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Venice French C. Fajel

Mr. Myrold Coronel

MAY 2022

The completion of this study could not have been possible

without the assistance and the guidance of our teachers. Their
contributions are sincerely appreciated and gratefully
To all relatives, friends and other who shared their
support, either mentally, physically, and mentally, thank you.
Above all, to the Great Almighty, the author of knowledge
and wisdom, for his countless love.
thank you,

Venice French C. Fajel

Grade 12- GAS
Table of Contents:

 Acknowledgement…………………………………………………………………………………………………… i

 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1

 Literature Review……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

 Recommendation……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

In today's modern era, the world is being hit by developments in

the fields of science and technology. The development of science
and technology that is increasingly rapid turns to bring changes
in all walks of life. One result of the development of technology
is the internet. Along with the development of the internet
technology is growing rapidly, one of the benefits is as a means
of entertainment, for example to play. Video game using the
internet network are known as online game. Online game are
becoming a new trend that is in great demand because someone no
longer plays alone (single), but allows playing with dozens of
people at once from various locations (multiplayer). On adjacent
computer networks (Local Area Network).
The mobile legends is one of the most trending online games to
teenagers nowadays. This game serve as their past time for
enjoyment and it is the reason why they like to play that game.We
can observe that there are lot of people who play mobile legends
because of the influence of other players. One of the advantage
of this game is that, it easy to play and can build teamwork for
every players that can help them to win the game.
Playing mobile legends has a significant impact on a student's
academic performance. Mobile Legends is regarded as one of the
most time-consuming games in the world; players have no idea how
much time has passed while playing. There are a variety of
reasons why mobile legends can affect a student's academic
performance and why some teenagers play mobile legends on a
regular basis.
Because there are many students in today's society who are
addicted to playing mobile legends, the researcher chose to study
Mobile Legends Addiction and Academic Performance of Students.
Even adults engage in mobile legends, which can have a negative
impact on teenagers. Too much gaming is bad; instead, take a few
minutes to play online or offline games. The study's main goal is
to prevent game addiction and a student's natural hobby from
becoming a problem.

As of today,most people relate online games to low academic

performance.Through the years, studies have yielded different
results. Some of them say that they are co-related when some say
that they are not.According to Anderson and Dill(2000),there is a
negative correlation between the two.Thus, meaning that there is
no relation between the number of hours played by aplayer and his
grades. At times, the students defend the games they are playing
by saying that they do learn something from it.A paper from
EDUCAUSE backs these students up by suggesting that the faculty
learn and know about these games so as to help students in class
learning experience (Hitch and Duncan, 2005). Furthermore,another
paper claims that these games are not just for entertainment
(Shaffer,Squire, Halverson,&Gee,2005).They claim that these games
may be used to learn and experience different things and interact
with other people and belong to a virtual community. Related
Literature(Foreign) Online games have both positive and negative
effects on people, especially students. One of the negatives is
this. Many cases among students are addiction. And this addiction
may lead to worse problems. The students might steal money. They
may become lazy when it comes to studying and prefer playing the
whole day long. Some may even skip school in order to have more
playing time.(Sujat AliHamzah) Addicted gamers spend so much time
playing that their personal relationships get neglected and
sometimes disappear altogether. Among addicted gamers who are
married,up to 50 percent report astrain in their marriage as a
result of their addiction. Addicted gamers also neglect the
responsibilities of everyday life such as schooland work.(UNC-
OASIS).In the world of today,there are different genres of online
games. First are the console games.Console games are more
commonly referred to as video games.They are played on a device
specially made for gameplay called a video game console.
Playing online games do not affect their grades badly for they
know how to limit themselves. They know that they need to control
themselves in order to function well in their class that is why
they only play games during vacation and weekends with a lot of
time compared when they have classes. Even though they play
online games;they know how to socialize well and they can perform
very well when it comes to academic performance. However,it is
inevitable not to play even for half an hour especially when they
are accustomed to it.Therefore,it is justa matter of discipline.
Internet as a source of information plays an important role in
developing one's mind and life experiences by creating productive
works in schools,offices,and evenathome.Nowadays,this can be a
person's most efficient strategic tool for enabling himself to
take charge and cope with the fast growing technology. The fact
that people live in on informative lifestyle where everything is
updated,internet became one of the necessities of human beings
regardless of age or sex in today's society. However, the
influence of this useful machine on youth is undeniably
questionable. As to what Rocksaid,all these technologies are very
good at distracting people. In line with this development,online
gaming was created to give entertainment to people.


 As a student, they should pursue harder to have a better

education. They should take their challenges as an
opportunity to gain strength for them to become successful
 To the future researchers, I recommend that this study will
serve as a guide for their study.
 Teachers should give attention for those who play mobile
legends and guide them to manage their time at playing and
studying their lessons. And also teachers should be aware of
the situation of these students who prefer playing mobile
legends than studying.

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