Social Media Marketing

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Assistant Professor, Department of Logistics Management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi
Research Scholar, Department of Logistics Management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi

Abstract: As social media networking sites are emerging websites now days, the mobile users are
increased tremendously day by day. This social media plays an important role in communication
way to connect with family, friend and office colleagues. The technology like audio mix, video
mix, etc., are used by people for sharing the information to others in forms like video, audio, text,
etc., hence most of the companies are used as a tool in any social networking sites to create their
brand awareness among the people. This paper will discuss about the key role of social media
marketing and its impact on today’s world. It will include recent controversies, advanced
technology, environment, etc on social media marketing. This paper also deals with factors that
influence the effectiveness of targeted customer, brand reputation, social impact on today’s


The advancements in the internet in recent years have made new systems available to
business is called social media. The internet has given the individuals the opportunity to
communicate or interact with each other in a global. With the rise of social media networking
sites, individuals can easily share and access information. Today a large number of social media
platforms have been developed that smooth the progress for sharing the information and content
to the users. It is a platform that is easily accessible to anyone with internet access. Due to
increasing communications for organizations fosters brand awareness and improved customer

Social Media is defined by Philip Kotler as “The design, implementation and control of
programs seeking to increase the acceptability of a social media or practice in a target group.”
Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media
sites. With the advent of internet, social media marketing is the fastest growing trend in the
today’s history of the world. By using social media platforms like facebook, twitter, etc., and
websites to promote the products or services effectively.
Earlier traditional marketing mediums like TV, Newspaper, radio, etc., it reached the
market with targeted customers not get efficient time. But now through social media marketing,
products or brands will reach the targeted customers as a free media and get efficient time.

Though E- Marketing and digital marketing are play an important role in current world
but the social media marketing is becoming more popular in providers as well as researchers.
Social media marketing is successful in recent days because most social media platforms have
built in data analytics tools, which enable companies to track the progress, engagement of ad
campaigns, etc.,

Social media marketing is helpful for the company to a real look into how customers see
a brand, products, services, etc., This will provides a glimpse into how your competitors are
advertising by giving you insights about their spending trends, creating ideas and drive their
potential growth.

Some of the important factors that social media drive the market into next level are,

1. It is the best tool the consumers and industry leaders.

2. It increase your market reach wider.
3. It helps to understand the targeting audience.
4. It helps to notice at events and earn media coverage.
5. It will get more sales in the global.
6. It is easily find the potential customers who don’t already know the brand.
7. It is providing an opportunity for the public to find the web content.
8. It is useful for the business which boosts the websites into Search Engine Optimization.

The internet and online based banking have changed the social media by changing
consumer preference with a new ways of looking for buying goods and services. [1]
Social media marketing enables firms to communicate by chat with their costumers and
easily get a valuable feedback. This will help the firms and their customers help build
brand loyalty. [3]

In today’s technology driven world, social networking sites have become a

important place for the retailers can extend their marketing campaigns to a wider range of
consumers. Chi defines social marketing “as a connection between brands and
consumers, while offering a personal channel and currency for centered networking and
social interaction.” [2]

The increased worldwide usage of smart phones and mobile devices has given
large possibilities of social networking sites. With over 1.86 billion monthly active users,
Facebook is currently the market leader in terms of reach and scope.[4]

The digital revolution in India driven by the roll out of 4G, reducing costs, increasing
smart phone penetration and increasing time spent on mobile phones, will ensure the social
media will grow at a faster pace. According to a report on digital advertising by Dentsu Aegis
Network, the Indian digital advertising industry currently pegged at around Rs. 8,202 crore is
slated to see a growth at 32% CAGE to reach Rs. 18,986 crore by 2020.

Literature Review

Stefan Stieglitz , Milad Mirbabaie , Björn Ross , Christoph Neuberger Stated that ‘ at
present most of the people makes social media in their day to day lives and they pointed out
social media data is being analyzed in four different disciplines- data discovery, collection,
preparation and analysis.

Marouane Birjali *, Abderrahim Beni-Hssane, Mohammed Erritali Stated that ‘Social

media provides organization ability to survey feelings towards the contents and events associated
to them in real time which would be a sentiment analysis.

Devakunchari R, Valliyammai C Stated that ‘Big social data analysis is an

interdisciplinary domain that analytics to identify the key influence in a communication network
that shrinks and grows rapidly in a real time fashion especially for the enterprises.’

Savita kumari stated that’ Nowadays social media has become the main communication
way to connect with our family, friends and colleagues. Sharing all information in the form of
text, audio and video on social networking sites to share their feeling. The average global
internet user spends two and half an hours daily on social media. Hence, the social media
provided a large amount of data which cannot be handled by traditional management techniques.

Jai Prakash Verma, Smita Agarwal Stated that Automated machines generated large
amount of data in different forms like statistical, text, audio, video, sensor and biometric data
that emerges as big data.

Syeda Sirin Sahnaz, Sandip Rakshit stated that an idea can produced regarding how can
social media help us to make better decision. It is very complicated and sophisticated to deal
with data as so large. By using this large data as a resource and utilize the importance from the
large data at its best way.
Wei Tan, M. Brian Blake stated that very large datasets also known as big data which is
originated from many domains. Deriving more knowledge is more difficult than ever when we
must do it by intricately processing this big data. Leveraging the social network paradigm enable
a level of collaboration to help solve big data processing challenges.

Ralph Schroeder stated that the recent facebook study about emotional contagion has
generated a high profile debate about the ethical and social issues in Big Data research. These
issues are not unprecedented, but the debate highlighted that in focusing on research ethics and
the legal issues about this type of research. After discussing about the emotional contagion study
as an illustration these larger issues about big data and scientific knowledge are addressed by
providing definitions of data.

Mylynn Felt stated that the social media posts are full of potential for data mining and
analysis. The new challenges for social scientists or researchers, who seek to analyse public posts
with a purpose of better understanding human interaction and improving the human condition.

Ekaterina Olshannikova, Thomas Olsson stated that the popularity of social media and
computer mediated communication has resulted in high volume and highly semantic data about
digital interaction. Based on the detailed analysis of related works and earlier conceptualizing,
they proposed a synthesized definition of the term, as well as outline for the Big Data.

Prashant Sahatiya stated that in the recent years, most of the people are availed network
and get a wider scope of knowledge through the event of social media.

Bogdan Batrinca, Philip C. Treleaven stated that analyzing social media in particular
twitter feeds for sentimental analysis, has become a major research and business activity due to
the availability of web based Application Programming Interface provided by Twitter, facebook
and news service. This has lead to an explosion of data services, software tools for scrapping and
analysis and social media analytics platform. Using simple taxonomy, this will provides a review
of leading software tools and how to use them scrape, cleanse and analyze the spectrum of social

Umit Can, Bilal Alatas stated that new information technologies have led to the rapid and
effective growth of social networks. The amount of data produced by social networks has
increased the value of the big data concept. This paper pointed out the unknown consumption
factors that affect the economic preference of an individual, the numerous solution opportunity
provided by social networks and big data have become significant tools in dynamic policy
creation by companies and states in solving problems related to women’s right, the environment
and the health.

Dr. Savitha Kumari stated that the quality of higher education is a matter of myriad state
concern all over the world. Recently the use of technology have been practiced and explored to a
greater extent in improving the quality of higher education. Big data and the social media are two
such contemporary technologies which lament significant impact on components of higher
education. This paper will discuss the impacts of big data and social media use to short out
positive impacts on the stakeholders of higher education and institutes of higher education.
Based upon this a roadmap is suggested for future use of these two emergent technologies to
improve quality of higher education.

Impact on Social Networking Sites:

The networking sites in today’s world will enhance the marketing into next level. Some
of them are
 Facebook
 Twitter
 Linkedin
 Pinterest
 Instagram
 Google+, etc.,

Facebook is the biggest social media network on the internet world with more than 1.59
billion monthly active users and also estimated that more than 1 million small and medium sized
businesses use the platform to advertise their products. [6] Recent controversy like Facebook –
Cambridge Analytica data scandal was a big impact on political scandal during 2018. Cambridge
analytica had used many personal data of millions of people without their consent and engaged
in political gains. This controversies reach the millions of people believe that their data were not
secured. Despite these controversies, Facebook stock jumps 61% to $6.8bn in a year.

Next to facebook, twitter rolls the show in the social networking site for the purpose of
social media marketing. [5] This twitter has proven to be the leader for many business men,
politicians and some of the social organizations when it comes to real time social media
marketing. Symbol # (hashtag) is drawn attention especially youths to create awareness among
globally. Recently, #Maduraiwelcomesmodi and #gobackmodi has trend a war between the
ruling party and opposition party which held on during PM meet Madurai for the inauguration of

Another one for professional, job seekers, employee friendly, social sites are called
Linkedin. This social media gives more information about the job that matches your skills and
connect the people or HR well in advance for your career. [7] This professional network
Linkedin has crossed the 50 million members in India. As this social media needs attention for
the fastest growing and largest market which is outside the US, India has seen a tremendous in
terms of users with nearly 3.4 million members in November 2009 to 50 million members today.
Social other networking sites also create marketing to globally. At present, there are 21
million people in India who are visited the social media networking sites regularly with
Facebook will be the first priority. A survey states that there are 21 million people in India are
spends 110.4 minutes on social media networking and makes 10.4 visits per month. [3]

For the product to reach the customer, these social media networking site are very helpful
to reach the targeted customer, make brand awareness, social impact, etc., This social media
marketing plays an important role in upcoming elections.


This paper presents the social media networking impact on the society and a review from
different authors about social media marketing. As the world moving faster, the marketing tools
are also updating the technology to reach the customer. Recently Facebook Cambridge data
Analytica, Apple I phone advertise on marketing media in global by whether your phone is
securing your data? This makes the people to create brand awareness about the launch of the I
phone product. In today’s digital world, when the product gives a trust to the customers
definitely the brand will reach globally or targeted region.


[1] Helena Alves, Mario Raposo, Cristina I. Fernandes, Social media marketing: A literature
review and Implications, Research gate on articles in psychology and marketing, December
[2] Haslinda Musa, Fadhulur Rahim Azmi, Analyzing the Effectiveness of Social Media
Marketing, ISSC 2016.
[3] Savita Kumari, Impact of Big Data and Social Media on Society, Research gate, March 2016.
[4] Holly Paquette, Social Media as a Marketing Tool: A literature Review, URI, 2013.

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