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A Course Requirement on

GEC 11 – Understanding the Self


Submitted by:

del Mundo, Ladhya Czannia June

Ga-a, Mike Maylord S.
Ignacio, Angelu Smith M.
Luis, Justine Michael
Naive, Ronald Jr. C.
Paciente, Vince Ivan D.
Valencia, Aaron John
Vienes, Argie J.

Submitted to:


1st Semester, SY 2021 – 2022
The Emotional-Self

With the intention of having an in-depth discussion about the topic “The Emotional-
Self,” Group 5 held a small group discussion on October 7, 2021 at 8:00 pm in the evening
together with the members.
The discussion began by identifying what the emotional self is. Mr. Ignacio, introduced
the topic of emotional self to the group by giving a short overview of what to discuss and what
information can be gleaned from the topic in general. Mr. Naïve, asserted that an individual’s
emotions are an important factor which drives a human to do something or act in a particular
situation. In addition to Mr. Naïve’s opinion, Mr. Valencia said that emotion serves as a
response to an individual’s action. Mr. Paciente on  the other hand, as agreed by Mr. Vienes, on
Linehan’s description that emotion does not only include the way an individual feels but also
the way the person thinks and the physiological reactions that he or she experiences. Mr.
Paciente elaborated on the statement of Linehan through an example wherein a certain
situation, an individual sees a dog. The response that he/she takes as an action serves as
his/her emotion. In addition to that, Mr. Paceinte also mentioned the physiological responses
and involuntary actions that our bodies automatically process in response to a certain situation.
Another pertinent point shared by Mr. Luis is that an individual’s emotion depends on the
situation they are in. There are varied reasons why emotion is important. To begin with,
emotions help in communication where an individual can effectively convey and receive
information through a person’s emotion as mentioned by Mr. Ignacio. Another function of
emotion is that it motivates people to act appropriately in certain situations. Finally, emotions
can assist an individual in processing information that is anchored in the present situation.
Every person, regardless of social status, age, sex, or gender preferences, experiences a
variety of emotions. The primary emotion is the initial reaction to a situation, and the
secondary emotion is the response to the primary emotion. Mr. Vienes made an example out of
this where, for instance, an individual accidentally stepped on a snake. His primary reaction is
to be scared. However, due to fear, the individual decided to kill the snake. The fear that he had
would be replaced by guilt, which turns out to be the secondary emotion. It is certain that
individuals can not control their emotions towards a situation. That is why individuals should
recognize their emotions in order to avoid undesirable outcomes.
Being an adolescent will take you on an emotional rollercoaster as you experience a
variety of events around you. 80-85 percent of adolescents have a happy adolescence, while 15
to 20 percent have quite a difficult adolescence.  During childhood, boys are more likely to have
problems than girls. Mr. Naïve mentioned that one of the reasons why boys are more
emotional than girls during childhood is because of the societal view of boys being strong and
unexpressive. As a result, they tend to hide their emotions instead of expressing them. On the
other hand, girls are more emotional than boys during puberty because of the beauty standards
established by society for girls. Due to this, girls tend to be insecure and depressed due to
 According to research, pubertal maturation results in a more egalitarian relationship
between adolescents and their parents, with adolescents having greater autonomy and
influence in family decision-making. As for Miss del Mundo’s perspective, she stated that it is
more comfortable to be with peers rather than family because with friends she can fully
express herself about anything. As a result, this creates conflict between her parents. Mr.
Ignacio highlighted the idea that adolescents during pubertal maturation are like on an
emotional roller coaster, which can cause conflicts between parents due to differences in
perception and perspective on things like going with peers. Mr. Paciente also agreed on this
and shared a personal experience with his parents.  Where, his parents are concerned about
peer influence that can lead him to engage in risky behaviors. Moreover, Mr. Ignacio, Mr. Naive,
Mr. Vienes, and Mr. Luis all agreed that it is important to establish a good relationship within
the family in order to avoid conflicts and misinterpretations, which can help
adolescents understand the point of the parents' overprotective measures. T
Through the lens of peer relationships, peers' influence sometimes becomes more
powerful than parental influence. Here, adolescents begin to adopt the values, attitudes, style
of dress, and language of their peers. Sometimes peer influence is in direct opposition to the
wishes of the parents, resulting in painful conflict. All of the members have also agreed that one
of the common reasons for family conflicts is that adolescents tend not to find an interest in
spending time with their families, and it is with peers that they feel comfortable and free.
In conclusion, our emotions play an important role in identifying who we are. Where, it
has been a part of our daily encounters in life, which greatly helps in communicating with
others.  As agreed by all members, Mr. Gaa mentioned that emotions don’t last forever and
that they change from time to time. Mr. Naive added that when it comes to peer relationships
and parent-adolescent relationships, both of these areas tend to affect each other when
influenced by emotional distress. To sum up everything, Mr. Ignacio shared an ending quote
that says, "When you react, you let others control you. When you respond, you are in control."
Mr. Ignacio elucidates the fact that reacting is purely emotional. However, when responding, it
conveys emotional intelligence in doing so.

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