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Presentation On
Application of Finite element analysis

Sourabh Kamble A20

Subject Name: Computer Aided Engineering

Academic Year 2022-23

1. Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE)

2. Overview

3. Advance Application Of FEA In Mechanical Engineering

4. Vibrational Analysis

5. Background And History Of Vibrational Analysis

6. Conclusion
Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE)
Computer-aided engineering (CAE) is the use of computer software to simulate performance
in order to improve product designs or assist in the resolution of engineering problems for a
wide range of industries. This includes simulation, validation and optimization of products,
processes, and manufacturing tools.
A typical CAE process comprises of preprocessing, solving, and postprocessing steps. In the
preprocessing phase, engineers model the geometry (or a system representation) and the
physical properties of the design, as well as the environment in the form of applied loads or
constraints. Next, the model is solved using an appropriate mathematical formulation of the
underlying physics. In the post-processing phase, the results are presented to the engineer
for review.

Following alongside the consistent improvement in computer graphics and speed, computer
aid assists engineers with once complicated and time consuming tasks with the input of
information and a press of a button.
It includes finite element analysis (FEA), computational fluid dynamics (CFD), multibody
dynamics (MBD), durability and optimization. It is included with computer-aided design (CAD)
and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) in the collective abbreviation "CAx".
The term CAE has been used to describe the use of computer technology within engineering in
a broader sense than just engineering analysis. It was in this context that the term was coined
by Jason Lemon, founder of SDRC in the late 1970s. This definition is however better known
today by the terms CAx and PLM.[1]
CAE systems are individually considered a single node on a total information network and each
node may interact with other nodes on the network.
Advance Application Of FEA In Mechanical Engineering

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a powerful numerical method used to analyze and solve complex
engineering problems. It is widely used in various industries to simulate and understand the
behavior of structures and systems under different loading and environmental conditions. Some
of the common applications of FEA include:

1. Structural Analysis: FEA is extensively used for structural analysis to predict the response of
components, assemblies, and entire structures to various loads and boundary conditions. It
helps in evaluating factors such as stress distribution, deformation, strain, and failure points,
enabling engineers to optimize designs and ensure structural integrity.

2. Heat Transfer Analysis: FEA can be employed to study heat transfer phenomena, such as
conduction, convection, and radiation, in systems and components. It aids in analyzing
temperature distributions, thermal gradients, and heat flow patterns, helping engineers
optimize thermal management and design efficient cooling systems.
3. Fluid Flow Analysis: FEA is utilized in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to
analyze fluid flow behavior and its interaction with structures. It assists in studying factors like
pressure distribution, velocity profiles, turbulence, and forces acting on the system.
Applications range from aerodynamics and hydrodynamics to HVAC system design and oil and
gas flow analysis.
4. Electromagnetic Analysis: FEA can simulate and analyze electromagnetic phenomena,
including electromagnetic fields, electric currents, and magnetic fluxes. It finds applications in
areas like electrical machines, transformers, antennas, and electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC) analysis.
5. Fatigue Analysis: FEA is employed to assess the fatigue life of structures and components
subjected to cyclic loading. By predicting stress levels and identifying critical areas prone to
fatigue failure, engineers can optimize designs, estimate component life, and prevent
unexpected failures.
6. Vibrational Analysis: FEA aids in predicting the dynamic behavior of structures under various
vibration conditions. It helps in evaluating natural frequencies, mode shapes, resonance, and
damping characteristics, which are crucial in optimizing designs to avoid excessive vibrations,
noise, and potential structural failures.
Vibrational Analysis
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is widely used in vibrational analysis to predict and analyze the
dynamic behavior of structures and systems subjected to various vibration conditions. Here are
some specific applications of FEA in vibrational analysis

1. Natural Frequency Analysis: FEA is utilized to determine the

natural frequencies and mode shapes of structures. By
modeling the structure as a system of interconnected elements,
FEA can accurately predict the vibration modes and
corresponding frequencies. This information is crucial for
identifying potential resonance issues and optimizing designs to
avoid excessive vibrations.
2. Modal Analysis: FEA enables modal analysis, which involves
studying the dynamic characteristics of structures, such as mode
shapes, natural frequencies, and damping ratios. Modal analysis
helps in understanding how the structure responds to different
excitation frequencies and identifying critical modes that may lead
to resonance or structural failures.

3. Forced Vibration Analysis: FEA can simulate forced vibration

scenarios where a structure is subjected to external excitations or
harmonic loads. By considering the dynamic response of the
structure, FEA helps in evaluating factors such as displacements,
accelerations, stresses, and strains under different vibration
inputs. This analysis aids in assessing the structural integrity and
optimizing designs to ensure they can withstand the expected
4. Harmonic Analysis: FEA is employed to analyze structures subjected to harmonic loads or
vibrations with known frequencies. It helps in determining the response amplitudes, phase
angles, and stress levels at different locations of the structure. Harmonic analysis is crucial in
understanding how the structure interacts with harmonic excitations and in designing
structures that can withstand such vibrations without failure.
Background And History Of Vibrational Analysis
Vibrational analysis, also known as vibration engineering or vibration analysis, is a field of study that focuses on
understanding and analyzing the behavior of mechanical systems and structures subjected to vibration. The study of
vibrations dates back to ancient times when observations were made on the effects of vibrations in structures and
machinery. However, the formalization and development of vibrational analysis as a scientific discipline began in the
late 18th century and continued to evolve over the years.

Here is a brief background and history of vibrational analysis:

1. Early Observations: The recognition of vibrations and their effects can be traced back to ancient civilizations. For
example, in ancient Greece, architects and engineers noticed the amplification of vibrations in amphitheaters due
to resonance effects. Similarly, ancient Chinese scholars observed the damaging effects of vibrations in structures
during earthquakes.
2. 18th and 19th Centuries: The study of vibrations gained momentum during the 18th and 19th centuries with the
work of notable scientists and mathematicians. Daniel Bernoulli, Leonhard Euler, and Jean-Baptiste Fourier made
significant contributions to the mathematical understanding of vibrations and the analysis of oscillatory systems.
Their work laid the foundation for future developments in vibrational analysis.
3. Development of Analytical Methods: In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, advancements in
mathematics and mechanics led to the development of analytical methods for vibrational analysis.
Scientists such as Rayleigh, Ritz, and Timoshenko made significant contributions to the understanding
of natural frequencies, mode shapes, and vibration phenomena in structures. The Rayleigh-Ritz
method and the Timoshenko beam theory are examples of analytical approaches that were
developed during this period.
4. Experimental Techniques: Concurrently with the analytical advancements, experimental techniques
for vibration measurement and analysis were also developed. In the early 20th century, instruments
such as the seismograph and accelerometers were developed to measure and record vibrations.
These instruments helped in understanding the characteristics of vibrations in structures and
5. Advancements in Computational Methods: With the advent of computers in the mid-20th century,
computational methods started playing a significant role in vibrational analysis. Finite Element
Analysis (FEA), a numerical technique that enables the analysis of complex structures, became a
powerful tool for simulating and analyzing vibrational behavior. FEA allowed for more accurate
predictions of natural frequencies, mode shapes, and dynamic responses of structures.
Today, vibrational analysis continues to evolve with advancements in computational methods,
sensor technologies, and signal processing techniques. The field has expanded to encompass
areas such as modal analysis, vibration control, condition monitoring, and the study of
vibrations in micro and nanostructures. Vibrational analysis plays a crucial role in ensuring the
safe and efficient operation of structures, machinery, and mechanical systems in various
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a versatile tool used in mechanical engineering for various
applications. It enables engineers to predict stress distribution, deformation, and failure points in
structures, aiding in design optimization and ensuring structural integrity. FEA plays a crucial role in
fatigue analysis, estimating component life, and preventing unexpected failures due to cyclic loading.
It facilitates design optimization by evaluating different parameters and their impact on performance.
FEA is utilized in heat transfer analysis, optimizing thermal management, and designing efficient
cooling systems. It enables the analysis of fluid-structure interaction, optimizing designs for stability
and performance. FEA assists in dynamic analysis, evaluating natural frequencies, mode shapes, and
transient response. It aids in analyzing composite materials and predicting their behavior. FEA helps
analyze contact and friction phenomena, optimizing designs and improving durability. In summary,
FEA is a vital tool in mechanical engineering, contributing to enhanced design, reliability, and
performance of mechanical systems and components.

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