The Story Time The Costello Case Part 1

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The Story Time - The Costello Case - Part 1

[Voice off, Detective William Burns]

So, Costello is dead, huh? 14 hold-ups, 22 robberies, 7 suspected murders.

Boss of one of the most prosperous gangs in

Harlem. Someone finally killed him and I wonder
who and how....


– State your name and profession.

– Frank O’Connell, Mr Costello’s driver!
– Where were you when your boss died?
– In front of the Cotton Club, I was just coming
to pick him up and drive him home.
– What else can you tell me about last night?
– Can’t say much! I heard a gunshot, rushed
into the Cotton Club, found “The Boss” at the
bar, dead.
– Any witnesses?
– Hell yeah! Plenty of people were chatting
and coming out of the Club. You’re not gonna
put this crime on me, you snoop!
– Calm down, Frankie, no need to be nasty!

– I can’t believe it!... Mr Costello, dead!!

– So Mrs Russell, did you see anything?
– No, I didn’t. I was just getting changed and
hanging around in my dressing room. I was
looking for my keys in my handbag, when I
heard gunshots. I panicked
and locked myself in!
- When did you get out?

– Walter came knocking after a while and I

opened the door to him.


– State your name and profession.

– Duke Ellington, I’m a jazz pianist playing at
the Cotton Club.
– So, what did you see tonight?
– I didn’t see anything unusual. You know, the
boss was having a drink at the club with Nasty
Frankie, like every Friday night. Hey! I’m just
the pianist! I like to keep out of trouble.
– So, where were you when the Boss died?
– At the other club, above the Cotton Club.
Never heard a thing when the Boss got iced, I
was dancing and listening to my brother
SUSPECT n° 4 : Walter Felten

– Surely you were in the room when Costello

got shot.
– Actually no, I wasn’t.
– What were you doing then?
– I wasn’t working behind the bar, I was in
the cellar. I was looking for bottles to restock
the bar.
– So you say you weren’t in the room when
Costello died?
– I left the cellar as soon as I heard the noise,
but when I got there he was dead all right!


I - You are the Detective Burns' assistant. Complete the information about the characters.

1. Joe Costello....

a) Who is he and what is he famous for ?



b) What happened to him and where ?


2. Frank O'Connell - Suspect N° 1

His job ?

Where was he and what was he

doing when the crime was
committed ?

Circle the adjectives that match his Calm / relaxed / angry / confident / surprised / on
attitude. the defensive / upset / cool / nervous / tearful /
He looks / seems ....

3. Mary Russell - Suspect N° 2

Her job ?

Where was she and what was she

doing when the crime was
committed ?

Circle the adjectives that match Calm / relaxed / angry / confident / surprised / on
her attitude. the defensive / upset / cool / nervous / tearful /
She looks / seems ....

4. Duke Ellington - Suspect N° 3

His job ?

Where was he and what was he

doing when the crime was
committed ?

Circle the adjectives that match his Calm / relaxed / angry / confident / surprised / on
attitude. the defensive / upset / cool / nervous / tearful /
He looks / seems ....

5. Walter Felten - Suspect N° 4

His job ?

Where was he and what was he

doing when the crime was
committed ?
Circle the adjectives that match his Calm / relaxed / angry / confident / surprised / on
attitude. the defensive / upset / cool / nervous / tearful /
He looks / seems ....

II. Find the following expressions in the story.

a) "Indiquez votre nom et votre métier!" - .....................................................................................

b) "Tu ne vas pas me mettre ça sur le dos, espèce de fouineur !" - ...........................................


c) "Calme-toi,..... pas besoin d'être méchant". - ..........................................................................


d) "Je n'ai rien vu d'inhabituel." - .....................................................................................................

e) "J'aime me tenir en dehors des problèmes". - ..........................................................................


III. Traduisez ces phrases en anglais en utilisant le prétérit en BE + V-ing.

a) Que faisiez-vous quand Costello était assassiné ?


b) Je l'attendais dehors devant le Cotton Club.


c) Vous n'étiez pas en train de travailler derrière le bar.


d) J'étais en train de me changer dans ma loge et je cherchais mes clés.



e) J'étais en train de danser et écouter mes amis musiciens.



IV. In your opinion, who is the murderer ? Explain.



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