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GRAMMAR PRACTICE 5C Present continuous ‘We use the present continuous to tak about things that are happening now. ‘My brother staking a shower right now. ‘Are you reading a good book at the moment? ‘We also use the present continuous o talk about things that are temporary. Ym staying at my parents’ house ths semester She isn't working in the office this month, ‘We form the present continuous withthe verb be + the -ing form ofthe main verb, @s:2! he/she /it you / we / they “= Tmreading abock Daniessleeping We're all wearing lasses! ['mnot working in the My cousinisn'tstaying We aren't using this, ote today wihme thisweek 00m now 4 Amidreaming? ——_Isshe studying French Are you watching TV? thismont? vin Y%lam /No,tmnct, Yes seis. /No,she Yes weare./ No, me isnt aren’. We usually ad ng to the base form to make the sing form, Spelling rules for the -ing form ‘We usually add-in tothe base form. play -> playing talk > talking When a verb endsine, we omit the e before adding ing. take © taking live <> living \Wihen 2 vero ends in consonant + vowel + consonant, we double the final ‘consonant before adding ing. sit=> sitting plan > planning Look! We often use the present continuous wit time expression, such as (right now, today, this weeklmonthlyear, atthe moment 'm studying economics now. Today, they're not working very much, ple present and present continuous ‘We use he simple present o talk about things that ae always true, and the present continuous to tak about things that are temporary. Rebecca lives in Mexico City, but this month she's living in New York. ‘We use the simple present o talk about things that happen regulary and the present continuous to talk about things that ae happening now. | usualy take the bus to work, but today 'm taking a tax. However, there are some verbs that describe a state rather than an action We don't normally use these verbs in the present continuous Maria hates the new TV series. NOT Mare hating the new F-series, ‘My teacher doesn't thnk is correct. NOT Myteacherisnt-thinking its correct. | have a renal carat the moment, NOT Fmehaving a rentatcaratthe moment State verbs Feelings Uke love, hale, want prefer, need Thoughts and know, believe, remember, forget, understand, think ‘opinions States be, exist seem, ook ike, belong, own, have White sentences using the present contruous. 1 My ste tavel in Asia ight now Myst aelingn Asa righl now 2 an/ not work tis week Ivan sn working this week 55 What you learn about fn your history as? ‘What are you learning about in your history last 4 They/ plana vito Mexico 5 I/ notshout Tmnotshouting 6 you! use that chair? ‘Are you using that chai? 7 She [ear /ascar? /—Is she wearing a scarf ___ £8 17 not go runing / this month {'m not going running this month 2 Complete the sentences wit the present continuous or the simple presen form ofthe verbs n parentheses. 1 ecantove pinto. Raining (i) 2 Sheoten meer fiends ee nee 5 Tun at mus dow The cera aeping ep 4 Thetis rely bs because eveyone going. owerk ig row ge) 5 Kaman how ch she lo keer man, {oot 6 Canyoutumoff te TV plese you "Senne 1? tnt ate) 7 We aes a2 suitto work excep when Re hasan important meeing (not we) @ leantakle tte callout ve 3 Complete the text wth the present continuous or the simple present form ofthe vers parentheses Ela Richards isthe gandaaughterof Keith chads, who {pay guitar wit the Ring Stones. fais Banda model, and she 2 i) ina sees oasfor fasion company atthe moment She __fivel a ome with her mom, dad, and younger brother but tis week she * (workin London, and she 5 (say) ather grandmothers house In our photo, she . {wear a black dress with Hawes, and she?__eary)a handbag Shesaysthatwhen she'd, she 8 (went tobe apy! Go back to page 44

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