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Field Subject Level Estimated time

Languages and Grade
English II 3
rd 45 minutes
Topics Learning situations
 Grammar. Writing to a friend Writing a diary entry to a friend.
Learning outcomes according to the key competences
 The student understands expressions and a very useful vocabulary about himself, his family and the
immediate environment, interacts more easily both in structured situations and in short dialogues with the
help of a classmate, understands short, simple texts that contain a high-frequency vocabulary including
words from a common international vocabulary. The student transmits social values and respects others’
right to hold and express opinions that differ from their own.
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words:
At the end of the lesson student:  Room, listening, music,
- Write an email to a friend telling them about your activities for that day.  living room, watching,
- Read the eamil and get the meaning of the new words in it.
- Complete the exercises using some of the vocabulary in the text  reading, sleeping, sofa,
 garden, picking, flowers, etc
Resources and aids
Connection with other fields or cross curricular
Student’s book, pictures, notebooks,
subjects Native language /ICT

Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities

Asking and answering/ Co-operative reading & learning Communicative language teaching/ / Pair work
Lesson organization PPP (Presentation- Practice- Production)
I greet students and introduce them to the topics of today’s lesson.
Before starting to read the diary, I am going to explain to pupils what is an diary entry and why do we write it.
Look at the diary entry in the texbok and use the ideas and the vocabulary to write a similar one to their friends.
To continue, I am going to ask pupils to read the diary entry on page 64 again and underline some of the activities
Lilly does during a day. Then, pupils have to think of some more activities they do during a day and try to put them
together to make a piece of writing. After gathering all the information, pupils will try to write the diary entry to
their friends. I will encourage pupils to use the same format as the diary entry in the text book to help them write
their piece of writing. Later, I am going to go aroung the class and check their work and give them advice. In the
end, I am going to ask pupils to take turns and read their diary entry to the class and compare it to their classmates.
In order to reflect on the writing of the diary entry, pupils have to write a short entry for their classmates.
 N2 - The student understands expressions and a very useful vocabulary about himself, his family and the
immediate environment.
 N3 - The student understands short, simple texts that contain a high-frequency vocabulary including words
from a common international vocabulary.
 N4 - The student communicates while performing simple, mundane tasks that require an exchange of direct
information. Assignment: workbook.

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