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Is the variety of language, including vocabulary and grammar, spoken in a Particular social

A. Dialect
B. Variety
C. Accent
The characteristics of the speech of an individual which refers to a geographical or social group
A. Dialect
B. Idiolect
C. Variety
is the language of communication between persons who have different first languages who
speak different tribal languages.
A. Business language
B. Code Switching
C. Lingua franca
A language with a markedly reduced grammatical structure, lexicon, and stylistic range is said to
A. Creole
B. Lingua Franca
C. Pidgin
The approach towards the language acquisition that the capacity for language is innate in human
beings is said to be_______________
A. Behaviorism
B. Interactionism
C. Mentalism
The historical approach to language study, which investigates the changes in languages
through time is said to be____________
A. Synchronic
B. Idiosyncrasy
C. Diachronic
The linguistic capability to combine existing sounds into new meanings and to combine existing
words into new utterances is called ___________
A. Displacement
B. Productivity
C. Symbolism
D. Arbitrariness
The study of rules and practices for making and using sounds in a language is called_____
A. Phonology
B. Morphology
C. Syntax
D. Socio-linguistics.
The study of rules and practices for constructing meaningful bits of language is called ___
A. Phonology
B. Morphology
C. Syntax
D. Socio-linguistics.
Issues in the construction of intelligible utterances-like word order, tense, case and person are the
area of
A. Phonology
B. Morphology
C. Syntax
D. Socio-linguistics.
The co-existence of two different forms of language in a society often a 'high' and 'low' or
'official' or 'common form is called:
A. Linguistic relativity
B. Multiculturalism
C. Diglossia
D. Pidignization
A new or hybrid language that develops a new or sophisticated grammar or vocabulary and is
spoken as some group's first language is:
A. Creole
B. Pidgin
C. Ritual language
D. Anti-language
In English, we use the labiodental fricative for the letters:
A. a and o
B. v and f
C. p and b
D. c and k
Which of the following is the smallest unit within a language system?
A. Word
B. Morpheme
C. Phoneme
D. Grapheme
Hermann Paul (1886) argued that the most basic building block of language was which of the
A. Words
B. Morpheme
C. Phoneme
D. Lexeme
Who was the main contributor to the linguistic period?
A. Chomsky
B. Wundt
C. Piaget
D. Hermann Paul
An expression in which a part stands for the whole or an individual for a class of things, or
material for the things made from it:
A. Hyperbole
B. Synecdoche
C. Metaphor
D. Simile
The terms used for the non-linguistic aspects of speaking is:
A. Metalanguage
B. Paralanguage
C. Protolanguage
D. Both B and C
The rules for combining phonemes into words in a language are said to be:
A. Transcription
B. Orthography
C. Phonotactics
D. All of these
The branch of linguistics which studies how utterances communicate meaning in context is
known as:
A. Stylistics
B. Semantics
C. Pragmatics
D. None of these

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