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1. Find a current event news article outlining a boundary dispute.

Provide a link to the

article for your instructor.
2. Summarize the article in a well-formed paragraph.

This article shows one of the most recent boundary disputes that could have potentially turned
into a border war if it wasn’t taken care of when it first happened. A farmer moved a 150-
kilogram stone that was part of the barrier between Belgium and France so that he could extend
his land further. There was tension between the two for a very little amount of time because the
Belgian mayor of Erquelinnes stated in a news broadcast that “The 1819 boundary marker has
been moved... and our commune has been enlarged”, this was not taken lightly by France. So,
they decided to fix the problem by telling the farmer to move the stone back to its original place
so no significant tension between the two countries arise.

1. Describe the existing boundary between the two disputing states. The barrier
between the two countries extends 390 miles. It was placed and defined in the
1820 Treaty of Kortrijk. The two countries have been very strong allies
throughout the decades, that is why they solved the situation before it could turn
into a war and tensions could make an appearance.
2. Explain why the area surrounding the boundary is disputed by outlining each
state's point of view. Belgium’s municipality, Erquelinnes was enlarged when a
farmer living on the other side of the border moved the 100-year-old stone to
expand his land. The mayor saw this positively because it expanded Erquelinnes
territorial land. But France did not think the same about this. France obligated the
farmer to move the stone back to its place so that there weren't more tensions
between the two countries.

1. Provide visual context for the boundary dispute. 


2. Find a map that clearly shows the boundary in dispute. A digital map from the
internet is acceptable.
3. Shade and label the disputed areas.

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