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Newer approach

In the management of erectile dysfunction

Nothing to Prove Everything to Improve

In Oligo Terato-Asthenozoospermia & ED

Yohimbine bark 20 mg + Tribulus terrestris 100 mg+ Mucana pruriens
50 mg + Ginkgo biloba 20 mg + Aswagantha withania somnifer 150 mg
+ Aspargus sarmentosus 50 mg + Hygrophila spinosa 90 mg + Myristica
fragrans 10 mg + Fenugreek 5 mg + Co enzyme 100 mg + L – arginine
100 mg + Piperine 5 mg + Resveratrol 10 mg

Live your life to the fullest

Yohimbine Bark
The bark has been used traditionally as an aphrodisiac and to enhance
sexual performance
Tribulus Terrestris
It enhances sexual health, treats anaemia and helps manage blood
Mucana Pruriens
Management of male infertility nervous disorders and also an
E. Ernst et al. 1998 Feb; vol 159,433-436

Wenyi Zhu, Yijie Du et al. 2017 Jul; 11(1): 60

Lucia Raffaella Lampariello et al. 2012 Oct- Dec; 2(4): 331- 339

Ginkgo Biloba
It's therapeutic action in regulating cerebral blood flow.
Four phases of the sexual response cycle: Desire, Excitement (Erection
and lubrication), Orgasm and resolution (after glow)
Aswagandha WS & Fenugreek
Significantly increase testosterone levels ,that facilitates to improve
Boost sexual function in men with lower sexual desire
Asparagus Sarmentosus
Asparagus is high in vitamin E, which increase blood and oxygen flow
to the genitals
Zahra niazi mashhadi et al 2021 Jul- Aug; 11(4): 324-331

Prasad mamidi et al 2011 Jul-Sep; 32(3): 322-328

Hyun jun park et al. 2018 Sep; 36(3): 230-238

Hygrophila Spinosa
The plant contains terpenoids ,alkaloids, flavonoids , renal tonic and for
its health promoting properties
Myristica Fragrans
Significantly increased mounting frequency with Pink Anasthetisation as
well as erections, quick flips ,long flip and the aggregrate of pink
reflexes with penile stimulation
Mainly via the control of major antioxidant enzymes and block on DNA
damge by free radicals
Debgopal ganguly Vol(1) Issue 1, pg 11-14

Tajuddin; Jul 20

Wen yu 2013 Sep; 15(5): 646-651

L- Arginine
Improve sexual function in men with erectile dysfunction due to
physical cause
Co- Enzyme
Co- enzyme can enhance blood flow and protect blood vessels via the
preservation of nitric oxide
Piperine increased sexual performance and testosterone levels in animal
Luigi Gallo 2020 Jun; 8(2): 178-185

Aguilera- Alvarez VH 2021 Sep 13; 13 (9): e17937

Nandia septiyorini 2020 Vol.20

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