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Web portal of College Management System (CMS) provides a simple interface for
maintenance of student–faculty information. It is intended for maintaining information
associated to varied daily activities within the college. It is utilized to keep details of various
departments in the college, varied courses offered by the college, student admission details,
faculty details, day to day attendance details, their salary details, end exam marks details,
internal marks details, laboratory infrastructure details, etc. By building these information,
the CMS can be used for creating reports that are helpful for office staff, faculty, principal,
HOD’s, and for management within the administration and send to the parents about the
student's progress and status. So this is often complete and comprehensive software solution
that gives number of solutions and services for managing data related to day to day activities
of the college administrations.
The creation and management of accurate, updated information regarding a students’
academic career and college administration is critically important. It tracks all the details of a
student from the day one to the end of the course which can be used for all reporting, tracking
of attendance, progress in the course, completed semesters, upcoming semester year
curriculum details, exam details, project or any other assignment details, final exam result
and all these will be available through a secure, online interface embedded in the college’s
site. It also facilitate us explore all the activities taking place in the college. Different reports
and queries are generated based on vast options related to students, batch, course, faculty,
exams, semesters, certification and even for the entire college.
Here, the users must be registered with the system after which they can access as well as
modify data as per the permissions given to them. All the student/staff (technical/Non-
technical) can access the system to either upload or download some information from the
database as well.

Table of Contents
Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... i
1. Background ....................................................................................................................... 1
2. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 2
3. Goals, Objective and scope of the system ......................................................................... 4
3.1 Goals ................................................................................................................................ 4
3.2 Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 4
3.3 Scope: ............................................................................................................................... 4
4. Questioner and Expected Outcome ................................................................................... 6
4.1 Questioner ........................................................................................................................ 6
4.2 Expected outcome ............................................................................................................ 6
5. Methodology ......................................................................................................................... 7
6. Technology To Use ............................................................................................................. 10
8. Risk Factor and its mitigating strategy ........................................................................ 11
10. Time Plan ..................................................................................................................... 13
Reference ................................................................................................................................ 14

1. Background
In the past days, there were no any means to provide information about the organization
functions and the services for the people outside the office as well as all the
administrative activities highly relied on paper work. The problem was same, even in the
educational organization like schools, colleges.
Previously, the college relied heavily on paper records for all its administrative activities.
While paper records were traditional way of managing student data and performing other
administrative activities. There were several drawbacks to this method. For example, even
to convey the information it should be first displayed on notice board and then students
check that information from board which requires long time. Likewise, the accounting
activities were also performed on paper which has high risk of losing the information.
Also, paper records are difficult to manage and track. The physical exertion required to
retrieve, alter, and re-file the paper records are all non-value added activities.
Fortunately, with the change of time and rapid evolution in the field of information and
communication it possible to perform all the administrative function electronically which
is less prone to error and loss. Advanced technology available today can play a crucial
role in streamlining education-related processes to promote solidarity among students,
teachers, parents and the college staff. In order to facilitate and simplify this actions one
of the major tool is to have automated College Management System.
Concurrently, technology is also evolving at alarming rate so the organization is also
adapting the new technology to enhance the performance of the administrative activities
and enables the organization for timely completion of their tasks in effective and efficient
manner. Now-a-days high priority is given in web based system. Therefore, we focused to
build the web portal for the college that support the efficient use of the technology and
help the organization to perform the task efficiently.

2. Introduction
College Management System (CMS) is a web-based application software which is useful
for the college administrator as well as students as it helps to digitalize the administrative
process reducing various paper activities and completion of the task on time and provide
the efficient information to the student and enhance the participation by creating the
discussion platform for students.
In this age where technology is changing rapidly web based system has become the
essential part for the organization for efficient deployment of the information and provide
the one stop services for all the administrative activities. And most of the organization has
maintained their website and web portal as a management system. Realizing these
importance we also focused on designing and developing web portal of College
Management System. For this, we are highly concerned on developing the responsive,
informatics and functionality enriched portal of our college which aims to provide ease
for the administration, faculty and students to perform its activities.
College Management System Portal defines as an application that provides capabilities
for multiple users with different permission levels to manage content, data or information.
The software helps managers to plan and control the organizational operations and to
respond to change in any administrative functionalities. It provides a regular flow of
information for managerial decision-making and control.
Web portal of our College Management System(CMS) consists of tasks such as
registering students, attendance record keeping to control absentees, producing report
cards, producing official transcript, preparing timetable and producing different reports
for teachers, parents and other stakeholders, a faculty can also check about their daily
schedule, can upload assignments, and notices to the students. Here administrator
manages the accounts of the student and faculties, makes the timetable, and upload the
latest information about the college, information on the courses, subjects, classes,
assignments, grades and timetable for the students, etc. Our College management System
is the automation system for the utilization of technology to replace human with a
machine that can perform more quickly and more continuously. By automating CMS,
documents that took up many large storage rooms can be stored on few disks.
Administrative files can be annotated. It reduces the time to retrieve old files from hours
to seconds.
The design and implementation of a comprehensive College Management System Portal
and user interface is to replace the current paper records. College Staff are able to directly
access all aspects of a student’s academic progress through a secure, online interface
embedded in the college’s website. The system utilizes user authentication, displaying
only information necessary for an individual’s duties. Additionally, each sub-system has
authentication allowing authorized users to create or update information in that sub-
system. All data is thoroughly reviewed and validated on the server before actual record
alteration occurs. In addition to a staff user interface, the system plans for student user
interface, allowing users to access information and submit requests online thus reducing

processing time. All data is stored securely on servers managed by the college
administrator and ensures highest possible level of security.
The system features a complex logging system to track all users’ access and ensure
conformity to data access guidelines and is expected to increase the efficiency of the
college’s record management thereby decreasing the work hours needed to access and
deliver records to users.
Since, the application is embedded in college website. Thus, it helps the normal user to
get the information about our college as well as various activities and events conducted
by our college. It will also enhance the students’ participation in sharing their ideas. This
website also supports other users to get information about the course offered by the
college. And detail description about those courses so that the user can get the actual
information about the scope of the course. Similarly, building the website makes it
possible to reach the information regarding college to the users spontaneously and also
helps the college to deploy the essential and critical information to the normal users
within the estimated time and also allow the user to know about the adaptance of the
colleges according to the latest technology.

3. Goals, Objective and scope of the system
3.1 Goals
The main objective of this system, is to reduce the consumption of time during
maintaining the records of teachers, students, subjects and fees details. Our system also
provides an easy way not only to automate all functionalities of a college, but also to
provide reports to top management of college with the finest of details about any aspect
of college and provide one stop service to the members of the college and enhance the
participation by providing the discussion platform to the students and teachers as well as
faculty members.
3.2 Objectives
Web portal of College Management System provides a virtual tour of college. College
Management System has, following objectives:
a) Digitize the administration of college and encourage to adopt in latest technology
optimizing the use of resources.
b) Managing the information of the students, faculty, placement cell information, exam
section, related information of the college which is maintained by the college
administration through various levels of controlling.
c) Allow faculty to check their daily schedule, upload assignments, and notices to the
d) Providing the online interface for students, faculty members, etc.
e) Increasing the efficiency of college record management.
f) Decrease time required to access and deliver student records.
g) Easy operations for the operator of the system.
h) To make the system more secure.
i) Decrease time spent on non-value added tasks.
j) Easy accessible of the system, timely distribution of information and active
participation and common discussion platform for student and teachers.
3.3 Scope:
 College information: Through this web portal one can access the complete
information about the college such as courses available, admission procedure,
placements, college events, achievements etc.
 Student tracking: Any company or any organization that want to check the summary
about the student of the college, so that they will be able to choose the particular
students for their company placement And for that purpose they will be given a
particular link through which they can access the information required.
 Student attendance status: It gives the attendance status of students. Faculty will
update the attendance periodically and can be seen by students and parents.
 Student’s performance in exams: This facility provides the performance of the
student in each exam which is conducted by university or college such as midterm

performance. Marks obtained by students in exams will be updated by faculties that
can be access by students and parents.
 Exam Notification: This facility notifies students and parents about examination
 Events: It will give information about different events that will be conducted by
college time to time. Information about these events will be updated by administrator.
 Online assignments: This service provides the facility to faculty to upload
assignments and to students to submit these assignments online.
 Information about staff: It will help in maintaining complete information about
college faculty members such as their department, cadre, date of joining, salary, etc.
Administrator will register new faculties and remove their account when they leave
the college.

4. Questioner and Expected Outcome
4.1 Questioner
For developing the web portal of our College Management System, we review the
existing web portals and determine the loop holes and other requirements for the
betterment of our portal. We viewed the requirement that is must for the betterment and
efficient operation of the college administration as well as we obtained some of the
additional requirements that enhance the performance of the administrative actions.
Further, we did some questioner to abstract more information that supports us to make
our portal more efficient and helps to achieve most of the functionality requirements for
our portal and ensures the satisfaction to the users. These questioner can be:

 What are the possible outlooks (GUI – Graphical User Interface) of the web portal
view page?
 What are the possible content (information and data) from the review?
 What are the possible content (information and data) from the staff and concerned
 How do the project members derive the better requirements by analyzing the other
requirements from review and user?
 What requirements are must for the system?
 Whether training should be given to the user or manual is sufficient to use the system
if any problem arose while using?
These questions deal with process characteristics such as purposes and outputs,
procedures used, participation and information. This data is collected by personal
interviews with administrators and end users.
4.2 Expected outcome
After the completion of our project, we will have a web portal of College Management
System embedded in the website of the college. Website of the college will be more
responsive and contains all the required information which reflects the goodwill of the
college and the system will simplifies the activities of the administration and digitize the
activities performed by the college. Our system can be monitored and controlled
Our system will provide the discussion platform for the students and teacher with aim to
minimize the gap between students and teachers as well the faculty members regarding
various administrative activities. Our system generate the reports about the student
performance and other activities of college which helps the administration for decision
making. Previously gathered information can be saved and can be accessed at any time.
Therefore the data stored in the repository helps in taking decision by management.
Malpractice can be reduced. So it is better to have a Web Based system. All the
stakeholders, faculty and management can get the required information without delay.

5. Methodology
The output of the project is the consequences of fulfilling the aims and objectives of the
project. Here, in order to fulfill our goal we use the mixed approach that use both
qualitative and quantitative method. We will perform the review on the existing web
portals and conduct the semi-structured interview with the administration, faculty, students
and possible users of the system.
There has been a lot of work done regarding the web portal. Web portals embedded in
websites are an essential part of any organization because it is the main source to view the
information about the college and the medium that helps to accelerate, ease and enhance
effectiveness of the administrative activities. Realizing the importance of web based
system for our college we are trying to develop web portal of College Management
System as our final year project.
For this we will perform, a review from which we will generate the ideas.
a) How the best web portal should look like i.e. its outlook?
b) What sorts of user should we focus?
c) What are the contents that are must for the web page?
d) What requirements are must for the system?
Moreover, the reviews will help in finding the contents that are necessary for web pages
and the requirements of the system that ensures the maximum functionality that can be
implemented in the system. The main aims of review is data collection. Data collection is
at the heart of the review. By carefully structuring the data collection, some of the ad hoc
nature of other methods will be avoided.
After the successful completion of reviewing the existing web portals. We perform semi-
structured interview in order to gather the possible missing data and information for the
web page and other functionality requirements that helps to satisfy all the possible users
and provide them ease to use the system. The semi structured interview actually gives us
the idea how the user want the system to be and what aspects they want in the system so
that it helps the college administration to perform their activities timely with the
optimized resources.
The data will be collected from review and by interviewing the staff and possible user of
the system. The identified data and information will be then analyzed by the project
member and project supervisor in order to bring the required and important data and
information and specify the requirements. The methodology we have mentioned is better
one as it helps in finding the data and information required for web portal of the system.
We divide the project into four phases. Each phase produce specific operation that will be
used for analysis and conclusion.
Each phase is described below along the specific operation perform on it.

Phase I:
In this phase, relevant data and information about system will be collected by
reviewing the existing web portals and the system. Data collection is at the heart of

the review and thus review generate the basic framework how the system will work
and what functionality can be implemented in the system. As there exists lots of web
portals system which are maintained by different colleges, we will observe those web
portals to generate the idea like:
 How the web portals should works or how we can implement the functionality in
the portals?
 What are the most basic and important requirement of the system?
 What sort of GUI can be made to make the system more user-friendly and ease for
the user to operate?
Phase II:
This phase is two folded:
 First to validate the finding of reviews or we can say to validate the finding of
 Secondly to identify additional information those are missed in Phase-I. For
this we will conduct interview with organization staff and possible users of
Among the different types of interview, we follow the semi-structured interview
because this type of interview will support for both open ended and close ended
questions. Meaning that the users could be asked for yes/no questions as well as
perceive their opinion so that they could share their ideas and provide us guidance
about the basic and important functionality that should be included in the system to
develop the system upto the mark. This phase provide the project team the detail idea
how the system will be and which function requirements are the essence for the web
portal system. Involving end-users in this phase can provide new insights, and/or
validate our client’s choices and strategies.
Phase III:
In this phase we analyze the finding of Phase-I and Phase-II. We involve in defining
and refining the information. Here, team and team supervisor will actively act electing
the required information for web portals of College Management System. In this
phase, we specify the system requirement and then validate those requirements that
can be used for further system design and development process. Here, the team make
sure they document the necessary details to make a project functionally accurate. In
this phase generate the framework how the system will be. One benefit of the
framework is that it helps to prevent going down the wrong path and requiring
expensive rework late in the process. The process also creates a blueprint of how the
system should behave to guide the programmers.
Phase IV:
In this phase, team members select the appropriate technologies to use for
implementation. Our technology selection process takes into account the anticipated
future uses of the system to ensure that the system design is a scalable one.

Phase Methodology
Phase-I Review
Phase-II Semi-structured interview
Phase-III Gathering, analyzing and specifying the
Phase-IV Development of the system using java

6. Technology To Use
HTML (the Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are two
of the core technologies for building Web pages. HTML provides the structure of the
page, CSS the (visual and aural) layout, for a variety of devices. Along with graphics
and scripting, HTML and CSS are the basis of building Web pages and Web
JavaScript is one of the most simple, versatile and effective languages used to extend
functionality and interactivity in websites. JavaScript is executed on the client side.
JavaScript is relatively fast to the end user as the code is executed on the user's
Java Servlets are programs that run on a Web or Application server and act as a
middle layer between a requests coming from a Web browser or other HTTP client
and databases or applications on the HTTP server. Using Servlets, you can collect
input from users through web page forms, present records from a database or another
source, and create web pages dynamically. Servlets often serve the same purpose as
programs implemented using the Common Gateway Interface (CGI).
Java Server Pages (JSP) is a technology for developing web pages that support
dynamic content which helps developers insert java code in HTML pages by making
use of special JSP tags, most of which start with <% and end with %>. Using JSP,
you can collect input from users through web page forms, present records from a
database or another source, and create web pages dynamically.
MySQL is a fast, easy-to-use RDBMS being used for many small and big businesses.
MySQL is becoming so popular because of many good reasons:
 MySQL uses a standard form of the well-known SQL data language.
 MySQL is released under an open-source license. So you have nothing to pay to
use it.
 MySQL is a very powerful program in its own right. It handles a large subset of
the functionality of the most expensive and powerful database packages.

Glassfish server
Glassfish is an open source application server project started by Sun microsystem for
the Java EE platform. This allows developers to create enterprise applications that are
portable and scalable, and that integrate with legacy technologies.

8. Risk Factor and its mitigating strategy
During leading our project towards completion we may go through various risk factor
which we are describing below as well as we make some strategy to avoid these risks.
Some of them are:

The requirement we gathered may not be sufficient to satisfy the end user. As
requirements of the end user changes rapidly.
Especial focus and concentration should be given about the requirements of the end user
and we should develop the flexible system so that we can make the further change in
system in near future.

The end user might feel difficult to use the system and may not understand how to operate
the system.
User friendly GUI should be implemented and training should be given to the users if
possible otherwise the user manual should be provided.

To many people may be involve in decision making process so that there is inability to
make the decision.
Leader or project coordinator should discuss with the team and should make his/her own
decision to lead the project towards completion in dedicated timeline.

The person from which we collected information may not have enough authority and may
not be familiar to such types of system so that we cannot get the actual information of the
higher level authority and cannot decide what the requirement is.
Should ensure the administration and user from whom we collect information have full
authority of the administration of the college and have clear idea what they actually

This might lack the active participation of the team members which leads the project
towards failure. Since, we will be unable to meet the milestone
Should enhance the active participation of all the team members to reach the milestone in
actual time limit.

10. Time Plan

S.N Task
073/11/15- 073/11/20- 073/11/23- 074/11/25 074/12/01
073/11/19 073/11/22 073/11/24
1. Review the
existing system

2. Questionnaires
preparation and
3. Proposal writing

4. First draft of
proposal to

5. Proposal defense

6. Documentation

1. University website : design guideline, April 24,2016
2. Principle of effective web design, January 31st 2008

3. The ultimate guide to gettting started in web design , April 6, 2015
4. J. G. Hedberg et. al. (1992). Educational information systems: Problems of the small
educational organisation. Australian Journal of Educational Technology
5. Marty Hall and Larry Brown, second edition,[Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages]

6. Marty Hall, second edition,[More Servlert and JavaServer Page]


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