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Presented to

The Faculty of the Bugo Senior High School,

Bugo, Cagayan de Oro City

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for Practical Research 1



May, 2023
The Technical Vocational Livelihood(TVL) Workshops a place where learners in the

Senior High School (SHS) will perform and learn all the competencies required in their

specific specialization. This will help learners focused on job-ready skills. It offers practical

knowledge and exposure for students to earn National Certificates (NC) which is necessary

for them to apply for jobs after finishing high school.

The Technical Vocational Livelihood TVL workshops is a simulation in the industry

set up. Fully equipped with machinery and equipment to produce quality product. The

hands-on training provides students focus on practical skills and work readiness. The

technology used in each workshop should align with the latest trend in industry.

According to Raymond A.
Gayatin (2018), the TVL track is
a viable option to get
jobs faster. It has become a more
affordable option since it is
offered in public schools.
TVL track teaches practical
hands-on skills and comes with
industry partnerships by its
immersion program that will give
students on-the-job
experience.Although not all can
go to college, there are still some
who would prefer higher
education. Having the skills
in college especially those related
ones is a huge plus. It’s like
having a good practice
before starting college and
impress them during class. Even
if your college course is
somehow different from your
senior high, showing your
cooking skills or dressmaking
techniques would come in handy
Among the programs that the
government laid out and seen to
be the biggest
and most important is the K to 12
Program. The Technical-
Vocational and Livelihood
Track (TVL) is one of the
features of the K to 12 tracking
schemes. DepEd coordinated
with TESDA to offer the
vocational standards in basic
education allowing students to
the training needed to land a job
right after graduation. The
DepEd has partnered with
different businesses and
industries to cater to Grade 12
students who will undergo work
immersion which served as one
of their requirements before
graduation. Learners are
immersed in actual work
environments such as workshops,
offices, and laboratories in
which their prior training is made
relevant (DepEd, 2017).
According to Raymond A.
Gayatin (2018), the TVL track is
a viable option to get
jobs faster. It has become a more
affordable option since it is
offered in public schools.
TVL track teaches practical
hands-on skills and comes with
industry partnerships by its
immersion program that will give
students on-the-job
experience.Although not all can
go to college, there are still some
who would prefer higher
education. Having the skills
in college especially those related
ones is a huge plus. It’s like
having a good practice
before starting college and
impress them during class. Even
if your college course is
somehow different from your
senior high, showing your
cooking skills or dressmaking
techniques would come in handy
Among the programs that the
government laid out and seen to
be the biggest
and most important is the K to 12
Program. The Technical-
Vocational and Livelihood
Track (TVL) is one of the
features of the K to 12 tracking
schemes. DepEd coordinated
with TESDA to offer the
vocational standards in basic
education allowing students to
the training needed to land a job
right after graduation. The
DepEd has partnered with
different businesses and
industries to cater to Grade 12
students who will undergo work
immersion which served as one
of their requirements before
graduation. Learners are
immersed in actual work
environments such as workshops,
offices, and laboratories in
which their prior training is made
relevant (DepEd, 2017).
According to Raymond A.
Gayatin (2018), the TVL track is
a viable option to get
jobs faster. It has become a more
affordable option since it is
offered in public schools.
TVL track teaches practical
hands-on skills and comes with
industry partnerships by its
immersion program that will give
students on-the-job
experience.Although not all can
go to college, there are still some
who would prefer higher
education. Having the skills
in college especially those related
ones is a huge plus. It’s like
having a good practice
before starting college and
impress them during class. Even
if your college course is
somehow different from your
senior high, showing your
cooking skills or dressmaking
techniques would come in handy
Among the programs that the
government laid out and seen to
be the biggest
and most important is the K to 12
Program. The Technical-
Vocational and Livelihood
Track (TVL) is one of the
features of the K to 12 tracking
schemes. DepEd coordinated
with TESDA to offer the
vocational standards in basic
education allowing students to
the training needed to land a job
right after graduation. The
DepEd has partnered with
different businesses and
industries to cater to Grade 12
students who will undergo work
immersion which served as one
of their requirements before
graduation. Learners are
immersed in actual work
environments such as workshops,
offices, and laboratories in
which their prior training is made
relevant (DepEd, 2017).
According to Raymond A.
Gayatin (2018), the TVL track is
a viable option to get
jobs faster. It has become a more
affordable option since it is
offered in public schools.
TVL track teaches practical
hands-on skills and comes with
industry partnerships by its
immersion program that will give
students on-the-job
experience.Although not all can
go to college, there are still some
who would prefer higher
education. Having the skills
in college especially those related
ones is a huge plus. It’s like
having a good practice
before starting college and
impress them during class. Even
if your college course is
somehow different from your
senior high, showing your
cooking skills or dressmaking
techniques would come in handy
Among the programs that the
government laid out and seen to
be the biggest
and most important is the K to 12
Program. The Technical-
Vocational and Livelihood
Track (TVL) is one of the
features of the K to 12 tracking
schemes. DepEd coordinated
with TESDA to offer the
vocational standards in basic
education allowing students to
the training needed to land a job
right after graduation. The
DepEd has partnered with
different businesses and
industries to cater to Grade 12
students who will undergo work
immersion which served as one
of their requirements before
graduation. Learners are
immersed in actual work
environments such as workshops,
offices, and laboratories in
which their prior training is made
relevant (DepEd, 2017).
According to Raymond A.
Gayatin (2018), the TVL track is
a viable option to get
jobs faster. It has become a more
affordable option since it is
offered in public schools.
TVL track teaches practical
hands-on skills and comes with
industry partnerships by its
immersion program that will give
students on-the-job
experience.Although not all can
go to college, there are still some
who would prefer higher
education. Having the skills
in college especially those related
ones is a huge plus. It’s like
having a good practice
before starting college and
impress them during class. Even
if your college course is
somehow different from your
senior high, showing your
cooking skills or dressmaking
techniques would come in handy
Among the programs that the
government laid out and seen to
be the biggest
and most important is the K to 12
Program. The Technical-
Vocational and Livelihood
Track (TVL) is one of the
features of the K to 12 tracking
schemes. DepEd coordinated
with TESDA to offer the
vocational standards in basic
education allowing students to
the training needed to land a job
right after graduation. The
DepEd has partnered with
different businesses and
industries to cater to Grade 12
students who will undergo work
immersion which served as one
of their requirements before
graduation. Learners are
immersed in actual work
environments such as workshops,
offices, and laboratories in
which their prior training is made
relevant (DepEd, 2017).
According to Raymond A.
Gayatin (2018), the TVL track is
a viable option to get
jobs faster. It has become a more
affordable option since it is
offered in public schools.
TVL track teaches practical
hands-on skills and comes with
industry partnerships by its
immersion program that will give
students on-the-job
experience.Although not all can
go to college, there are still some
who would prefer higher
education. Having the skills
in college especially those related
ones is a huge plus. It’s like
having a good practice
before starting college and
impress them during class. Even
if your college course is
somehow different from your
senior high, showing your
cooking skills or dressmaking
techniques would come in handy
Among the programs that the
government laid out and seen to
be the biggest
and most important is the K to 12
Program. The Technical-
Vocational and Livelihood
Track (TVL) is one of the
features of the K to 12 tracking
schemes. DepEd coordinated
with TESDA to offer the
vocational standards in basic
education allowing students to
the training needed to land a job
right after graduation. The
DepEd has partnered with
different businesses and
industries to cater to Grade 12
students who will undergo work
immersion which served as one
of their requirements before
graduation. Learners are
immersed in actual work
environments such as workshops,
offices, and laboratories in
which their prior training is made
relevant (DepEd, 2017).
According to Gayatin, R. (2018). The TVL strand is a variable option to get jobs

faster. It has become a more affordable option since it is offered in public schools. TVL

track teaches practical hands-on skill and comes with industry partnerships by its

immersion program that will give students on-the-job experience. Although not all can go to

college especially those related ones is a huge plus. It’s like having a good practice before

starting college and impress them during class. Even if your college course is somehow

different from your senior high, showing your cooking skills or dressmaking techniques

would come in handy someday.

Among the programs that the government laid out and seen to be the biggest and

most important is the K to 12 program. The technical-Vocational and Livelihood strand

(TVL) is one of the features of the K to 12 tracking schemes. DepEd coordinated with

TESDA to offer the vocational standards in basic education allowing students to get the

training needed to land a job right after graduation. The DepEd has partnered with the
different businesses and industries to cater to grade 12 students who will undergo work

immersion which served as one of their requirements before graduation. Learners are

immersed in actual work environment such as workshops, offices, and laboratories in which

their prior training is made relevant (DepEd, 2018).

Applying these and other relevant theories can help educators understand and

address the common issues of senior high school TVL workshops, and promote effective

learning outcomes for students.

Feedback on lack of equipment, lack of standardize workshop and lack of

standardize utilities. Hence, the researcher is challenged to conduct this study to assess

the workshops of TVL students of selected schools in East II District where the findings

would provide opportunities for reflective thought and establish standardized workshop

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the American theoretical perspective by Lave and Wenger (1991)

Situated Learning Theory: the theory assumed that learning is most effective when it takes

place in authentic context that reflect the real-world challenges and opportunities the

students are likely to encounter in their chosen field. In the context of TVL workshops,

theoretical basis for exploring relationship between students and accumulated skills,

abilities through learning and education.

Human Capital Theory, initially formulated by Becker (1962), and Rosen

(1976),focuses on the idea that investments in education and training contribute to the

development of individuals' skills and abilities, thereby increasing their productivity and

economic potential. Applied to technical vocational livelihood in the Philippines, this theory

suggests that investing in vocational education and training can help address the common

issues faced in this field. this theory suggests that education and training provide individuals
with skills and knowledge that can increase their productivity and grades, the theory

suggests that students who undergo vocational training are more likely to develop skills and

knowledge that can make them more employable and increase their chances of finding

gainful employment after graduation. One common issue in Senior High TVL workshops is

the lack of inadequate resources, facilities, standardization. This includes the shortage of

equipment and tools needed for practical training as well as the insufficient number of

qualified teachers to facilitate the learning process, these short coming can lead to lower

quality education and training, and limit the students’ ability to acquire the necessary skills

for employment.

Furthermore, the concept of social capital can also be relevant when exploring

common issues in technical vocational livelihood in the Philippines. Social capital refers to

the networks, relationships, and social resources that individuals can access through their

social connections. In the context of technical vocational livelihood, building strong

networks between educational institutions, industry partners, and government agencies can

facilitate the sharing of resources, information, and opportunities, leading to improved

outcomes for students and practitioners.

Another theoretical perspective by Rawls (1971) A Theory of Justice: the theory

assumed to consider is the social justice theory, which emphasizes the importance of

equitable access to education and training opportunities. Addressing common issues in

technical vocational livelihood in the Philippines requires ensuring that all individuals,

regardless of their socio-economic background, have equal access to quality vocational

education and training programs. This perspective highlights the need for inclusive policies,

scholarships, and support systems to ensure that no one is left behind.

Rawls' theory of justice focuses on the fair distribution of resources, opportunities,

and benefits in society, with an emphasis on providing equal access to education and

opportunities for all individuals. His ideas have had a significant influence on the field of

political philosophy and discussions around social justice.

Pfeffer and Salancik (1978) devised the Resource Dependence Theory - This theory

suggests that organizations, such as schools, rely on external resources to function

effectively. In the case of TVL workshops, the lack of resources such as equipment and

materials can impact the quality of learning experiences and hinder students' overall


Applying these and other relevant theories can help educators understand and

address the common issues of senior high school TVL workshops, and promote effective

learning outcomes for students.

Conceptual Framework

To have a better understanding on the flow of this study, a schematic diagram is

illustrated in Figure1. It can be seen in a diagram that there are two variables being

identified. First is the independent variable which consists of the TVL workshops common

issues that includes lack of equipment, lack of standardized workshop and lack of

standardized utilities and the factors in choosing TVL and prefer path after graduating the

course. Second is the dependent variables which happens to be the students’ grades who

undergone the technical vocational livelihood strand.


A. Lack of equipment
B. Lack of Standardized
Students performance
C. Lack of Standardized
Statement of the Problem

1. What are the common issues of TVL workshop according to:

1.1 Lack of equipment

1.2 Lack of standardized workshop

1.3 Lack of standardized utilities

2. Is there a significant relationship between the common issues in TVL workshops?

2.1 Students’ grades

Significance of the Study

This study has significance along with the following concerns:

School administrators – This could serve as a foundation for providing the necessary

additional training and support, seminars, educational facilities, and instructional equipment

that would lead to a better K-12 curriculum.

Teachers – This study intends to assist instructors in their duty of fully developing the

students possible while they mentor them in their chosen career that will prepare them for

college, employment, andthereal-world industry.

Students – Students in the TVL strand of their specialized track will benefit from this study

by having better learning resources and facilities which will speed up their development.

Future researchers – This will serve as a guide for performing related studies.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The researchers focus on the common issues of senior high school TVL workshops

of selected schools in East II district

Definition of Terms

To aid understanding and comprehension, the following operational definitions of

terms used in this study are provided:

Common issues- Common issues refer to problems, challenges, or concerns that are

frequently encountered or experienced by individuals, groups, organizations, or society as a

whole. These issues are often widespread and affect a significant number of people or


TVL–Technical Vocational Livelihood Strand is designed to develop students' skills that are

useful for livelihood and technical projects. It provides a curriculum that is a combination of

Core Courses and specialized hands-on courses that meets the competency-based

assessment of TESDA.

Lack – The state of being without or not having enough of something

Workshop- A place, amenity, or piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose.

Standardized workshop - A facility that contains all the materials needed and updated

equipment of students to use.

Student performance - The extent to which a student, teacher, or institution has attained

their short or long-term educational goals and is measured either by continuous

assessment or cumulative grade point average (CGPA).

Student progress - Evaluation of student progress in learning focuses on the questions of

whether students have learned and how much they have learned. 

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

The review of related literature highlights the significance of technical vocational

livelihood and acknowledges the existence of challenges within the field. The purpose of

the review is to explore existing literature and research to gain insights into the common

issues faced in technical vocational livelihood in the Philippines. The review aims to

examine studies, theoretical frameworks, and practical approaches to understand various

aspects of the field, such as education access, skill development, industry relevance, and

social equity. By analyzing the literature, the review seeks to identify potential strategies

and interventions to promote inclusivity and improve the effectiveness of technical

vocational livelihood in the Philippines.

The Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) strand in Senior High School is designed

to provide students with the necessary skill and knowledge to pursue technical and

vocational careers after completing their secondary education. This review of related

literature aims to examine the common issues affecting the TVL workshops and their

potential solutions. One of the common issues affecting the TVL workshops is the lack of

resources and facilities.

According to Hadji Abas and Masarigan (2020), the lack of laboratory equipment,

tools, and materials needed for practical activities is a significant challenge facing the TVL
program in the Philippines. As a result, students may not have enough opportunities to

develop the necessary skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their chosen field.

The TVL strand is the aspect of the Senior High School program that exposes the learner to

acquisition of demonstrable skills/competencies and values that could be transformed into

economic benefits, (Brillantes, 2019). It intends to provide students with technical

vocational training, skills, and academic know-how to prepare them for the needs of the

community and the global workplace through highly trained competent teachers. Outputs

are the end-product of educational inputs and process those must be assessed based on

objectives. Outputs is the product of educational inputs and process measure the outputs in

schools has been growing concern for educators. The main outputs of and educator system

is the students and the attributes that the students may have developed throughout his

education journey (Brillantes et al., 2019).

According to a study by Aquino (2020), the lack of equipment is one of the significant

issues affecting the TVL program in the Philippines. The study reported that 84% of the TVL

teachers surveyed expressed concern about the lack of equipment and materials, which

limits the students’ opportunities for hands-on training and skills development, The study

also noted that lack of equipment affects the quality of education and training, leading to a

gap between what is taught in the classroom and what is expected in the industry.
Chapter 3


Research Design

An interview will be administered to gather both quantitative and qualitative data on

the common issues faced by Senior High School TVL workshops in the East II District,

Cagayan De Oro City. The survey will be distributed to TVL teachers and students from the

selected schools, with questions focusing on issues such as lack of equipment, inadequate

workshops standardization, and impact on student grades.

Research Instrument

The research instruments will be used in this study includes questionnaires and

surveys to gather information from the participants regarding their educational background

and grades to obtain quantitative dataand interviews will be concluded also. Interviews

provide an opportunity to delve into participants' experiences and gather rich qualitative


Sampling Technique

Purposive sampling will be employed to select participants for this study on technical

vocational livelihood in the Philippines. This sampling technique allows researchers to

purposefully select individuals who possess specific characteristics or experiences that are

relevant to the research objectives.

Data Gathering Technique

Begin the interview with a brief introduction, explaining the purpose of the interview

and assuring respondents about the confidentiality of their responses. Clearly define the

objective of the interviews. Determine the target group for the interviews. This includes

students involved in the TVL workshop. Prepare a set of structured questions that address

the specific objectives of the data gathering. Schedule and conduct the interviews with the

identified participants. Interviews will be conducted in person. Ensure that the participants

feel comfortable and that their responses are recorded accurately. Transcribe and analyze

the interview responses. Look for common themes, patterns, and recurring issues that

emerge from the interviews. This can be done through manual coding or by using

qualitative analysis software, depending on the scale and complexity of the data. Once the

data has been analyzed, summarize the key findings and common issues identified in the

TVL workshop. Organize the information in a clear and concise manner, making it easy to

understand and communicate to relevant stakeholders. Based on the findings, develop an

action plan to address the common issues identified. This could involve revising the

workshop curriculum, improving instructional strategies, providing additional support to

participants, or implementing other necessary changes to enhance the TVL workshop

Research Locale

The study is conducted in Bugo National High School, Taparak, Bugo, Cagayan de Oro

City, Misamis Oriental, The City of Golden Friendship. Bugo National High School, Agusan

National High School and Tablon National High School is chosen as the research site due

to its reputable Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) program. This locale provided a

suitable context for examining the common issues and its effect of senior high school

Technical-Vocational Livelihood (TVL) workshops of selected schools in Cagayan de Oro


Participants of the study

The participants in this study will be the senior high school students who are enrolled

in the TVL program at Bugo National High School, Agusan National High School, and

Tablon National High School in Cagayan de Oro City. To ensure a representative sample of
students who have encountered common issues in TVL workshops at public schools, a

purposive sampling technique will be utilized for participant selection.


"The K to 12 Program and its Implementation" by the Department of Education (DepEd) -

This document provides an overview of the K to 12 program and its various features,

including the TVL strand. It explains how DepEd collaborated with the Technical Education

and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) to integrate vocational standards into basic


Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation.

Cambridge University Press.

Becker, G. S. (1962). Investment in human capital: A theoretical analysis. The Journal of

Political Economy, 70(5), 9-49.

Rawls, J. (1971). A Theory of Justice. Harvard University Press.

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