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From: ngocanh@gmail.

Subject: About a type of bank account that is the most suitable for you

Hi Phuong,

How are you? Hope all’s going well at uni and the term’s started well. I can’t believe
you’re a freshman at Hogwarts. Anyway, congratulations on achieving your dream. A few
days ago I received your question about choosing the right bank account. So in this
email, I will suggest a type of bank account that suits your needs. 

As you said, you want to have an account so that your parents can easily send you
monthly living expenses. Therefore, I think a checking account will be the best choice for
you. Checking accounts can include commercial or business accounts, student
accounts, and joint accounts, along with many other types of accounts that offer similar
features to meet the requirement of each object. Basically, the purpose of a checking
account allows us to deposit, withdraw, transfer online or pay bills, etc. Next, you need to
keep in mind some points. To begin with, the service fees when using this account will
depend on the bank you choose because some banks offer a special free checking
account for college students that will remain free until they graduate. In addition, in
exchange for liquidity, checking accounts typically have low or do not offer interest
rates. Furthermore, to maintain your account, you must have a certain amount of money
which is usually from 50,000 VND to 100,000 VND. Above is the necessary information
about choosing a bank account, I hope it will be useful for you. 

Well, that’s all for now. I hope to hear from you soon!

Ngoc Anh

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