an unsafe situation being corrected. (8)

(1) The inspector thought the unsafe situation was acceptable.

(2) The inspector conducted the inspection strictly but he did not identify the unsafe situation.

(3) The inspector did not conduct the inspection on site, he just filled the checklists without
going to the work site.

(4) The inspector identified the unsafe situation, but he did not follow it which lead to that the
responsible person of the work site did not correct the unsafe situation before the deadline.

(5) The responsible person of the work site corrected the unsafe situation with an ineffective way.

(6) The inspector did not reach an agreement with the responsible person of the work site about
the unsafe situation. About what?
(7) The accident happened before the close date of the unsafe situation, the unsafe situation was
not corrected at that time.

(8) The inspector did not conducted the inspection strictly which make him miss the unsafe
situation. This is the same as number 2 in these answer’s but in different words.

Score 6/8

The accident happened 1 minute after the inspection which did not allow time for the correction to
be completed.
The checklist was poor which did not include the hazard that caused the accident.
The inspector had no training on the follow up action of an inspection.
No allocation of responsibility to take action was identified.

Question 5

Outline the immediate AND longer-term actions that should be taken following an accident at work that
has caused serious injury to a worker. (8)
It would have been nice to see this question clearly split in two i.e immediate and longer term
action identified seperately.

(1) Contact with hospital to rescue the injured worker, tell the hospital their specific location.
To rescue the victim is not the responsibility of the hospital, it is the company.
(2) Provide first aid to the injured worker, try to keep the injured worker awake.

(3) Protect the workplace from changing, it will help the following accident investigation.

(4) Report the accident to the HSE supervisors or higher managers.

(5) Conduct the accident investigation to find the reasons and responsible person and prevention

(6) Negotiate with the relative of the injured worker about the compensation issues.
Only lawyers do this and they are normally from the insurance company.

(7) Share the accident with all the other workers to improve their health and safety awareness.

(8) Conduct inter audit and inspections to clear other hazards and maintain the HSE management
system valid.

Score 6/8

Raise the alarm by following the emergency procedure for the accident.
Isolate the are from other workers make the area safe

Longer term:
Review risk assessements and the controls used.
Review any SSOW and PTW requirements.
Record in the company accident stats which could be used to identify patterns and trends.

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